Lootbox Controversy

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on lootboxes and "P2W"/preorder content? Should there be regulations against it?

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The ESRB can't force the jews from abusing loot boxes, so this is our last resort before it completely takes over western gaming.

I fail to see anything bad about the bill mentioned in the text on the right.

>Want to pre-order a game for a new cool piece of armor or weapon? Sorry, it's not allowed

But that's a good thing

I don't mind the lootboxes as long as they are only for cosmetics and you have way to earn them in-game without paying anything.
As an example the Overwatch has pretty good lootbox system even if the rest of the game is garbage.

I love these arguments especially when it comes from full priced games.

But shouldn't we let the Free Market™ decide?

I understand not allow lootboxes for children as it is potentially addicting, but I dont agree with government saying collectors editions or ingame purchases should be illegal(even if they are pure cancer) you should not be running to your government to fix that issue just don't buy the shit if you don't like it

>literally just Kotaku under a different name
Yeah, no, I'm not surprised about this. Fuck them, they should still be regulated. Level boosting in MMOs isn't even a good thing because then so much content goes to waste.

Free Market is a meme, if 90% of the population weren't inbred retards who fall for the easiest forms of manipulation and are incapable of critical thinking, then it would work.

This, level boosts and preorder bonuses dying along with loot boxes is fine by me.

Not when it comes to gambling addicts and little kids who don't know any better.

Any economic system is a meme because everyone is stupid

devs should be forced to state the amount of money you'd have to spend on average to unlock all the content in the game you bought for full price

Fuck the cuck who wrote that shit, lootboxes are a cancerous practice and I am in FULL fucking support of excising this cancerous shit from gaming. My only worry is the fucking shithead corporations are already opening up their fat wallets and raining "lobbying" (read: BRIBE) money down to ensure this never passes.

Even if it's a full priced game it's just an another reason to keep playing. It feels pretty good to open few boxes after a gaming session and get some new cosmetics/voice line/etc.
As long as you can't get any actual gameplay benefits from the boxes I don't really mind if Billy uses his allowance to get few more random hats than I can get from just playing the game.

>No lootboxes
>No underage allowed
>No pay-to-win allowed
>DLC is illegal, games will have to release with all the content on launch

Is this the true Golden Age of videogames?

>Why the Loot Box Bill is shitty:
>"Expansion packs that aside from additional content, grant players competitive advantages over other ones who don't purchase them would be banned."
>"MMOs, in particular, would be forced to drastically curtail the kinds of optional items availible for purchase" (these restrictions, notably, do not apply to purely cosmetic items)

That's literally 100% positive, how what the fuck are you complaining about?

this. seems based and a way for companies to take responsiblility for their addictive gambling enabling practices

the free market is a meme and has never worked and has been the reason for many a genocide.

If preordering in general goes it would be a good thing. Only absolute slackjawed idiots preorder. The kind of people that bought 76, anthem, and nms are the cancer driving the industry

All of these things are good, I don't get it. Is it opposite day?

>limits gameplay bullshit in collectors edition
Thank god

The "minor oriented game" part and the "constructive knowledge of minors playing the game" is total BS.

I have zero problem with anything on the right

Sounds GREAT to me!

based as fuck, fuck all pay to win shit

>>DLC is illegal, games will have to release with all the content on launch

This is actually kinda shitty and needs to be worded better. Otherwise enjoy dealing with unnecessary sequels being shit out faster since they're not allowed to be DLC

When this gonna pass?

I don't care if some retard spends his life savings on loot boxes
the weak should perish

>actually kinda shitty
Literally every single one of those things are positives. Fuck microtransactions in all forms.

>You won’t be able to get an advantage by preordering games
Isn’t this good though? Devs bribing players into preordering their shit before any reviews or actual gameplay has been released is why shitty games have done well

I hope that bill hits the big EAs of the industry like fucking ICBM, and reduces them to nothing but dust. I know its too much to ask, but I still hope. There would literally be zero downsides over this.

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>shouldn't we let the free market decide that is oversaturated with unbelievably strong media is extremely one-sided in its portrayal of whats good and bad?

If the market will not regulate itself (which it won't if there's money to be made), then the only way they will listen is through strict government regulation. Due to such blatant disregard of the customer, legislation like this should be put in place, especially if the practice in question is exploitative in nature.

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They need to make it so game journos don't have rights

imo the purpose of pre-order is to put your money on the product that you know you want, ahead of time. So you don't sit there and wait for the fucking shop to crash just because millions of people are trying to purchase at the same time. For example, I know I want to buy and play game X. I have the money now and I'd rather spend it on the game now than have to wait until the game releases. Then I can do that. However, if pre-orders give you perks and bullshit alike that alienates users and their experiences from those who can't or don't pre-order, then it's fucking dumb. The experience shouldn't be different just because you pre-order it. It's like buying a ticket to the movies online, a week in advance rather than go and queue at the cinema. The experience shouldn't differ.

How dare the gaming industry elbow its way into the gambling industry. That's the governments job.

Nothing in that blurb sounds like a bad thing. It looks more like journos are butthurt about not being able to pay to skip playing the game.

>ITT: poorfags trying to cope with not having extra cosmetics and items that have no impact on gameplay

Enjoy games with no content


What said. It's a good way to create a bit of incentive for playing without actually ruining the gameplay. It's pretty much the only thing that kept me playing Overwatch for more than a week or so.

That said timed cosmetics is bullshit since it creates to much of a pay-barrier or basically forces you to schedule your life around a video game just so you can get a cosmetic item you really like.

>it's an "I'll sound like I'm on your side by initially agreeing with you that this thing would be good, but I'll let you in on a secret: it's actually bad, you can trust me" reverse psychology episode

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You mean like how it was back then?
>buy Sonic 3
>S&K comes out
>turns out you need the new game to see 3's "true ending"
S&K was basically Broken Steel, and we were somehow okay with that shit.

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That only makes sense for console games though, but PC games are also laden with pre-order bonus trash.

Bullshit lies. It doesn't limit the rewards you get from buying an expansion. They specify in the bill that it targets you being able to buy an advantage like outright paying money for super ultimate giganigger sword.

sounds like something a commie would say :/

I think there should be because a very large portion of the people investing in them are kids that are otherwise not legally able to gamble.

On a personal level I find this nickle and dime microtransactions unacceptable and the more that get made illegal the better. I could tolerate substantive expansion packs, I think the most recent one that felt worthwhile was War of the Chosen since it basically made it entirely new game with tons of cool shit on top, but DLC has gotten way out of hand.

Even looking at shit like Skylines makes me sick. Like 8 million small dlcs that cost 10 bucks each. 20 years ago all of that would have been folded into 1 or 2 expacs for less than half the cost.

Sure, and do the same with preordering, but don't fucking touch anything else.

>If the market will not regulate itself (which it won't if there's money to be made), then the only way they will listen is through strict government regulation
It was the job of the ESRB and its worldwide consorts to restrict their own cancerous faggotry, but they didn't out of blind greed.
I seriously hope they get anal prolapsed by law.

I assume you would have hated Overwatch even more if you earned more stuff you wanted and got more boxes to open?

ok, who has the mona_lisa.jpg

everybody speaks the truth every now and then :)

>Fighting game DLC characters are illegal
>Almost any form of expansion DLC is arguably illegal
>TCG games are illegal
>Gacha gets obliterated from existence as a genre

>limits the rewards given from preorders and gigagoy editions
>bans expacs that give competitive advantages
>fucks over MMOs
I'm sold

>Fighting game DLC characters are illegal
Nope. Nice try kotaku astroturfer

>t. lootbox apologist

fucking nice

I'd prefer DLC stay legal, because alot of my favorite games release DLC for free, like Terraria, Hollow Knight, FTL, A Robot Named Fight. I love all of them.

You know, when I was a kid, games had unlockable cosmetics too. You earned by actually doing something in game. Imagine if all those unlockables were unlocked by actually accomplishing something, like X amount of headshots, or a winning streak X games long, or killing an entire team with your ult, or something? Would that be a worse incentive for you than getting a regular trickle?

>extra cosmetics
Fucking retard. The cosmetics were already there, they just pulled them out of the games to sell them separately, and dumbfucks like you gladly gobble up that cum. Youre literally looking at as with indignation as you let these big companies fuck you in the ass. Embarrassing and absolutely disgusting.

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But i want to keep playing gacha?

No, not really. But it probably would have left me playing a bit less.

Obviously it matters less if a game is actually good, but it is nice to have something to look forward to after a game is done, even if it something small and insignificant. That and I'll take unlocking cosmetics over a slow paced leveling up system that rewards you with more guns and abilities and shit like that(even if it there are no micro-transactions). They straight up ruined online games when they started doing that.

There are some games with some good DLC practices that I appreciate. Also ones with DLCs that are obviously jewish as shit but the quality keeps me coming back, like Warhammer 2 and its super fun Tomb Kings and Vampirates. But some games milk it way too much and cut obvious content from the game just to keep milling people.

Yeah, it's shitty someone fooled people into clicking that link thinking it was actually shitty.

