Are Argonians the most chad race in Tamriel?

Are Argonians the most chad race in Tamriel?

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Nah thats the imperials

Redguard. That's all.


>tfw we'll never get a game in black marsh

All are n

>So deadly that the piss elves can't fight them on their home turf
>Get high on tree sap and just take over a huge part of the continent on a whim
>Played the antagonist role and are not considered villains at all, other than to the dark elves that enslaved them in the past and later lost their homes because nature said FUCK YOU to them

Despite sounding like chain smokers and having human bodies with scales, they're the best race lore-wise. They fuck others up and give no fucks in return.

>tfw no black marsh privince mod for morrowind

Black Marsh and the argonians living in the province seem pretty cool, but fuck that place if any other race was going in

Imperials surrendered to the elves they're cucks, Redguards and Nords would never surrender


they also fucked up some crazy interdimensional invasion by invading them instead and fucking all kinds of shit didn't they?

>tfw no big tiddy thicc milf argonian maid gf

somebody post the pic

You'll n'wahs don't even drink skooma.

>slaves to trees

Yyyep. The forces of hell invaded Black Marsh, and the argonians counter-invaded.

>dude skooma lmao
Who is the Quentin of TES?

crassius curio i guess


>forces of mehrunes dagon are invading all over the place
>the legion is barely holding them back, most cities have to be saved by an outside force
>the height of the invasions sees nearly 100 gates opened in the imperial province alone, the daedra are almost unstoppable
>gates open in blackmarsh, daedra aren't used to fighting in mud and water
>argonians kick their teeth in, repel them back to their gates constantly
>start making planned invasions into the daedric gates to steal equipment and supplies from the daedra
>high ranking daedra (possibly dagon himself) orders all gates in blackmarsh shut to stop the argonians, who have now taken the role of invader from them

Quentin was obsessed with the cuckshit that is Gatsby anyway, fuck him.

>Argonians' genders are sometimes referred to as life-phases. It is said that upon exiting the juvenile stage of life, an Argonian will lick Hist sap in order to stimulate the hormonal glands, which sprout appropriate organs from which the Argonian's gender can be determined. An Argonian can also ask their Hist Tree to change their gender, which is typically followed by a celebratory ceremony.
Literal tranny lizards

Argonians were fucking irrelevant until came up during the Oblivion crisis yet lorelets and other assorted newfags don't realize than nearly every race had such epic moments at some point.


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The only race that's more interesting is the race that gets fucked over the most; Dunmer.
>Originally golden skinned
>Were such fucking assholes that they got turned black with red eyes
>Vivec, being the transdimensional goat fucking tranny he is, is half gold and half black to be the middle ground
>They continue being incredible assholes and lose their homes to a volcano
>They get absolutely fucking tilted when nobody helps them in a fair manner

They are such backstabbing dicks and assholes, but damn if they don't have a fun backstory.

The imperials rule the world and don't you ever forget it you fucking mershits.

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he cute

>Lefty Elfy tries to start shit
>Island sinking
>New territory is already occupied

Ra Gada don't just find a way, they fucking make one

>actually liking nords
They would've been subjected by the elves eventually and ridded of Talos. The difference is that Cyrodil's surrender while maintaining its empire means they still have a chance to eventually revolt, when the time is right. Plus, Skyrim doesn't belong to the Nords, it belongs to the Snow Elves. if the Nords are allowed to murder the fuck out of SEs, the imperials are at least as justified in doing the same to the Nords.

Are you implying that the Dunmer have done something wrong?

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>start making planned invasions into the daedric gates to steal equipment and supplies from the daedra
Shit always cracks me up. They got reverse-invaded by even bigger nogs

*furiously sucks off Thalmor cock*

>The Argonians also invented a plague wiping out every non-argonian from the Black Marsh and even heavily decimated the Khajit permanently devastating them, whilst also killing hundreds of others in other countries.
Hoo, these blokes do not fuck around


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No, I didn't imply that. I only said they were assholes.


