Well, Yea Forums?

well, Yea Forums?

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They all have really fucking huge down sides
>Ncr is practically /nu/ america with even more corruption and more greedy to boot
>Legion are slaver rapists who's only goal is to conquer and control every facet of life
>Mr house is a self absorbed near communist level leader who wants the integrity of the strip to live on while neglecting the role of a leader
>Khans are big junkies with a laissez faire approach to society.
>followers are too good to be true expecting the people of the wastes to come together in times of need. Expecting those to listen

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>stabs you in the back
your fault for trusting a ROBOT

Only one of those wants to wipe out all the other though, the other 3 can perfectly co-exist, some of them actually want them to exist otherwise their prospects wouldn't be so successful without them.
The Brotherhood of Steel is not relevant.

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Why no Minutemen?
BoS I guess. Maxson has cleared out the Commonwealth and maybe now will head west to drag those dumbasses out of the stone age.

what's the brotherhood of steel's tax policy?

House always wins

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Because we're talking about the canon factions.

Nice bait, bro

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All the factions are interesting in their own ways. Will we ever see a real Post POST Apocalyptic Fallout game ever again?

0/20 tax on anything more advanced than a hand crank.

Why do you need a carbon copy of New Vegas or Fallout 2? There is only so much you can do before you begin to thread old ground.

The game is biased to NCR and despite their leaders being dicks you still get the best ending possible

I myself don't need a carbon copy, as much as I don't mind admitting that I wouldn't mind another game set around that area. I just feel like especially with Fallout 4 and 76 the world feels pretty plain. I can't think of anything more cringey than the first Minutemen scene. "Hey we're the good guys!". With 76 too its like "LOL everyones already dead and gone!" its just you and other players who don't even care when you walk by. Hold me close user I don't know how to feel.

The Legion only consume so yeah they suck. and the brotherhood are pussies where it counts

Minutemen are just a drugless versions of the nu-Great Khans

I agree with you, but no one at Bethesda has the talent to write the west coast factions, nor the wit to make their combat not be a broken mess of health inflation and borderlands loot simulator with all the gay effects that a weapon can posses. I bought Fallout 76 because I thought, hey, if everyone is dead, then I won't have to deal with Bethesda's cringy dialog and epic fun manic pixie dream girl wasteland writing, but boy, I was wrong.

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Your absolutely right, NO ONE at Bethesda has enough talent to write any sort of factions or get any of the game play stuff you mentioned correct. Its a shame because I love the New Vegas threads, because at least Yea Forums we can actually discuss the groups and politics with varying opinions even with the people who hate New Vegas.

Viper gang.

Im trying to make Texas Red in my next play through. Any suggestions for looks, stats, or faction alignment?

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>Texas Red
make him a roamer, maybe slightly older.

Great Khan-Followers empire.

Great Khans for the junkie sluts

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Yes Man, high agility and perception. Looks pretty good as is

a roamer?
I was thinking luck, but Texas Red wasn't very lucky. Perception is a lot better idea, thanks

I actually don't like a single one of these factions on their own merits but I usually go NCR just for the fact that they directly oppose the Legion. And so that Cass can have her way with me.

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You know roaming around, no real allegiance but the law.

>>Mr house is a self absorbed near communist level leader who wants the integrity of the strip to live on while neglecting the role of a leader

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>New Vegas thread
>Urge to replay again rising
For fuck sake people...

>tfw can't join the New Canaanites purging corruption from the other factions and genocide the legion and khans and fiends for their sinful ways.

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Texas Red is an outlaw, not that damn ranger with a big iron on his hip

Then maybe powder gangsters or your own gang. You do have Jip ccc right?

>Legion are slaver rapists who's only goal is to conquer and control every facet of life
And? Why would you not want this?

Joshua Graham is not really a great representative of his faith/people.

He literally want the future that best benefits him. That means leaving the wastes unprepared for the tunnelers threat besides his lights around the strip.

I just fucking lose interest once you get to New Vegas proper. All the factions are shit led by shit characters who are more of a mouthpiece for a particular idealogy rather than actual characters. I don't get why people say this game has good writing when it barely has any writing. Honest Hearts alone was more interesting than the rest of the game and the other DLCs put together.

I would've loved to see the New Canaanites go against the legion. Maybe even having the Burned Man face Caesar

Reposting my issue here since /fog/ is busy jacking off to waifus and FO76.

Need some help on F:NV. Game ran fine but when I tried to tinker around with iFPSclamp (mainly switching it to 60 cause I'm a fucking retard) the main menu lags and the game has some weird ass bugs like enemies hanging in the air after killing them. 90% of the time shooting at enemies just goes through them and does no damage. When I DO damage them, they don't react. I know this is an FPS bug but even with iFPSClamp at 0 its still an issue

I am 100% sure its not a mod issue and more of an INI issue. I use MO2 and Tick rate fix. I need help fast

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>implying he isn't the best option available.

Ideologically I would be most aligned with the legion, but I think I would be a better fit for the followers

Independent is the best faction. NCR is corrupt, Caesar's Legion is full of barbaric rapists, and Mr. Houes has no plans to expand beyond New Vegas. Fuck all of them. Get the Khans, followers, and the Brotherhood on your side and form a better faction.

I don't know how to fix your issue, you should start over. Google also works.

*takes your caps*

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if you pay your taxes and don't descent legion lands have no raiders, food, new roads, and an actual economy

ncr territory is just the wasteland dotted with cities, industrial zones being re used, and rail lines constantly fighting raiders

Followers of the Apoc, but support the "idea" of the NCR. Unfortunately, like the real United States, the NCR got filled to the brim with corrupt politicians and corporate politics. Instead of being for the people, they're for the money. President Kimball is a fucking joke and it hurts that I can lose favor with the NCR if he gets assassinated. That being said, NCR land is pretty comparable (so I've heard) to pre-war America in terms of tech and society. They probably got shit done for awhile before politicians sold out.

>Legion are just rapists with Caesar being the only one who actually supports his ideal wasteland. As soon as he dies, it all falls apart
>House is an out of touch wreck that thinks going to the moon is better than fixing the planet. Has good ideas, but cannot practically put them into practice without help from YOU, you are the only thing that gets his ball rolling
>Khans are drugged up shadows of their former selves, at least they can be helped eventually
>BoS are literally who, as they should be in New Vegas, you can get them to work with the NCR at least and improve lives eventually

>he didn't suck NCR dicks to use the monorail from the airport