Now that Sora, Erdrick, Doomguy, Steve, Banjo, Hayabusa & Kasumi were deconfirmed. Who the fuck is going to be in Smash?

Now that Sora, Erdrick, Doomguy, Steve, Banjo, Hayabusa & Kasumi were deconfirmed. Who the fuck is going to be in Smash?

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Other urls found in this thread:ène_Lupin

dis big nigga

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Me. I'm in Smash.

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Agnes - Bravely Third
Byleth - Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Leon - Resident Evil 2 Remake
Starter - Pokemon SW/SH

Someone nobody really expects because the "insiders" didn't predict them. Immediately after their reveal all the insiders will stream their suicide.

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>Banjo deconfirmed
>Source: My ass
Despite to gaslight huh? You know lying is bad, right?

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It’s going to be a Bravely Default or Astral Chain character, screencap this

>Doomguy deconfirmed

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>Hayabusa & Kasumi were deconfirmed
source my ass, and the french article mention neither characters either
cope Ayanefaggot

what's your moveset user?

doomguy is the one character that hasn't been deconfirmed when asked about by the company, stay seething

Oh don't worry it'll be erdrick
wasn't the main argument against erdrick being brave that he was too obvious? A bravely character is even more obvious to have the codename than erdrick.

Fei Fong Wong.

lol why do Smashfags now hate Ryu?
he was thrown in two shitty fake leaks and you manage to have sudden dissent for him

fucking pathetic

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I hope Kos-Mos gets in.

That'd be great.


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They can't handle his chadliness

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JC Denton

*blocks your path* + Digimon

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no one cares about your fujoshit

>The only characters more iconic than him left are literal memes
I think he's in

Attached: super egg.png (894x894, 651K)

Nice, I voted for you in the ballot, glad you finally made it in

>being a retard


Attached: no more heroes travis.jpg (2560x1600, 384K)

he's in

Attached: eliteknight-mizuiko.png (1280x1811, 1.1M)

You got a source or something? I know the Google theory is nothing.
I'm not gonna humor you on this one.

>Chosen Undead
>Monster Hunter
Could the DLC be more based than this?

many people do unlike your literal who jrpg garbage
>Yuri banned from every popularity poll for Tales series
>Lloyd is essentially the Cloud of Tales
>fucking Digimon, no question asked

>b-but muh smashfaqs polls said

I fucking hope.

why does Ayanefag/Listnigger seethe each time pic related is mentioned in any thread?

he's basically Smash roster barneyfag at this point

Attached: doomguy.jpg (1000x952, 240K)

>Denying the truth

>zero argument
i rest my case
go make another fake leak, agnescuck

Attached: Agnes leaker Ken.png (1085x1199, 1.06M)

he wishes he was japanese

Don't need an argument for mental retards

Should've been in since 64.

>Now that *Sora is deconfirmed. Who the fuck is going to be in Smash?
cope OP, you won't end our Banjo vs Steve threads early

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>muh fujoshit


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yes fujokino
taste lloyd cock

it's gonna be souls

mmm, doubt.
but still more likely than Xeno garbage


nah bruh

I have no hope for the characters I actually want, so I'm just hoping the remaining fighters are all Joker type situations where everyone is surprised because no one predicted them.

Lloyd fucking sucks. Yuri when?

The guy nobody can really come up with a GOOD argument against.

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damn, Steve's banjo cosplay is smexy

They put Sekiro in smash!

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You called?

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>not liking both
Divide & Conquer faggots are annoying, stay in line

Even of they did take another FFVII rep, it won't be Barret. Not while Sephiroth and Tifa exist.

Absolutely based

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Yeah nah your opinion stinks.
Yuri's getting in.
Lloyd is getting left behind in mii costume hell.

I want these so bad

Tifa is still under Sephiroth, so its gonna be him and only him no doubt
think of this as a Ryu/Ken situation, expect you're adding Akuma over Chun-Li instead of Ken

I can only see them adding Dark Souls or Soul Calibur
Tales is too niche for the west and contrary to what Yea Forums thinks they do play a part in Smash choices

>Awesome theme song
>first thought was the cartoon theme

Attached: jon spin.gif (241x200, 316K)

>Ultimate releases
>Yea Forums plays it for exactly two weeks
>Goes back to posting crying wojaks of deconfirmed characters and more leak bullshit
>Minor resurgence with stage builder
Do you fucks actually play the game

>and is a patternfag

Dante. Why do you think DMC is coming to switch and Kamiya was asked about it?

Itsuno is why

Attached: Itsuno on Dante for Smash DLC.png (692x519, 123K)

Except sora (and who the fuck is kasumi) no one are deconfirmed

Not even once.

Erdrick is explicitly deconfirmed.

cope harder negro

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Matt Walker literally shot down Dante during when the DLC was still in planning
same timespan as the Disney VP was asked about Sora, and he's confirmed not to be in...

Lloydchads rise up

he's not in

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Who The Fuck is kos-mos

can't wait to see his trailer at E319

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TWEWY representation would be cool

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Adding two armored swordfighters feels a little redundant, but Robotnik more than makes up for that.

That's a nice mockup

>Kasumi deconfirmed
Since when? Care to give a source?

Fuck I truly hope it's not the latter


Did it to shut everyone up. If he said no comment everyone would be spamming the chat while he wanted to talk about his new game


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Unironically 2B. It's going to happen.

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If we're gonna be serious, Demoman would be a much better pick.

Already deconfirmed the only square series that haven't been are dragon quest, bravely default, and Twewy

Geno but a cute anime girl

Attached: KOS-MOS_render.png (1120x1280, 734K)

>more proyectile spammers

WaifuFags are some of the worst Kinds of rosterfags up there with Banjofags and leakfags

>Did it to shut everyone up.
just like Dante right?

Attached: how to keep off cuhrayzeefags from Smash threads.png (1784x1617, 723K)

>another sword character

Marche will descend from the heavens and put everyone's delusions to rest

Attached: Ffta-marche.jpg (902x985, 96K)

Only video game characters allowed in smash

All Dantefags need to be infected with cancer.

GOOD THING Nier devs already said 2B regretfully not happening in Smash, so we don't have to deal with FotM fleshbot bitch again

Hybrid Knight dumbass

maybe... maybe, but Heavy is the face of TF2 and has moveset potential

NB: Minigun(s)
Side B: Family Business or a boxing glove combo
UpB: mannpower grappling hook
Down B: Sandvich

Final Smash: Team Strike

what job

Terra will be in to promote the ff6 switch port

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Why not both?

might as well ask for Eight in smash

>smashfags too distracted over """insider""" BS that they overlook literally the most likely character now

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She's been in several games, and was even in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Our day will come soon fellow Leonchad, Our day will come soon.