Argonians didn't do shit, lorelet.
The Hist are controlling Argonians

If they haven't done anything evil, then why do they look like fucking vampires?

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That's actually some cool fucking lore

>only wiping out those in black marsh

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First off, wrong. Argonians are not controlled by the Hist. Hence they disobeyed them when their government the An-Xileel invaded southern morrowind, which wen't against the Hist's bidding since they made agreements with the Southern Dark Elf House's

Second, the plague has rumoured to been created by the Argonians. and I never claimed to be a lorefag

>Ancestors were followers of the badass ultra-warrior elf god Trinimac
>Trinimac gets vored by Mommy Boethia
>Boethia takes on Trinimacs form and tricks his faithful into becoming the Orsimer
>Boethia then shits out Trinimac
>Trinimac, at some point in Boethia's-Bowels got corrupted
>Trinimac becomes Malacath; essentially a half-digested/half-cosmic-shit daedric prince equivalent
>Orcs build kingdom based on the ideals of space shit
>Proceed to conquer Hammerfell
>Imperials, Elves, and Redguards unite to destroy Orsinium
>Build another one
>They destroy it again
>Build another one 2: Electric Boogaloo
>They destroy it again
>Build another one 3: Build harder
>No one knows where it is this time
>Including most orcs

Is it weird that I think of orsimer as niggers

it's a symbiotic relationship, read the lore you brainlet

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of course, all lizard races are based

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>start the game
>get to my boy caius and sleep
>immediately attacked by these negroes
>have thousads of shekels worth of gear without even trying to exploit the game
thanks I guess

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So basically frogs?


Red Prince a cute

>first time playing morrowind
>go straight up exploring the slaver/bandit cave nearby
>barely beat them
>rest to recharge health
>fucking assassins out of nowhere
They sure don't waste time.

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Pretty much. They're amphibious reptilian frogs that look like lizards and dragons who enjoy getting high on tree sap and masturbating in swamp water.

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I wanna lick his chest and become his boy maid


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is TES best understood as a theological dissertation?



What happen with Argonian babies that don't take a sip of the Hist? Do they become just regular lizards?

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Be glad, they would ruin the place.

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I can't remember if it's just not partaking in this sap or if they need to be totally away from the trees but they don't get the quantum memory shit that the drugged up ones do, basically
I assume that also means their souls are fair game for the other gods but I don't think it's ever stated one way or another

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I just want a Dunmer gf to whip and oppress lizardshits together, that is all.

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>Personal quest is to find a chick so they can fuck
Red is such a based bro

*eat bug eggs and die to a volcano with

>filthy n-words
How did the dunmer get away with this?

you eat bird eggs and drink cow milk

eating insect eggs is perfectly reasonable so long as it tastes fine and it's abundant/practical

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I could also eat bug eggs but I don't because they're disgusting
just like their eaters

Shut up and know your place scalesfag.

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bet money they artaeum'd it

haha what hapened to your territory dungmer


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Me and my beautiful wife

Orcs are the most badass

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The empire will rise up once more

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Cyrodiil belongs to the Ayleids under your logic, all human lands were elven

Take a look.

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>Todd manifests in your dreams
>you're tasked with making ES: Black Marsh
What gameplay mechanics would you add?

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Because the Tribunal fucked up and Azura is a petty bitch

I'd bring back unarmed, athletics, acrobatics and unarmored skills for starters. Also immersive first person, and marriage to all races and sexes with consequences and benefits.


If Khajiits are Gypsies, what are Argonians?

More fleshed out stealth. Meaningful underwater mechanics. Deeper alchemy and ingredients -gathering. Ditch stat-leveling and replace it with balanced gameplay. Advanced disease and stamina system.

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Bushmen or mesoamericans. Maybe some of both?

>tfw no tsundere Telvanni gf who calls me a dirty n'wah as she enslaves me and locks her in her tower

zombies for being hist suckers
I fuckin love 'em

I like Orcs, but I hate malacath and his dumb code.

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Just worship boethiah like I do.

