Pathologic thread


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Did you finish it yet? Are you going to do a second run? I think the way missing quests changes things feels a lot more fluid in this one, which is really making me interested in trying it again. Have they mentioned anything about the other two characters yet, like how long it will take them?

>playing ice-pick lodge games on release


Seen the endings yes.

Will wait a little while before replaying.

Bought the bull.

Other than performance issues I didn't really have any issues. At least I think I didn't, it's real easy in IPL games to not know when you're facing a bug or intentional fuckery.

this game is bad

Yeah, gonna replay ASAP.
Can't wait to use my knowledge and save everyone.

One of devs said that in upcoming difficulty patch you will be able to set sliders like exhaustion or hunger even higher than they're now. Oh no.

>they are kowtowing to the casual babbies and making the game easier



No I failed at day 7 so I restarted but I'm almost back where I was and doing way better this time.

Guys how do I save Rubin? I go to his apartment but it doesn't make a difference.

Most likely in 2020. I wonder if we will see any new mechanics in his route.

some tips on getting money/stuff ?

used to steal my way though 1 but new rep system makes things difficult
seriously struggling for food on day 3

bull is bought and safe doe

Do I need to play the original first?


You should at least try to play through the bachelors campaign in 1. It'll be impossible to go back to 1 after playing 2 due to all of the improvements. Also Bachelors campaign isn't available yet in 2.

Day 1 buy as much food as you possibly can with every scrap of money you can get your hands on. Do this for the next few days too, but in day 2 after you unlock your base start spending all your nights in the steppe stockpiling fucktons of herbs to sell and make into medicine, while you continue buying all the food you can and hoarding it. The only other thing you should trade for is either the stuff for your inventory upgrade, or medicines, especially shmowders and antibiotics. This is what the end of my day 1 looked like.

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Well the Haruspex mechanics seemed more fleshed out than in the original so I'm hoping that the same can be said of bachelor

Are there still no non-memeing anons who will explain what the bull does?

good advice thanks
so stealing and murdering bandits is no longer viable ?

bonus question: does sprinting drain food/exhaustion?

If I remember correctly Bachelor only had this weird scope thing and he was literally one of two people in the Town that had ability to look through microscope. I wonder if IPL will add some entirely new mechanic, something more scientific.

>does sprinting drain food/exhaustion?
We don't know for absolute certainty, and don't believe anyone that tells you otherwise.

Someone have the cap of the developers self insert as a rat saying he didn't want quest markers at all?

I want to start my first new game but i feel intimidated by reading all these threads, pls send help

In one of the Kickstarter updates, ages back, they mentioned being very impressed with how they had improved the plague-o-scope. There was also a .gif of a building being quarantined by drawing a chalk X on it. I assume the Bachelor will be leading quarantine efforts in his campaign.
I also wouldn't be surprised if he gets his own crafting system, but that's solely my speculation.

So, is this a "choose one of three factions" kind of game?
Currently at day 8
I said fuck the kids, let them die
Inquisitor can fuck off to
Became leader of my kin instead

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Anal sex minigame.

You're supposed to fail. Play the game and do your best.
Pic completely unrelated. Really.

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what am i supposed to do on day 8? nothing is happening, I did killed those guys for grief and thats pretty much it

no good deed goes unpunished, user.

Do you have any Twyrine to drink?
If not, the usual loot-and-heal rounds.
t. Day 3

Have Twyrine markers ever lead to an actual quest? I just got some 2deep4u cutscenes

What do you mean, am I fucced now?
This is the only game I've played where every choice you make feels like a mistake.

MANDALOREGAMING needs to fucking review this game already!!!

It sounds plausible given the fact that we often meet him at the Town Hall. Anyway, I think I look more forward to Changeling route. It has a lot of potential and it was honestly really poorly done in original.

>so stealing and murdering bandits is no longer viable ?
Stealing is pretty viable on the first day since your reputation will go up when the day ends, but its not strictly necessary. Murdering bandits is fine, but its not the easy cashcow it was in 1. Most notably the death punishment system makes it not very viable, since bandits in aftermath districts spawn in packs and very often have knives, meaning you get murdered easily. If you can get an easy backstab on a lone bandit, kill him for free rep, loot, and even organs (for a reputation hit, so not really worth it. Infected organs are much more valuable. You can always drain blood with no penalty though).
>does sprinting drain food/exhaustion?
No idea, I've been messing around with it but I can't really tell the difference.
>There was also a .gif of a building being quarantined by drawing a chalk X on it.
You do this in Haruspec's route in a sidequest.
List of things twyrine has sent me to:
>a root location
>a bound I hadn't met yet
>a random cutscene

I only used it once and I honestly can't remember what it lead to.
But you said you had nothing to do. Isn't that why normal people drink?

Alter ego Sseth can get his memeboy army to buy it, Igor.

Do you remember how much blood vials sell for? I think I'll sell them if the price is right instead of getting plants.

"But we hope that you don’t. Pathologic 2 is supposed to be almost unbearable, otherwise the effect is lost. We concede that everyone has their own limits to push. But we strongly advise against making the game easy for yourself."
What the fuck IPL

They're just not playable? I thought I had been skipping some character select option somewhere.

By the way, could somebody fill me in on what actions pause the game's time? Seems like it keeps ticking when you're busy looting cupboards, for instance.

Why do people make jokes about them being the same person when sseth is funny and has a personality whereas mandalore is boring and managed to use the same monotone voice throughout the entirety of his limbo of the lost video?

I figure they want to make the game more accessible, so more people will buy it, so they can get the funds to finish the other campaigns as well as finish the Kickstarter backer rewards so they don't get sued.
This honestly doesn't bother me. As long as the slider starts at the default, intended value, I don't care in the slightest. People already used console commands to cheat in the original, and the Void has a fan-made Easymodo patch.
Yet. Allegedly.

>day 5
>almost out of herbs, empty bottles are getting harder to find, access to clean water is getting more restricted
>hospital task is to correctly treat 3 patients
>all while trying to figure out how to make a panacea
god dammit this game is kicking my ass

>He still can't see between the lines.

Use all your infected blood for cheap and easy antibiotics. Stockpiling infected blood for that is a good idea. Healthy blood, like organs, are less valuable, because painkillers aren't as important. Maybe keep a few extra painkillers to make your sleep more efficient for the later days.

Yeah I agree on your point . I'm just baffled that someone would describe his own game as "unbearable"

Where are the dead item shops? I found one at the start of the game but I haven't been able to find any for days now. Wish they were marked on the map.

Only being in your town/thoughts/things/people menu, or pressing esc stops time. Time is moving while you loot, and I'm pretty sure when talking to people too.

It opens after you watch the theatre performance

Wait shit, you can make antibiotics out of it? I only used infected organs and got iffy substances that I'm not sure what they do.
Gets market after you visit the theater.

>almost unbearable

Don't bother harvesting infected organs and shit to make it boy.
Literally boy, sleep on it, and the quest shall reveal itself. Don't miss it, reload if you must.

they get marked on map after seeing that nights theatre

>really want to buy and play pathologic 2
>steam just put lobotomy corp on sale as well
fuck it's not even the summer sale yet

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did they fix the crappy optimization?

I can play the game just fine, but it takes forever to load even on lowest settings/720p

Have you tried just walking there instead of waiting for the dream?

Does anyone have that map of twyre gathering locations?


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New players must be VERY confused about the whole surgeon/shaman thing and all that weird steppe terminolgy

It's an old proverb irl

Infected organ + tincture = antibiotics. The organ determines how strong they are, the tincture determines what kind.

