
Who here loves metroidvanias?
>What are you favorites?
>Hidden gems?
>Y'all excited for Ori 2 and Bloodstained?

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I used to but once you play one, you have played them all.

what is the third one in the holy trinity tier?

>Order of Ecclesia not a Metroidvania
Someone didn't get to the second half.

Once you play one of the top three its hard to justify playing any others

Hoping for the best for Bloodstained, but not holding my breath.
I didn't even know there was an Ori 2 and I'm not interested, the first one wasn't even much of a Metroidvania to being with and I'll never understand the acclaim it got.
>Hidden gems?
Tried playing Wanderers from Ys for a bit and holy shit is that thing a mess. I'd recommend the SFC version of Popful Mail over it any day since it's an improvement on it in virtually every way, but it's not Metroidvania, so yeah.

Attached: La-Mulana Swimsuit.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

I'd put the Metroid 2 remake in good tier.

>has the original 2 shantae games on meh list
>pirates curse nowhere to be seen
what did you mean by this nigger

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>good tier
Who is the faggot who made that list? He should be on a cross.

Is salt and sanctuary a Metroidvania?