What's the most realistic fighting game?
What's the most realistic fighting game?
probably one of those ufc games.
did he die?
In fairness how are you going to punch him while he does that?
no he only increased his chances of developing alzheimer's by 33%
by waiting for him to get tired, stop rolling like an idiot and cracking his skull open when he takes 3 hours getting up
you don't, you unironically mount him
Bushido Blade
Can’t you just stomp his head or is that illegal?
Actually had to use my brain and think what's the faggot name was and I only remember his name because you underage faggots shilled him here. God I hate this place.
Can't mount someone in the middle of their invincibility frames.
He got up real fast though that did obviously cost him a lot of energy. I know nothing about fighting but in this circumstance it did work to avoid getting punished for fucking up that little kick
>gonna slap your face
>*slaps chin twisting his neck*
I bet he think he's hot and and that big dude some weak shit.
>man slaps other man with all his strength
>oh shit I knocked him the fuck out how could I have known that would happen? wtf?
Neo Scavenger has the most realistic fights of any game
He hit his chin, actually.
gayest thing I've heard all day
Apparently he entered some kind of Slap Chicken competition where guys slap the shit out of eachother for funsies.
This guy is apparently the lowestof the low and lets people slap him for money.
Logan Paul hit him on his night night button, rattling his brain in his skull and knocking him out.
that's illegal, boss
I wish air juggling was possible in real life.
Why didn't he duck?
Just kick his ass mid roll.
aren't you able to rupture your ear drums being slapped?
Virtua Fighter.
These competitions have been around for years, it always ends with someone get hit on the chin and being knocked out
And Bushido Blade.
Ufc 3 got pretty good stand up but I hate how the ground game works. It is way too slow and stamina based instead of technique. Submission game is fine I guess. Can't make that much better than it is
you cant, he have iframes
i wish it wasnt this spooky super naural sci fi game and more survival
since it is semi related, UFC just uploaded the full version of UFC1 on their youtube
there is a nerve in your chin, if you get hit on it the right way it can knock you the fuck out.
I though it had the perfect mix. If you choose the right traits at the beginning survival becomes EZ mode or you choose the ones that give you the best story outcome, either way it works.
Acceleration of Suguri 2
Bushido Blade would be my guess.
not real i cant fit a person in my inventory irl
Tekken. I've been doing lightning screws since I was 7.
>royce gracie kept going when opponents tap
absolute mad man
one of the wrestling games
>Chad vs Virgin
>Guy gets up
>beat him up before he can get on balance with hands ups
>Logan Paul wants to join some russian bitchslap contest
>wants to test his bitchslapping on a dude
>knocks fat dude unconcious
>suddenly realizes that going to russia to get slapped unconcious is probably a bad idea
>cancels his trip
its more about the fact that the ref doesnt stop the match. it is the ref who should tell the person to stop when the other person taps, multiple times in that event people tap and the ref does nothing or the other fighter stops and nobody declares them a winner, or even the tapping fighter actually continues to fight after they tapped hoping they can continue.
slap contest, paul hits him on the chin instead of the cheek and it knocks him out
it's the shaking of the brain that causes it
>suddenly realizes that this bit has peaked and he won't get a good return on his investment
fixed it for you user. Let's not pretend the Pauls aren't cynical media creations.
That man's going to hurt his hands.
Your chin is basically an off switch, and that slap is a palm strike, which is just as likely to put your lights out as a regular punch. These two must have double digit IQs.
No, its a nerve in your jaw, if for whatever reason your jaw gets twisted too far too fast your brain gets reset. Theres a reason why chin down and a closed mouth are basics on fighting.
Someone isn't part of the Logang
fuck off
A sensible person would wear gloves but historians insist that nobody did in the medieval period.
one of the best combos in the UFC history easily.
You’re an idiot. He only rolled twice, the first one was the initial kick and the second one was to get away. The second one was necessary because he was defending himself from a ground and pound
>is curbstomping legal
Is this retard fucking serious lol
that guy is a tough son of a bitch for not dropping after that combo. I'd be begging for mercy after that beatdown I don't know he is even still somewhat alert after getting his head so fucked with that first hit and knee
Post the nudes
Seriously. Where did these shitheads even come from? How did they even get famous? They do absolutely nothing and are real famous somehow.
>he doesn't know about Pride
This is so fake
Just git gud
>have a large, sensitive nerve on front of your face that immediately shuts down your brain if it gets hit too hard
And people think intelligent design is real why the fuck is that there?