Kin-ending when you get teleported to the tower with the kids is basically developers "Credits", so you can get some insight into what they think about it.

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No, but that probably works also.

Is it necessary to watch the performance first? Could have sworn I dealt with Dead Bro during Day 2's night before the performance.

As long as the game makes fun of the player for making the game easier and the game acknowledges you for making the game harder that's fine by me.

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Just go to sleep Artyom.

Watching the performance will mark it on your map, but it will still spawn somewhere regardless.

>two posts spelling it out
>durrrrr moar spoonfeed pls
Not gonna make it.

>die to the 4 worms stalking Rubin, again
>skip through the dialogue in the limbo theatre
>"very well, you've made your choice"
>wait what
>respawn with no health penalty
>death count drops to zero
>people stop showing up in the theatre when I die
did I fuck up?

Guys, when doing the shift for orderlies quest.
You can literally just stealth in a corner and wait for them to come back.

>die to the 4 worms stalking Rubin
How do you even do this quest without buying a gun or dying repeatedly?

get a knife and take them on 1 at a time. it's not too hard to bait them once you know where they're hiding

>mashing through dialogue in a dialogue-heavy game
I think I ruined the meeting with the friends quest on Day 3 doing the same.

What do I prioritize when cleaning my inventory? This shit is full more often than not

Nothing is more important than food, medicine, and a stockpile of trading goods that the little girls like like nuts and marbles. Those three things.

I was dying repeatedly and wanted to get back to life so I could try again

>i only enjoy this game because the people i don't like aren't able to play it

So do I focus on dumping other trading goods first? Or herbs?
Say, in this scenario, what should I start ditching? The lockpicks? I do feel I have too many

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because they're both 4channers and they have some review overlap

Herbs serve no purpose in your inventory, unless you plan on selling them.
I'd put the herbs, lockpicks and most of your food away.

Don't fucking buy the bull, don't do it bros. I don't get what triggers it, but under some circumstances the bull fucks Lara on day 6.

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full-strength lockpicks are good for trading to guards for their food and pills

two people

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>most of your food away
What? Isn't that the most important shit? You said it last reply
Or are you referring to food that takes too much inventory for the boost it gives? I'm assuming either milk or Canned food fits in that category

this meme is so fucking forced and unfunny

Just prioritize what you think you'll be doing. I barely unlocked anything with a lockpick since it's usually more hassle than it's worth, but you can use thenm to shank fools.

Just try to get the hideout early and drop all yo shit there. Also that food is going to disappear in no time.

Lockpicks to saburov's men for toast if you're not gonna use them. Stick one in your weapon slot to save your scalpel for organs. Drink your twyrine. Save the leash for the free shmowder. Bandages are worthless if you're not planning to get into fights, trade to women for food.
The herbs are probably from him picking up stay ones. Also
He doesn't have his base yet to stash stuff.

You get a hideout with safe storage Day 2. I am not the other user, and thought you were past Day 1.
Food is extremely important, yes, but you won't need that much -on your person- at once.

All food thankfully has good efficiency based on how big they are. For example bread takes up a whopping six slots but clears out a whole 80% of your hunger bar or so. Food of all sizes is good, but larger ones are better for stashing in the base because you can keep a stack of say 5 toast on you for just two slots. It depends on what you have.

>Time is moving while you loot, and I'm pretty sure when talking to people too.
I've tested it and it doesn't seem to move when speaking to people or trading with people. I had a bandit chasing me and he was in the same spot when I left.

Holy fucking shit, I can't keep up with the hunger of Haruspex. What an absolute unit.

>I'm going to buy it

Time moving isn't necessarily the same thing as people moving. You need to check the clock.

How do you get the kin ending? Is it just not having to the tower nuked after the steppe creatures beg you to take pity on them? I'm going to do a second playthrough and want all the endings. Is leaving with the inquisitor its own ending?

>the other guy didn't buy the bull

Friendly reminder that if you have friends, learn to betray them.

Does it really move when doing those two things then? I understand looting being in real time, but that's pretty fucking gay considering the game seems to push you to carefully consider the words of both yourself and others. Also the first game paused time in convos.

It doesn't.

Yeah they even made a funny 4th wall break with how it stops

>betraying your friends like a faggot
Betrayal is a crime punishable by death. I accidentally let Rubin die so there was no way in hell I wasn't going to take care of Lara and Grief.

Lockpicks can't be better than a regular old knife... right?

Guy eats 6000kcal a day yet he's lean as fuck, how does he maintain his aesthetic bros

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Bachelor is your new Rubin, enjoy

Rubin's that social outcast punk-type guy you knew in high school that you lose touch with in college, and when you next meet him he's a total sellout and, worse, a zealot for whatever new ideology he's adopted. Guy's a total asshole.
They aren't. Only ever use them as weapons as a last resort.

Knife has more durability levels I think so it should be better for combat.

shanking niggas is pretty good exercise

>aren't able to play it
lol, what's stopping you?

he's constantly sprinting miles across town, beating fags up, and pounding childhood friend pussy. Shit takes a toll.

Anons, I need your aid. Is there a gt_speed setting hidden within the game files, like in the first game? I've already finished the game once and want to do a slow, comfy second playthrough.

You know what, fuck all of you, infected or not.
I have 3 days left, I'm finishing this shit, even if none of you make it.

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Rubin might be an idiot, but he's /our/idiot

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>annoying prick
>constantly talks down to me
>completely broken by the end
Yeah sure does sound like Rubin
He's still one of the terrible three though. That's worth something in my book. Also I wanted to save everyone to see if there was any extra dialogue at the end.

>if there was any extra dialogue at the end.
I should mention that my Rubin was dead and while every other character who died had relatives/friends who mentioned them in post game, neither Lara or Grief acknowledged that he died. It gave me a bit of a laugh.

>the terrible three
Is there even permadeath in 2? I feel like literally anyone with the patience should be able to make it.

I'm in the night between day 4 and day 5: can somebody give me a hint about the location of the bull?i thought they were keeping it in the steppe but i've found nothing, in aspity's house there's a girl who knows about the sacrifice but she doesn't give information about the location. from what i understand: it's somewhere in the town and i have to look for it before 08:00 right?

Should I feel bad I'm not trying to save a lot of these idiots? Can it just be me alive at the end and I enjoy the town all to myself?

yeah, so far i guess there's two endings, the tower gets nuked or not. Maybe if you fail to protect the list the town get nuked completely.

heah, silly user, you can't leave.

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One of the endings basically leaves the town to you and THE BVLLS

Packed with worms.

Banging hot herb brides three at a time sometimes. Keeping immune system and test levels at an all time high. Sprinting through town, always on the move and hands on approach. What a chad.

you will make it bro be ready to crawl through 11 day in hunger, exhaustion and infection at the same time

i had someone on my list die and i was able to spare both the town and the poly

i mean it's a given that someone will die, Notkin is rigged to die unless you're ready, i should try to just let every fucking one die and see how it pans out.

Did your Notkin die to the plague surprise causing him to roll badly?
He survived my roll, so that might just be fucked up luck.

>walk for like 5 minutes
>rest for 1 hour
>dies while sleeping
the absolute state of Harufats

Redpill me on Pathologic 2. I've been out of vidya for a while cause my computer died and I'm posting from a shitty office laptop, is it good?
t. fan of original.

They should've made the intro an actual ending that can happen. As far as I'm aware there's no bad ending unless you count the one that you've just mentioned, as long as you can haul your beaten ass through day 11.

what, kids can survive the day 10 plague? i had mine down to like 20% infection and they still died every time

Right where the marker on your map is.

nah, seriously, what am i supposed to do on day 8? help bros

It's good but good luck playing it on an office laptop.