That law is based. Fuck these people

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Then you are shit out of luck, sucka!

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Explain to me how paying for access for a character not included in the base game doesn't fall under the bill?

They only think it's shitty because he's white and right wing.

Really, his argument is it sucks because we can't do pre-order bonuses anymore. I'm a small government fag but this article almost turned me.

This will be a good thing. Maybe games will now make you rank up to unlock shit like the good old days.

Its like we're going back in time 15 years ago when I actually liked video games. How awful!

Because the bill specifically outlines paying for advantages.

A lot of these unintended consequences are fine IMO, such as prohibiting preorder bonuses for exclusive access items (even if only exclusive for a certain amount of time), and paying for competitive advantages. However, it's incredibly difficult if not impossible for legislation to be nuanced enough for particular exceptions that would probably have to be made so frequently that the government wouldn't be able to keep up. The MMO level boost for example is definitely not a pay-to-win transaction, but another "pay-to-not-grind" type of transaction in League of Legends that allows players to outright purchase champions is absolutely a pay-to-win type of transaction IMO.
Unfortunately MTX is just something that shouldn't be regulated in this way. At best they could regulate against very particular types of MTX such as loot boxes, which I think if the legislation was just regarding those I think would have a much better chance at passing. What's silly is that a lot of the public that supports this bill are parents that can't be fucked to regulate their child's spending and properly teach them the value of money. Can't expect the government to always play the role of the parent.

Technology has changed since then.

This industry made its bed, now it has to lie in it.

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Anyone that puts up with anything companies do just to be a "small government fag" is human garbage.

Any bill aiming to fuck over companies focusing on lootboxes instead of actual content is a good bill.

>DLC is illegal
Wrong, reread you illiterate buffoon.
See above

God damn. I doubt anything will actually happen seeing as politics is 99.99% corporate lobbying and 00.01% identity politics these days. But man it would be a wonderful future.

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>An expanded character selection isn't an advantage

>article states tons of shit that isn't even stated or mentioned in the actuall bill

Laws like this are on a per enforcement basis so odds are they simply wouldn't be enforced for those grey area exceptions.

That being said, all large companies would very quickly adhere strictly to it so as not to take any chances.

Based bill. Anyone who thinks this is not for the best is a capitalist bootlicker


Fucking based
Fuck lootboxes
Wall of text, the left can't meme

>All these astroturfers suddenly trying to make it seem like this bill will ban DLC when its aim is loot boxes and paying money to get an advantage (golden bullets in World of War whatever)

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None of what was listed is bad. Suck it.

>It feels pretty good to open few boxes after a gaming session and get some new cosmetics/voice line/etc.

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It's not, nice try you cock sucking journalist.

>gizmodo thinks it's bad
I assume it pays off my student loans and cures cancer then.

It's bad for kids and games with lootboxes should have rating 18+

But banning them at all means that government decide for YOU how you can spend your money and how you cannot. Fighting against lootboxes is fighting against freedom of choice and rights to bear responsibility for your actions, also it's fight against enjoyment for some people.

All games with lootboxes should have 18+ and that's it, this is the only regulation that is needed

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I would be fine with the companies playing it safe but what I'm worried about what might happen after is they'll start looking for other revenue streams and the price of games overall will just go up _or_ games will spend less on marketing, both outcomes resulting in less sales and possibly leading to another vidya crash which I'd kinda be fine with, I gotta catch up on my backlog

I usually hate when the government has interfere, but god damn if I'm not hoping they fuck all these companies over big time.

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yeah but wasting time after the fact to just give out free outfits doesn't incentivize playtime, stop pretending like games release the same shit. Trickles will always be better than skill gaps because not everyone is skilled, that's how generalized markets work.

>It's not

Based lawyer tier argument

No mmo should sell a level boost period. I am fine with the Government stripping all my rights as long as you fags can't skip the grind anymore.

I don't really see the problem. If companies put the "real" price of games on the box, and it causes sales to plummet, that will just make them dial back all the retarded bloat, which is fine by me. What game actually needed a 200 million dollar budget?

who cares if idiots want to waste their money on stupid shit? just don't buy it. don't even fucking play the game that sells it.

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its really not hard to tell if a game is decent enough before it releases, pre-orders are some of the safest shit the game companies do

I think the workers need to unionize and stop being taken advantage of first and get in on some of that billion dollar lootbox wealth.

Age ratings have never worked for anything ever. Fuck right off, you actual literal corporate shill. Lootboxes are not benefitial for the customer and, most important, the quality of vidya as a whole.

despite your personal feelings or how much you hate what is being regulated by the government, the fact remains that more government regulation beyond the bill of rights is ALWAYS a bad thing, it doesn't matter what your political beliefs are, if you cheer for the government being used as a hammer to beat something down that you don't like one day, how do you feel when the next day it's being used against something you like?

this sets a fucking horrible precedent, if you can't see that you're a child

because if I don't play, some whale will, bringing in lots of cash to whatever game does this and incentivizing the publishers of the games I play to do the same

Tickles are "good" for the same reason this bill exists and that is it takes advantage of gambling addicts and other people with fucking mental problems. For anyone that actually cares about videogames, unlockables are infinitely better than trickle loot boxes and always will be,.

>Who cares

this post is bait

>But banning them at all means that government decide for YOU
No, we have decided it's fucking cancer over a decade ago and no amount of "voting with our wallets" could stop it because retarded whales with irresponsible spending habits kept them afloat, ruining the direction for everyone else.
This is OUR decision that is now being supported by the government.

I think lootboxes are shitty.

Do I think it's the governments place to step in and regulate? No. Let the market regulate itself.

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as someone who's versed in the industry, this argument has always been forever wrong.

kids can't even buy lootboxes because you need a credit card and banks don't give those to kids with no jobs.
>but they use their parents' cards
then their parents should do their fucking jobs and parent instead of expecting big governemnt to do it for them

This post is bait and goddamn does it taste awful.

Of course all the Liberal news sites fight against this

How shit is your taste in video games that "your shit" all has loot boxes?

Yeah I'm somewhat with you there since level boosts result in depopulation if low level zones which gives further incentive for players to buy boosts because low pop = unfun leveling in most cases. Its a fucking racket now that I think about it

Most people I know that still play Overwatch have hundreds of loot boxes they havent even touched because they honestly never cared about cosmetics outside a few seasonal ones. Acting like these games wouldn't have an audience without a "trickle" of cosmetics is goofy.

People who "care" about video games will and have been the minority

who gives a fuck?

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>he says unironically without glancing at the "free market" conservative outcries of the government intervening businesses

Nobody's made that argument ever, but trickles are an incentive to keep playing or play for a little longer, come back to play.

holy christ you're a fucking dumbass

so don't play those games. there are literally thousands of games with new ones being developed every day. what's wrong with you that you can't find one to play that doesn't have lootboxes? you're basically arguing that because rap music is popular you have no choice but to listen to rap music.

>MTG is finally illegal

It took years... But it's over now.

None of this seems shitty at all.
These are all actually good things.

So? I'm one of them and there is literally nothing but upsides for me with this. Do you think I even play AAA 100 million dollar games with 200 bucks of DLC and loot boxes? No, I play shit that would be fine with this law in place, actual fucking videogames. And if this forced companies to make actual worthwhile games again, life would be fucking good. You have this weird idea I feel sympathy for Ea or Activision or whatever and their DLC/microtransaction mills. I really couldn't care less.

I simply want you to be allowed to spend your time and your money the way you best see fit.

>Have to spend hundreds of dollars extra before the game is good

That's what games already are autismo

>Muh v-bucks!

>games will go back to just being games

fuck yes daddy

Stopping devs from cutting content before release and selling trash content to whales does not seem to be an issue.
Obviously this will lead to predatory practices of other kinds and an increase in price because we obviously need to have games with ever higher production costs and all star voice acting cast.

If you think this forces companies to make "quality" games again, can I remind you of the decades of forgettable garbage that has always existed?

I'm right though, retard.
Yes the government isn't actually "supporting" any decision from the people and are doing it for other reasons, but all the fucking same the goals align.

WTF, I love the Legislative branch of the U.S. Federal Government now?!

And I don't want you to be allowed to spend your money as you please because you impacts me, you ugly sack of shit.

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Yeah, but there is plenty of shit that only exists because of this crap, and it being erased certainly lowers the percentage of "forgettable garbage" by a sizeable degree.


I don't remember.

idiot, they were optional and were a reward for people who could afford it and wanted to continue to support the games

if they remove that, then the devs won't support the game anymore and the game will die off. DLC and MTXs are needed to keep the game alive.

also see read this post

this. I'm cool enshrining laws to stop retards from fucking video games up with all their disposable income gained from being too retarded to have a wife and kids.

They'll still find a way to exploit the system to fuck you over. People said games would be better after lootboxes would go away, now it's nothing but time limited battle passes and a limited selection of daily direct buy items for real money. Shits even worse then lootboxes

And at the same time having very few consumer rights is also ALWAYS a bad thing.

