Witcher 3 Leaked for Switch

Coming in September

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Who cares?
The game is like 4 years old.

>chinks sell fake goods

Imagine being excited to play the inferior version. Nintendofags truly have no standards.

@140p 12fps

It's a good game though.

this, lol.

Why. Do. We. Keep. LOSING!?

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Based retard.

If it is true, i'm guessing this was going to be a big E3 reveal.


I know that's a meme but my prediction is it will probably be 720p 20-30 fps. For the Switch with a game like this that's pretty good.


>tfw still haven't played it
Looks shit honestly I don't get the hype. Also open world games are generally shit.

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60fps if looks like this.

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500p 15fps. But at least its portable!!

Geralt in Smash

You'll never buy it. Just like Octopath Traveler.

Easiest way to explain Witcher 3 - Netflix adaptation was never needed, the game itself is a 10/10 TV show. Yes, not a good game, but good tv show. With quests instead of episodes.


> Inb4 it's some streaming bullshit like RE7 on Switch.
I don't see how they're going to make this run acceptably on Switch. It'll be hilariously downgraded and get picked apart by digital foundry like the Switch port of Ark Survival Evolved

the atmosphere and soundtrack are better than the game and the game would be nothigng without those

Be careful what you wish for. The MC's father in Three Houses is also named Geralt.

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what the fuck are you talking about

>Geralt in Soul Calibur 6
>Geralt in Monster Hunter World
>now Geralt in smash
You never needed that much Geralt.

>its the stream version for JP only

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>Travis Indiedown
> a win
again. Why do we KEEP LOSING?

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Considering it runs bad on a PS4 imagine the Switch port

Some games are "movie-like", witcher 3 is a tv show-like. Great characters, amazing soundtrack and atmosphere, wonderful animations and expressions on people, dogshit gameplay. Kinda like mass effect tried to be, but worse in gameplay department.

There's no way that shitbox can run Witcher 3 unless they do some serious downgrades.

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>It's a good game though.
God damn, I hate nu Yea Forums

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The only problem PS4 version has is loading times. Don't play that shit on death march on a console. Because every time you die its like loading the game from the title screen.

but it's already been a multiplatform game since launch? kek wtf


Those prices can’t be right

Game barely runs on 30fps and 720p on the ps4 PRO

Already played it on pc, it sucked. TW2 was way better

the only people to blame here are nintendo and their fans. it's nintendo's fault for making yet another console that can't run modern games. it's nintendo fans' fault for eating any overpriced shit and using "muh portability" to justify it.

you don't like it? why not?

>Opinion I don't approve of! God I hate discussing video games! Stop doing that! I want my wojak pepe shitpost parade!

What are these games like? Basically an Ubisoft take on Skyrim?

Nintendo faglets btfo

atmosphere and concept are kino. actual game is a repetitive, tiring hallway simulator with the occasional decent boss battle

what a blunder of a system really consisting of old ass ports of third party games and games made with a it's just a toy mentality by nintendo themselves


zelda is much better who the fuck care about this average game lol

>60 fps

Combat is horrible in Witcher 3. Everyone can agree on that. Occasionally throwing spells and drinking potions only to just endlessly having to slash and dodge, slash and dodge like an idiot. And magic leveling fucking sucks.

Looks alright to me, the 35 dollar thingo are stickers dood

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>Nintendo fans eat shit with a big grin as usual
What else is new *rolls eyes*

They're so pathetic

>Nintendo bootlickers worship Zelda like the Bible
>Most have never played the originals, just parrot YT and Discord speak
You niggers are truly insufferable, and your constant ignorance when talking about games are tiresome.

Yeah, imagine somebody actually played PS4/Xbox version instead of far superior PC version
Absolutely disgusting


you're actually delusional

at least there you can have the poorfag excuse t. pc gamer

How's the far superior version of RDR2

>480p 20fps beyond lowest settings

Nintenlets btfo lol

And its gonna be 500p or less in handheld while the fps will be unstable 30

Will Geralt parade around with a bright, red Mario emblem? Gotta have Mario in there somewhere to entice the Nintendo basement dwellers.

Dragons Dogma, a game vastly inferior to Witcher 3 on the graphical and size department runs at less than 600p with dips

Oh I thought it was yen

Nintendo drones do, they only care about games ported to their system, they praise games only when it gets ported to their system, even if its at 20 fps 540 resolution.

1080p 30 on base ps4

he's right

I've got it and it runs/looks great, both handheld and docked

Okay you autistic blind retard. Its been analyzed already by digital foundry. Its 900p docked

>stream version
wait a minute...
we don't need a switch pro :^)

Time stamps

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Witcher 3 would run fine on the Switch. Draw distance would need to be reduced. Texture resolution reduced. Effects dialed back with the most expensive ones turned off. 720p rocked, 540p portable. Running with the recent clock boost. And still maintain a 30fps frame rate with dips not unlike the other consoles.

Don’t get Panic Button, get the guys that did Skyrim. Or if CDPR has the resources, get them involved themselves to modify and optimize the game to better fit the hardware like they did with Witcher 2 on 360.

Those of you acting like it will melt the Switch or be an impossible port are completely delusional and ignorant. This game already runs in the 20s at 720p scaled back on PC hardware that’s inferior to the Switch. It would be fine. Would you play it is the question. And I would absolutely play a portable Witcher 3 with these compromises to make it possible


Looks great!

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Honestly, I'd rather have ports of the first two on any console.

Did they port it to TW1 engine?

>Who cares?
You took the time to comment

Yknow you can own a pc and a console right?

Why do you have to lie
It's enough they let people without the console shitpost like they have one, but at least don't spout fake shit

This game crashed on me at least 5 times during my playthrough. Never finished because it's an awful game but I tried hard to play through it. I couldn't because it loves to crash. No other game has any issues aside from that.