I feel bad for the Orcs.
They're usually pretty cool dudes in the games but they exist only to get fucked over and shat on in every single possible way. What a miserable existence they are forced to lead.

taketh no shit, giveth no fucks

environmental hazards: toxic air, toxic water.

>I'd bring back unarmed, athletics, acrobatics and unarmored skills for starters.
Bring back spear or I'm going to fucking riot.

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Hey, uh, can argonians swallow swallow people whole?
Asking for a friend.

>tfw using mods for the first time
damn this shit is crazy

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Crazy ugly.

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Khajits are based but Argonians are the real MVPs.

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haha wouldn't it be funny if a argonian swallowed you and you were trapped in their stomach and digested slowly lol just as like a prank though hehe

2018 was the year of the lizard.

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are argonians the florida men of Tamriel?

who's the first one?

well they are scaly like gators

meant to:

Does openmw support crazy graphics mods outside of texture and model replacements?

>argonian nerevarine
absolutely based

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kajit master race

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Too bad that first one is a girl.

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Quake Champions, Sorlag.

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>Too bad

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Yes, too bad. There's zero advantage.

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damn yeah dude haha
dude ignore the boner bro it's nothing
anyway even if they couldn't do that, it'd still be kinda cool kinda weird if they teased about it
like not creepily but like 'y'know i could make you my prey, human' or something idk haha


I can relate

>The difference is that Cyrodil's surrender while maintaining its empire
But they didn't do this at all. Pretty much every province revolted after the Oblivion Crisis and Great war, then they fucked over their only loyal provinces left forcing them to split apart or have their rights taken away. Snow Elves haven't been around since the first Era and are considered a myth.

Boku no Dragon Quest 26

Argonia only goes up to Mournhold since that's where the New Redoran council stopped them

Dragon Quest 11.

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They should both hug each other with me being sandwiched in the middle.

Beta test

Cute little skink boy

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god I wish that were me

>tfw even if we did it'd have a voiced protag and no choices

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Here it is in vanilla. You really think it looks better?

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fuck off reddit rats


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>not liking both

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Unironically yes. The Bitter Coast is supposed to be a mass of salt marshes and putrid swamps, not a fucking lush green forest.

How did Todd get away with it?

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>-10 personality
But they're all really good comedians, how could they have a personality penalty?

All these games came out in 2017

Not that I know. OpenMW is planning to add its own graphical improvements down the line, but cannot incorporate the effects more advanced mods do.

maybe their jokes are really brash

Whatever, fag.

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do you think they got balmora right?

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If the town was supposed to look like it was made of molded dry shit, yes.

>fig leaf covering the crotch
Cuck devs

>tfw no openmw 1.0 with complete tamriel rebuilt and project tamriel


>liking tiny headed weirdo

lol (laugh out loud) at all the un-enlightened in this thread rn (right now)
Could any other race build automated machines?
Could any other race trick gods?
Could any other race grow such stylish beards?
Could any other race craft such magnificent tools?

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But everyone loves redguard comedians like Kelvyn Hawart or Bail Casibi!

Do you think the Dwemer collectively shouted Candlejack all at the sam

humans are good
lizards are cute
elves are just... boring as fuck

could any other race manage to not poof themselves out of existence?

>tfw no qt khajit gf

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Did you accidentally existence again?

Humanoid Khajiit are fucking boring.

ok zoophile

And you're fucking animals.

i dont care how degenerate scalies and furries are, thats some of the most metal shit in all the games lore. how badass does your home have to be that you can launch a counter attack on a literal god with no pre planning what so ever


>Insanely fleshed out racial lore
>Can't talk about anything except the humanoid garbage because some furfaggot needs to pretend his waifu is real

Literally shit race.

>Dunmer and Dwemer


me on the right

Maybe you should try actually talking about the lore then instead of responding to softcore porn with meaningless sentiments, you animal fucker.

2003 wasn't so bad

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>duuude your daedric prince is literal shit lmaoo

It's not just any shit, it's divine shit.