I've lost most of the fights I've been in but what the fuck was he thinking putting his head in that position, your bound to get fucking destroyed especially keeping it that low without being able to see what he's doing
>Where did these shitheads even come from?
Rich families who can afford the initial marketing investment
>How did they even get famous?
By doing things that are just on the right side of controversial
>They do absolutely nothing and are real famous somehow.
They get viewers, advertisers love viewers.
>dude's completely out cold before he even hits the ground
>better slam a hammerfist down on his head for good measure
ayy lmao
That knee looks like it went straight into his eye
Cause he's a mammal.
Overeem was fighting like a retard. No idea why he even thought it was a good idea to stand and bang with Ngannou in the first place. That guy can tap you with his finger and knock you out for an hour.
What games let me play as a small character trying to take own opponents who tower over you?
this reminds me of the gypsy fight from snatch.
>oh fuck if he doesn't get up these guys are going to kill me aren't they
you make sure its over, many times in UFC history someone looks like they are out and the ref doesnt stop it, the fighter celebrates and the guy isnt actually out and gets back up. it is the ref's requirement to stop the bout when one person is unconscious or submits
Shadow of the Colossus
That ring looks like Bellator, though.
EA UFC 2/3, although I'm not happy about some of the EA's decisions, visuals/physics/violence wise it's the perfect mix.
Fuck, I set 720 width instead of height.
came to post this
jackass flexing at the end
>Go for the fat instead of the head!
Cool to see physics in work tho
which VF? This stage isn't in 2.
Real life :)
Sure, but Ngannous said he punched him an extra time because Overeem was talking shit before the fight. He'll definitely be feeling the effects of that one when he retires. It doubled his CTE in just one fight.
you don't stop until the ref ends the fight
All you gotta do is duck behind him and hit the back of his knee.
they appeal to kids and teenager's fantasies while being just rich enough to make them come true themselves, and then just post it on social media
see: dude perfect youtube channel
No, you are a nigger and a retard, please don't reproduce.
>hit someone on the chin
>literally attached to your skull transferring the whole force behind the blow
>get spin around like a motherfucker, the brain gets shaken so bad it shuts down
A fucking chin nerve, what an idiot. Kinesiology is a thing you gook nigger ape.
This right here is the same kind of shit as when people over-correct "you and me" into "you and I" when it should actually be "you and me".
There's literally no point for the armored guy to half-sword. There's no point for him to go for a murder stroke. There's literally no fucking point for him to attempt "fencing" against the guy who is reverse-gripping the sword. In this particular case, an armored punch to the face would suffice - let alone simply cutting with the sword when even the slightest cut will ultimately lead the unarmored guy to his death.
Armor is made for taking blows face on and it's pretty good at doing it.
Also, murder-stroke thrusts to a torso in full plate, oh god.
>standing HK
just like in muh 2d
Most fighters stop when they see their opponent is out, especially when it's one big punch that floors them. Ground and pound is another thing entirely that only ends when the ref stops it.
This makes me wanna permabulk.
learn some fucking science, a nerve doesn't do this some bullshit martial artist told you that. The brain being smacked around too much causes it to shutdown.
When you get hit on your jaw like it shakes your brain around too much so you get knocked unconscious.
You don't fight by bumping into people. A solid punch to the chin will take out anyone regardless of weight. The skinny guy could easily take the fatty out with a flying knee or a superman punch, or better yet, in MMA he can sub the fatty easily.
No its not a nerve its getting hit to hard and shaking your brain around. Think about it logically what makes more sense. There is a nerve that shuts your brain down or getting hit to hard your brain gets knocked around too much that it shuts down.
master technique desu
shiek vs king k. rool
UFC is so fucking gay. i hate you americans
I wouldn't say most. Most of the UFC guys have anger issues and deliberately go for a couple gnp strikes even when it's obvious that they landed a match ending KO.
Bushido Blade for weapon fighting.
>0 fucking damage
So what's the outcome of that one? Did he gas himself out somewhere around round 10?
>superman punch
he broke his neck?
after he got beat once he kept getting beat
what happens when you drop kick the fat guys legs instead of his gut?
Yeah the fat jiggled too much and made it snap like whiplash.
Nah. If you get solid knocked in the head by the pommel you're going down even with a helmet.
Still, dancing around like that probably gives the unarmored guy more time to land one of those so he should probably just close the gap.
i'm just sad that that fat fuck has better control over his body than me
He sits on you and crushes your ribcage
it does, also it gets you dizzy as fuck with repetition
Naseem Hamed. Look him up.