I had everyone survive.
They didn't survive day 11, but heheh...

Wh-what happens on day 10?

Man, this sucks. It really does mask it's own un-possibilities with the most tedious gameplay.

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Why is fat Vlad so great? Also is there any way to save both of them? I guess the kin murdered him when I sen them away.

>t. fan of original
It's what you'd expect from IPL, tons of wasted potential, tons of unfinished content, bug ridden and poorly optimized, but good.

You likely won't get playable performance if you're playin on a "shitty office laptop". Game's pretty poorly optimized

You'll find the heck out.
The plague stops playing to lose

What does it do?

I only know one way -
>Send Fat vlad, kill the kin inside in one day

Not gonna make it.

>tfw keep making decisions that get everyone killed
>tfw refuse to savescum to get better results
>tfw the plague raped my daughter
>tfw soldiers shot my wife

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It's the most despair inducing moment in the game.

Its fine I'll just make my shmowder stash even fatter.

Plague goes anime "heh, guess I'll have to use my full power"

Fuuuuuck i'm too scared to play it because i know i'm gonna fuck up.

thats what i did and he died
I couldnt even talk to him when he was in that pit after everyone left

>the plague defied it's own rules

So lads how hardcore are you? Did you drink any alcohol with some kind of strange herbal infusion while playing? Did you induce fever when you contracted the plague?

>Diurnal ending talking to everyone still alive
>Mark confirms Bachelor is going to be the next one released
>Plague Changeling implies that we be might playing as her instead of the regular Changeling

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I made a conscious decision not not play after I came home from the pub because I was too drunk to read the text properly.

I like that he's still very clearly modeled after Dybovski.

>not taking a vodka shot every time Artemy eats anything

The best game developers self-insert.
>Max payne

imagine putting DLC ads as an ingame dialogue.

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jesus fucking christ
There are better ways to kill yourself.

You are already infected

The only bad part is that I no longer think Dybovski is his voice actor in the Russian version, PLUS I've gotten too used to the English actors from the original.


>forgive me, earth mother, i'll have to go all out, just this once

>playing as plague Changeling
Man i fucking wish

Does he really eat a lot though? A piece of bread, quarter apple, piece of beef jerky, some raisins, piece of steak, a fish and nuts isn't a lot. Not to mention he's running around all day

Plague changeling is the regular changeling

Regular Changeling is CREATED by plague Changeling tho

shit user, the game said that at dawn it would have been slaughtered, i thought i had to look for it during night. thank you

i've been trading laot of stuff on day 1-2 for those fingernails
is this a good strat? it allows me to get all over the place without people ambushing or attacking me

To your credit, when you consider how filling the larger foods are, you're right. You only need 3-4 breads, fish, or steaks to get through a whole day.

Depends on what you're trading. I don't go out of my way for them but never run out.

You were always playing the plague changeling though

>Wake up at midnight of day 2 to 3
>Starving at incredibly high speed
>Before getting some food in the town,I decide to enter the House of Death really quick and then get out. That will probably end the quest and I won't risk getting infected. I told the kids not to go, so the quest will probably end once Haruspex sees the mold inside.
>Get in, try to get out
>Locked. Either the kids are playing a game with the doctor who's literally about to starve, or the legend was real
>Had to eat all the nuts I had in my inventory in order not to starve. When I managed to leave, I wouldn't be able to make it to any shop that would sell food

And that's how I justified committing genocide on innocent Kin. When Isidor said that we must look nature straight in the eyes and assert out right to life, he was surely referring to moments such as these.

I also discovered that selling organs to that guy near the Polyhedron is REALLY fucking profitable.

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>out than in the original so I'm hoping that the same can be said of bachelor
It seems that Bachellor will have a little more of a strategic element to him, having the ability to mark potentially infected districts and actually directly order the Orderlies around. Because yes: that element from Marble Nest, where Orderlies directly answer to him - that is actually now cannon and part of the game. So I suspect there is going to be something to it.

going by the fish in the game which is looks a lake whitefish, average weight being 4.5lb, I was eating about 3 smoked fish a day which is about 6600 calories. Guy's a fucking animal

This. If you actually look at the foods and have actually lived off a similar diet it doesn't seem like a lot. Eating half a loaf of bread or a tinned meat can be pretty filling, but only for a few hours.

Wait till you win THE GAME. You'll love those little rascals even more.

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>Guy's a fucking animal
But considering the amount of physical exercise he's doing and how large he is it's not as ludicrous as most people are saying. I used to work a few manual labor jobs and it really takes a toll on your stomach.
I really have to go look for marble nest again. I thought I had it downloaded but I can't find it. It's worth a playthrough to satiate my appetite for Bachelor gameplay right?

What do I need to do to talk to rat prophet as an avatar of the devs? I've seen screens but I'm not sure how.

>want to play game
>but I can't deal with this shit incoherent writing

is anyone working on a translation

Let the army fuck off and survive into the next day.
Then you'll get teleported to the tower where you can talk to the kids who are the devs messages.

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haven't played the game, but he appeared in sulmatuul playthrough after he several deaths

How do i find our where people are? That asshole Khan is in danger but I have no clue where he is

I always forget that once you accept a quest from one person, you cant accept a different version of the quest from another. Replaying the original right now and as always I have managed to lock myself into killing that stepenigger because I forgot that to get a chance to save him I have to DENY the quest and then talk to Eva

Look at the map, the red houses have people of interest in them. Unless someone fucked off to wait for you to do a quest they'll be at their home.

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Based. Apparently I saved that district from catching the plague, so a little genocide in order not to starve is merely a payment for my selfless acts, surely Bodho is on my side.The organs of the Kin are fat and fleshy, after all. Good money can be made from monetizing such organs.

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>buy the bull
>people in these threads make it seem like it will fuck you
>enjoy the bulls company
>he goes away
>people in these threads say "OH NO NO NO wait until Day 8!!!"
>day 8
>bull is back, I talk to him, he's a quiet lad.
>day 9

so.. uh... what's the deal with the bull?

Is there a way to make the fog effect more distant. It looks fucking ugly when things are foggy up close. There is something with the lightning that makes the game looks a lot worse than it should. Also needs a bit more saturation as in the original.

Trying to be as spoiler free as possible, but for some reason my health is dropping and I have no idea why. None of my bars are at max red, but my health is still very, very slowly dripping away. Like at a rate of 1% every 4 minutes. Why's my health dropping?

>Day one dialogue:
>Oh Artemy, you haven't eaten a few days...

>Actual in game Burakh:
>Eats every 30 min or die from starvation.

You're bleesing use a tourniquet

just wait for it, it has yuge payoff, would i lie to you oynon

it's just a meme, bull literally does nothing except cost you money.

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>the name actually changes

Are you infected?

THE BVLL has nothing to say unless it's 100% your worst day yet, be thankful, oinon, and don't be hasty to seek THE BVLL's advice, you only get to use it once.

imagine the huge shits he must take

if they are going to make difficulty sliders for casuals they should also enable the option to remove markers, etc.

They'll tag flavour events on the map, or caches, not essential tasks.

That's the first thing I tried, it healed a few HP but it's still draining slowly.

My infected meter is about halfway and it has green in it. So I would guess I'm not? Is there a hidden infection DoT or something?

>devs are working on an easy mode
what do you think Yea Forums?

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Wait, do you mean the immunity meter is half green or do you mean it's half red (infected) with some green?