It's just infantile to think corporations will ever self-regulate their behavior. Voting with your wallet is a nice concept and all but it's hard to be informed and think rationally when you are literally bombarded with propaganda every second of every day. We will always listen to whoever shouts loudest.

and then what happens when the government start passing more regulations for the video game industry? do you honestly think this is the only thing they'll do? how long until they start passing regulation on things like levels of sex or violence? how long until they start mandating easy modes and accessibility modes?

I will never understand the mind of someone who cheers more government regulation, you're either a female or a brainwashed liberal

>let the market regulate itself

They can't. Too easy to manipulate and police themselves.

>DLC and MTXs are needed to keep the game alive
if your game is so shit that you can't survive off of sales of your product then as a company you deserve to die.

The "free market" fixes it because developers make up for bloated costs with loot boxes that offer nothing but silly hats. Retards buy these hats and give the devs their money, normal people ignore the transactions or only occasionally partake and don't have to shoulder the burden of the entire project. Lootboxes for unpopular games don't keep those games alive. Dirty Bomb was always dead and had the most jewish loot system I've ever seen.

You're not getting loot box content in your games anymore. The incentive isn't there. You want more work for less money you're going to give. That's not how this works. You can't unring the bell and go back to cheat codes and shit. Theyll find other ways to make you pay. Make EVERYONE but whales pay.

get the government out of my fucking video games.

get them out of my online gambling, too.


This is what you sound like

It's difficult to continuously keep dropping series when every new title in a franchise you like keeps doing it.

FUCK you.

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I'm afraid of that too. My one hope is that it won't happen due to a combination of the video game industry never needing to do it before and being so greedy that they pocket all the extra cash.

Exactly. I remember playing Runescape after school everyday. It took an absolute age to get a single level once you passed the mid 50's, and yet I was always surrounded by people working towards some goal or another. In new mmos I am always alone and hit level cap in a week, I only see other people when I enter duty finder and no one even talks anymore. The magic of mmos is that they are grindy as fuck and you can never reach max level playing casually but you are always working towards something.

>pre order bonuses and dlc are cut content! We'll get it for real if it gets banned!

What's going to happen is that you won't get it at all

this is a disingenuous argument. No one bought those games, they tended to he critically panned, and you didn't have to worry about the next game in your favorite series suddenly turning into a money wringer designed to pray on weak minds.

allowing lootboxes is not infringing on your consumer rights, in the US, you have more consumer rights than in any other country on the planet, if you don't like lootboxes, don't play those games, no one is forcing you, corporations don't have to self regulate, that's what we have fucking capitalism for

how in the absolute fuck can you equate regulating lootboxes to giving you more consumer rights? how old are you?

>give devs money

Fuck you!

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>bloated costs
no such thing

>Fighting game DLC characters are illegal

Broken DLC characters ruined tr4sh completely and the existence of DLC in general also ruined SFV and MvCI on launch so this sounds like a good thing if you ask me.

just because there will be limitations, gambling licenses and age restriction doesn't mean lootboxes go away
casinos and legal gambling still exists and are highly profitable despite the regulations

it's called the ESRB retard. you're arguing a logical fallacy anyways.

>muh slippery slope
Retard, they have no reason to and the backlash in doing so would be enormous. This scenario however has gambling laws involved and outstanding support from nearly everyone.

>corporations don't have to self regulate
This is why the government is stepping in. You played your hand journalist, and it was shit. Enjoy the collapse of your shill empire.

> Age ratings have never worked for anything ever.
Then we should think how make them work. Because if they don't work, then should we ban all games with gore, swearing and tidies?
> Lootboxes are not benefitial for the customer and
For some customers they are pretty beneficial.
Time=money, friend. Some people have much more money than you, but they have much less time. Why should we forbid them to spend THEIR money for THEIR pleasure?
Lootboxes made a shit ton of money for EVERY game, if they were not beneficial for players, then they were't so popular. But they are! They are extremely popular and people like them.
> we have decided it's fucking cancer over a decade ago
Who "We"? I don't think that lootboxes are bad and millions of people think the same because they spend good amount of money on them, and they are really profitable.
> retarded whales with irresponsible spending habits kept them afloat, ruining the direction for everyone else.
Dude, just become a whale if you don't like what are they doing, and do whatever you want. What's the problem?
If they EARN that money why we should forbid them to spent it as how as they want?
And the problem here is that people keep buying shitty games even if they know it is shitty. Fucking anthem sold 3m copies, that is more than Original Sin and Kingdom Come combined.

The main problem here is not with lootboxes, but with people.

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Lootboxes are gambling and should be treated as such with the same restrictions. Gambling is also legal. P2W however is just annoying and cancerous but there shouldn't really be any regulations against it. People should just stop buying those games.

The biggest problem though is that Publishers don't want to have to go through the same hoops that Gambling establishments have to so they are REEEEing and trying to incite some sort of outrage at the government overstepping when in reality they are just trying to have their cake and eat it too by exposing children gambling at an early age and getting them hooked.

If its determined to be gambling all that will happen is that the age rating will go straight to AO and there will be a dozen different qualifications required in order to interact with that content. This is what they are terrified of. Having to actually compete and follow the same laws every other gambling establishment does.

They were paid to complain about it

all that shit on the right should be removed forever tho
I was afraid that the 'game advertised to children' thing would mean M games can continue to peddle this shit but this makes it seem pretty sweeping which is fantastic

>if you let them regulate lootboxes today they'll dronestrike your house tomorrow for playing porn games!
So this is the power of retarded da gubberment is evil fags

The fact so many people involved in consuming the hobby support this bill that hurts the corporations means they're against corporate fuckery. When shit like levels of violence and sex bills come down nobody will support it.

>little kids meme

Stop this retarded bullshit. Kids can't gamble or buy any microtransactions without a credit card. It's not the fault of game devs that shitty parents give their 10 year olds credit cards. You are exactly like the idiots who demand that musicians and singers stop swearing in their music because they are too lazy to actually be a parent and do their job.

the bloated costs come from advertising, having to design a million cosmetic items every "season", and attempting to maintain profit margins for the investors hoping to make a quick buck. don't be stupid.

is this all the same person? why are there so many bootlicking commies on Yea Forums nowadays?

That's how we got here.

>devs no longer drag out grinding forever to force people into buying dlc boosters

There's the brainlet of the thread.

>says the bootlicking corporate apologist

You do know that no one wants to sell AO games and even just getting an M rating is a kiss of death in many cases. If you as a parent aren't monitoring your kids and expecting a video game to do so then that's on you

nice strawman

so many people who consume the hobby support the bill because they're smoothbrains that think they'll all of a sudden get all the stuff in the lootboxes for free from now on, the end result of this is that all that "content" just won't exist, and the game won't be supported anymore past a few months because there's no way to continuously make money off of it
to be clear here, I think lootboxes and everything they represent is disgusting, but more government regulation where it isn't needed is even worse

>Defending a corporation fucking you in the asshole and calling others bootlicking commies
The irony.

>Lootboxes made a shit ton of money for EVERY game, if they were not beneficial for players, then they were't so popular. But they are! They are extremely popular and people like them.
People buy them because there's no alternative.
If devs actually offered the shit people wanted to buy directly at a reasonable price instead of making you spend 100 bucks on digital gambeling so you can maybe get what you want people wouldn't buy lootboxes.

>>Fighting game DLC characters are illegal
Not exactly. They'll either be free with cosmetic DLC, as the bill doesn't apply to costumes that are outright purchased, to cover the cost, or they'll have to make sure that the DLC characters are balanced. Your game can't be P2W if the DLC characters aren't overpowered. A case like Smash 4 where the two best characters were DLC could be considered P2W for instance. At the very worst it will mean that games need to be better balanced.
>>Almost any form of expansion DLC is arguably illegal
No. The bill only applies to random "lootboxes" and pay-to-win elements, not things like single player DLC or even map packs.
>>TCG games are illegal
Probably will be the case.
>>Gacha gets obliterated from existence as a genre
Definitely will be the case, the payment model will have to be changed entirely or the games will have to be shut down or be rated AO. I can see some switching the paid currency for "summons" to something where you pay to summon a specific character of your choice. The current system could still be used for F2P, you just couldn't purchase the gacha currency.

Im not doing that, nice strawman. Everyone here is primarily concerned about dopamine chasing retards like you who've whale'd the entire vidja industry into a big fat fucking joke. We want to force vidja companies to stop relying on you to make a quick buck, so we can have actual games again.


>Why should we forbid them to spend THEIR money for THEIR pleasure?
Because it diminishes the quality of the video games. If you have money, you can afford a different hobby.

>Regulation BAD unless it benefits corporations then REGULATION GOOD
I would love to use IPs and Copyrights of large corporations too. Why is the government stepping in and stopping me from doing so?

Oh right Corporations are self-serving cocksuckers.

because you simply buy the new character and that´s it
you don´t have to buy a lootbox where you only have a 1% chance to get the new character you want

I am morally against it but not legally against it.

