Mario Maker gets a May Direct

>Mario Maker gets a May Direct
>Pokemon gets a June Direct

What are they planing for E3?
Nintendo didn't even seem this cocky with the expo presentations when it was whipping out Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey in consecutive years.
Is Doug Bowser giving us a tour of his Animal Crossing home?

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Other urls found in this thread: confirms animal crossing still releasing 2019

either their E3 this year is legitimately packed that they had to split it up like this, or they're going ultimate shill with these frequent game directs lately.

Last year was Smash focused, the year before was Odyssey focused, and the year before THAT was BotW focused.

Animal Crossing will be the focus this year.

And it's also getting delayed to 2020.

>game isn't rushed
>but it doesn't come out in time for you to experience Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years in-game

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I think they listened to people bitching from last year where too much of it was focused on Smash because they had nothing else.

>tfw it’s a SMT V direct

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The best opportunity to shill is E3, though. It would've made more sense to focus on AC and Pokemon there because they're gonna be this year's big sellers.

Animal Crossing is totally getting delayed. I can sense it.

Don't look into it too much. Pokemon always has seperate presentations before E3. It means nothing in terms of the content they';; be presenting in their direct.

There's a good number of major titles that we already know about (Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Astral Chain, Daemon X Machina, Link's Awakening), which can easily cover 20 minutes just between them in usual direct format.

Whatever they have planned, it must be big enough to warrant not including two already major releases.

They'll include it, they just won't give it a gigantic chunk of time like going over new features in detail in Mario Maker 2 or whatever they're doing in Sword/Shield direct.

pikmin 4

Don't care about what they show as long as Bayo 3 and SMTV get some kind of news.

c'mon Pikmin 4 come home

The BotW-focused E3 was a huge hit for them so they'll keep doing that type of E3 show where they deep dive into their biggest upcoming title instead of spending equal time on different things until it blows up in their face and they try something else.

>Mario Maker gets a May Direct
>Pokemon gets a June Direct
>still has Animal Crossing, Prime 4, SMTV, Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, Links Awakening remake sitting in his pocket on top of any games yet to be revealed
Its safe to say Nintendo can really take home the gold this E3 without even trying.

they will include it, but like 5 mins for both with just a release date reminder

Pikmin is not a headliner

if you know atlus you would know they will never let nintendo to allow anything significant with smtv on their own
they gonna do it themselves at some japanese convention or their own show

Smash, Animal Crossing Metroid

Breath of the Wild wasn't even a deep dive. It was literally just the first big trailer we got for it and then they went right to Treehouse demos. 2017 was a more normal E3 where they covered a lot of games, it's just that Mario naturally has his primus inter pares status as the last big trailer, and Jump Up Superstar is a great song.

The only one that was really weirdly in depth was Smash going over a giant "here's what's changing from 4 to Ultimate" and we still got other trailers out of that.

If you know atlus you know THEY DO WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT

All Treehouse did all day was play BotW.

tell that to Nintendo

If we don't see an Animal Crossing release date for 2019, I will be incredibly sad.

>Pokemon Astral Smash Crossing Mansion Prime 4: Awakeningnetta

You should already know what it is

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Everything here that isn't already out needs screentime + anything that's unannounced and revealed at the event. People already know about Mario Maker and Pokemon

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Don't get your hopes up. I've given up on Nintendo, the only good games they put out were BotW and Ubisoft's Mario x Rabbids. Odyssey is a shallow scavenger hunt, smash's online is broken, ARMS is dead, Splat 2 is for lolicons trans and furry, Xeno 2 was rushed shit, etc etc. I'm just so jaded I'm gonna go into this with a checklist of bad things I expect to happen, like Animal Crossing micro-transactions and delay, Daemon x Machina not being stable 30fps, and Luigi's Mansion being safe uninspired shit with a frankenstein make up of LM1 and 2 features. Kill me, and fuck this industry.

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same with smash

I can't imagine they won't talk about LM3, at the very least.