So you got him to fuck Lara? You can do it earlier mate.

they said theyd make it very clear which one the game was made to be played on and thats all i really want. if it makes more people play the game, good

They should've just done it right away.

Honestly, they should just hire a fucking game designer, because they have a vision of what experience they want to make you experience, but no real clue how to make it an enjoyable gameplay experience, so in the end you get these insane survival bars and wonky ass combat and gun animation, thugs turning you around all the time and so on.

If they're so allergic to "dumb videogame necessities" they should've bit the bullet and made it like they want, but give you the tools to think for yourself. Extensive map markers that you could place yourself and quest descriptions would've been way better than having automatic markers, but this would require building more stuff like landmarks and other assets and system (imagine if you could draw the Lines on the map and combine it with the thoughts web making your own picture of things that happen) they don't have the means to make.

Honestly it could've been a great game if they've had someone who knows how to make an enjoyable gameplay.

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>infected meter
IF it says infected and not immunity yes, you're infected. That's why.

There's a tiny piece of red on the leftmost of the bar, about 1/8th of the total I'd guess. Then it's filled to green to the mid-point.

You're infected.

I'm disappointed, but in people more than anything else.

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What day are you on? All my kids were gone for a day until I fell asleep and had a dream, then the plague infected them and returned them to their homes.

So uhhh, how do I not get raped by odonghs that want Rubin's ass?

Press C to sneak.

is it ever clear what the fuck Rubin was working on? it's just a glowy curtain and then nobody mentions it ever.

Who's your favourite
>main character
>leading family
from pathologic HD, Yea Forums?

>herbs serve no purpose
Bachelor be gone!
Keep the jewelry, sells for big shekels when the shit hits the fan, loose the bandages - if you're fighting, you already fucked up. Use the Twyrine to highlight spots on the map. The coffee is largely useless, sell it. Keep some milk for the kickstarter event. Loose the lockpicks - either trade them or sell them.

Repent, nonBVLLiever, and may Bodho have mercy on you for doubting THE BVLL

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Did you make it to day 7?

>they should just hire a fucking game designer,
That could either be the best decision they'd ever make or the worst. At the end of the day I'd rather have fucking balls to the wall hard than casualized, at least in terms of the survival mechanics. It isn't easy, but I thought the bars were fair enough and encouraged you to make those decisions the devs wanted you to make, like whether or not you kill and pillage innocents for supplies. I managed to beat it without breaking into any homes but there were definitely a few points where I had to seriously consider it. Combat is pretty wonky though and impossible to cheese like it was in the first game.

I've completed the game, in the shower of the exposition i completely can't recall if the thing was brought up again.

Rubin then fuck off to sleep like a retard and everyone ignores that i can cure the disease with the wonderblood.

Well shit. I'm guessing that's guaranteed death then.

>If they're so allergic to "dumb videogame necessities" they should've bit the bullet and made it like [...] they don't have the means to make

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Its the first thing the inquisitor tells you when you meet her.

Inquisitor doesn't give you an ending, just gives an end to her story.

There is a third ending if you fail to retrieve the artillery co-ordinates and utterly fuck up.

It's possible to pause/advance/reverse time. It'll fuck your savegames though.

>main character
Bachelor. I loved that first play through where the game slowly descended into madness and I didn't expect it. Haruspex was great too, but it was a lot less surprising to me.
Don't remember it's been a while. I liked Clara's adherents the best because talking to them on day 11/12 was amazing
>leading family
Oligminskys. They're just my favorite to talk to. Kains just irritated me and Saburovs were only interesting in Clara's campaign.

>anyone with the patience should be able to make it.
There's your problem. A chunk of the player's are ADD anxiety fags that just want a story.

Either don't whine or do it the proper way.

There's a third "bad" ending.

>he didn't cure his bound...


Where are people finding the quest involving Rubin and the Worms? I remember a marker about him lurking near the warehouses but never found where it was... (I assume this is it? Where is it? I'm well past that, He dead now..)

while i agree that the combat is 100% bullshit and unfair, i dont think the bars are harmful to the gameplay. overwhelming the player with shit they have to do is the only way to really make you worry and get scared in a game, considering you are physically detached from the goings on ingame.

>c-could this be the work of the enemy BVLL?

Then you'll have been playing the game the way it's intended.

Do you think they will add more endings when they add more characters, or perhaps that each character will have their own unique endings?

Not yet. I hope they do this next - I’ve already had my game crash twice and I can tell it’s gonna fuck me up at some point.

It's a pleb filter to detect Americans.


>When the stars align and you finally understand how to beat unarmed people/worms with fists 100% without getting hit.

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I don't really see the problems with the combat. In an advantageous situation things work out fine, in a disadvantageous one you get your ass kicked. That's how it should be.

Yeah idk why they didn’t do the bachelor first. Artemiy really dumps you in at the deep end and I’m worried Daniil will seem babby mode in comparison.

>main character
>leading family

Have four of them stashed, any more than that though and you're wasting trades unless you intend to use the boats a lot. Find what little girls like and stock up on those items instead.

Teach me the secret.

Here it is user, get ready for it:
Blocking, block and hit for a bit and block again. The worms normal punches are actually a windmill of three hits so block three and hit, people only kick/powerpunch if you stay in block.

It's worth playing in its own right. Some different approaches to mechanics and its own atmosphere.

I quite liked the almost quicktime approach combat as well.

>I’m worried Daniil will seem babby mode in comparison.

they said they wanted each character to play differently from one another and to change things up from the first game. this is the perfect opportunity to completely change how the bachelor goes about things and make his route more difficult than it was before.. especially to BTFO the "bachelor is tutorial mode" people

>main character
Bachelor of course
Haruspex adherents,but i wish he interacted more with them
>leading family

>In an advantageous situation things work out fine, in a disadvantageous one you get your ass kicked. That's how it should be.

i understand that you aren't a superhero ingame, but the issue is that the janky animations, hitboxes and input delays make combat unfairly bullshit outside of things like 10 muggers all aggroing you at once.

also mobs like the firestarters are totally bullshit and their molotovs don't even appear midair, they just conjure fire at your feet.


Are you a brainlet, or playing the original game?

>they are making the game playable while keeping the original version
what a travesty

Bachelor. I like trying and failing to make sense of the town's mystic bullshit with logic and a fancy degree.
Little Vlad if we're going by the Bachelor's list. Grace in general.
Polyhedronfaggotry aside, Kains are a really interesting bunch and they define the town for me in a lot of ways. I think I might like Olgimskys in terms of individual characters more though. Saburovs are kinda just there, outside of Clara's route.


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Oh wow thanks user, I'll try this out. So here's my tip in exchange: blocking knife attacks is actually pretty effective too. It still hurts, but it doesn't melt your health if you successfully block them.

All much of a muchness

Game's already playable. You're just shit at it.

someone please tell me how to get to abbatoir or what to do on day 8
i am completely lost here

You speak to the Foreman?

Been to the deserted village to the South East?

foreman has literally nothing to say
taya says some mumbo jumbo how worms are making her hair

I want to plague Murky!

>been told by big steppe daddy to go to the termitary/abattoir
>map icon says i have to fight my way in


Hope you bought that shotgun, oynon.

I liked the first one a shit ton, my only real complaint was how gameified the mechanics felt. I always had a good idea of what I needed to do next and how the game wanted me to do that. Did they fix this in 2?

They did this before with the void

oh SHIT I actually just got one from Grief for killing the people in his warehouse...

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Fuck off cringeling

Why the hell is every woman in this game a 11/10 qt3.14, you fucking degenerate vodka niggers?!

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Honestly depends on what you would describe as gameified mechanics user.