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nice evidence bro

Wouldn't he be too similar to snake and joker without his persona/magic?

>the most likely character now
>latches to recency bias because RE2/RE collection came out
people literally did this to Dante and Sora, don't get cocky

he's fucking ready

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>ACfag will purify Smash rosterfag threads

Don't you need your own game to be in smash?

>RE is the biggest realizable franchise not in Smash right now, sales are like 20 million over Dragon Quest IIRC
>RE4 got a port like a fucking week ago and was one of the biggest titles on the gamecube
>series has significant history because it essentially created the fucking survival horror genre, and is beloved by both nips and the west

He's literally the most obvious fucking pick right now

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Strider would have been an (objectively) better choice than Hayabusa.

Ayane isn’t going to be in either, If Tecmo gets a rep it should be Atelier

>brave means not being scared
>which you need to be when facing zombies
I could see it

Fuck Leakfags and Fuck Insiders.

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I honestly believe Porky is in
There is no reason why he shouldn't have a spirit that is explicitly him
Ninten and Kumatora's spirits being added much later heavily implies they were considering a mother rep, too

why are retards still jumping the gun on new ip shit?
did you faggots not learn from Springman and pre-Smash 4 Inkling? jfc


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>check up Atelier
>sony-heavy weeaboo garbage and niche JRPG
don't even bring that shit up on my face again

I've wanted Yukimura or Lu Bu from Tecmo Koei for a little while now. Also these other two

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Why Leon when Chris is the face and central character of the franchise?

I just want Phoenix Wright and 2B, I could care less about these shitty Bandwagon shitpost characters

not really comparable since Villager is already in and every series is repped by their playable counterpart, the exceptions being Duck Hunt and ROB since DH incorporates elements of every NES light gun game and ROB lends itself well to a robot moveset

>not Joe Musashi

Because Leon is the fan favorite and arguably has the most history with Nintendo

I knew I recognized that facial expression

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Duck hunt and ROB are surprise reps and shouldn't even brought up in the first place regardless of said exception

yes brudda

I’d rather have geno

case in point

>Banjo deconfirmed

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>Sora deconfimred

please be true.

the DLC fighter pass is already looking more boring than the base game now too

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A new Capcom rep was already very likely and Resident Evil is the obvious next choice, with Leon making the most sense.
>[Translation]: Today I met Shinji Hashimoto, vice president and producer of Square Enix (including FF and KH) at a conference at my future school #Genimage it was great. I took a lot of notes.
>PS: We asked him the question and no, Sora is not planned in SSBU.
Press S

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The Cloud of Xeno games.
Or alternatively, 2B for boomers.

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I work for Nintendo , there adding Jonny cage

>A new Capcom rep was already very likely and Resident Evil is the obvious next choice,
and people said the same for Monster Hunter and we manage to get just Rathalos for representation.

fuck, we might not get Dragon Quest and end up with Sephiroth for FF7R shilling
like i said, don't get too cocky or you'll end up like the Dantefags

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isn't Leon not the MC of Resident Evil?
it should be Jill or Chris

im thinking it's his time bros

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For Bamco it's either KOS-MOS or Heihachi, but not both.

Would be cool, but unfortunately deconfirmed.

i know, he couldve been so damn good

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I'd rather have Yoshimitsu

I'm fine with half of these

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>shilling for a game that won't be out before 2025

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based, i fucking wish

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why? Her appeal is niche and they wouldn't advertise DLC with that
he'd just be Ryu 2.0

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Because Heihachi and KOS-MOS are cool____________________________________________

I'm mad that Heihachi was reduced to a mii fighter, and Shulk (a literally who at the time) got in over the most popular and recognizable Xeno character

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How accurate. Doombros and Banjobros are the biggest bros on these threads, while Erdrickfags and Stevefags are the worst shitposters around.

That's like having Raiden instead of Snake.

Because Snake is very clearly the main protag of the MG series while RE has like 2 or 3 that all have equal relevance.

Next DLC character, coming through!

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Only Sora and MAYBE Steve/Hayabusa were deconfirmed, nobody else has been touched yet.

Shouldn't it be a Simon/Richter situation then where they both get in as echoes?

Why kos-mos? Xenosaga episode 1 remake (or just a remaster of the trilogy)

Probably, but I doubt any of the Fighters Pass characters will include echoes

>James Bond (Goldeneye)
>Red (Solatorobo)
>Shadax (Solstice)
>Joe (Joe & Mac)

Name a better lineup than this. Pro tip; you can't.

Shulk also represents the protag of a series of Nintendo games whereas KOS-MOS is crossover bait and her first appearance was in a PS2 as a party member rather than the MC, even if she was heavily involved with the plot

I dunno man, there are better Bamco characters to root for

Leonbros, We gotta remember this. We can't be cocky. Think about it, almost every single characterfag that has done that hasn't got in
>Ashleyfags didn't get in
>Shantaefags didn't get in
>Dantefags didn't get in
>Shadowfags didn't get in
>Majority of the Grinch didn't get in
>Reimu won't get in
>Steve won't get in
>Erdrick won't get in
>Banjo won't get in
Remember this Leonbros, Learn from the past.


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Erdrick’s biggest “leak” got deconfirmed the moment there was no Jack Frost when Joker came
>inb4 brave shit
It’s a fucking word used to hide a character’s identity, it does mean shit.

>more literal who than DQ and every Nintendo Final Fantasy in the west (FF6 and DQ8 sold more better in the west)
>more literal who than Klonoa, who's in the shitter now
>more literal who than ever Xenoblade game released (even Xenoblade X, the game that mooched off from Xenosaga)
>more literal who than Metroid and Castlevania in Japan
>more literal who than fucking Golden Sun
>more literal who than pre-Awakening Fire Emblem (Tharcia 776 aside)
>Tales is sitting on 20 million copies sold with both Symphonia and Vesperia selling over 1.5 Million
so this is why the KOS-MOS faggot had to shitpost his random GayFAQS polls in these threads
because he knows his choice is underdog as fuck, so he had to spam and shitpost delusion in these threads

Attached: poor sales.png (1132x194, 49K)

*doesn’t mean shit

To be fair she still ranks in Japan as the most well known Xeno character and was popular enough in the West that entry-level vidya journalists called her one of the most memorable characters of the 2000s.