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At least my race isn't a giant robot's foreskin lmao.

not canon lmao

no offense, but he's pretty ugly

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>Trying to talk to someone that immediately jumps to conclusions and makes accusatory remarks with no evidence to back them up about game lore

More canon than whatever you've got lol.

My wife

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I'd hug both.

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>no pre planning what so ever
Hist predicted the invasion and helped them prepare actually

Based Lizard Man

>Bail Casibi

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>Insanely fleshed out racial lore
>But not the humanoid half of the lore, that's boring

I've been having VERY special time with your wife dude.

>sends you off to get the staff of magnus
>it sucks
>sends you off to get the warlock's ring
>it sucks

You're not talking about lore, you're talking about sticking your dick in a nekomimi's barbed vagina.

I ran out of names and only devoted a few moments to learning some redguard, I did all I could!

u muh nigga

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What Race has the highest IQ and has the lowest? Is it High Elf on top and Orc at the bottom? What's in between?

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As opposed to talking about sticking your dick in a sabercat? Surprise N'wah, we're both fags.

>defeated oblivion invasion and counter-invaded
>took part of morrowind
They have some good feats but Bretons are still the secret chads

>invading Redguards in their own lands
>highest IQ

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Another skylanders chad.
I guess we are starting to pop up after the franchise is finally dead eh?
Snap shot is a triple cutie, but Drobot is better.

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i wanna marry sorlag REAL fucking bad

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>High Elf
>Other elves = most men
>Redguards = Argonians

>mostly criminals

top to bottom
>high elf

they are clever though

why are nords so low IQ?

because it's a dumb rpg cliche that if you're physically strong you're intellectually weak

because nords are dipshits

Todd is the new emperor in TESVI, what does he do?

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>tfw all my characters in XIV are named after Argonians from Morrowind
>tfw all my Argonian images are nsfw

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>imperial above breton
>orc above anything
>bosmer above khajiit

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he abdicates the throne, leaving control to the player character who has a mysterious power called "mods"

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I know I’m going to get shit for this, but I can’t help but see the npc wojak

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Fatfag please go and stay go.

How the fuck over mass up Spyro design so bad, like this game had tons of dragon design who look fine, even cynder keep her design, but Spyro has a weird punch nose.

Malacath is the best prince though
>Cares fanatically for his followers
>Treats them all like family
>Is against oppression
>Champion for the downtrodden of society

inb4 the barafags arrive again

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Malacath is literally shit

That was fast.

Like clockwork

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>breton culture consists of stabbing each other in the back constantly like niggers, never formed a continent wide empire
>khajit are literal gypsies who have a culture that discourages complex thinking, hence why they call themselves khajit
Orcs may look beastly, but they still aren't a beast race

[installs mod to remove Kill Paarthurnax from the quest log]

I feel like that's just a silly thing to focus on, people obsess over these tiny lore details. What should matter is what they actually do.

It's part of their culture.

But he is based shit

I've been here since the beginning, actually. The fatass arrived second.

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Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door.
The leatherclub is two blocks down.

They fixed it up a bit visually in Rings Of Heroes in 2D, but the 3D model is still quiet ugly.
Still the show more or less made me okay with it, but I still wish he'd had a better snout like Snap, or even Flashwing

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>consists of stabbing each other in the back constantly like niggers
corporate/government backstabbing is definitely more of a white thing

The other Aedra and Daedra do shit for their followers just as often as Malacath does. Even Sheogorath as fucking insane as he is, cares about the people that worship him in his own way.

>but they still aren't a beast race
>Entire cultural dynamic is that only the one strong guy gets to breed until some younger guy shanks him

They have the societal complexity of a lion. Also Orcs in the past have been considered to be Beast Races. Tiber Septim calls them one in the Real Barenziah and says they're the real threat to society.

They all have their ups and downs but Hircine is indisputably the best

No. But we will devour you none the less.

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They're not a beast race though. OrsiMER.


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So fucking what? FalMER are elves too. They're still considered an ugly degenerate, violent, worthless race by people all the time and treated no better than wild beasts.

I ordered a Sixth House shirt last week and this thread is making me excited to wear it.