Am I the only one who isn't scare of this scenario?
They purposely announced it at the game award with the release year (bayo 3 didn't have this), they didn't show much afterward but they also didn't come out straight up and apologize like mp4. I have no doubt it will come out 2019, the question is where because clearly you don't want to clash with pokemon and potential town game and other titles

All I want is Pikmin 4 and a release date for Luigi's Mansion 3.

>rune factory
it can't come quick enough

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>prime 4 when they just came out and said they restarted the production just a couple months ago
Unless fucking retro has sit on it for all this years, i doubt it

I don't think they'd skip out on advertising any incoming ports. God Eater 3 could use a little more advertisement.

>smash dlc
>link's awakening
>astral chain
>animal crossing
>quick trailer for mario maker showing the last few things (amiibo costumes PLEASE)
>bayo 3 maybe
>new games

inazuma doesn't have release date yet for japan?

Town ain't coming out this year and neither is Bayo 3.

I dunno man, I just want some new cozy AC so bad, I'm burned out of Pocket Camp and New Leaf is getting ancient.

AC is my anti-stress drug.

It's time for Splatoon to get a spinoff.

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Yeah, you really should just kill yourself.

>yfw they announce another expansion and the trailer ends with the logo for Splatoon 3

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I want Pikmin 4 and Paper Mario 3. Probably wont get either but I'll live

Wasting more E3 time with that Daemon x Machina garbage nobody cares.

They probably just have too much shit for a single normal-length direct and the two that make the most sense to split out into separate things are MM2 (since it's coming out so soon after E3) and Pokemon (since it's a big enough game to fill most of a direct on its own.)

'Metroid' doesn't necessarily mean Metroid Prime. People are expecting Metroid 5 at some point within the next few years as well, and there's always the possibility of Prime Trilogy being re-released.

bayo3 didn't have any release date or even year from the beginning
town did though, also confirmed by gf they focus on it more than pokemon and especially it had some gameplay footage already

i mean if i believe all these nay sayer from Yea Forums then nintendo would have announce 3 delays this year for animal crossing, town and metroid prime 4

oh yeah I see what you mean, by god if they re-release the trilogy they better add gyro for it

I could see a September release for AC.

Well honestly if it comes in like March 2020 that'll be comfy because it'll be just in time for spring break. New Leaf at launch was maximum comfy with friends because it came out during the summer.

The pokemon one isn't that much of a surprise this point, it always has its own thing for years now. iirc sun and moon was announced in its own small direct after some sort of pokemon event shit, and then only get reference for like 3 mins at e3 direct that year

>Having a Pokemon direct just a few days before E3, even though it and Animal Crossing are this year's big hits
>Already had a Mario Maker 2 direct
>Zelda isn't getting a big release this year or for a while, even. Just Link's Awakening shilling and maybe ALttP

I'd imagine at least one (potentially two) Smash reveals and Animal Crossing would probably be carrying Nintendo's E3 this year anyways, but what else do they have in store? Lets get the obligatory out of the way

>5-10~ minutes total spent on shit we already know. Link's Awakening, Mario Maker 2 later that month, Daemon X Machina, Cadence of Hyrule, etc.
>At least one Smash DLC
>Three houses shilling
>Astral Chain
>Probably a good 15-20 minutes on Animal Crossing

In retrospect I guess that'd be enough. Anyone wanna take bets? Pikmin 4 or a trilogy port? Metroid Prime Trilogy? Fusion Remake? Metroid 5?

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Animal Crossing themed E3! ALL AC ALL THE TIME.

They confirmed it isn't getting delayed.

too much of a coward

I just wanted to play videogames

When do you guys think Link's Awakening will be out?

maybe that or october, pokemon is pretty much exclusively november release for years now since they start doing world wide release
x/y : October 12, 2013
or/as: November 21, 2014
sun/moon : November 18, 2016
ultra sun/moon : November 17, 2017
let's go pika/evee : November 16, 2018

bayo 3


Probably September

either link awakening or animal crossing gonna take the december slot
and i would prefer it be LA

AC has traditionally also been Fall/winter, with a couple of summer exceptions (likely due to translating for other regions)

Mario Maker 2 won't even be in the direct beyond maybe a minute long trailer reminded people to pre-order. I reckon we'll get one last New Game Style theme revealed at the finale of the Invitational.
>Our competitors have proven their skills in traditional mario maker courses and even 3D world but lets see how they can handle a totally new game style, etc.