The fact that she has canon games on Nintendo systems (DS) and appears in 3 games on the 3DS this decade, as well as appearing in the latest Xenoblade means she wasn't forgotten. Also note that her recent redesign is suspiciously less sexualized.
Bamco also recently renewed the Xenosaga IP while Monolith Soft has expressed wanting to reboot or remaster the series.

We got Megaman, Simon, Mario, Link, Samus...

Ryu would be among the last of the big names of the NES platformer era to be added, and would be a fantastic choice.

>but its okay for Joker to have a recovery move from a rerelease not releasing anywhere but PS4

Step aside Leonfags, Jillfags, Amaterasufags, Hunterfags - here comes the next Capcom DLC fighter.
I've no ill will for you guys really, just saying that we're all in this together.

Attached: phoenixsmash.jpg (1280x1000, 145K)

When was Banjo Kazooie Deconfirmed?

Hayabusa is not disconfirmed you retard

His leak =/= Erdrick himself.

t. doesn't give a fuck about DQ.

>squeenix only ever allows twister remix, three minutes clapping and gimme and your love for the ost, at most

she's captain falcon-tier, nobody played her games but everybody knows who she is because "dude crossovers lol"

if shulk didn't get in I'd be pro-kos-mos but since shulk's in there's literally no point

>It’s a fucking word used to hide a character’s identity
"Jack", "Panther" and "Doyle" were still codenames referencing the characters Joker, Anne, and Arseneène_Lupin

>she's captain falcon-tier
even fucking F-Zero isn't that literal who like KOS-MOS
F-Zero GX actually did half of the first game
actually EVERY mainline F-ZERO did impressive unlike Xenofagga

Attached: Yakuza Director on F-Zero GX sales.png (619x641, 542K)

There's a reason that post said "maybe", try reading comprehension next time.


that what you get for messing with the Belmonts Sorafaggots

Attached: Kissless_Shibuya_Boy.png (1346x746, 903K)

That was a falseflagger, idiot.

Chris has been in the series the most consistently and is the most recognizable character.

And yet they're both dead franchises.
Captain Falcon and KOS-MOS's large fanbases comes from cross-overs, they both fundamentally have the same appeal.
There's no point to KOS-MOS getting into Smash anymore now that Xeno has representation in the form of Shulk, but if Shulk wasn't in then KOS-MOS definitely would have deserved to get in since she's fundamentally the mascot of the entire Xeno series.
The only reason KOS-MOS is possible is because Bamco still likes to shill her for whatever reason and she cameos in Xenoblade 2.

everyone is falseflagging by your logic
get fucked KHfaggot

and i don't ever want to see you again shitting on Castlavania for its sales because it doesn't sell better than Bayonetta

>one person who is a fan of the same series as I has a differing opinion than me on something
>he must be a falseflagger!
Kill yourself, paranoid retard.

You posted the wrong miko!

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Leonfags should have a bucket of bleach ready when Chad Chris Redfiled makes the cut.

You sure you aren't talking about jane

Chris'll get in as soon as Leon fucks his sister

Anne's model in Mementios is called "Panther"
not talking about Joker's cut costume """Jane""', you stupid faggot

I like to think of her recovery as soku's flight, spent in bursts like rob, letting you graze through projectiles and humilliating spamlords/zoners like isabelle, link, and such

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Look, Mark, don't you have a Discord to be freaking out in?

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ahem... need I remind you that Namco has developed the last 2 games?

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K from YK
L from HW

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Reminder that Reimufags think Leon is a Western Character, the absolute state of their delusions.

>The only reason KOS-MOS is possible is because Bamco still likes to shill her for whatever reason and she cameos in Xenoblade 2.
And also the fact that there's strangely no Xenosaga presence in Smash at all despite the IP having a history with Nintendo. the current success of recent Xeno and how Bamco's on good terms and willing to let Monolith use stuff from Xenosaga in Xenoblade. Xenosaga's still popular in Japan.
It's not like Bamco's holding Xenosaga hostage like how Square holds Xenogears hostage.
The absence/zero mention of Xenosaga altogether in Smash given the situation makes it easy to believe that there are plans.

If Panther was leaked, people would be speculating it refers to Panther Caroso, not fucking Anne.

here's your 2nd bamco rep bro

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>The most boring and basic possible choice for a fighter
>constantly picks fights with other characterfags
>muh sales
>smug attitude in general
Leonfags are shit. No better than the blockheads.

What are you talking about Steve is getting revealed at E3 I 100% know this for a fact.

Attached: 3ea.png (200x200, 35K)

No, that can't be true right? They're not THAT DUMB, Right?

At least RE is actually a based franchise

Dont you have a dress to be wearing, mark??

Go dilate, anti-leonscum.

Quick rundown?

okay i guess Panther Caroso is supposed to be him cameoing on Mementos then, you stupid faggot
the stage codename was already leaked by then too and you're gonna assume its yet another stage from 15 year old GCN game
meanwhile nobody couldn't connect to Jack until after Joker got released

how dumbfuck are you?

And all those characters have reasons they wouldn't get in.

Think about who we got last time. Fucking Street Fighter and Final Fantasy. Both huge, longrunning, influential franchises, loved around the world. They don't fuck around with the DLC. Even if you consider Persona "niche", it still caught a lot of attention when it released and gained a ton of popularity for the series, especially in the west. Dragon Quest's inclusion is justified but is held back by Square's BS and stuff like Sugiyama and DQ's lack of western popularity, I'm not even gonna get into it.

Then you have Resident Evil. Among the lists of best selling or highest rated or whatever franchises in gaming, many are already represented in some way. Except Resident Evil. Capcom heavily supported Ultimate with music, spirits, the Rathalos fight, etc. A Capcom DLC rep is a pretty damn safe choice, and there's no better franchise of theirs to choose than Resident Evil. It has significant gaming history, is still massively popular to this day, has worldwide appeal, even if you think Leon/a RE rep would just be "boring mercenary man" or whatever, "mature" reps are still a niche that Smash could expand on. Leon in particular would be the ideal choice as he'd equally represent "classic" RE with RE2 and "modern" RE with RE4, he also could be considered the most synonymous with Nintendo solely because of RE4.

For Resident Evil, it's not a case of "if", it's a case of "when".