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with this murf_this character? doesn't own the game, is in this thread and other threads whining like a fucking baby.. probably the same person whining in these threads, so if you are reading this I hope you die in a fire

because the head of IPL is based

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it fucks Lara

>the void was based off of all his favorite dating sims

We like cute girls. Who doesn't like cute girls, really?

Better question is what happened to Clara's face.

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the 3 main characters look older in general,maybe it's supposed to represent their actors are actually older now

Someone post the pic of him telling the story of the guy who froze his feet.

... that twyre-addled madman.

H-how user

I haven't played the original version of this game.
Is 2 just a straight up better version of it?

Well for me, Haruspex looks much younger compared to original game
Bachelor on other side looks like he is in mid 40's, despite being only 2 years older than Haruspex, and also a manlet
Changeling looks older than her original version

I mean, pretty much. It's worth going back to it for the music and Bachelor's /Clara's routes though.

Couldn't find the pic so I found the interview instead, it's as crazy as I remember.
>11:30pm - Against all the odds I think I am outdrinking the Russians. Alex's post-op fears have gone down with the absinthe, and Nikolay has started swaying and telling "It's bloody cold in Russia" stories. My favourite involves a man who runs to the shops at midnight in Siberia and is terrified when he hears the devil's hooves clanking behind him. He gets home and realises the clanking was coming from his sock-clad feet which have frozen solid. "The funny thing is," says Nikolay, "he had to have them amputated two weeks later."

So what is the appeal of this game? Isn't it just a overglorified walking simulator?


>everything i know about this i learned from mandalore

i honestly think his review of the first game contributed to the sequels low sales.

There are worse there. You can be sure though that if they fuck their savegames, they'll be the loudest complainer.

I get that Ice-Pick are hard to love, that they frustrate players, but I feel sorry for them when they have to deal with retards like that.

>Who doesn't like cute girls, really?

Honestly? It's different to most other games. It expects, tolerates and understands failure, but it gives you the possibility to do well. It hates you and loves you at the same time. Kind of treating you with an indifferent respect that you have to earn.

Pretty cool story, good atmosphere [think S.T.A.L.K.E.R. levels atmosphere] and its a game that is fun to talk about after you've played it.

why is my peepee hard

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I feel silly that I only realized sneaking was a thing by day 5.

>i honestly think his review of the first game contributed to the sequels low sales.
Is the game really that well known?
I honestly never really heard of it outside of the rare threads on here. Wouldn't have even tried it if not for them.

Fuck... even the facebook thread comments - with the difficulty announcement are less dumb that the shit flinging on the steam forum.

Fucking steambabbies...

Are herb sluts like female versions of the worms or just a the kin's version of a nun?

>steam babies crying about difficulty
just kill some soldiers bro

Attached: easy.png (539x801, 461K)

There's some kind of symbolism here.

It's working the way it's supposed to.

honestly I think the whole "walking simulator" meme is actively causing this butthurt, people go in expecting to stroll around and look at the pretty scenery and act surprised when they catch steppe aids and die.

how much more game do you want? punch combos? surgery XP and skill trees? what the hell else could they possibly add that would make it more game?
>inb4 the combat is bad therefore it doesn't exist

>Army comes in
>Lead a bunch of looters to one of their fortified spots
>All hell breaks loose
>Based pyro bro slowly walks forward
>Burns soldiers and looters alike
>Soldiers try to put him down
>He kills fucking everyone
>Silently lets me loot their remains

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teach us

buh muh angsighidy...

>just play the game like a fucking bachelor haha lmao

How far away do I have to lure the three guys for the “help Rubin escape” mission?

Comes across as a crosssection between rpg fags that want stats to do what they can't, and gone homos who don't want to be challenged.

seems bugged, only got it to work when I started killing them

Friendly reminder that Lara is a thot and Agayla is your true waifu, be sure to try to flee the town with her!

Where the fuck do I find herbs

I'm running around the steppe like an onyon, I can't ever see the herbs so I wait until I run into flies and circle around until I grab a herb I already have 10 of

He wants players to feel even worse...

After Day 1 you should be able to find large amounts around the graveyard, the marshes, the sheken village and the rock outcroppings: crow head and altar

>expecting them to catch steppe aids

They die out of starvation senpai.

Late at night they get particle effects that make them easier to spot.

I just beat Classic HD Pathologic Bachelor story. After seeing the endings I am convinced the best choice is to destroy the town and save the polyhedron
Although from what I saw of Haruspex that playthrough, playing his story line may make me see the opposite. Fuck the Changeling option though.

You wouldn't make a very good butcher, emshen. Lure away? You should feast on their bounty of flesh and feed their blood to Mother Boddho.

I find some swevery by the rock pillars and the ends of the river (the branching bits). Any of the rock formations in the south sometimes have rare twyre.

A max durability knife destroys them pretty easily. There is also no reputation for killing them. Furthermore, they don't loot anyone they kill so extra shit if there's a fight. The firebats are either unkillable or have obscene health.

No thanks, I'm staying loyal to my kiddos.

Just "feed" them both to your BVLL, you don't need any waifu when you have THE BVLL.

The virgin odongh vs the chad bull

how am I supposed to take on three people at once? I keep getting swarmed and stunlocked

>notkin ded
>kahn ded
>sticky infected but I healed him
>capella said she was gonna become a mistress and take the kids away

am i fucked?

Well... given that the Bachelor uses the Polyhedron as a buttplug his entire playthrough is geared towards protecting it.

The choices become more interesting in the original when you have more of the hidden parts of the endings to take into account and what the Polyhedron can be seen as.

In this new release, the Polyhedron makes a juicy target that's hard to resist. Haruspex bias partially, but in terms of what is revealed to be happening it makes a good argument for shelling the fucker.


How do I upgrade my inventory? There’s a workbench at the hideout but it requires some cloth item that I don’t have

People are pretty easy, you just do a wind up punch that's timed to hit them as they approach you, this staggers them giving you two more free hits. Then back off and block to regenerate stamina, then hit them as they approach again.

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How's Murky?

Don't give up.

It's an item of clothing you can get at the clothing stores - the diy cloak. Further upgrades require better materials.

use weapons to quickly remove one or two of them

Those are cloaks you can buy at clothing shops. Or find in infected/post infected if you're lucky.

Shoot them, then stab them.

>The choices become more interesting in the original when you have more of the hidden parts of the endings to take into account
True. One of the things that makes me favor saving only the polyhedron and not both is finding Eva on the last day and saving her soul. Eva is best. Also Andrey is best bro. Favorite side quest was with him looking for her.

I wish this game had a side arcade mode where you just tried to survive for as many days as you can while keeping certain people alive.

I need a shoopmaster to turn bobby into the bachelor here.

Attached: bobby.jpg (480x352, 40K)

I imagine survival is trivial once you remove needing to complete tasks. Most of the difficulty comes from not having the time to take care of yourself. Might be comfy for a while though.

Play the other two characters, Bachelor causes more harm than help. living with the Bachelor is bad for your health

Did you find Eva in the Cathedral at the end?

Anyone have that fan made comic where the Bachelor goes ape shit when he discovers the bandits stole his coat?

Attached: the_knick_s02e09_still.jpg (1296x730, 143K)

I'll give it a try. Give me a bit of time.

One could probably easily shoop this full scene and capture playing Pathologic.

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How do I prevent the Bridge Square from getting infected on day 6?

Is this remake of Pathologic or new one?

do infected heart and brains even exist in this game? i've tried to take them from some plagued mobs but they were always clean.


light the candles

Thank you user

I did find her. That's what sways my opinion in favor of destroying the town. Only way to let her soul move on. Although maybe that sends her to hell.