>spoonfeed me
okay confirms animal crossing still releasing 2019

page 7, the temp are mean for the name
it gonna be animal crossing zoo theme

isn't the invitational 3 days before the actual e3 direct? would make more sense to add the DLC smash char announcement in there

>Anyone wanna take bets? Pikmin 4 or a trilogy port? Metroid Prime Trilogy? Fusion Remake? Metroid 5?
inb4 all of them

It's over several days the Mario Maker one is June 8th, then I believe the Splatoon one is over 2 days with the Smash one after the Splatoon finals. I think that's the best time to reveal DLC2 as well. Drop another 3.0.0-esque video explaining them and a release date. Then tease DLC3 in the direct

Nintendo is announcing animal crossing VR

Mario maker comes out close to E3 so naturally they need to get all the info out before E3 to rank up pre orders and awareness, the game might get overshadowed by other news during E3 days, this is a concern for nintendo with it coming out so soon after AND there's no way the pokemon company will let nintendo show sword/shield info on their presentations, why is this something new for you? they also have lots of games from pic related with next to no info and shit we don't know about yet, their presentation will be 1 hour long and dont think 20 minutes of that will be for FE 3 sales

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>Pikmin 4
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Astral Chain
>Daemon x Machina
>Smash DLC
>Super Mario Maker 2
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Dragon Quest 11 and Builders 2
>Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remaster maybe
>Cadence of Hyrule
>Nindies Reel
>Rune Factory 4/5
>Doom/Wolfenstein just to remind people these games are coming out for Switch, even if Wolfenstein once again shares a release date with a Nintendo game

And probably one or two surprise things.

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how come nobody talk about the potential of meme from the new guy doug browser? this will be the first e3 without reggie and iwata

You forgot
>Animal Crossing
>Link's Awakening Remake fuck you i think it looks good

No, I did forget those legitimately because I figured I had typed them in because they felt so obvious, not out of any specific snubbing. My mistake.

I would squirt a Stingray of white ink

>too much of an asshat to enjoy things
>too cowardly to off thyself
Man, that's gotta suck.

That's assuming he's going to be a frontline presentation guy like Reggie or Iwata, and not someone like Kimishima or Furukawa who generally lets people like Koizumi or Bill Trinen's Treehouse gang do the public lifting.

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>Mother Trilogy, Magaman Legends 3, Kirby 64 remake

I don't think this will happen or even get one of those, but goddamn would it be something if it did

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>zoo theme
How would that even work?

Animal Crossing will be 5 minutes. Mario Odyssey was the focus of E3 2017 and gor a 2 minute tralier. Last years Smash deep dive was an exception due to the lack of games for the rest of the year; and, the second half of this year is packed. Animal Crossing, while popular like Smash, is boring to watch and can;t to action or the amusing bits Smash has.

You get to lock up your villagers

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i think you can do a 10-15 mins AC, but no way 30 mins like last year smash

>new ip
Is it confirmed to be a new IP? Last time I heard they were hiring for a new Zelda Game

Treehouse isn't where you really expect all the announcements and new info, though. As long as the direct isn't one fucking game again I'll be happy

the new IP thing has been confirmed since last year after xc2 came out
the more hiring for zelda is recently

>Smash newcomer
>More Mario Maker 2 shit
>Indie shit
>Thank you for watching

mario maker just got a direct, they'd probably mention it in a reel or just show it at the treehouse