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don't forget
>tries to be cool with anti-insider speculators because they'll dicksuck whoever shat on PushDustin and GameXplain

Except panther wasn't even in until the actual dlc got uploaded so why even bring her up?

>Ignoring kencineroar chads
Stop changing history

Valkyrie confirmed

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We don't have all of the details but we have a good amount from everything we could piece together
>Reimu Discord server gets made
>They make fake leaks, threads, falseflag, etc
>Owner is some autist who posted a picture of himself wearing a dress on his server
>Eventually a spy gets into the server
>Mark in his infinite Wisdom deletes the server
>Makes a new one
>another spy almost instantly gets into that one
>Reimu Discord Server messages leaks
>Shows the Owner is a Fucking Sperging retard
>Someone links him the Yea Forums thread with the leaks from the server and he starts freaking out at everyone
I don't know what happened after but he was trying to Damage control in a few threads after.

the point is, all the codenames for Persona shit were still references to the characters
its still possible for Brave to be Banjo (reference to stuff about bear lore, i guess), Erdrick (basically the face of it in Japan), Bravely (because it has Brave on it huehuehue), etc.

I still believe Brave will be DQXI Hero/Luminary

was the Reimu discord french?

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Jill makes more sense. She has Nintendo history with REmake and Revelations, fighting crossover history with MvC, and fills the inevitable waifubait slot of the challenger pass.

Why is it always the loudest smashfags that seem to have Discord Servers? Wouldn't doubt if Erdrickfags have a few too.

but what if they're adding Erdwin instead?

Here's the actual most likely newcomer. Leon's a close second though.

Attached: Chosen_undead.png (412x1043, 581K)

Masaki/An SRW Rep is the only one I have good faith in actually happening.

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yeah but smashbabbies think Artorias is in because another fake leak with their most wanted choices in it

Solaire has a better shot if only because he already has an amiibo.

Don't think it was but Mark's way of typing didn't seem to be a native english speaker.


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That leak was immediately deconfirmed due to having 02.

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>Boring ass swordsman
>Not based Hori
Shit like Dark Souls, Tekken and Soulcaliber are all bland as hell series to choose from. Namco has a plethora of other franchises to pull from all that offer unique methods of combat.

Attached: Taizo.jpg (768x1024, 179K)

That makes his chance lesser because the new characters get amiibo anyway. Also when have they ever picked a side character before a main character to rep a series? Chosen Undead could theoretically have all of Solaire's moves and more.

>Chosen Undead with Solaire echo

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Banjo are some of the first to pick up fights

I know, but still. I like the concept of him being a super chuuni to compensate for how much of a fuckboy he is and he's got a Powerset that could translate really nicely into a dickass reality warper fighting style.

>nuking the discord after getting exposed
we're lucky enough Stevefags didn't have the brain to do this so soon

>implying Nintendo will sell the Pooka Palooka as a character for $6

Shit character from a dog shit game. Fuck off

Not trying to hate here, but in all the threads about Smash representation I have yet to see actual reasons for this guy being in Smash. Why do you want him, other than the fact that he is a DQ representative? I like his design (if they keep it with his original proportions and don't try to make him more "adult") and all, but why is he any different from literally any other generic fantasy JRPG protagonist? What's interesting about that?

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great taste
too bad they won't acknowledge the Tail Concerto/Solatorobo series

>adding a divorced man in Smash

I think he's just a boring choice. He doesn't stand out visually and we already have 2 ninjas in already. He's also pretty lacking in personality and his games focused far less on him as a character and more just the stylish action. I honestly can't think of a single thing he can do that either hasn't been done already in Smash or that Dante could do better (especially in the case if you're going to argue his flashy moves and multiple weapon options). I don't hate him, I just think he's one of the least interesting options they could possibly pick for Smash.

Yeah, I'm sure they'd include a literal who over a Dark Souls rep which is arguably the most discussed franchise of the decade.

Attached: 1541567183721.gif (240x320, 448K)


Attached: he has airpods on.png (922x766, 646K)

Screw both of them. Give me Cless or Arche.

The main argument they use is "because Japan sucks DQ III's dick" but that's mainly older generations. Madason/Abel would bring a lot more to the table as a Dragon Quest rep and as just a fighter in general by focusing on monster summoning to attack and serving as a support unit to such, evoking both his role in V and the feel of taking charge of a party.

Attached: dq-2.png (580x654, 331K)

>And yet they're both dead franchises.
F-Zero died as a popular franchise, unlike Xenofagga
>if Shulk wasn't in then KOS-MOS definitely would have deserved to get in since she's fundamentally the mascot of the entire Xeno series.
that's not how it works
the next thing they do is add PAC-MAN then Heihachi and Lloyd (or Yuri, but we didn't know about his popularity and potential sales prior to 4)
> KOS-MOS is possible is because Bamco still likes to shill her for whatever reason
throwing a bunch of random japanese-domesticated Namco IPs in a crossovers isn't shilling. Itsuno didn't even have the gall to mention PxZ as Dante's "Nintendo history" and said he should bring DMC games over instead.
god, and i use to see people using shitty PxZ2 to insist Lucina was getting a retool moveset or Fiora over Rex. bet they feel stupid now/

If we get DQ representation it'll be Luminary so they can shill DQXI S

By what?

He will play like a magic using link. There is no character in the game that has the utility of link and magic in one package. No Robin does not count cause Robin's main gimmick is the limited magic usage and weapon degradation. It's an archtype that doesn't exist in smash yet so even though he does not appeal to you he would be more unique than other sword characters.

So is Monster Hunter yet we don't have a playable character from that now do we?

before the leaks with doomguy started sprouting up, doombros were definitely neutral, as they didnt give a shit about others and whatever they did, they did it solo.

Attached: 1553032410497.gif (488x519, 415K)

That might be due to MvCI, the jury's out.

No it's not. MH has a dedicated fanbase but it only just turned heads industry wide with World.

Thoughts on this leak from Match? It got a lot of the information of Sakurai's book right

she's in

Attached: MIKU DA YO.jpg (346x490, 32K)

>but that's mainly older generation
III is still among the most popular Dragon Quest games even in 2019
also Madason is basically DQ's Alucard or Mega Man X, even being the face of the second DQ Trilogy

Attached: japan's favorite DQ game.png (675x1200, 1.13M)

We already know the DLC is all gonna be from universes with no prior representation, so Optimus Prime should be in. Just saying.

yeah and Noctis will be in to shill FFXV right?