>get it for free from now on
No, we support it because it means lootboxes will be outlawed and they will no longer be shoved down our throats. Stay mad.

no it's just that you're a giant retard who attracted the ire of multiple people at once by being so overwhelmingly stupid. Also
>attempting to call out samefaggery without 4chanX

I don't think they should be banned but they shouldn't be allowed to sell games with lootboxes to children and they should have to publicize the odds of getting things as well as paying a for some kind of gambling permit.

I don't get it, wasn't the bill just against the gambling aspect of lootboxes? How does buying a collector's edition qualify as gambling, all the one I've seen only ever offered fixed rewards.

So a fear things will get EVEN worse is the reason this bill is bad? Stop being stupid.

>not siding with the government regulating the free market makes me a bootlicking commie

do you people even think before you post? is this what they mean by npcs with automated responses?

So basically it doesn't actually stop the lootboxes at all?

sounds like a you problem. none of the games except for a few card games I already dropped have loot boxes.

>they think they'll get all that stuff for free
You're a fucking retard, nobody thinks this.

>You do know that no one wants to sell AO games and even just getting an M rating is a kiss of death in many cases. If you as a parent aren't monitoring your kids and expecting a video game to do so then that's on you

And if it has gambling it is supposed to be an AO game. Its not my fucking problem that they don't want to follow the rules. Don't cry me a river about how nobody will be able to buy their game if they have to actually follow the fucking rules. Managing children is a parents job sure but monitoring that games are rated appropriately isn't.

>calls strawman on dude pointing out logical fallacy
>proceeds to build an actual strawman about smooth brains wanting shit for free
lmao go fuck yourself. YOU go see you disingenuous fuck.

Corporations love supporting you commies because they use your support to stifle free speech. Hence why I called you that you, you silly NPC.

>Hey, don't buy the horse armor, so what if a million people buy it
>Hey, don't buy the season pass, who cares if a million people buy it
>Hey, don't buy the lootboxes, there's no way the same thing is gonna happen where its IN EVERYTHING because a million people bought it

There is literally nothing wrong with the text on the right.

this bill has three possible outcomes and 2 of them are good
>industry successfully changes, p2w is gone, and the games built around milking you for advantages are neutered or dead, good outcome
>industry can't change enough and crashes and actual good companies rise from the ashes and sell good, substantial products, outcome is good if not slow
>industry finds a way to weasel around these restrictions and nothing really changes, bad outcome
I support this bill entirely

why is it my fault that you don't have the willpower to not buy lootboxes or play those games, and need daddy government to come in and save you?

Name an example. Also, don't forget communism killed 100 million people in a century.

>actually trying to make pre-order kikery and freemium pay-to-avoid-grind/waiting bullshit seem like things you'd miss

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you don't make any sense and you insult my sensibilities with your mere existence.


My server in XIV always has a decent population in all zones I've been to and used to be preferred status

How the hell are online gambling not part of consumer protection?
>if you don't like lootboxes, don't play those games
Unlike you I'm not entirely devoid of empathy and knows just how fucking awful gambling addiction can be.
>no one is forcing you
No one is forcing people to take drugs or drive while drunk either, but we should still regulate it because it hurts users and the people around them.
>that's what we have fucking capitalism for
That's a really naive way of thinking. Left unchecked and unregulated a government's ultimate fate is basically North Korea. The same exact thing applies with corporations. I'm not a commie, not by a long shot, but neither am I a completely naive 12 year old who's watched to many Ben Shapiro videos on youtube.

>bloated cost
Only God knows how much money that fucking mobile Raid legends game paid you tubers for ads.
Face it, not a single franchise was saved or revived due to some shitty microtransaction riddle side game. Not a single one.

Does this mean that gacha games will be forced into AO ratings and then can go full porn?

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>y-you don't agree with me so you insult my intelligence
I really don't give a shit if I insult the intelligence of someone not much more educated than a gibbon.

>I'm a commie because I want less government regulation of the free market

once again, I don't understand what you're trying to say, you are legitimately the dumbest fucking person I've ever seen post on Yea Forums

why do you think developers making loot box games will suddenly go back to making "good" games if loot boxes are banned? devs make shitty games with loot boxes because they don't have the talent or vision to make games that would be successful even without loot boxes. EA isn't going to just say "oh I guess since loot boxes are banned we'll make a new monkey island game" or whatever you want them to. shitty developers will continue to make shitty games while good ones will keep making good games that you could be playing right now isntead of crying about how other people want to waste their money.

Not him but banning drugs does a lot more damage than letting them be used in a safe, legal way. Why do you think America has the highest prison population?

>discourages preordering in addition to loot boxes

he's a retard but capitalistic systems do have a way of becoming global systems and fucking everything up/generating large amounts of poor and sick within it's own system. Both these things generally result in a large amount of unnecessary deaths.

Please see
and please stop destroying cities at your antifa rallies.

I'm just happy that the developers that own my favorite franchises aren't going to be able to be tempted to add this bullshit anymore so maybe their future games won't suck

This has nothing to do with anywhere outside of America. Japan has always been cockteases.

Doesn't that mean you can't raise the level cap in an mmo expansion cause it would grant players competitive advantages over lower level players?

> People buy them because there's no alternative.
Huh? What? You can just go and play other games, user, nobody forces you to play games with lootboxes implemented
> Because it diminishes the quality of the video games.
Which games? I thought sekiro, original sin 2, dmc 5 and rimworld were good games. How does their quality were diminished by EA's lootboxes?

>Why do you think America has the highest prison population
Ghetto culture and prison being a business mostly.

I have never purchased a single lootbox in my life, I don't like them and I hate what they represent, I simply don't want more government regulation where it isn't needed

I can tell you're a raging psychotic commie leftist because everything is so fucking black and white with you, you can't see anything other than the two extremes, also because you're cheering government regulation

>where it isn't needed
It is needed.
>I have never purchased a single lootbox in my life

Attached: doubt.png (492x280, 83K)

Reminder that their are paid astroturfers here trying to affect public sentiment. They will argue from every single angle, from the left point of view and the right. They will call you a nazi, a nigger and a fucking communist. It doesn't matter. The goal is to get you to oppose lootboxes being regulated.

They are the scum of the earth and they are here.

They already shove battlepass cancer and can literally cook up worse alternatives if need be.


How am I supposed to live my life if I can't have Big Daddy's dick in my ass?

because they'll be forced to produce good games or they will no longer have business, because their business is based primarily on retard bux which will no longer reach them. quit being intentionally dense.

It's needed here you dense retard

>I simply don't want more government regulation where it isn't needed
I feel your definition of needed is pretty loose. Literally millions of people suffer because of this.

This. These same people would defend rotten meat being sold at grocery markets.

The bill prevents P2W as well, right?

Did they just unironically say a knock-on effect of curtailing p2w bullshit is a bad thing?

let me repeat myself for the last time:
>I'm a commie because I want less government regulation of the free market
you're a troll, you have to be, there's no fucking way you can be this intellectually bankrupt and still manage to type english and post it with a computer, it's just not possible

> I thought sekiro, original sin 2, dmc 5 and rimworld were good games
Nah, they were shit. Overwatch, Battlefront 2 and Black Ops 4 are good games and t they would be much better without lootboxes

Games built around lootboxes are not built around being enjoyable to play, they are built around making you want to spend as much money as possible. If you truely like video games (and why else would you be on this board?) then you would agree that this is not a good thing.

If skinner boxes stop existing as games I won't shed a single tear.

it takes a real piece of shit to sell addition to children

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>industry finds a way to weasel around these restrictions and nothing really changes, bad outcome

Of the three you mentioned, only one is actually possible. I'm not sure how it's gonna manifest, probably a resurgence in subscription models, season passes and annual releases but worse than however they were originally. I feel like something in the vein of amiibos would also be on the cards since it's hard to say if physical items are affected.

All these shit excuses. "wah wah how are we gonna make money if we can't go full exploit overdrive"
Maybe not make games so expensive that you need to sell two games to every single human on the planet to start making profit you fucking fucks.

It just means that the level cap has to be raised across the board and items from said expansion have to be tradeable. However competitive advantage implies that it is possible to be in direct contention with another player. It won't affect any game that doesn't have PvP but its an interesting point.

The War on Drugs has a lot to do with that. In the 1920s gangsters shot each other over alcohol, and today gangstas shoot each other over drugs. Nobody kills each other over alcohol now that it's legal. See where I'm going?

How is it not needed here?

> Games built around lootboxes are not built around being enjoyable to play
Then don't play such games and play games without lootboxes. What is your problem, dude?

>why else would you be on this board?
to advertise, obviously.

>I can tell you're a raging psychotic commie leftist because everything is so fucking black and white with you, you can't see anything other than the two extremes
Hilariously ironic considering you are calling anyone who disagrees with you a far-left communist. Do you not see how retarded you sound?

I'm not saying we need to give out the death sentence to anyone who looks at a doobie. But we still need to regulate the drug trade and try to instill some rules to help those affected by it instead of throwing our hands into the air and going "let the drug trade police itself, if you don't like meth, don't smoke it".

I don't feel like repeating myself again so please read my previous post , stop destroying people's cars and fuck off.

