Has anyone here ever played tf2 on a console?

Has anyone here ever played tf2 on a console?

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Sure I had Orange Box for 360, it was a grand old time. No hat faggotry and people used their mics.

I played for a year or two and met some people who did comp. You'd start to recognize all the regulars and develop rivalries after a while. I knew someone that made modded lobbies that were a blast

I did briefly on 360. People were able to fuck around and change model sizes and shit like that somehow. Forget how.

Yeah. They never updated it so engies can build sentrys out of bounds, and build teleporters that make characters get stuck out of bounds.


orange box was my first 360 game when i got a used one. bought it for portal and stayed for TF2

once i had a half assed laptop i played on pc


Yup on PS3. Was a fucking blast, but sucked once people found glitches.

I have like 1000 hours on 360 tf2.

yeah and you could snipe people between the grating before match started on dustbowl.

PS3 version never got fixed, did it?

I love playing it on Xbox One X. When I play it again, I'm going to try the spectator TK glitch out. Still holding out for a modded lobby where the framerate is uncapped, though, since I'm not paying for Ninja or whatever to create the modded servers myself on 360 and have no idea how 360 modding works. Just bought a RGH and loaded games on it

I bought the Orange Box for Portal; I knew no one would be playing TF2 on PS3.

I liked the 360 version way more than the pc version tbqh

>kill a sniper with bodyshots a half dozen times
>get XBL hatemail for a week about how shit at the game i am and how killing someone with a bodyshot is worse than no kills at all etc.
i miss those days

I bullied a sniper that was exclusively using the smg on sniper and him+his friend sent me a spree of messages about how TF2 was some trash kiddie game that didn't matter and that I was too pussy to 1v1 him in MW2. Good times

Yeah and it was actually awesome. All stock maps and weapons. So pure

The ps3 version is the Launch version because Valve hated the ps3 so they never updated it. They tried to keep the Xbox version updated with the pc version but after a year or two they gave up and dropped it.

It's because back then Sony and Microsoft had weird rules for patching and DLC. I forget the specifics though

I had the 360 version and it was completely dead. I think I got a few 1v1s or 1v2s but it was absolutely not a game people played and the PC version was far superior. The people in this thread are bonkers OP especially the guy shilling his Bone X

>rented orange box on 360
>had no internet because xbox didn't have wifi at the time, didn't have xbox live either
>would just run around the maps listening to dev commentary and firing at nothing for a few hours

Where did the time go bros...

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PS3 port wasn't even made by Valve, it was ported by EA.

>playing hydro commentary wishing that we could play on the full map

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I bought Orange Box on the Pee Ess Three to play HL2, only touched it once.

they were the same until Valve dropped updates for 360, i dunno why people act like the console versions are unique, they are just outdated

I liked that they were outdated though. It seemed like a more focused game to me

The PC version turned into some sorta Eldritch abomination

It used to be my go-to game whenever there was a free gold weekend.

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Absolutely based

>Play 2Fort
>Pick Red Team errytim
>Get into Blu team's spawn room as Spy and backstab people as they spawn until finally overwhelmed
>Switch to Soldier
>Rocket jump into other Blu team spawn and rocket people leaving spawn room

God vanilla TF2 was fucking fun. Almost makes me want to dust off the 3shitsty just to play it again though I've no clue if people actually do anymore.

I was playing today and you can usually find 4 or 5 servers at a time.

Thanks, man. That means a lot.

No problem fren

>try to get an enemy Demoman to launch you on top of the bridge while you're engineer

am i banned?

Yes you are

Those ass hats who built sentries inside the cliff in dustbowl and that little alcove near the 2 capt


>those engies that made sentrys on the skybox