How does one make friends to play video games with?

how does one make friends to play video games with?

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I dunno. Ask people if they want to play games with you.

By playing videogames and making friends

But it never goes anywhere. We play, talk for a bit and that's it.

Gotta work on your social skills

I met a few people here but nothing really came out of it. The only real people I met online that I still talk to are the ones from my first MMO. Pretty strange seeing guys getting married and having kids when you used to grind 10 hours a day a decade ago.

I ask again before the trannies start running rampart again: who /dota/ here?

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Other than people I know in real life I haven't played with another group of people since I was younger, it was really fun we'd play games, talk, talk shit etc, I think my social skills when I was younger are much better than my current skills. Online friends are honestly so much better than real life friends.

How do you know? You just said you don't have any.

Did you not read the beginning of my sentence?...

>play mmo
>make post on subreddit for your state/city if others play that mmo
>find other local lads to play your fav vidya with online
>once you play enough with one another you meet up with your consoles or do a LAN together

Pretty simple if you just want to find IRL friends to play with online, it does require the use of plebbit or some other publically acceptable forum though.

I dunno. If you have literally zero established friends and if it's a multiplayer game that somehow doesn't have the ability to find other players in-game [read, not an MMO], go into communities for the game, get involved with the groups and events they make, and see if you pair up with people whose company you enjoy?
I'm not sure how good Yea Forums is for that though, most of the time I play single-player stuff, but I at least assume that going from the volume of, say, Risk of Rain multiplayer threads we get and the like, Anons have managed to bump into other Anons and trade contact so they could play more in the future?
What kind of game are you trying to play anyway?
I don't know user I'm just in the background waiting for the sluts.

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I dislike joining communities because everyone there is already friends and that makes things much harder.

You just have to focus on the fact that you're doing it online through what I assume is a persona that can't be tracked back to your real identity [i.e.: you're not using your real name on your gaming account because you're not dumb], I think that would help with breaking down a little of the awkwardness of it, because you constantly remind yourself that there's literally no downsides and no stakes to it. Yeah, the community will have been there before you, but there's nothing to say that at least some of the people wouldn't be interested in interacting with newcomers and interacting with them. You're not going to be at the center of everything from the get go, but with luck, you could find a spot for yourself?
Like I said, I don't know. But the first time you do something is always going to be the hardest and the most awkward.

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>want friends to play games,
>tried to approaching the "gamers"
>all "gamers" in my college are too cringey, wearing anime shirts and talking about LoL and weeb shit
>decide to stick with normal people
>"normal" friends can only play button mashing fightians and fifa because they like football
>tfw they are too dumb to beat the first 2 stages of overcooked
>too dumb to play platformers like ultimate chicken horse and NSMBUD
>tfw no face

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I get where you're coming from but when it's a preestablished community, you'll forever be stuck as the third wheel so to speak.

>just join our discord bro lol

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>thread has no anime picture
>suddently well adjusted alpha males everywhere
So this is the solution to the tranny menace

>discord is bad cause I'm retarded and join shitty servers

>how does one make friends
you're generally stuck with whatever retards you decided to sit next to at lunch in highschool, good luck if you move to a new place

find something you like besides video games to talk about then find someone who likes the same shit as you some topics would be -biking, skating, philosophy, any type of reading hiking politics etc etc then invite them to discord

>lol you're just joining shit servers xD
i only use discord when i'm forced to for a mod or some shit and every time i'm forced to go looking through 5 different rooms for parts/requirements for the mod because you dumb zoomers apparently don't know what readmes are and just "pin" everything as if that makes it easier to find
nevermind waiting an hour for the fatass admin to stop jerking off and let you in, then getting bombarded with shit because you asked a question in a NO QUESTIONS ALLOWED channel

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yeshhh keep using this fine software goi

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"Hey wanna suck some dick? I'll bring video games."