Third ending turned otu to be a big stinkpile. You just get teleported to the theater and reprimanded for not doing a good enough job.

Also, the game will actually tell you everything even if you don't go to the quest places, so ignore those main quests and loot!

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was being molested by the cringeling but i put a stop to that and now she lives in her boxcar

which house? is there a quest prompt, or do I just have to find it on my own?

>all the kids playing this game because they aaw the Yea Forums approved mandalore talk about it while he poorly explains the game
>confused as to why it's so hard

the one where notkin talks about going to, maybe you can't do it outside of that questline dunno

They do. I just found infected brain.

isn't he recommend to not play this game

>i warn you the doll is cursed
>oh that's bad
>but it comes with a free shmowder
>oh that's good!
>the shmowder does health damage
>oh that's bad
>the shmowder comes with sprinkles
>oh that's good
>the sprinkles have [incomprehensible russian]
>can i go home now?

>boot up the game
>no less than 2 hours in i've gotten my shit kicked at least 10 times
>all my meters in the red
>barely enough slav bucks to buy anything
>hardly even matters since everyone and their mother is trying to fucking murder me
>the only person who'll trade with me is the slumlord living in the warehouse
am i doing this right

So im trying to see how many time the game will let you die and if you do it enough you sometimes get buttons and cotton balls for organs when you cut people up
Which means the first game's secret ending is also canon in Pathologic 2, in which the whole town is a game 2 kids are playing with dolls
It's also funny how Mark asks if you are dying on purpose. Imagine the butt devastation of a steambabby or games journo being asked that for sucking.

Can someone teach me how to create the panacea, please

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he recommended not to play the first one if you cant handle hours of tedious walking. also if you watched all the spoilers (which everyone did) it really does take a lot of the intrigue out of it.


Special blood from shekken [to start with] and tincture

I visited Notkin and he has nothing to say

Fuck this murky water shit hasn't it occured to harusex that I can just empty it rather than keep it forever?!
Dumb fucking backwood hicks

Do the quest Sticky gives you.

Who's the shekkel? I'm already on day 5, repaired brew machine to maximum and also created serums from infected organs

Or what day I would be able to create panacea?

>(which everyone did)
This is sad honestly. Not only in games but looks like a lot people want to know spoilers before playing games. reading books/manga/comics/VN and watching tv/anime/movies. Why is this so common behavior right now?

It was just before sunset on Day 3 that the survival meters finally caught up to me. Too low on money, trade goods, only food left is a piece of rotten food and the nuts that do practically nothing. No time to sleep, obviously. Decided to try House of Death, anyways.
Notkin ignored me. Dumb shit. Dumber shit that I am, I missed the most obvious of the six candles for like five minutes, so my immunity was almost completely gone. All of my clothing are gone.
Day 4, got infected fully a few minutes after midnight.
Managed to get to the Dead Item Shop and get enough food to get me upright, then got the sleep I needed at Peter Stamatin's.
This is much tougher than the original, Jesus fucking Christ. I'VE ONLY SEEN ONE SHMOWDER SO FAR AND I PASSED ON IT FUCK

Should be able to make progress Day 6/7

>when you figure out you can actually cross the water right at the lock

im so used to a foot of water being impassable

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my friends do this, according to them they are too busy to actually play the games so they just read spoilers and watch lets play

>leave an item in the cache before you take from it Burkah-kun
>otherwise it ruins the game!

>loot the cache
>leave something
>never refills

Fucking kids, let me play as the bachelor already

>when nothing you say is true but you gotta whine about something
i think twitter would be more to your tastes

Day 6,
8 shmowders on stock.
1 used on Notkin[

Does this mean you left others to their fate?

be prepared to use most of them on him. kid has the constitution of a 90 year old lady

Schmowder 1
> There is a playground near the town hall where kids play hide-and-seek. If you find 1-3 of them within that playground, they trade it for 5 value (i.e. 1 proper nut)
Schmowder 2
>Keep the leash from the Lika quest and starting on c. day 4 trade it in to a doghead girl in Han's hideout

You can also occasionally find them in the dead things shop, they are pricey (40+) but nothing a handful of bloodied bandages/livers wouldn't do

>Schmowder 1
That's the one I skipped.
I deserve to be personally responsible for the death of the entire town.

Well, I've gave immunity to all characters. just Notkin got infected because of the house.

What is the Fate No More cheevo? Is it for rejecting Burakh's inheritance?

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Yeah and of course, as usual, little girls are your best friends. I'd advise you save rings and valuable nuts/raisins exclusively to trade for schmowders (c. 20+ value)

I don't have the supplies for that.
Nikolay=lolicon reaffirmed, check

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The dream where you face the three men at the train station. Let them kill you, take a big hit to your health as a consequence.

I thought it was suspicious the dream was so short.

When you have a lucid dream on day 1, the one where you have to re-live the confrontation with factory workers at the very beginning of the game, do not fight back. Either run away or just let them stomp you into the ground. Warning - it WILL drop your health to almost nil in the waking world

Ok... why is it that the biggest complainers on the steam forum are women?

Have I just been lucky with the women that I know that play and enjoy the game?

What the fuck do i do at the Butchery? I get that i can't fight those worms, they fucking 2-shot me, while i can't do shit even with 3 back attacks, so i just sneak through. But the worm at the end table says that i need to bind some items, that i found here. Do i really have to kill those worms to get something?
If i do, then i simply quit the game. I get that i'm fragile and also shit at hand-to hand combat dunno why though, Haruspex seems like a tough dude so i simply didn't fought at all through the game, not counting a few sneak kills. But if i HAVE to fight those shitheads one on one and die over and over again, with this abysmal combat, then it just contradicts everything that IPL tried to say with their systems throughout the entire game. I really hope that i missed something and just don't get the riddle.

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the ones on steam forums are women (male)

I suspect because they are the audience for shite like Dear Esther/Gone Home/Life is Strange and got a wrong impression that this was somehow similar?

Is there some sort of definitive list of shit you're supposed to do on each day? This game is obtuse I can't tell what the fuck is a sidequest or a main quest anymore.

You know women that play Pathologic?
The devs don't count.

You're supposed to fail your way through the game and then play it again when you know how much time you need to do everything.

I feel like this does nothing tbqh. Even if I burn my + tinctures, I get a character infected on a daily basis. And only the good ones as well - Fat Vlad and Anna Angel keep dodging their 15% survival chances like a black father would dodge alimony

That's by design.
If it's marked on your map with a special icon, it's probably important.
As far as I know, there's no handy equivalent to the "fail quest=NPC gets infected" mechanic, so you can always try skipping quests that don't seem important/valuable/safe enough. You slobbering pussy.

A really good and comprehensive guide for the OG Pathologic in slavspeak that is one of the first ones available online is written by a woman

Fuck me I did that hide and seek thing but none of them had shmowders to trade FUCK

not him but yeah my female (female) friend really loves the game, she gifted me the HD version a while ago actually which got me into it

Yeah, my girlfriend. She didn't finish Bachelor though, dropped it at day 7 or smth.

That's cheating.
I meant, personally know. Like, IRL friends.

The Polish one?

Is the army in at that point? Just get a shotgun and go to town.

One from university, another through forums and another through work. All three competent players.

Alright, good to know. I couldn't tell if this game was supposed to be this confusing or if it was because I was playing it at 4AM last night while hammered out of my mind.