Reminder that only trannies support lootboxes

Can't happen to me, since I'll do the same to them.
The gaming industry deserves to fry.
The gambling was an industrial crime that should see to them having all of their assets and money taken from them, the same these Copyright mongrels did to MegaUpload.

Daily reminder that the law targets minors

so if you're against he law you're either

a child or a shill

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>the game won't be supported anymore past a few months because there's no way to continuously make money off of it
Good. Games as a Service model has failed time and time again because publishers resort to Jewer and Jewer practices. Games should be a complete product when they come out of a shelf.

you're missing the point. talent makes good games. studios making loot box games have no talent so they won't be able to make good games even if they were banned. they would just find some other scam or go out of business. video games are not a finite resource. just because a bunch of companies are making shitty games doesn't mean there aren't other developers still making good ones.

>Expansion packs that... grant players competitive advantages over ones who don't purchase them, would be banned.
Why is this a bad thing? Because they now have to play fair and square instead of buying their way through a game?


Basically treat it like alcohol then? Like making you need to be a certain age to do it, etc?

Reminder that bloated sums of money are the one thing truely ruining video games right now, and this bill will reduce the amount of money in vidya.

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because you can just play other games, whales only keep games alive because there are millions of whiny retards that still play the game despite being lootbox ridden p2w shit

if you play other games, the whales have no one to dab on, so they quit playing, so the company dies, it's a really fucking simple concept, just don't fucking play those games, yeah, you might have to not play games from franchises you liked for a generation or two, the change won't happen instantly, but crying for the government to come in and force a change instantly is an even worse idea

that despite him voting with his wallet, games continue to primarily go down the path of whale hunting. there is no change to be made without regulation. go fuck yourself and die shill.

Government has no right to step in and outlaw lootboxes. And all you fucking boomers are retarded. Every argument that could be made against lootboxes, is also true about packets of Pokémon cards. You just don't like lootboxes because they're new. And you think everything you don't like should be outlawed.

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The law targets your rights

>bill has bipartisan support
wow, now it actually has a chance of making it

I see you misunderstanding things. Drugs are just a medium for a cultural defect. People need to make a living in a place where making a living is near impossible. Drugs are the "easy" answer, and hardly the only one (prostitution, illegal firearms, theft, etc). If drugs were legal it wouldn't change anything because they would just switch to something else.

>America has the highest prison population?
Niggers residing in a civilisation they aren't ready to be a part of.

>Targets my rights
Yes, by actually giving me my rights back.

>kills preorder bonuses
>kills in-game shops
yep i think it's based

Watch how these useful idiots cheer for their demise. All because they are too narcissistic and believe everything must cater to them and their whims.

not replying anymore, you had me at first but you overdid it, I'll give you a 7/10 and one last (you), a tip of the hat to you, user




The money spent on making those games could be used to make actual good video games. It could be spent on developers who are actually passionate about their craft, rather than slaving away to fulfill corporate nickle and dime quotas.
Do you not agree that more good video games is a better situation for everyone?

>Let it regulate itself
>Whales regulate it
Really make you think

My right to what? Let companies make a toxic product I could buy? I guess I'll work to have lead paint made legal again. Lets get more asbestos while I'm at it.

>Communist gave up defending his corporate overlords

Attached: Chio-chan victory.png (365x408, 126K)

>Nobody kills each other over alcohol now that it's legal
To be fair, I'd wager the the gangsters that killed their rivals still far far far far outnumber the huge amount of people that are affected by alcohol now. Alcohol is more or less the single most dangerous entity in the world as we know it. It(and drugs) are more or less the root of all crime. Not that I'm against banning it since it's impossible, it's more or less been with us since the dawn of civilization, hell even longer, but alcohol is the vilest substance that has ever graced our earth.

Banning trading card games and gumball machines isn't a bad thing to do, either.

stupid faggot. you must be underage

>Outlawing means they have to follow the same gambling rules that everyone else has to
Dishonest nigger. The games will still be sold. Nothing is being fucking outlawed the rating will just rise.

>Every argument that could be made against lootboxes, is also true about packets of Pokémon cards
This is actually true and I didn't realize it until just now. I don't remember ever being able to buy singular, specific Pokemon cards as a child, I always had to buy a pack and hope there was something good in it. same with Yu-Gi-OH. You could buy decks and booster packs which were basically lootpacks with a random assortment of (usually shitty) cards.

How is it a worse idea?

Also, this:

how is not letting a company put up a product for sale giving you back rights that were taken away? do you think you have a right to not see something being sold by a company? I'm extremely confused here

video games very much are a finite resource, much like movies. there is only so much money invested into producing them using very specific strategies because there are people demanding it to be this way as they have "cracked the code" to making consistent returns. This makes for risk aversion, which means whale hunting. Whale hunting is both predatory and results in an industry wide drop in quality, as well as employment conditions becoming worse for those within the industry. Go fuck yourself and die shill. I hope no one is at your next marketing presentation.

>The money spent on making those games could be used to make different shit video games. It could be spent on developers who aren't actually passionate about their craft

Guys I haven't read anything about this bill but if my only agenda is pissing off liberals should I be for it or against it?

How is letting a company fuck me over giving me rights?

For it.

>communists support the free market and corporations

not that guy, but you're pretty dumb, user, I guess the anime reaction image fits, then

Corporations doesn't care about that crap only money

If that's your agenda you should be indifferent to it. Both sides support the bill.

This isn't really a left/right thing it's more of a libertarian/authoritarian thing

It's literally the exact opposite. The groups that overwhelmingly benefit from regulation always are the established power structures. This bill will receieve unamious support from all the big publishers, just you watch.

No, you go fuck your self with your shitty rooting for inclusivity in gaming

>Support the free market
>Free market
>Google and amazon controlling everything including your rights is free market
What did he mean by this?

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how is the company fucking you over if you just don't buy it? are they sending armed men to your house and forcing you to purchase their lootboxes? that's illegal, user, contact the authorities

vote for it then

since EA is liberal

>here's what you should think about thing.

lol @ cussing in the title, too. degenerates. the absolute state of journalism in 2019

Quick! Post >yfw astro turfers are desperate as fuck!

Attached: levels of WAH.png (1513x1001, 1.37M)

Are you retarded

>Guys I haven't read anything about this bill but if my only agenda is pissing off liberals should I be for it or against it?
Why are Americans so braindead?
Not everything in politics is left vs right

>thread about video game industry regulation
>but muh Google and Amazon!

what did he mean by this?

Let me put it like this, if it was possible to ban alcohol, I would be in favor of it 100%. But it's not. However it's still possible to reduce hard drug usage, and we need to do everything we can to do so before it gets to the same level as alcohol.

Now obviously online gambling in video games isn't as strong of an addictive as meth or heroin, but it should still be regulated much like "traditional" gambling. We owe that to the people we care about.

because they cut content that is going to be released with gacha bs instead as a reward
why you can no longer earn secret skins through gameplay? because they sell them for 5 bucks a pop
kys retard

>no no, just give up your rights and let the companies decide what you can and can't do!
>Seize the means of production!

Looks like a good bill to me.
I did use the level boost feature in wow since I had already leveled 3 characters to max and hated every minute

DLC is becoming pretty unpopular with developers nowadays anyway

user, you can't say stuff like that, most of Yea Forums is nowhere near intelligent enough to realize that more government regulation actually helps large corporations, not hurts them

>Lootboxes are gambling and should be treated as such with the same restrictions.

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>does not apply to purely cosmetic content
That's the stuff that makes the most money, so it won't fix anything while making matters more complicated for everyone.
There has to be regulation, but not that way.

>Company forces its lootboxes into my game through updates
How is this not fucking me over? Fuck PIGGY the rat scum fuckers.

AAA games are not the only games that exist

Don't get me wrong, I think alcohol is overrated shit. But like you said, banning it would be impossible.

>letting the government literally take away your rights to purchase something is avoiding giving up your rights!

yikes, my dude

Free games being released that were supplimenting their lack of a purchase price with a lootbox style monetisation model will be outlawed too.

This removes competition from being able to undercut them, after all, how can you compete with free?

You make it illegal

Gizmodo is a dishonest broker. They don't actually have a problem with the bill other than it was proposed by a Trump-loving conservative Republican.

Once they realized that, the fine-toothed comb came out and they had to pore over the bill line at a time to find something to fault.

This is just applying a general rule to a specific case. They won't support it because its their literal fucking lifeblood. Its like saying Tobacco companies would support banning Cigarettes from being sold anywhere but a specific Kiosk of which there is only one every 300 miles.

Its a retarded argument.

You ready to argue that in court?

>the government taking even more control is good when it makes me brain peepee hard

then don't play the game anymore? I'm not understanding what you're saying, here, you keep talking as if someone is forcing you to make certain choices

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It's too bad i never said anything about that crap
I called you a retard for calling the other dude a communist because you obviously don't know what a communist is

you're retarded my dude

I wonder how far corporations would have to run America into the ground before mutts realise where literally all their problems stem from.