I really like DQ3 a lot, its difficulty like the early DQ games but full of quality of life changes common to later DQ games.
Erdrick has one of my favorite hero journeys because nothing is handed to him, there is no attack to his hometown because he was the child of legends, there is no great prophecy or magical thing he only do. He / She just decides to walk on their father's shoes and finish his task, going around gathering resources, exploring, and getting the right tools to defeat the big bad guy, in DQ2 you are helped because the goddess had a debt to your family, in DQ3 you save the goddess creating such debt, Erdrick is a self-made hero. There is also, of course, age, Erdrick is 31 years old, a lot of the 'common' things today have a root in his game and how he differed from the typical Ultima and even DQ hero.
Also, DQ3 is super charming, and yes, its fine to add elements of the game to the silent protagonist, people do that to Link and Red all the time, why can't I do it for Erdrick?

Jack still doesn't make any sense

I believe the tales rep and resident evil, but nakoruru sounds very strange. Why would snk not want Terry in


all i can hope is whoever gets in is fun_

Attached: 1558813223826.png (711x741, 504K)

I find that unlikely, Luminary's game is full of callbacks to III. Its Erdrick or Slime, really.

Attached: D7i8YOwU0AITq5D.jpg (1024x768, 180K)

stop shilling this fake leak and go back to the SourceGaming discord, Pinkie-Dawn

>Expecting them to add normiecore shit over an actual icon of the arcade to go with Pac-man

Attached: Digdug_by_dillanmurillo-d93unsv.png (1024x1676, 911K)

That still doesn't explain jack
>panther: literally copied over from p5
>doyle: loose reference to the author of sherlock holmes, who arsene crossed over with like twice

>These are Reimufags
Oh I'm laffin'

Attached: comfiest marine.png (197x190, 54K)

Next game with Terry is mid 2020 at the earliest

meant for

the Robin comparisons are annoying because Dragon Quest magic don't work like Fire Emblem tome magic

Attached: Kaclang!.jpg (2048x1820, 485K)

>"Leon would just be a boring generic gun man"

Attached: PowerfulForsakenConey-size_restricted.gif (445x250, 2.37M)

You mean the car from Rally X, right?

>wearing black
>instead of navy


Those are some pretty cool indie characters

Characters I like: Cool, innovative, well deserved
Characters I dislike: Bad, clone, shill pick


Attached: 1550482122131.png (1042x2000, 1.42M)

>That still doesn't explain jack
there's also the fact Jack references to "jack of all-trades" which what "Joker" literally means

You guys are pathetic. I don't understand how you people make fun of Melee players even though you're even more autistic.

At least they care about gameplay

Attached: 1520727687381.jpg (462x429, 205K)

They don't.

is this you?

Attached: plant_spammer_unmasked.png (1780x3570, 1.53M)

Those stickers are color coded to age bracket. And considering the most blue [50s] is in 3, you just proved him right.

There are several reasons it makes sense if you believe the theory that codenames are only tangentially related.
>Jack is a playing card, same as Joker
>Joker is a jack of all trades character because he can use multiple personas
>Jack could be a not to Jack Frost, a reoccurring SMT character
>Jack and Joker both start with J
>what said
These connections are all extremely loose, especially if you only consider them individually, however it makes more sense when you consider there ARE multiple tangential relations here, as opposed to just a single one.

I'm not trying to say that any one of the predictions for Brave are guaranteed based off of the possible connections between Jack/Joker but to say that Jack makes no sense whatsoever for Joker is just stupid because plenty of fairly obvious connections can be drawn.

>expect them to pick a character that would sell as oppose to a character that people don't really talk about anymore

>At least they care about clunky garbage

wait what? isnt Erdrick a kid?

>A character that literally anyone would recognize and appreciate.
>A character from a game with a generic fantasy aesthetic that doesn't would only be recognized by a few people
I think you're confused on who it is would actually sell.

there's only 7 on III and V has 5, not even far off.
i still don't see this some how means V isn't in the same position

its a fucking SNES game

>If he doesn't want this literal who he wants THAT literal who
Fuck every single SE character, they're all boring faggots

31 years is how long Erdrick has existed.

to be fair, Banjo is still pretty highly discussed even outside of Smash theorizing. He's far from forgotten.

Nice meme, you kids are so original with memes. How's reddit?

no, that was just early toriyama style
every character art for NES release was chibi

Canonically 16. Why do you ask?

It was 31 years since Erdrick's game debuted.

>Geno is boring
take that back
or i'll snap...

Attached: Thanos Geno.png (1440x1440, 1.13M)

i mean the stevefags kinda embraced it after nuking their server and opened a second server to the public. guess the dead server with like 3 members was too dead, and they needed to seem more relevant again

Attached: 1554788548165.png (480x360, 161K)

So Stone. It's Stone.

Highest number of 40 and 50 year olds, kinda proving that the MUH III narrative is just by fags who don't care about DQ outside of what they played as kids. They are the equivalent of Genwunners while V still has a damn respectable number of 10 and 20 year olds propping it up amidst the mass of 30's

rate this

Attached: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate DX.png (720x605, 641K)

Crash is in.

Attached: 234056987.png (902x652, 359K)

>They are the equivalent of Genwunners while V still has a damn respectable number of 10 and 20 year olds propping it up amidst the mass of 30's
user, you realized there's a lot of Genwun in Smash right?

>MUGEN garbage/10

jetstream sam is in.

Attached: sam.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

And that's why we're getting Agumon

Attached: 1534917477156.png (585x516, 105K)

>that MUGEN-tier disorganization
fucking nasty


Attached: 1352671900996.jpg (1024x921, 234K)

Eiha is Elfire

>not Yea Forums's roster
oh user..

Attached: v's roster.png (720x990, 1.44M)


fuck to ProjectM with you

Attached: spirits_0_andy.png (240x580, 231K)

Sure Gun Fu would be a fun mechanic.

>B: Gun
>Forward B: Gun
>Final Smash: Gun
>Down Smash: Gun
>Up Smash: Gun
>Forward Smash: Gun

Klonoa's movie got canned....

based, hes in

Attached: 1554492891192.png (422x322, 180K)

Yes and at least it ended with Brawl.

E-Celebs need to be gassed

>Rosterfags killed off any respect for Doomguy
>Rosterfags killed off any respect for Ryu
This is why I just want E3 to come already, I just want this rosterfag bullshit to end, I'm tired of a single image of Steve or the mere mention of a cartoon bear derailing a thread into autistic bullshit.