I think they are guaranteed to have one, although who does is mixed up - I got it from the lats kid I found once and from the second one when I reloaded a save to un-fuck my failures and bad life decisions four days on

Btw does anyone know where in the warehouses to find Stakh starting on day 4?

I killed the unkillable

Attached: kill the unkillable.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

How can i save Rubin? I killed all steppe muggers that chased him two times but he still ended up dying after inquisitor arrival

Behind and to the left of Grief's place.

Does the "seriously bartering" task on Day 2 actually do anything? I don't think it ever sent my reputation up, or got any sort of follow-through.
ehhhhh check out this bug-eyed motherfucker

Why is this game $40? I thought it would be 20$ at most

so guys, i have a some question, does the cache miniquest on day where you have to find the cashes from the 3 groups of kids ends in special way, or does it just wrap up when you visit the Nutshell? And does leaving anything in the caches actually change anything or is just a ploy to guilt trip you?

and another thing, does canceling the death penalties really lock you out of good ending?

Fuck... they use hardcore buttplugs... a chisel??!

It always sends your rep up when you give more than you take, but beyond that, no idea if it does anything.

>game doesn't tease you by having flamethrower fuel for loot but no flamethrower

Made peace with the Kin? Checked up on Rubin?
25 hour, feature complete, detailed 3D world.

Army is in. I am looking for blood for the Panacea inside the Bull's Project and the game stripped me from all my stuff when i entered.

>the game stripped me from all my stuff when i entered.

big bull man even TELLS you this

>be fujo
>see this game
>"oh yeah i played this game x years ago, i wonder if this game has nice boys in it"
>playing it for 30+hours, draggin my sorry ass through hunger, thirst, infection and other nice things
>game fucking pisses me, but i can't stop because FUCK YOU MARK I DIDN'T COME ALL THIS WAY FOR NOTHING
>complete the game with town ending
>"shit this game is so good"

Not sure about an ending beyond finding the Nutshell. No idea on if there's a penalty for not playing by the kid's rules.

Seems to be the case that IPL are pointing, laughing and screwing people that thought they could trade without consequences. Plebs will learn, one way or another.

I guess I'm fucking retarded, then.
Keep that in mind on future playthroughs.
Consensus seems to be that leaving things in the cache does nothing, though I always left the note in.
I still haven't found the last cache, near the tombs, and it's been DAYS since I first got the task, so I assume they're just user-friendly caches put in by the developers. The quest framework is probably just a cutesy way for Artemy the Ripper to interact with the town's children.
I still haven't died yet, miraculously.

i love when you get the 'save everything' ending and you just get to bask at all the crazy up shit going on

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I know. It doesn't change the fact that i can't kill a single fucking worm with my bare hands. I can sneak past them, but what the fuck do i do then?

You get it back at the end.

you do know blocking completely protects you from fists, right? also if you go for backthumps you should be able to kill them fairly easily.

Am I right that the caches disappear after day 4?

Check a little back from the tip of the cliff and to the left. Look for a lantern. There's a way down there.

>mfw similar to you but just retarded, not a Leatherface-tier retarded murderer

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At the start of the game, someone mentions that someone broke into the shop with meat and that I should check that out. Where the fuck is the place, I searched everywhere in the warehouse

Still there throughout the game.

Is the infected house you need to mark on day 5 random, or is it the same every time?

I've strong punched the worm like three times from the back and one from the front, he simply didn't care.
>blocking completely protects you from fists
Didn't notice that it was complete. I simply didn't fought at this game at all. Good fucking CHOICE at day 10.

I thought the lantern was suspicious.
I'm dying on Day 4. No time. If I happen to get sent to the tombs for a quest, I'll check it out, oynon.

You're meant to trade with the guy on the train tracks.

>tfw reading about Mari-El

Do you think this is what the gaem was based on?
Also have any RF anons ever visited it, or known anyone raised there who worshiped the old gods?

I am pulling this out of my ass but this could be a nod to the original, where the same rumour was circulated
There wasn't a meat warehouse

ye so far i manged to gather that you mostly just need to talk with the 3 groups of kids, one behind the cathedral, one near the Nina's tomb and one next to the kain's residence. When you visit the nutshell you bump into changling and she mutes you, so after that you follow all tips from the cashes and the last one is in the Gut, near Vlad's place, it says "she left the nutshell, now we craft.' that's the queue to go there. I was kinda hoping there would be like a group of kids who would evaluate your choices in regards to leaving shit in the cashes, but oh well, at least now i can plunder them without guilt

and yea seems you get the bad end if you remove the death penalties, is there a way to get around it somehow or should I just git gut and not die, like never ever?

there's a bunch of kin standing in front of the factory 2 (your future base) that sell like 4 pieces of meat, just follow the tracks after leaving the notkin place

You could try gitting truly gud and pressing on despite deaths.

>should I just git gut and not die, like never ever?
Not so much avoiding death, but rather deal with its consequences.

In the character list, what is the significance of the different body parts?

yea thats what i thought, i was just taken by surprise on day 4 because i was just hunting down some mobs at night and then i get one shot by the due with a knife, my health was about 50 or less i think, so I just kept dying on purpose to see how low can the stats go after that. I'll start a new save slot and not make a deal afterwards
i think it's just fluff, your adherents, the list is the most important i think

I think it is divided by the main character/ideology they support, with all Burakh's Bound being under "Blood" and all the Utopians/Cringeling's scum segregated accordingly

>sip some twyrine on day 4
>points me to Anna, who wanted to talk about a dream she had and the utter state of her life
>sip some twyrine on day 5
>points me to Eva, who talked about the same dream and how her death is inevitable
Poor Eva is still fucked whenever Bachelor's route comes out, isn't she?

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I bet there's a shit tone of Bachelor x Haruspex yaoi somewhere in the debts of the internets...

>IPL game
>not having a female character who's hopelessly in love with a protagonist and kills herself because she thinks there's no other way for her to help
I mean you're always welcome to hope.

>having time to do drugs
I wish I were as skilled a physician as you.

I don't care about getting my shit back. I am just butthurt about the fact that at the end of the game about gameplay choices i am fucking stripped of them and have to fight both with the clunky combat (which is completely intended and i get why) and a shitton enemies.

I just drink twyrine whenever I get it. It doesn't raise the Bound's immunity high enough and so far's been otherwise worthless. So I just pop it when I see it and hope I get time or run by the marked location by accident

Fuck, now that I think about it, that's a much better system than I've been using.

Hope is the only thing that keeps some of us going.
Hope that maybe you can throw Maria off some roof instead.

Hey, you're bound to run in circles around the whole town anyway, might as well take a sip in the morning to see if there's anyone looking to talk. Worth mentioning that both of those dialogues were pretty interesting too and nothing else during the day pointed me towards them.

ye and it seems twyrine does indeed unlock places, like a cache location won't have a footlocker otherwise if you dont drink it beforehand

>you have to be drunk enough to see certain things
I bet the bull is behind this.

it is, but its mostly cringy tumblr shit, i didn't see a single quality porn stuff maybe i should try lurk at russian websites some day...

The power of Twyre is beyond your comprehension. Twyrine boozing is the only reason the Polyhedron exists.

>we will never see Maria/Capella /ss/
Why even live?

The whole plot wouldn't exist if a certain person wasn't drunk enough to build a certain thing.

>teenage boy won't accept my shotgun in a trade

immersion ruined

ye like there's a stash on the northern end of the eastern landmass (the ones where stamatin's studio is located) and i checked it without guzzling twyrine, it didn't have the lockbox, so im pretty sure at least SOME things only spawn when you drink it

When you leave the Abatoir you get them back.

Fuck guns, they want stabby things.