>direct will be ~40 minutes as usual
>minus 15 = 25
>minus 3 minutes each for Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion, Mahble, Maro Maker, Fire Emblem, and Link's Awakening getting trailers = 7
>minus 30 seconds each for mentions of Cadence of Hyrule, Smash, Killer Queen Black, Dragon Quest 11, Daemon Ex Machina, Rune Factory = 4
>minus one minute for indie montage = 3
>minus two minutes for Aonuma, Bowser, Koizumi introducing/talking/shilling Pokemon = 2
That leaves two free minutes, and Luigi's Mansion, Dragon Quest, and Astral Chain could easily get longer portions, open for Nintendo ports, multiplat ports, and actual new games. We'll probably get at least two of each; so, Animal Crossing getting 15 minutes is plausible, but precludes the existence of basically any announcements beyond just one WiiU port happening.

he is clearly shitposting

Isn't the E3 direct a full hour? Maybe there's some new unannounced game they want to give a lot of screentime to.

why do you think they would spend time at e3 mentioning the like of Cadence of Hyrule or killer queen black or indie again when they can just do another indie direct like they have done twice this year

>the number 1 was on the schedule
>therefore, it's going to be one hour long

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i regret nothing

100 minutes then
good lord

Animal Crossing Switch
Luigi's Mansion 3
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Mario Maker and Pokemon SWSH small announcements/Treehouse demos
Smash DLC 3 announcement

Why would they want Animal Crossing to be their main event of E3? Wouldn't that be boring as hell to demo?

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Cadence of Hyrule is slated for Spring release and has not been mentioned since the announcement. It will almost certainly be the shadowdrop at the direct; since, I think to make up for the lack of a main Mario or Zelda this year or last, we'll be getting a big Zelda portion with LA, Cadence, WW port, and a tease of Zelda Switch. Spring is over and the next indie direct is Summer; so, there's no time for it to come out except E3 really. Killer Queen is more so just wishful thinking for another shadowdrop.
Try again.
It's at 1AM Japan time
Do you mean DLC2 or do you think DLC2 is at an earlier conference and were getting two characters at E3?

Very Likely to be shown
>smash dlc
>luigis mansion 3
>animal crossing
>daemon x machina
>astral chain
>fire emblem(?, might be too soon, treehouse only maybe)
>mario maker 2 (clearly haven't shown everything, likely have atleast one more suprise, though that might be shown during the invitational thing)
>might show up
pokemon (gamefreak/pokemon company is weird)
>bayo 3
>whatever retro is doing, holy shit just reveal it already
>third party ports
>pikmin 4(?)
>some weird announcement(s) no one expects (could be good or bad)
probably won't show up
>prime 4, obviously

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>fire emblem(?, might be too soon
too soon for what?
the game come out july 26th, they have been dripping slow information about new characters and gameplay nearly daily for weeks now

they have a ton of new games to announce, so they're getting shit out of the way

>rare replay complete edition
>project peekaboo
>smash DLC #2 and #3
>mario kart DLC
>mario odyssey 2
>bayonetta 3 reveal
>animal crossing


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too soon to release date

Nintendo doesn't generally put summer games in the E3 direct, they didn't show either arms or splatoon 2 at the e3 2017 direct, e3 2018 they had nothing coming out in summer

or their e3 has fucking nothing so they are dropping these bresd crumbs so starving fanboys dont sell their switch before the end of the year

oooh the word you are looking for is "too close", too soon imply that it should be delayed or push back

>lol no
>what even is that, I want to know
>maybe, probably not
>expect, maybe not now but soon, honestly not sure why more people aern't talking about it. The fact that odyssey got no DLC makes me think this is a galaxy 2 situation where they decided not to make any dlc and make it a full sequel instead.

the only gen we got 2 3d mario games on the same console is the wii, right? with galaxy 1 and 2


no idea
Sunshine didn't do very well, and they were focusing on the Wii launch for the latter of half of the Gamecube's life.
Gamecube situation, but even worse.
That said I think, given Furukawa's comments on DLC, I think a large $20-40 expansion pack is more likely. Maybe also available standalone like Torna was.

Aren't they the ones who announced ever oasis?

god i wish