>hey user get on mic we need you to do callouts
Hey user get on mic we need you to do callouts
fuck off
Cute, I say that out loud to scare sissies like you also what’s your @
I'm not a sissy I just sound fucking gay and I'm insecure about it.
Have you never played an fps, user? Basically it's notifying your teammates of the enemy's position and stuff like that.
>joins vc
>duo queue is flirting
>one guy keeps yelling at shit whenever he dies
>rest are silent with maybe 1 useful comm usage every 3 minutes
Never worth it. If you're not playing information heavy games like CS, it's a massive waste of energy.
CSGO is my main game...
You are not an anime girl.
What's the sauce for this?
Love Lab is great
Then if you want to succeed you need comms. You are hurting yourself and the team considerably if you do not.
Desu I played csgo muted
It's hetshit done right since there's barely any boys on screen in it. Just pure girly lust.
I know. I just hate having to repeat everything 2 times because of my accent.
But Love Lab is yuri
no, but I am an anime girl poster
More like Slut Lab
If you're such an antisocial piece of shit you can't even talk to people over the mic you ought to stick to single player games.
>/u/ STILL mad
No I liked LL
But they're massive sluts, ESPECIALLY Maki
Who wants to be friends!
Me, what am I in for?
I just play multiplayer games like single player
What do you play?
Is the Love Lab manga still going?
videogames, you stupid nigger
whats that whore
As someone who hates /u/fags, I demand an explanation.
Where's volumes 2-4
What kinds of games do you like?
All kinds of stuff, I'm not super into MOBAs, RTSes or that kinda thing. Lately I've been playing Shanghai.exe and Atelier Rorona Plus!
A girl worth fighting for
the girls are straight and one of them has sex with her bf
Ah I'm not really into the super weeb stuff sorry.
Playing with 12 year old niggers man children and faggots is NOT OK FUCK ONLINE GAMES
Playing some orange juice, ffxiv and lobotomy corporation nowadays.
That's it?
Different user here, I want to be friends
I'm not either for the most part! I just love MMBN and my roommate recommended Atelier Rorona!
We're already friends!
Sure, want my Steam or Discord?
The anime covered those volumes just fine
That slut with the glasses right?
Either or. My discord is Sink#6423 so send me a rq
What else do you play then? I do play OJ and am thinking of trying out FFXIV.
>Faithful to one boy
when this anime aired, /u/ shitposted the threads on Yea Forums because they wanted their usual yuri bait slice of life, but Love Lab is about the girls trying to get boyfriends.
I remember you! We didn't talk a whole lot last time!
I might try out Lobotomy Corporation at some point, my roommate picked it up and it looked fun enough. I tried Rain World and couldn't really get into it, I liked but put RE2 remake on my backlog, the last games I remember finishing before those are The Evil Within 1 and 2. I like all kinds of games, honestly. My favorites are MMBN3, MGS3 and Hollow Knight!
I meant multiplayer stuff, silly.
Maybe I should watch it
Animeposters are almost always mexican faggots.
anyone playing WoT?
Oh, sorry! I don't own a ton of multiplayer stuff, my friends tend to be into different kinds of games than I am. The only recent multiplayer games I can think of that I own are RoR2, MHW, R6S and FFXIV.
Girls who have sex with anyone but me are sluts.
>tfw someone knows exactly how to bully you in an MP game.
Well I've been thinking of trying out FFXIV. Did play RoR2 for a while but it got old pretty fast.
>he didnt play competetive fps
I feel that's an issue with releasing a multiplayer game as early access. It's gonna die out pretty fast when they don't keep new content constantly flowing. XIV is pretty fun if you like MMOs, there's a new expansion launching next month!
Yeah it is an issue for sure. RoR2 does feel pretty barren atm. I never really played MMOs. I want to give them a shot but I'm apprehensive because they're social games and I have no one to play with.
I hope this is the picture I think it is, going by name only.
any anons play poe here?
w-who has sex??
Me. PoE is awful for multiplayer though since it's just the faster dude blowing everything up and the slower dude doing nothing.
Maki had an unfortunate run-in with a blonde haired deliquent
Now she ahegao double peaces in hotel rooms every night
well that is true but i'm not looking for a friend who comes along with me
wow that's pretty gay
Back in the WoW BC days my guild used to have me say the most messed up shit about myself on mic if I screwed up healing, then spammed it in vent whenever I logged in. Reached a point where I joined a random channel for a PUG and someone I didn't even know started with it. And I fucking loved it.
I was healslutting before healslutting was a thing.
The only embarrassing part is that I'm 29 and still live with my parents who can be heard in the background occasionally. I love my home and lifestyle though so what's a nigga to do?
What are you looking for then?
>my parents who can be heard in the background occasionally
Unless you mean to say that they don't respect your privacy and open the door without knocking while you're gaming, some soundproofing could fix the issue?