Attached: download (1).jpg (220x220, 9K)

>has the most history with Nintendo
As if that matters anymore.

Attached: 250px-Joker_SSBU.png (250x250, 50K)

Banjofags are insecure and have a massive victim complex.

It might not matter to Sakurai's faves, but I still personally care about it

He's in bros. This is your out of the blue rep. Not Steve, not Banjo, Not Conker. Not even Master Chief. Nope. THIS is your rep.

Attached: Runescape.png (960x540, 248K)

It's not over until next year and even then, if they announce a new pass all of this starts over again.

and last game put the effort on bringing back Mewtwo, one of the most popular Genwun pokemon
you made a bad mistake on comparing the Erdrick trilogy to Genwun, now im going to see the Zenith Trilogy as the hoennbabby equivalent

Can i have a source on all those? I need to hear this.

Attached: rosterfags are gay.jpg (680x477, 97K)

where the fuck is saki

Attached: 1558524856630.jpg (313x235, 21K)

Sakurai confirmed there won't be a 2nd Fighter Pass.

Nintendo also picked Joker user

Im thinkin hes in

Attached: 1543217592738.png (270x247, 84K)

>No Snoopy

Look closer

Pyros moveset writes itself

>I still personally care about it
Who gives a flying fuck what you care about, dipshit?

no he didn't, you fell for the misleading OP
>inb4 pissdustin makes a "Sakurai didn't say that" video

you won't need snoopy when you'll be playing as ME

Attached: 1558977122448.png (1228x687, 1.71M)

Absence makes the heart grow fonder and the moment a character gets cut, no matter how SHIT, there will be people crying for them back. See Roy.

Proud of you user

found him
dee bee kaw would be fucking amazing as well

Attached: 1558510924512.jpg (500x449, 23K)

>Sakurai and Kodaka good friends
>Sakurai sent Kodaka a letter congratulating him for his new company
>Sakurai has talked about how he's a fan of the series multiple times
>NIS Leaked Danganrona Trilogy going to Switch
>Hates that Hedgehog (who is in Smash)
>Great Moveset potential
Who's ready for Insiders and Leakfags to face true despair this E3?

Attached: 1525594973990.png (1081x588, 440K)

>jab = blow fire
>tilts = blow fire
>aerials = blow fire
>smash attacks = blow fire
>specials, blow fire (except for the up-b, that blows fire VERTICALLY so he gains height)

>Final Smash is dropping opponent in the Wilderness to get PKed


>Pyro's taunt is Hadouken, which also instakills
>Gameplay shows Ryu/Ken using their Hadouken and then turn around to look at Pyro who taunts and instakills them

and even then, Mewtwo is still one of the popular genwun to make it in and back for Smash
i don't even think Incineroar will gather the same dedication as Mewtwofagging tho. (Lucario would, sadly)

Attached: Mewtwofags before they got their milkies.jpg (2560x4422, 2.87M)

>dig dug would sell more than dark souls
Fucking hell user

daily reminder Monokuma posting only happened because of a fake DangItRonPaul for Switch rumor

Given just how much love Sakurai put into Roar given his background with wrestling and the fact that in Japan the tiger's the last role of Old Joseph's VA before he passed, I think he's getting kept around.

Sakurai knowing and liking it applies to everything, even DQ

Again, a character that literally anyone can recognize. Dig Dug is an iconic arcade game. You are delusional to think it wouldn't sell better than a series that scares most people away for how difficult it is. Not to mention Dig Dugs look is far better known than whatever generic fantasy armor they could pull from Dark Souls.

and rosterfags will still say Incineroar never deserved the spot

Attached: Incineroar posing out.jpg (1200x1200, 107K)

why is nobody talking about this lad

Attached: 108866.jpg (256x316, 23K)

>"lucario is a shit pokemon!"
>"m-muh Mewtwo!!"

No arguments. I care about Mewtwo more but denying Lucario's incredible popularity outs you as salty and childish

Banjofags being furryfags and barafags, why is it not surprising

uh, Stevekeks?

Attached: Steve and Tony.jpg (836x956, 180K)

honestly, once Decidueye got Pokken it kinda became clear that Roar was the smart choice for a Gen VII rep given his shtick and Sakurai's outspoken love of cats and ProWres.

don't forget
Masuda fucking loves Incineroar

Attached: Masuda retweets his favorite kitty snack.png (630x428, 89K)

Stevefags being barafags is also not surprising.

That was more convenience than anything considering Ohmori was running Gen VII. He and Sakurai grew up with Tiger Mask and Kinnikuman so its no surprise they'd be all in on the fusion of the two.

It's Porky. Screencap this.

it's fine to dislike fantasy games but you're out of your mind if you think they're gonna charge 6 bucks for an arcade rep that isn't a fighting game character

Attached: small haruka.png (53x66, 6K)


Attached: 1404333125289.png (500x484, 124K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-27 at 3.56.48 PM.png (663x73, 15K)

>Newcomer? This is the greatest day of my life!

Attached: fighter pass number 2.png (973x546, 992K)

Uh, what does being an arcade character have to do with anything? It doesn't matter if he's from an arcade, he's an extremely well known character, from an extremely well known game. They'd charge 6 bucks for him just like they would for any other character. That's like saying they wouldn't have made Pac-man dlc because he's an arcade rep.

>not Jill

this can't be happening porkybros

Attached: this was reposted from a edit collection of the same pic on ssbg but nobody will care.png (1562x1850, 1.43M)

That would be fucking amazing

1. Not 3rd party
2. Already a spirit in his safely capsule

>he's an extremely well known character
the game is well known, sure
most people don't even know Taizo has a name and are more likely to recognize the enemies or theme music
>comparing Dig-Dug's recognition to fucking Pac-Man

fuck you and fuck the hell off

shit art

And people will recognize the character form his appearance

>Completely ignoring the part where your argument would mean they wouldn't include Pac-man because he's an arcade character.

also shit picks (ken and geno aside)

Pac-Man IS arcades, everything about him represents the arcade era, not to mention being Namco's mascot
Dig-Dug is just Dig-Dug, and isn't on par with the likes of Soul Calibur, Tales, Tekken, Souls, and even other arcade games like Galaga

I am sorry but if we're getting a golden-age arcade character, this is first in line

Attached: 0de887df874bf7ae2bfffb261b695c51.jpg (340x400, 32K)

>Sakurai grew up with Tiger Mask and Kinnikuman so its no surprise they'd be all in on the fusion of the two.
I love this meme whee people assume Sakurai's childhood and that Incneroar is the product of some deep love for wrestling, when I cannot find a single interview where he talks about wrestling outside of Incineroar being added because he filled an archetype.

