Which Yea Forumsidya characters are the biggest chads?
Which Yea Forumsidya characters are the biggest chads?
The Chadest
Begone Vegitofag
Broly movie just confirmed that Gogeta and Vegito are the same character wearing different clothes.
He has a gigaChad square jaw and muscles in the manga
>literally 0-2 because he's a cocky tard
Friendly reminder that there was no implication of a reduced fusion time for Gogeta in the new movie, he's literally just a better Vegito at this point.
This, Gogeta is just a slightly weaker Vegito since Goku and Vegeta are fairly equal in power. I love them both.
>meanwhile Gogeta is 0-0 because he got speedblitzed by a dende tier dragon
He fucking got absorbed on purpose so he could free the kids and piccolo holy fucking shit he could have dabbed on Buu at any moment but wanted to force him to absorb him
How is it like fucking 20 years later people still can't understand this simple shit holy fuck
Theres reduction time for ssj3 for gotenks, it's safe to assume that blue gets time reduction
The nuts and bolts version of Banjo Kazooie
>completely stomps Broly for the entirety of his screentime
>literal death howl from Broly before he got deus ex machina'd away
>implying it's anything other than an absolute victory
You can argue your technicality as much as you want, everyone knows how that would have ended.
>reduction time
SSB is literally just super saiyan with god ki, if anything, Gogeta would get his time reduced as much as SS1 Gotenks did (IE not at all)
Rosterfags should be a banned
>jobgito vs chadgeta
jewelryfags are innately inferior to the cultured men of dance solely because the fusion clothes are tight as fuck
and no time drain lmao
also this, gotenks just napped for like twenty five minutes as a soup or salad
is this a dokkan thread now? when's 4th anniversary on global bros?
>Trying to start Gogeta vs Vegito arguments
Stop it, they're the same and both are cool.
The real question is, how did Kais ever manage to put on Potara without accidentally fusing? They didn't even have to be the same pair since Kibitokai happened because they each took off one of their earrings.
don't take them off at the same time?
But do they have to put them both on at the exact same time? That sounds like it would be difficult.
June or July, also the data for Janemba's EZA is in the game, and curiously SS3 Gotenks' so we might have the Kid Goku Dokkanfest first
I don't think this is up for debate. I mean, the man never wears a shirt and can bench press planets.
the fusees have to have one on the ear opposite the other in order for the fusion to happen. if you take turns removing them, or take them off at the same time making sure that you both remove the left or right one first so you don't accidentally fuse, you should be fine in theory
love this guy
Chadgito >= Gogechad
>solves love triangle with canon threesome
>never lets anyone tell him what’s impossible, calls people on bullshit excuses or self pitying crap
>doesn’t take shit but will wreck yours
>when stranded on a deserted island, gets proactive and later makes it his fucking pirate base
the Broly movie already debunked this fan theory that the metamoran fusion only sums power but actually increases it exponentially. And Gogeta was also able to keep the fusion active far longer than Vegetto did with Zamasu
Wish they didn't fuck him over so hard in Super
>not making the dick a laser sword
In my headcanon, Super Trunks is a different person to Z Trunks