>0 damage
You got zero brains if you think that was zero damage.
nigga has energy
>60 kg guy
>over-correct "you and me"
>this is what they teach zoomers now
It's honestly not you zoomer's fault for being so dumb.
stay seething ya simp
Nah, leg kicks are brutal. A fit person can barely stand after getting kicked in the shin a few times, let alone a fatty who can barely support his own weight. Fighting is done at a distance, so no one's landing on anyone.
What those stupid tv shows miss is that having plate armor on like that is effectively like having shields all over your body. Even if the unarmored guy reverse grips the sword and goes in for a hit with the pommel, he's wearing armor and can rush in to practically hug the guy letting him go in for an easy kill by stabbing him anywhere. And you're exactly right, dancing around is a really bad idea for him, he doesn't need to do anything fancy really for an unarmored guy.
Honestly being that fat and able to maneuver yourself like that is pretty fucking impressive, even more impressive than a guy who's in shape being able to do it.
Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.
These fags are boring, what happened to jackass and viva la bam and shit. These pussies don't do shit
who the fuck is logan paul and why the fuck he hit the fatso in the jawline not the cheek
holy fuck what game is that?
the other guy resisted the slap too much. Which caused his brain to rattle more than it would have if he relaxed. The fat guy doesn't know how to take a hit.
What ever happened to fighting games with an out-of-bounds anyway? Aside of Smash Bros do they even make games like that anymore?
what a twat
Go watch deathmatch wrestling if you want to see retards doing retarded shit. You probably get banned for posting gore if you post webms of it here.
Street fight are so shit.
>Game lets you level skills
>Put all your points into a single attack
That little stutter step is fucking hilarious
UFC 2009 Undisputed
If you just stand there and do literally nothing.
Properly holding the sword gives the armoured guy a huge advantage in reach. The only "vulnerable" part for a murder-stroke is his head and only in the case of a perfectly landed one which is a hard thing to do.
Properly holding the sword also provides a tremendous speed advantage.
I repeat, an armored punch to the face would suffice. Armor is broken. All the half-swording and murder-stroking is there for two armored dudes with swords to be able to deal any damage to each other.
Unarmored vs full plate is so unfair it is funny. Yet here the armored guy pretends he has literally no armor.
I always get a raging hard on when I watch this shit and I don't know why.
beautiful use of the the rebound from the ring.
I'm very likely to be older than you, user. You reek of underage.
lanklet elf btfo by dwarven strength.
rl fightan game combo chief
My brother has strength and punching power like that. No one bothered to put him in MMA, instead he's an artist and a programmer now. What a waste.
What does underage smell like?
based brawny redneck kid
Shoulda picked the black firebombs
fat-fit is pretty cool yeah.
Not a waste.
He did it to conceal his power
>fear not the man who has practiced a thousand different punches
>fear the man that has practiced the fucking haymaker a thousand times
He's either extremely overweight or buff as fuck.
Guessing that it's not the latter.
Can't tell if the big guy won because of weight or getting in that first hit. He looks like more of a fighter by the way he squares up anyway.
>korean zombie
Ah, it's good to see low level Tanker gameplay again.
>rednecks in the country fighting
The fuck?
That elbow really was something beautiful.
it was in PRIDE
UFC has rules against knees to the head of downed opponents or soccer kicks (the "official" mma term for putting the boots to someone's face)
you can thank Mark Coleman for making people squeamish about downed knees
You can be both buff and fat
The scrawny kid had no idea how to fight.
Dudes swinging his whole body weight into one punch. He's an actual unit.
this. the guys that bark the loudest are always weak. I learned that growing up. My brother-in-law is a bouncer who has never been in a fight in his life. He is just a big boy, but he has asthma and a lot of other health problems. Anyone could drop him like a rock if they knew the truth.
Blade & Sorcery
He's got good instincts, good power, fast hands.
Correct, though he's losing weight slowly.
No one even tried to kill anybody
That's why I love Bob from Tekken so much
Logan Paul is ripped as fuck now.
He's after Pewdiepie.
>actually has the decency to let his downed opponent get back up instead of just slamming on him
Rare to see someone in a street fight actually have a little dignity for once.
He was smart enough to know that side strikes to the chin cause the most brain damage, so he did that sucker punch with little windup that didn't even have that much of a force behind it but was effective due to placement.
She has them? Who is it
If the other fighter hadn't been so surprised, he could've easily piled ontop of him and gone for the "ground and pound" or some shit, the rolls covered 0 distance
Even poor white trash are a step above hitting a man on the ground
>use of color makes the protagonist stand out in a sea of faceless mooks
absolute kino
Fucking brutal.