>They won't support it because its their literal fucking lifeblood.
It really isn't, especially from AAA devs who also charge for their game. See

>Overwatch has pretty good lootbox system
>The game that feeds off limited time only skins
Eat shit and die

When Copyrights are abolished I will give a fuck. Until then fuck off and die faggot.

>Don't play the game anymore
I would rather the government ban your lootboxes so I can go back to enjoying my game.

Attached: Burning Fuck You.gif (498x356, 778K)

no i think you replied to the wrong person

Why would copyrights ever be abolished and why do you think that's a good thing? That hurts the little guy more than it will ever hurt the big guy. The big guy can just use his money to fuck everyone over while the little guy has to take it. Imagine Disney just deciding one day it uses its fucking billions to take your idea. There's nothing you can do to stop it. Think nigger think.

Absolutelly everything in that text sounds great, how can the artucle's author consider pre-orders exclusive garbage good in any way, shape or form? they are literally bait for fools to pay for a a product that may be (and in many cases has been) bad, for fucks sake.

government regulation is what allows large corporations to do what they do, why do you think lobbies exist and are such a massive driving force in US government?

this is the most important redpill for people to take, but most are too stupid to even think about it

It actually is. They are making money hand over fist and other succeeding doesn't actually hurt their bottom line. Their shareholders would fucking murder them if profits dropped 70% because of Lootboxes and microtransactions being regulated. They don't give a fuck about some indie companies so long as the growth trend is up. By doing this they are cutting their own dicks off which is why they will fervently fight against it.


The demise of cheats is directly linked to achievement culture. People like to point out all the ways Microsoft ruined games but achievements are the main one.

Consoles should have just never been connected to the internet. While I have good memories of playing Timesplitters and Resident Evil online on PS2 it was all downhill from there. I can live without those memories.

I don't buy lootboxes, I don't play any games that have them, I'm just curious why you talk as if someone is forcing you to buy them or play games with them

I have spent less on video games per hours played since lootboxes and microtransactions became standard practice. Especially on multiplayer games.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure EA was the one writing this bill, you assclown.

>I don't buy lootboxes
That's bullshit and I don't believe it.

Do we really need "more" videogames? I've barely scratched the Turbografx library and even after finishing 300 PS2 games I'm still finding good shit on the system.

do you have any fucking clue what a lobby is or how they work in US government?

Disney is built upon copyrights. It won't have fucking billions if everyone could distribute, use and make things using their Intellectual properties. Your idea is based upon a faulty supposition.

They would have to compete upon quality rather than sole ownership. The little guy already gets fucked because they can steal it anyway and just slightly change it. They don't have the money to fight them in court.

>ban loot boxes from Minor Oriented video games
>"that could be virtually and game on the market"
Do these fucking no understand what the ESRB is for? Of course it's any game below M rating. I'm figuring that these are the same people who buy M-A Rated games for their children because they let technology babysit their kids instead of themselves or a not shitty babysitter.

>government regulation is what allows large corporations to do what they do
What is vehicle safety? What is engine innovation? What is the food and drug administration? I'll take all these for 500


So have I, but that's more because 99% of games are unplayable these days due to lootboxes so I buy less games and just play the 1% that doesn't have them over and over again.

so if I'm against government regulation that means I must buy lootboxes? I don't follow your logic at all

And no faggots, this wont kill Fortnite sadly.

I can't tell if you are a retarded shill or just a moron. They don't want lootboxes regulated period. EA shit a fucking brick when the whole Battlefront 2 fiasco happened and Belgium almost banned lootboxes.

>It won't have billions if everyone could distribute
You retarded chimp, do their billions just disappear? They use their money to market harder than you ever could. As you're twiddling your asshole in your basement hoping someone buys your version of Mickey Mouse they're laughing at you because they just stole it and are now using it in their new Disney Ride.

Why does /pol/ pretend to hate jews so much when they regularly defend them in threads with stuff like this

if every dev realizes there is money in lootboxes why should they bother producing games without them ??

is this so hard to understand mr shill ??

The entire focus of these games (gas, f2p, cosmetic based etc.) are centered about cosmetics and changing the game constantly just for the sake of change, so players don't leave for any other new product and continue to buy microtransanctions, instead of, you know, zoomer? Focusing the resorces in balancing, polishing and FINISHING the game, so it'd be played for years because it's GOOD, not because it's a fad.

>astroturfers are now this mad that they are arguing against getting more video games

So game churros are in bed with loot boxes scamming? Is this surprising to anyone?

>Playing the innocent fool every thread where he pretends that he's for consumer rights

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You don't have to buy lootboxes to shill for them on an Oriental Onahole website.
Because regulating digital gambeling is basically communism, so please let corporations fuck you in the ass.

Its only P2W dlc idiot
Not expansion paks, otherwise WoW and other mmo would die instantly.

For me it's mainly because I played like 5,000 hours of GTA and never spent anything because all the years of updates were free. I have never spent that much time on a game I only paid $18 for.

If you don't buy lootboxes, this does not affect you, correct?

Though you and I are both aware that even if I don't personally buy lootboxes, their very existence is shaping the general vidya landscape as a whole, and for the worse. Do you disagree with this?

Sounds like a headache for companies and I'm not affected negatively by it at all. Good.

dont fall for the people saying

"more government regulation is bad, you're just a braindead liberal"

remember the company that is most screwed over by this is EA
the same liberal company that made battlefield V

they are shills do not fall for their tactics

Because you got the meme fascists and the real fascists
Real fascists realize that capitalism is just as bad as communism and should absolutely not be defended because it harms the peoples of the nation at the same time it harms the international community

They should.

>some random studio make an actual good sequel to star wars
what now disney?

Yeah, it's interesting isn't it? He doesn't buy lootboxes, it has no impact on him, but he's so desperate to defend loot boxes. I expect him to start ranting about slippery slope, that the government stopping gambling (a literal mental addiction) they're now going to go after titties and shit. Not like the companies aren't already going after titties.

>Do their billions just disappear
Doesn't have to they are now directly competing with everyone else. They use their money to buy up copy rights and competition. At this point copyright only benefits large companies because of the legal system which supports it. Its impossible to enforce one if you aren't already rich and even if you are it can drag out for years and years.

Objectively good thing all-around.
What is supposed to be the problem?

no, I don't disagree, I'm just of the mind that immediate government intervention is not a good solution, I don't understand why this is such a black and white issue to so many people in this thread, it's always one extreme or the other

You green arrow like its a bad thing

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To make it clearer, it doesn't effect any game that syncs your level across the board so that one player isn't steamrolling everyone else because they're 5 levels higher. So, to use an example, XIV's PvP would be unaffected by this change and their expansions because your stats are standardized for balance. I believe WoW has level ranges in place, so that you don't have a level 110 fighting a level 20.

>It just means that the level cap has to be raised across the board and items from said expansion have to be tradeable.
That might screw with expansion packs in MMOs where you're capped at the previous level cap until you buy the expansion, even if you're able to technically get the expansion items. It also screws with MMOs where end-game items aren't tradeable. But, that just means we might get an MMO that doesn't just raise the level cap and has some sort of horizontal progression in it.

>Good sequel is completely ignored because they don't have the marketing budget that Disney has
What now good studio? Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.

>First they came for the video games, and I did not speak out— Because I did not play video games.
>Then they came for the home ownership, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a home owner.
>Then they came food safety, and I did not speak out— Because I did not get cancer.
>Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I dont see anything wrong whatsoever with the right text
"game not included collectors edition" in general is anti-consumer and this fucking trash needs to stop
also fuck mmos and pay2win
as far as im concerned this bill is the best thing to happen to gaming in a LONG fucking time

>Fighting game DLC characters are illegal
>Almost any form of expansion DLC is arguably illegal
Games are delivered finished for just one prize, intead of in buyable, unpolished chunks? Great.
>>TCG games are illegal
>>Gacha gets obliterated from existence as a genre
Two of the worst genres in existance, one more based in randomness than in tactics, and other which is a literal Skinner box, little more than a slot machine get erradicated? Even better.

>not wanting government intervention in the fucking video game industry is defending lootboxes

shit man, I don't know what to say anymore, I genuinely feel like I'm talking to 12 year olds

I get that you are a brainlet, so I'll take it slow.
Their profits took a hit, due to an increase of competition.(smaller studios being able to release games for free, monetizing with lootboxes), Bigger publishers have only just recently jumped on the freemium/lootbox model specifically in order to compete.

If this practic is outlawed, who do you think benefits? The newcomers specifically using this practice to get their foot into the market and take a chunk of business away from the big publishers, or the big publishers who were already established and successful before this practice became widespread?

are you retarded? or merely pretending? because marketing is a fucking meme if you actually produce something decent. see soul serie

Wow, what an awesome bill.

>Its a good sequel but its ignored because it would destroy my argument
What now logic?

The people arguing against this are literal paid shills. Not the meme kind of "you like this game I dislike" shills, but actual legit astroturfing shills.