Geno is the most shit choice of Grinch leak 7.

now we're talking

Attached: nowtayne.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

Have any of my most wanteds been deconfirmed?

Attached: mostwanted-min.jpg (4262x3602, 3.75M)

Friendly reminder that even if Steve cannot be in smash, we will still work tirelessly to make sure you know your cereal bear won’t shit up the roster

The two right ones for sure. the others honestly have a shot though.

More people know about Dig Dug than they Tales, Soul Calibur, Tekken or yes even Souls.

>one of my most wanted got deconfirmed, the other is practically deconfirmed all but directly, and the rest are absolute never evers
God at least give us have characters that are cool and unique at least. Erdrick and a FE shill pick would be so safe and boring.

Attached: 1535158260841.jpg (966x1024, 88K)

>Geno worse than Gematsu Kids and Literal Who Rider
haha no

Only the chorus kids are shit

Amaterasu and Crono have been deconfirmed?

>No Switch game or spinoff
>Not even the protag
I'd rather have Junko and her "dispair" at that point.

Cooking Mama is the only character left that should get into smash.


Cheers, luv, the cavalry's 'ere!

Attached: dd8e0933-bd0f-4492-b16b-3ad320671f10.jpg (1920x1080, 604K)

how is Erdrick safe when Slime exist?
also Byleth is looking less boring now that he has a sword-whip weapon
>inb4 muh axe iz so yoonic faggots


because people genuinely like bravely default unlike arms the biggest waste of $60 ever

didn't Blizz say they would want Diablo added if any of their characters got the chance to be in Smash

He's sure as shit safer than practically any other SE rep at this point. They don't add a Slime over a protag, even though it would be a hundred rimes better

P to piss on grave

He namedropped NJPW and how much he liked it in that interview, user. Plus given that Suplex Kirby is the most comprehensive ability and all of the wrestling minutiae that are present in Roar's animations, it's clear that Sakurai loves his ProWres. Hell, there's even a potential GoldenLovers reference in his Classic Mode with Greninja being his tag team partner.

this guy gets it

Why are so many people banking on a Astral Chain character? The game isn't even fucking out yet.

Attached: 1548357680921.gif (400x300, 814K)

i like them all :)

You know what, I wouldn't even be mad.

>genofags calling anybody a literally who

If he said yes, then it would be a massive spoiler and fuck up Sakurai's plans.

Pretty sure SE lies a lot about stuff to hide information.

Stands are cool as fuck

As a Lucario fan, it feels good to have Incineroar as the shillmon that no one likes.

Attached: 1558733324658.jpg (512x512, 47K)

That's the only thing he gets. The rest are shit

Actually based

>Sora is deconfirmed because some guy said so

Kamiya denied Bayo in Smash years ago during the tr4sh days. Same story for a lot of these guys speculated to get in Smash. You honestly think someone other than Sakurai is going to actually give you a confirmation of X character in Smash?

>SMRPG sold 2 million on debut as a spinoff
>Mach Rider sold literally nothing as a spinoff
>Geno had visible popularity and demand for years while literal who rider fags had to hope he becomes "that surprise rep"
its okay to be ignorant. enjoy your Novice Spirit i guess, grinchie?

Reminder that Rex didn't get in because XC2 was revealed after the base roster was finalized, so AC isn't in because it was also revealed after the DLC choices were finalized.

t. doesn't know how NDA work
also Sora wouldn't be in prior for DLC planning since the Disney VP said they haven't been contacted for Smash

Source for this?

don't forget about the whole Springman bullshit and people insisting Inkling and Dixie was a lock for 4's DLC

i wish but yeah no. a lot of erdrick's competition has been falling and his likelihood, even if you don't take leakers into account, is ridiculously huge. maybe next game he'll be in the base in exchange for letting cloud (and erdrick?) be dlc again.

Got a link? Because I'd be down with the Lord of Terror in Smash.

Attached: chung-kan-diabloheroes.jpg (1280x534, 156K)

It’s gotta be him

Attached: 8448B100-1A39-4348-B498-4BF76D2B51F8.jpg (474x688, 63K)

>Kamiya denied Bayo in Smash years ago during the tr4sh days
this was years before DLC

also Dantefags use that same argument prior before Ultimate's release and TURNS OUT Matt Walker wasn't bullshitting

I still don't think this means much. She could have not been in development until after he tweeted that.

>Post from 2013
>Negotiations to add Bayo were in 2015.

case in point
people need to stop bringing up "muh kamiya" each time a dev shoot down a character

Dantefags were still in hard denial after Matt Walker said he wasn't in Smash

That's a good thing, it was being written by a team in Cali

>people been debating over Sora and Erdrick for months
>and you're that one guy that wouldn't mind if both of them made it
>plus Geno
oh well
can't haven't everything
he got an design update in Flash 2 so i'll just move on to that

Attached: Chads of S-E.jpg (1000x1000, 207K)

And he’s still a literally who

This would just piss everyone off. Literally fucking everyone.

the darkness fucking won

Attached: chads.png (653x541, 229K)

And that's why she is getting in.

>Fulgore in the corner
super based. Rash or Fulgore would be a dream come true

Attached: Fulgore7.gif (300x413, 36K)

We have enough capcom characters

Rosterfags are a bunch of big babies. Can't handle when a good character becomes popular and demanded.

Attached: 1518404852972.jpg (640x640, 43K)

No. He just said he's against the idea. Nintendo can just tell him to do it.

oh no, it's retarded

Attached: file.png (264x269, 88K)

Do you have any idea how much worse the last 4 characters could be if all of those guys got deconfirmed?

Fortnite guy
Master Chief

And this is the most likely scenario.

>literally just a generic ninja
I'd much rather have Strider

fine, you get this version

Attached: download (1).png (300x154, 553)

>people taking that party game quote seriously
>when ultimate is literally streamlined melee and the most competitive entry up to date

>this is the most likely scenario.
Frank said no

Attached: Frank on Chief, makes Blinx analogy.jpg (576x738, 173K)

>Dabs on Banjo
>Dabs on Steve
>Dabs on Herdick
>Dabs on Sora (No connection to the ginger who his partner should've boned in the anime despite all the chemistry they had together in the first season. What the fuck was Toei)
>Dabs on pretty much every other character

Attached: yKL1RAz4mL-3.png (300x250, 33K)

Well, I had a good run. I'll be rooting for Sans, Reimu, Steve, Doomguy, and Banjo fans. We really need more characters that go against the mold.
.t Sorafag

Attached: D3XEiMfW4AAOaa4.jpg (349x261, 23K)

343 also said that Halo 2 Anniversary collection wasn't happening.