>using a gun like a pussy and not proving how manly you are to all the smug bitches in the playground by ripping and tearing with knives and razorblades
You fucked up, khatanger

How I made through this part
>inb4 shitter
The brides in the second atrium give you a scalpel, equip it as a weapon
>Press C for stealth
>Charged attack behind worms' backs
>2 hit them
Easy, do not drink. Just sip, remember, just sip

How's the performance? Anyone managed to play with an GTX 660 Ti?

gtx 680 here and it's fine outside of stuttering. Think you need an SSD for that. Or download more ram.

I run it with 1080 Ti and still get pretty nasty FPS drops on occasions. Running it in fullscreen does alleviate it somewhat but it's still kinda shit

the answer to this will affect whether i play this now or wait until daniil and clara's scenarios are out
do i get to fuck aglaya

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Damn, I have the RAM but no SSD to help. Guess I could buy it__ and hope for the best

Its possible to save Aglaya on 11 day? I cannot even find her.

if im interested in the story of the 3 original characters from the first should I just play HD? or are they playable in 2?

Oh she gets fucked alright user.

I think the other two character will come out as new episodes for pathologic 2, so yea, you should play the HD edition, it's a solid 70 hours of gameplay anyway

There's an alternate route where you escape the town on train with her and she becomes your wife after confessing her feelings for you

haruspex in 2 is haruspex from classic, just expanded/tweaked. same character, same rough plotline.

other two characters aren't done yet. all the same, 2 isn't a bad starting point. though it might be easier to go from the jank of Classic to 2 than the other way around.

Get the original on sale. Play the Bachelor. Play this released game for the Haruspex and new mechanics. You won't miss out on much in terms of the original game's Haruspex playthrough. It'd be interesting to backwardsly compare it though after you play the new one.

Fucking Bachelor dug himself into my front porch to keep me out of my house!

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Ain't playable yet because the devs got fucked over by the ruski """""economy""""". Will be released at a later time, moot willing


>the kids decide they're bored of playing plague with their dolls and decide to play house instead

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This screenshot looks like a Bosch painting. It's glorious

these city dandies think they're so smart with their noclip

There are significant differences in his story, and characters have entire motivations switched around

Also all his endings now relate strictly to him, instead of just being the other character's endings.

pathologic 1 and 2 has a surprisingly big female playerbase for some reason

Is the French AZERTY fag on steam still whining - despite being given the fix for their problem?

I am really looking forward to seeing what they do with the Bachelor. His dialogue in the marble nest was top notch, made him sound like a proper cheeky cunt

well women to tend to like story based games more

Why are steam epic gamers crying about the game being "unfinished"? The hell

it seems you gonna get bacheLOCKED

o shit, you caught me talking out my ass, I'm only on day 4. Grief stands out for me, I like his changes.

that's good to hear though.

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Reading hard.
Gib Bachelor
Muh story
Muh anxiety

That covers most of it.

"Unfinished" as in janky af? Or the fact that it only has one character available at the moment?

>legitimate to an extent but blown out of proportion
please elaborate? how could anyone complain about it?
l m a o


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>Muh anxiety
are there people actually complaining about this

it's like the entire point of the game

>They did this before with the void
they did?

There's a segment that just want a story and to not have to play the game. Usually coincides with crying that the player needs to eat and sleep - these same individuals also claim to have played the original - where they also needed to eat and sleep ...they must have forgotten that part?

I hope they completely revamp the Bachelor's route because it will feel very basic after playing as the Haruspex and Clara

Attached: savage bachelor.jpg (500x287, 50K)

I'd imagine he's going to have a gimmick similar to brewing shit and cutting up people. Maybe a minigame where you try to pay as little attention as possible to Eva.

I see. That does not bode well. Thanks anyway
I'll probably end up playing it sooner or later anyway even if I try to avoid it.

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It'll be a hentai game where he proceeds to get fucked for the duration then the Thanatica gets shelled.

Clara will put her beanie on him then squat-piss over his face.

I would say that there may be a reason for this. Someone who had played way too much of the original would eventually have gotten so good at breaking it that the survival aspects become irrelevant after day 2, sometimes even 1. They might have forgotten the initial shock of playing it or gotten to used to abusing burglaries

Who knows... you might get happier options with the other two characters, we just don't know.

The way they handle the romance is quite sweet - while it lasts. She's an utter sperg yet you can't help but feel protective of her.

he'd probably have something for immunity, since he's all about those vaccines, so maybe ampules that grant complete or 90% immunity? And probably the looking glass will make an appearance back too

ospina is a better waifu though

Is "do I buy the bull you guise" the best fucking primer for the entire game concept or what?

>should I spend a not inconsiderable chunk of resources and time getting a thing from the local equivalent of Crazy Hassan's Used Camel Emporium?
>but it's a thing in a video game which means it has to pay off later, right? surely they wouldn't put it in if it didn't end up getting me a net profit, right?
>what do I do bros, what if I miss out on content? I gotta do everything in the game and I gotta make sure I do it all right the first time through

Watching all the people in these threads agonize over that one little event puts a big ol' smile on my face.

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They can say whatever they want. I was satisfied by the BVLL.

>Mandalore will try to make the joke
>will not be funny since the fun comes from people being unable to decide if they want to buy the bull or not and needing to ask the threads
that will teach him

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>I was satisfied by the BVLL
didn't realize you were in the thread, Lara



Now put that steppeslut down!

I don't even get why people make a big deal about the bull, he costs nothing.

So what did I mess here?

Attached: runbin.png (689x475, 81K)


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What they should really do is make the bull cost like 1500-2000.


Would still be a better deal than that piece of shit revolver.

you didn't mess it up, it'll fix itself the next day, some quests are like that, some solve themselves in future, while others can be actually locked due to them not triggering correctly


I may be mistaken, but I don't think you've officially messed up a quest chain unless it says something like "some events aren't meant to be."

Yeah if you miss something there's a yellow mark on it that will say something to that effect.

I don't get the hate for the revolver
>relatively cheap
>2 bullets to pop a nigga from a safe range, good for clearing crowds
>cheap to maintain as long as you don't let it get too fucked up
>I understand it can also be used in a quest later
What's not to like?

speaking of CHEEVOS I can't help but notice that only 0.1% of steamies have the Whee! achievement. If it's anything like the one in the original, I'm honestly surprised more of you haven't tried it.

I guess probably because you can't get there until very late in the game.

3k is like 10 things of food on day1-2 and you absolutely don't need a revolver to kill people.

Day 1: Halfway to saving up money for revolver

Yeah, but easy story games.

>Takes two rounds to the head
>breaks faster than chink shit
>could buy a bull or food instead

gorgeous animation though

>buying food

problem is that in some places, for example when you trigger the quest for the gravedigger's daughter. If you learn from Clara that she's about to die from talking to your dead father the quest is fine, but if you get to know about from a random kid the quest thought will have candles instead and will be like "There's something going on in the cemetery" and will actually get bugged a bit, and the ending for the quest isn't visually connected to the previous thought. Same thing was was with the guy buying organs, it doesnt trigger trigger at first when you sell it to him at times

Well ok I get it from that perspective. Even so, I don't seem to have any food issues whatsoever until c. late day 5-6 and even then it's manageable. Plus it makes looting abandoned districts much easier

A bit confused how treatment works. Sometimes tinctures do damage to the person without revealing anything and sometimes it says where it's located. Is it random? Also do the Tinctures+ work any better on treating? Thanks

>can't eat the organs you cut out of people
lemme nibble on a kidney or something to get by. c'mon, we've all done it. desperate times, eh?