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Pirate Bay exclusive
They made Moxxi's face manish.
People hailing it as the next coming of Christ in the looter shooter genre or zoomercore tencent trash. Unfortunate it’s on ebin games store, but I’ll get it anyway because I like Borderlands.
>Epic Games Store
>Randy Pitchford is still a cringelord
>We don't get to kill Lilith with our own bare hands
I don't know why you guys clown on Randy so much. He's based.
looter shooters are inherently not that great, an intentionally well designed weapon will always be more fun to use than some randomly generated hunk of trash
It's Borderlands.
I can't wait for all the reddit jokes and pepe memes hidden behind a destroyable Fortnite wall.
Even though this was just his desperate attempt at shilling a game, I still find it preferable to Ken "Please stop making lewds of my daughterfu" Levine.
And yet it still has more active users than the actual game.
I want Moze to ride my Iron Bear.
>looter shooters are inherently not that great, an intentionally well designed weapon will always be more fun to use than some randomly generated hunk of trash
Well yeah, that’s the case in most looting games right? You get rid of the randomly generated trash and get one of the legendaries with unique effects.
>Played BL1 and 2 on PS3 then PS4
>Mainly played Sirens
>Played Pre Sequel with both Girl characters
>Find out about Reborn Mod for BL2 on PC
>Buy Handsome collection for like $7
>Played as Salvador, Gaige, Krieg and now Zero
>Highest lvl is 55, holy shit this is so fun
>Tried playing BL1 Remaster
>Get to lvl 10, ready to drop it
Holy shit this game aged so badly, honestly, BL2 isn't that great of a game but it's replayability is amazing.
Now i do not know if get BL3 for PS4 or PC.
>talent trees
>free because it's on EGS only so I'm just going to pirate it
I can't find any
The helmet makes her face look minuscule.
There's a sorta sfw Moxxi pic on Borderlands Rule 34 with her new design that looks really good. Can't post it since the file size is too big and I can't seem to reduce it without lowering quality.
Pretty hot pic. If anybody can post it. Please.
Same game 4th time. And previous games weren't that good.
Good taste. Fell in love with her immediately.
They didn't even bother to change the UI.
Yes they did. It's reminiscent, but different. There are lots of details that have changed. The mini map also displays 3D now.
Looks a bit safe and low effort. Don't get me wrong, I'll buy it and like it but they could've done more.
They better show off Fl4k at E3 or else I'm going to be very disappointed
Considering the game was delayed because of his pet AI, I doubt it. It's more than likely going to be Moze.
Hey people of color and otherkin folk, it's Randy. Thanks a bunch for your support!
Here's a picture of me, working hard to ensure I make BL3 just as well as I made Battleborn, Aliens: Colonial Marines, and Duke Nukem Forever!
Thank you for saving my company so we can continue to fight bigotry and be BADASS for many years to come! YAAAAAAAAAAASSS!
Yeah. I'm just remaining hopeful. At the very least they should give us his trees
100% agreed.
probably has atrocious level scaling like the other games
The damage numbers are a lot lower than Bl2. Lower than Bl1.5 as well. But higher than BL1.
Someone did some math a while back and determined that the scaling is a lot slower than Bl2 and it won't even be half as bad as BL2 Overpowered 8 at the top end.
there's nothing wrong with it so far, all the gameplay looks really good, the only bad parts right now are
>weak looking villains
>epic game store
IMO, the villains are a + overall because the idea of beating up a fucking Twitch thot is pretty neat.
Swiney already payed for your PC copy bro