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High Elves

Falmer are they way they are because they're fucking stupid and struck a deal to eat mushrooms and become even more retarded.

Lol! Good old Arkay (Orkey/Mountain Fart) tried to shortend the lifespan of man but Ysmir got that all transferred to the Orcs. Face it, the Orcs are Goblin-kin whether you like it or not now.

>>breton culture consists of stabbing each other in the back constantly like niggers, never formed a continent wide empire
and yet the nords are indirectly responsible for the imperial empire
>>khajit are literal gypsies who have a culture that discourages complex thinking, hence why they call themselves khajit
compared to the cannibals that do the same thing as bretons but without anything redeeming about it
>Orcs may look beastly, but they still aren't a beast race
unga bunga me conspire against bretons and redguards

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And Orcs are the way they are because they're fucking stupid and struck a deal with a Daedric prince whose whole shtick is being the patron reviled, outcast, and hated things.

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why do furfags not understand what basic anatomy is?

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They didn't strike a deal with him, he was their patron saint then Boethiah ate Trinimac and shit him out in order to try and take his followers which he only partially succeeded at doing resulting in some of them becoming the Chimer the followers of Boethiah, and some becoming Orsimer the followers of Trinimac, now known as Malacath. Learn your lore banana head.

That's not a lizard, that's an Argonian.

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I didn't say lizard, I said reptile, which is what argonians are. No reptile has breasts or nipples.

Explain that one then

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>unga bunga me conspire against bretons and redguards
What is this referring to? I just assume bretons and redguards would ransack Orsinium for the lulz

3 > 2 > 4 >>> shit >>> 1

They're the ones who choose to stay with Malacath and act like he wants and live life the way he demands in his blood code. Also the Chimer were already established and following Boethiah and Mephala when the Psijic Endeavor began so they could learn a new path to enlightenment. The Orcs were the Aldmer led my Trinimac trying to stop the Endeavor, but Boethiah consumed him and expunged him to expose the truth of his character.

An ugly, rotting, pile of shit, and his followers were just like him.

It's gay and wrong, that's my explanation.
Fake reptiles in vidya always look better without such e621 retardation.

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Based anatomy lover. Wish there were more of us

I don't like your explanation. I still like lizard nipples.

they're hostile when you meet them, and if you give Gortwog the Numidium in Daggerfall he uses it to wipe out the other city-states in the bay

How does one even develop a kink for lizard men?
I don't get it.

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This is probably the worst mod I've ever seen

Nipples are a part of mammaries, guess who has mammaries? Mammals.

based and digitigradepilled

It helps if you like v-word. Reptiles in general get a huge boon in attractiveness when you consider how they swallow.

>be young
>own Daggerfall
>this happen

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Red Chad

It's a very rare condition called having taste.

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You either have to be an otherworlder or just have autism like us. Join us fren, together we can rule this world.

I don't care.

how do they swallow?

Argonians are negroids


I like my argonians to have mammeries and nipples.

But lizard people aren't real so liberties with their design can be taken to make something more aesthetically pleasing. Breasts are a key component of what differentiate girls from guys, not including them would be weirder than just trying to keep it scientifically accurate.

Ah of course. I always forget the Warp in the West happened

The magic trees that created Argonians can literally do whatever they want with em. It can make them into big hulking muscle monsters, it can make them more or less lizardy in general, it can change them to the opposite gender, and it can definitely put massive milkers on them.

a lot

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I think lizardmen are cool as fuck but have zero sexual attraction to them but no one would ever believe that.

They are delicious

Same bro.

Same bro, I would totally let a lizard man fuck me no homo.

>it's a game bro it doesn't matter
stop being gay and have standards

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No,see,I'm serious. It all started when I was 8 and was playing star wars on the playground and pretended to be a lizardman with force powers. The only kid who could stop me was that kid with the invincible shield. Still no clue how he did that and i am NOT attracted to anything besides missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.


A literal slave race just like those cat fucks

Attached: 79576-3-1502708713.jpg (667x377, 35K)

can you give races seperate body presets in skyrim?