Okay, let's meet halfway and agree that it is not a good solution. However, it is the only solution, so I am in favour of it. Unless you can give me a different solution, that is.

the squeaky gear gets the grease go shill somewhere else wagie

>Because marketing is a fucking meme
You're actually a 12 year old aren't you?

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But this is literally about lootboxes. You are literally defending lootboxes.

>What now logic
What logic? We see amazing games die constantly despite having amazing gameplay and support. Why the fuck does Rising Storm 2 not have Battlefield 5 numbers? It's a superior game in every which way. Where's your argument now, atheist?

oh...that explains a lot

How would this bill affect DLC characters in fighting games, since that's all I care about.

yeah thats why their opposing it right ?
and not just letting it pass quietly

go shill somewhere else

>soul series
A series with pretty good marketing

no I'm not, I just don't want government regulation of any kind in the video game industry, because it sets a bad precedent

why is this so fucking hard for you people to understand? this isn't a black and white issue with only 2 sides
if I could snap my fingers and get rid of all lootboxes in any form immediately, I would do it without hesitation, I just don't want the government stepping in to do it

I'm defending the bill. Fuck these companies. But you know they'll still find a loophole or new system to explout whale money.

>Bigger publishers have only just recently jumped on the freemium/lootbox model specifically in order to compete.
Firstly you are a lying faggot. EA was one of the fucking pioneers for this shit and so were several dying MMOs.

Their profits have been rising year over year due to the lootbox model. They weren't taking a hit due to competition anymore than they were previously. The small studios released games to small audiences. They rarely touched the AAA audience which was their target not to fucking mention EA again which has Madden and FIFA bucks yet still were spearheading this.

God this is just disgusting shilling.

Never bought a microtransaction, never bought a game brand new that contained them. They shouls be 18+ with a label that says THIS GAME CONTAINS GAMBLING MECHANICS. The most j*wy thing to happen to gaming.

>DLC character is a straight advantage over anyone who doesn't have it
>DLC character is just another character to play as
Should be perfectly fine. If this passes Chris Roberts is gonna get a severe kick in the ass.

>heir very existence is shaping the general vidya landscape as a whole, and for the worse. Do you disagree with this?

Yes, I disagree with this. I'm not an idiot who thinks every game needs to cater to my specific desires. Just like everybody chasing currently Battle royale trends or DotA/LoL/MOBA games years prior. Imagine if there were campaigns to MOBA games illegal because you don't like them.

>waaaaaaaaaaah we have to rework our game so you can't wallet warrior your way to the top
Boo FUCKING hoo. Sucks to be them. Should have made a better designed game I guess

>What logic? We see amazing games die constantly despite having amazing gameplay and support. Why the fuck does Rising Storm 2 not have Battlefield 5 numbers? It's a superior game in every which way. Where's your argument now, atheist?
Rising Storm 2 is on the PC and only the PC. It had great sales but it wasn't nearly as available or accessible.

No matter what you do you are always gonna be someones slave. Government or corporation. What makes you prefer the corporation fucking you in the ass rather than the government?
Just a bit curious.

>wasn't nearly as available or accessible
It's absolutely accessible, it's cheap as fuck too. So why the fuck does it not have the same numbers as Battlefield 5? Repeat after me: MARKETING.

The argument is that they should have already stepped in because it is gambling and they have been getting away with marketing gambling to the underage. Games will still be available. Nothing will change except the rating. Only an actual shill would argue against that.

Or they become free 1 time buys per expansion, like guild wars.

This is not about fucking Fortnite. Lootboxes affect all kinds of genres. The current landscape for multiplayer games as a whole is degrading in quality by the month.

But with copyright, the equivalent of your RS2 won't even exist because the BFV would sue it all to hell. The good small versions would be allowed to exist along with the big marketed ones, and that's better than having only the big one

the corporation can't send armed men to my door and put me in chains for resisting their ass fucking, at least not yet

I won't argue against that, I was under the impression that this bill is to outlaw all lootboxes or microtransactions, regardless of the game's rating

Why bother wasting your time with this? This Bill wont pass.

Like I'm going to believe anything a turbo corporate bootlicker has to say.

Is.. is this article satire? Like the reasons given are the most laughably bullshit things ever.

"You can't buy things ahead of time and get an advantage" it's like I'm reading something crazy, this is a joke right?

>But with copyright, the equivalent of your RS2 won't even exist
Am I talking to a clown world user? We have copyright right now you gibbon and Rising Storm 2 exists.

gambling is regulated for a reason

>EA was one of the fucking pioneers for this shit and so were several dying MMOs.

No, they really weren't. People just tend to notice when they do it, especially through the attempt at double dipping. Charging for a full price game while locking everything behind microtransactions.

>God this is just disgusting shilling.
I have zero stake in any of this. except the countless unintended side effects that always occurs when governments get involved.

Alas, there's no point in agruing with a useful idiot. You'll just have to see for yourself.

>*Reads Bill and realizes it affects games they like in terms of shitty pre-order incentives and cosmetics*
>Um, actually, guys? This bill seems kind of shitty, what happened to "Think with my wallet"?

No wonder labeling yourself as a gamer is considered a Mental Illness, retards literally don't know what they're fighting for.

The ''optional'' cosmetics that you have to buy are rewards? So you admit that one buys their rewards these days? Do you unironically think thats better than instead having the cosmetics be reasonably unlockable through gameplay as it had always been before microtransactions set in? Do you think its better to unlock the Hayabusa armor through getting all achievements, versus endlessly spinning the lootbox machine in hopes that you get it in that 1% chance? I think I know your answer, because you can always spend more money on lootboxes to speed up the process right?
Also, if games that rely on these shady business practices die as a result of this bill due to no more dev support, then good fucking riddance.

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>the corporation can't send armed men to my door and put me in chains for resisting their ass fucking, at least not yet
You seem to have a rather naive view of corporations then.

That’s not DLC then it’s an update

>Lootboxes affect all kinds of genres.
And? Play games that don't have lootboxes then, yuou moron.

intellectual property is literally the opposite of market freedom

>It's absolutely accessible, it's cheap as fuck too. So why the fuck does it not have the same numbers as Battlefield 5? Repeat after me: MARKETING.
No it just was not accessible and did not cater well enough. Fucking Pathfinder had ZERO Marketing and was one of the most popular games to comes out and it only had half of Rising Storms players.

Hell looking at the fucking numbers I think Rising Storm 2 despite being on the PC and zero marketing had half of Battlefield Vs PC sales. What in the fuck are you even talking about?

This, the ESRB had the fucking chance to make lootboxes and MTs M or A rated and they refused. So now the government has to step in. The ESRB literally failed the ONE REASON it exists for.

the games that dont have lootboxes have decreased thanks to the fact that its more profitable to make games with lootboxes

do you get it now shill??

ITT: Retards that fell for vidya scams want said scams banned without considering the consequences

that got know with word of mouth. hell the only reason i bought the first was because one of my friends recommended it to me
do really believe people are going to see the trash nuwars over an actual decent film from a good director just because they saw an ad?

They absolutely were you lying nigger. When the time comes we both know you will be lined up against the wall with your corporate masters.

At that point why should I care if legislation fucks over lootbox games? If anything it's in my own interests since it reduces the chance of loot boxes being used in games I wouldn't otherwise be able to play

Correction: Whiny devs and publishers who will have to find a new way to monetize their game than cheap tactics

what? where in the US can they do that? they can't do that in my state

>ESRB was founded by the video game companies to self regulate so the government wouldn't need to step in
>ESRB ignores the concerns of how microtransactions and lootboxes are exploitative and predatory
>Government steps in
Wow what a fucking shock

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they don't even include palette swaps anymore and those incur minimal overhead

some people are vulnerable to gambling on a biological level, children even moreso

Board is full of shills user. They will try everything under the sun to get you to dislike this bit of legislation. Not to mention the Ancaps who will argue about everything just because they are their own brand of stupid.

The real legislation I want is that all shills have to identify that they are in fact working for and being paid to make posts.

Not at all. In what way have games "decreased"?
I've played plenty of new games this year, with only one having microtransactions (which was a laughable attempt, in DMC5).

EA was the first company to introduce lootboxes in full priced retail games in the west with FIFA ultimate team. Every example of lootboxes before then were only seen in Chinese/Korean MMO games

>Alas, there's no point in agruing with a useful idiot
Oh the irony


>the equivalent of your RS2 won't even exist
>the equivalent
Which in this case is a smaller studio making a better product. I'm not talking about the real RS2 of course

why not let free marked regulate alcohol why do we have age rules for it?

>Let the market regulate itself.
The ESRB had the chance and didn't. The market failed itself.

It was accessible as fuck, cheap as fuck, yet it did not sell as much as Battlefield 5 despite being superior. Hold the phone wait a minute, so without copyrights games that don't have the same level of marketing despite being superior wouldn't sell at all...interesting...

nothing of value is lost, pre-orders get the noose too

>>*Reads Bill and realizes it affects games they like in terms of shitty pre-order incentives and cosmetics*

That's not bad though

>Its actually...Kind of shitty.
>You just DONT understand.
Kill all journalists.

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Children should be allowed to gamble.