Smash 4 support lasted a little over a year, same as how long ultimate will take to release all the DLC fighters. You really think Sakurai is gonna waste another year making more characters when he could very well use that time to make Smash 6?

yeah, no, geno would be way better than this.

>Not a Tekken rep
>Not a Dark Souls rep
>Not a Soulcaliber rep

you can't deconfirm doom
it's everywhere
even in our world

Attached: doom in real life.jpg (933x1400, 253K)

Capcom is unironically the one third party you can't have too many guests from.

you realized Smash 6 is Ultimate, the sixth entry, right?

You can, and we do.

graizen, bro
why do you falseflag stuff you like?

Attached: dude DQ3 lmao.png (627x609, 197K)

Nobody really wants Smash 6 if Ultimate is gonna be the “only” Smash title with all the characters.

It’s essentially the definitive Smash game, every stage and character you can choose from. The next game would be a downgrade, no matter which characters Sakurai cuts.

>genofag tries to deny that random party member from an obscure spinoff RPG isn’t a literally who

Project M doesn't count dummy

i'm sure Sakurai and his team think this too, which makes me think we'll at least get one more "season".

Is there even any reason why Agumon can't get in at this point? He's actually more likely to be in the game as opposed to most other choices seeing his company is already involved.

Smash WiiU is the 5th entry, you modcuck
and Smash Run was fun, so don't pretend the 3DS version, which sold better than TrUsh, doesn't exist.

Attached: TrUsh niggers.png (3087x1133, 1.41M)

i don't think anyone will care much about reinvented movesets either for a reboot.

35 characters (25 veterans, and 10 newcomers) isn't a good enough sell for me.

At least post the proper actual character design instead of this fanart

> He says this when we Are missing some stages and trophies
Fuck off

Kill yourself entitled retards, leave Sakurai alone

She has games, even a couple of then in nintendo consoles, she just get a lot of crossovers and guest appareances too.

>muh "sakurai needs a break" fags are still around after getting BTFO by Bill Trinen
he'll stop when he feels like it, as he said

So Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Deluxe is the only appropriate option for the next SSB?

>Namco gets a new rep
>Expecting Souls shit
>Expecting fucking Dig Dug.

Attached: Yuri_Lowell_Granblue_Fantasy_Laugh_2.png (640x688, 251K)

Literally fucking who

thats legendary spirit!

We can't get a third FF song, therefore we are not getting any more SE characters

He's in

Attached: I CAN DO ANYTHING.gif (230x240, 77K)

fuck off Hitagi and go mumble about everyone being a collective to "Vergeben"

>no new characters at all
>few new stages
>Smash Run was cut for that lameass boardgame
>classic mode was downgraded
Wow Smash 5 was fucking terrible.
Smash 2 > Smash 6 > Smash 4 > Smash 3 > Smash 1 >>> Smash 5

Whoever's game Sakurai played and thought was neat about two years ago

What's Jevil Deltarunes final smash?

Smash FOUR 3DS
Smash FOUR Wii-U

Yuri Lowell, the Tales of character that Namco cares about the most and who's game was re-released on Switch.

Attached: Yuri_Status_(ToVS).png (389x558, 850K)

Fucking Midna


Attached: 1534916622904.png (579x450, 380K)

>ClOuD is NoT iN thE WoRlD oF LiGhT
>NoMuRA wOn'T tWeEt ThE cOunTdoWn
Uematsu is just a hack

You think ResetERA would boycott Nintendo if they put in DQ music that was composed by an Anti-LGBT music composer?

>muh ebin reference when Nintendo said that wasn't the intention
did you also thought Kerfluffle was a good name too?

I wonder if Ishimoto would play nicely

Attached: Neku.png (213x394, 91K)

here's your fighter's pass, bros

Attached: THE IDEAL SMASH FIGHTERS PASS.png (1822x706, 1.17M)

imagine being this autistic over naming trUsh 'smash 4"

Attached: 1449820293021.png (367x319, 174K)

>the next characters will either be Tracer/Fortnite or literal whos

I guess this is what you guys wanted all along.

>He doesn't stand out visually
>actual ninja fighter in the roster
>first ever katana wielder
>essentially a ninja belmont

>we already have 2 ninjas in already.
>neither play or fill anything Ryu also does in his games
>Ryu would be the Fire ninja while Shiek is wind and Greninja being water

>He's also pretty lacking in personality
>has more personality than Steve and any fucking FE character

>his games focused far less on him as a character and more just the stylish action
>Sakurai is literally a functionfag
>recent interview had him saying he emulates every character like a full-fledge game, he's not writing a fucking story.

>is disconfirmed
>not even Bayonetta had "stylish" moveset
>fucking Joker didn't get his wild card shit in his moveset
i think that just covers it
lots of shitty excuses

Attached: apparently Ryu is a researcher.png (431x475, 315K)

Did they boycott because of Joker?

Sakurai said no echo fighters on the pass, you dummy

What's Uematsu got to do with getting even a couple png files of the character you've already loaned rights to use?

Attached: Cloud-FFVIIArt.png (456x544, 181K)

idk but i find nintendo getting accused of being bigots amusing.

no, its just fun seeing Smash autists squirm when corrected
bet you spout "deconfirmed" as well

Reminder that Kamiya's baby LEON S. KENNEDY is getting in

Attached: a22.jpg (500x667, 58K)

>actual ninja fighter in the roster
Shiek acts exactly light a ninja

>first ever katana wielder
>more swords

Oh what a world

>has more personality than Steve and any fucking FE character
One of which isn't in the others which are first party

Minor additions like these don't warrant an inclusion.

>not nemesis

Attached: 1541810675771.png (226x226, 84K)

Nintendo is willing to cooperate with Sugiyama to get rights to Orchestra music
Nomura had the option to draw non-Smash characters fighting with Cloud and Advent Cloud in the Smash 4
Uematsu is a old fart that S-E had to pay millions for to get full rights to one of their music

Dante from the Devil May Cry series
and then Raidou from the Devil Summoner series as an echo along with Debisama 3 announcement