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t. eric harris
What's the point? I'll never break that record.
Play Sigil.
I did. It's mediocre.
the environments were pretty cool looking but did there have to be so goddamn many dark hallways like they're trying to be doom 3?
I've played this game more than any other. I could quite easily play it again, but I feel like I need to play other things before I die.
i'm replaying through doom 2 and feeling miserable. the amount of traps and ambushes are fucking insane
I'd rather play quake
I did..20 years ago
Use one step higher in brightness.
It helped a lot.
But some areas benefited greatly with the darker tone.
Why not both?
What are some good megawads?
That one vr did a while back where you complete levels in a mansion Mario 64 style.
Romero is an overrated hack that just so happened to make some stuff in doom and quake.
Doom's maps aren't good, they're always the same go to this place, get a card to open a door and get naother card to open this door etc.
Only reddittards praise doom to fit in and be le good taste gentlememe.
>XD I hate those new games, now Doom, that was a good game!
>I listen to metal btw, real men's music
Carmack is a real genius and would probably have done a better job than Romero at everything he did.
>Carmack is a real genius and would probably have done a better job than Romero at everything he did.
Implying he can design games worth shit.
server where
>finish last hub level
>hub area is in flames with everyone dead
>run out of supplies
>backtrack through last level
>reach old intact hub level where everyone is still alive and i can buy shit
welp,doom rpg2 was even better though,probably the best mobile game ever
>2D sprite enemies that have repetitive animations
>can't look up or down
>no vertical movement
>turn with arrow keys instead of mouse
>shitty sound design
>weapon animations have like 3 frames
>bland samey environments
>repetitive objective on every level
>HUD takes 20% of the screen
>little enemy variety
>enemies are slow as fuck and shoot slow projectiles
>35fps internal logic and corresponding input lags.
>Combined with fucking inertia implementation where you feel like you pkay as atank while walking, and you feel like sliding on glass while running.
>Also, ridiculously shit melee system, which restricts your movement in order to make your hits connect.
Shit game
H-Hey, play my sons game called DOOM.
don't play this old game with the same name.
I'm not in the MOOD
stay in australia faggot.
Romero certainly can't do shit. With Sigil, Sandy has finally been freed from having the worst Doom maps as only a retards can think Sigil is not shit. Romero is and always was a hack.
Doom is a zoomer game and FPS cancer killed PC gaming by focusing on mindless action, before PC games such as RTS or point n click games took intelligence to play
Speaking the truth right here
>Finally git gud at Quake 1 bhopping halfway through the mission packs
>Fuck all bhopping in Quake 2, only strafejumping
I blame Carmack. 10 bucks says he broke into the game and stole all the bhopping.
I won't call it mediocre, but it's clearly unfinished or at least unpolished. There are some clever segments and I get he tried to achieve a claustrophobic atmosphere, but the alternative levels he released some years ago were way better.
Umm try again sweatie only altright school shooters play this game
Carmack's only competent at programming games, he can't design them for shit
I already did. Repeatedly.
The phone Doom game was made by Carmack alone.
1vs1 me at Unreal Tournament, faggot.
Because that's a shitty imitation of Quake in Doom.
That's the point. Goes well with Brutal Doom
Played DOOM.
It was awesome.
Anyone got a link to the pain elemental abortions video?
Someone has to know what im talking about
Good, now play HDoom