>Let the market regulate itself.

Wow, and look at how great that's going!

>Fighting against lootboxes is fighting against freedom of choice and rights to bear responsibility for your actions, also it's fight against enjoyment

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>Smaller studio makes Star Wars game
>nobody buys it because nobody knows about it because Disney bought up all ad space to prevent smaller studios from competing
>Smaller studio goes bankrupt as they can no longer make their own characters and have their creations be protected from companies like Disney
Think nigger think. I know it's hard for you but try it.

>Not at all. In what way have games "decreased"?

imagine if lootboxes were banned after the ps2 era

all those games with lootboxes that we have now, would be just regular games without lootboxes

but since they exist those would be games that should be lootbox free now have lootboxes

It's honestly disgusting how obvious their attempts at manipulation have become.

This is what lootbox apologists actually believe.

Same. The bit about age is especially splitting hairs because we have the ESRB rating system. If any company wants to go around the regulations they'll get marked M.

That whole write-up seems to be appealing to the people getting fleeced in the first place, which is funny but disturbing. We've got an entire generation indoctrinated with these sleazy business practices, ready to fight for their right to be nickeled and dimed by shady corporate schemes.

>No more microtransactions
>No more lootboxes
>No more exclusive pre-order bullshit
>No more grind bullshit design to incentivize Pay 2 win
The US government is doing what devs should have done: tell the fucking investors to fuck off

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They would just state zero in most cases though. Overwatch you technically don't have to spend any money on to get skins if you just keep playing the game, the only exceptions were for external promotions (Blizzcon, the charity skin, OWL.)

Because the broad scope bills are often worded in and the government's stance often being widely different than your average person.

It wasn't that long ago that people were crying about governments of old out of touch boomers were trying to ban and censor violence in video games, yet now people are begging for them to get invovled, despite largely still being the same out of touch group of people.

To sum it up in a single question. Why do you think it's just going to stop at lootboxes?

Should we abolish laws against fraud too?

>It was accessible as fuck, cheap as fuck, yet it did not sell as much as Battlefield 5 despite being superior. Hold the phone wait a minute, so without copyrights games that don't have the same level of marketing despite being superior wouldn't sell at all...interesting...
Mechanically superior games don't mean shit

Its more like games with a 20+ year history on multiple platforms will sell better than a game that has a history of 6 years or 13 if you want be more accurate and was only available on one platform.

No they should not

>No more microtransactions
This doesn't stop cosmetics. It also doesn't stop pre-order bullshit as they can make that cosmetic.

>Mechanically superior games don't mean shit
You're pretty much agreeing with me at this point.

>Before it...
Too fucking late, my dude

This bill and the people behind it are absolutely based.

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It's also targeting predatory pay2win systems
with a very broad term

Not at all.
You think all those games would have even come out if there wasn't a monetisation plan? Not to mention it being logically inconsitent to think that if you make a large change that things will pan out exactly the same.

You haven't brought up a single cognizant reason why it won't. Not a single legitamite example of how lootbox regulations would negatively affect someone like me who doesn't want p2w or lootboxes.

>boomers were trying to ban and censor violence in video games, yet now people are begging for them to get invovled,
It's actually more insidious in that you that use this censorship canard to conflate business practices with content. Not only can governments regulate the business practices of companies such as those that make and distribute video games, they do already. This is not a slippery slope to regulating content, which would get get them owned by the scotus (in the u.s. at least)

I think they should only regulate the maximum you can buy, so that they don't design their games around whales.

They already do that.

Why do you think they are ever going to stop? Do you think that if everyone bands together and stops this that the very same companies that were opposing this won't try to lobby for regulations that they find favorable? Its the duty of the people to keep the government in check. That doesn't mean blindly stopping everything they attempt to do. If you believe that people can rally together to stop what everyone generally agrees is a good thing then you have to also believe that they could rally together to stop negative legislation.

In which case your entire argument is moot because if they try to over legislate then people will rise up. I know you are going to go "But what about the slippery slope!" Either people have power or they don't. If the former actions can be taken and in the latter none of this matters.

would it be okay if people sold ETFs in this manner? tradeable digital assets are commodities and should be treated as such. if the government does not regulate these things then people will take advantage of them. they area already used as token assets for exchange of value on online casinos. valve had to step in and stop it. there are many cases of this happening on almost any online medium in which secondary markets pop up. the company producing the asset should not be able to distribute it in a lootbox manner.

That sounds sensible but the faux-minarchist larpers would cry about government infringing their freedom to buy excessive amounts of lootboxes.

Ever play a game with a form of RNG?
Chances are you have.
At what point does the initial purchase price for a game, which could infact be described as one big loot box, become justified?

No I'm just saying that appealing to what people enjoy is the key. The X series is great but it doesn't appeal to everyone. Battlefield is popcorn that has been around for years and has been widely available.

isn't it already illegal to market porn to minors? where is the slippery slope here?


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Thats some retarded logic. Buying and rolling dice for your own enjoyment doesn't make it gambling.

>It(and drugs) are more or less the root of all crime.
you're a fucking retard

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Is Tripwire dead over BFV selling more than RS2? They could simultaneously exist, and the smaller studio don't even need to make ludicrous bank, just enough to turn profits

we should give em liquour too, right?

The slippery slope he would try to argue is that banning lootboxes means that the government will start regulating other shit as well, like preventing you from playing titty ninja games.

>Why do you think they are ever going to stop?
If there's a market for it, they won't. No-one is forcing you to be apart of that market, therefore why does it need to be outlawed, why do you even care?

The simple answer is that you want everything to cater to you.

The term Lootbox is well understood and your attempt to conflate it with any form of RNG mechanics in a paid game is desperately grasping at straws and just makes you look foolish.

He's not the one posting pepe and promoting degeneracy, is he?

>Appealing to what people enjoy is the key
First person shooter, with vehicles, with cosmetics, and a ranking system. They couldn't appeal any harder if they tried. So this just goes to show that a game without marketing just doesn't do as well. Which means if we left all the power in the corporate megazords, everything would be dead and controlled by their infinite cash resources.

fighting games might be good again

>that got know with word of mouth.
Yeah demon souls not dark souls
>do really believe people are going to see the trash nuwars over an actual decent film from a good director just because they saw an ad?

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That's more or less what this bill is attempting to do for lootboxes.

You niggers are the most contrarian fags ever. Trump could come out and say video games suck ass and you'd be like BASED!

oh wait

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Microsoft are the ones who spread the concept of cutting up those $20 expansions and selling them in pieces to companies before the 1st xbox released. They felt more money could be made this way. This started with the very 1st Xbox live title Mechassault having multiple mechs and maps at small prices. That turned into other companies producing shit like horse armor, mobile game price points, loot boxes, season passes, and battle passes. Blame the industry in general for these things but remember EA is not the one who started the fire.

>Yeah demon souls not dark souls
yeah thats my fucking point

You see it that way, sure.
What are the chances that the old "out of touch" boomers that typically in government see it that way.
Especially when a lot are legally trained and take wording very literally.

>let the market regulate itself
This what the cheerleaders of these big vidya corporations actually think. I wouldnt be surprised in this guy writes for Kotaku or Polygon.

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>one shitpost tweet vs demonstrable attempts at legislation

Who was in the wrong here?

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The fuck does Trump have to do with this lootbox bill? R E N T F R E E

By you. How about a 50+ year old government official with zero experience with video games?

When it all comes down to it, games media is just an extension of game publishers themselves and as such, are gonna shill for lootboxes and bullshit monetization....are they not?

>Projecting this hard
It isn't being outlawed. Gambling isn't being outlawed and neither are lootboxes. They are just getting a higher rating. This fucking dishonest saber rattling about everything being outlawed is getting tiring.

They aren't going away because they have to follow new guidelines. They are going to go away because the only reason they were so prolific in the first place is they were getting around the gambling regulations which would require higher ratings and other such checks.

Here is a question though. Why do you care? Based on your logic its because you want the way the government acts to cater to your tastes. Its why I said you were projecting because you made an extremely fallacious argument.

The cut throat companies will try to raise their games to $80, sell nothing, and then go back to $60 while cutting back on advertisement costs.

>Pedotaku and pedogon writers are the ones posting their own articles here and then defending them
>Probably even orchestrating discord zealots to help them defend them
Wouldn't surprise me at this point.

Yes they should you fucking prude.

This is how I know you faggots don’t actually browse Yea Forums or Yea Forums. Yea Forums doesn’t give a shit about children or retards. They wouldn’t actually give a shit about lootboxes since they are actually smart enough to not only avoid buying them, but also avoiding games that have lootboxes.
You know what else tells me you’re not from here? There are millions of games that don’t have lootboxes, and the games that do are games Yea Forums doesn’t play. So why the fuck would anyone who isn’t a shill give a shit if some shitty game like Overwatch has lootboxes?
I see you fags trying to fit in like by pretending Yea Forums is just “Based!” and obscure animes. It’s not hard to see past your shitty disguises.
Maybe if you wanted to fool some people, you should understanding the people you’re trying to fool.