Is there any game that was made in Italy
Or, a game primarily set in italy? Super underrepresented time in history
Is there any game that was made in Italy
Or, a game primarily set in italy? Super underrepresented time in history
Other urls found in this thread:
assassins creed
Asscreed 2 and Brotherhood are set in renaissance-era Italy
What a specimen!
wasnt some of the mafia games,CoD and the first assassins creed in italy?actually asking im talking outta my ass here
Dante's Inferno
top brand
>a man so strong, he turned the world on it's head
>when the camera tilt makes you fall
>old lady: "????"
>"o wait I just got punched lol better fall down so I can reap that sweet, sweetlawsuit $$$"
Why is pic related stimulating my pee pee
what the fuck is the guy in the suit doing?
delayed reactions
did she died?
yea dude, she was clearly in the wrong here
doing his best to not shit his pants
there are plenty of games and game developers but they mostly can't produce anything of value
Assetto Corsa
she was hit on the chest
old people have weaker hearts.
prolly her heart was struggling after the impact, hence she is tuching her chest the whole time after the hit.
A man knocked a random elderly woman unconscious in the street. The 81-year-old required medical attention after she fainted and fell to the ground breaking 2 of her toes. A second victim, a 36-year-old female, was also hit by the man. The incident, which happened in the capital of Moldova in Chișinău, was captured on a nearby security camera. The clip shows the pensioner walking towards a beggar outside a shoe store and giving him some money before heading off on her way. This happened on the 14th this month, he was caught today (24th of may). Both of the victims are now in good condition.
You spend so much time watching porn that you became desensitized to most things and start delving into stranger and stranger fetishes just to get off
>Super underrepresented time in history
Italy is a place, not a point in time.
Obviously controlling double punch man with his mind powers
binyot pls
Old twat was literally simulating to get profit or special treatment.
have sex
Me on the left
achieve enlighment.
Why is Italy so weird?
Looks like some anime "nothing personnel" fight.
where the FUCK are my videogames with ants
Bayonetta is set in a fictional city in Italy
Assassin's Creed ii, 3, brotherhood, revelations, also Mario for lulz
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One had a big section in Italy.
nigga don't nobody like no godamn ants
And that's a good thing!
black people...when will they learn?
wow... so this is how pasta is made... incredible
House of the Dead 2 is set in Venice.
Assassin's Creed II has the best Italy in gaming tbqh.
Black people will learn someday. Niggers won't.
Earth Defense Force?
Yeah fuck that old cunt for getting bunched by a drunk guy.
Please kill yourself.
She dropped all of her spaghetti
Mario is italian, you dumbfuck.
Where the FUCK are my VIDEOGAMES with ANTS in 2019 PEOPLE?
Games made in Italy are almost all racing games, the latest being Assetto Corsa, or the old Codemaster racing ones, and point and click adventures.
Notable exceptions are some indie strategy games and a single AAA product, which is Mario vs Rabbids.
As for games set in Italy, there's a fuckton, from Assassin's Creed to all the roman empire ones, plus stuff set in WW2 (for instance, Sniper Elite v3) or in the renaissance. You also get the occasional level of globetrotting games, like Hitman.
Italy makes good racing games
>tfw you will never have sex with a girl in a tub full of spaghetti
or sex at all.
learn what? They commit an insane amount of crime and people are scared of saying anything about it. They'll even excuse it with stupid logic like "well they are poor so they have no other choice but to commit violent crimes".
Actually he was born in the mushroom kingdom.
The only companies I know of that are Italian produce racing games.
As for games set in Italy... outside of levels in "world tour" games (Rampage) and racing game tracks, you'll be mostly looking at war games.
I think there's Anna and Wheels of Aurelia are set in Italy and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a Godfather or mafia game floating around out there.
>Mario vs Rabbids
I think that was France. Unless it's some satellite Ubi studio I don't know about.
I had this dream once where all the CIA were a bunch of kikes and n-words.
How true do you think that is?
>you're already dead
>grandma: nani?
sex in a tub of Nutella
lol women so dumb
>Fucker didn't even fall over
Look at him, he was a little sore the next morning. That was the highlight of his day, like he went home and told his wife about it smiling because it's a fun story he wants to share. He laughed about it while he told her.
I don't know I'm not American but here's the twitter of Canada's minister of immigration
Pretty much
But what did Ubaid say?
Not true at all, spend less time on Yea Forums.
Bayonetta, Ezio and Mario are best Italians. Most shit involving Italy is usually centered around ancient italians (Romans) because people are obsessed with Rome and Ancient Greece.
Imagine the smell
even the official estimates for how many Jews died in the Holocaust is now as low as 3 million
people are so fucking deluded
They're going to need designated shitting streets soon
Who do you think they actually are?
Guy broke his foot doing this, or leg i forget
Random grab bag of multicultural Americans, just like every other job in this country.
This is probably one of the most wholesome platformers of it's era that nobody gave a shot because it looked "licensed", I didn't know Ubi outsourced it to Italians, but they're certifiably one of the few nations you can 100% trust with Donald and co.
That was clearly TSUKUYOMI you fuck
>Grezzo 2
mama mia
that's Arnold Schwarzenegger getting kicked, he's 71 in that clip.
god this confused me as a kid.
god fucking tier game
RIP rare
what's wrong with you people
>ton ngo
Why did I laugh at this?
Off couse. A lot of Mickey Mouse, Donal Duck / PK and other char. comics are made in Italy, there are so many storylines.
/pol/-era racism is so fucking tiresome. It's like they all follow a script or some kind of flowchart, and not anything they thought or learned on their own. And christ fucking knows they don't know how to be funny with it.
Our TV channels are mainly for making the mass ignorant and distracted so it won't boycott the bullshit our politicians spew all the time.
i think he forgot his hidden blades at house
Wasn't he born in Brooklyn?
I despise black "people".
get real, kids grow up
I open the television just to watch YYH, yes it still airs.
>more mexicans and pajeets than blacks
>uses it as an argument against blacks
imagine never going outside ever
You just know.
do you know where you are?
>inb4 but i'm le oldfag it was never like this wahhhhhh!
fuck off to monkey face
Either zoomers that haven't left high school or autist NEETs browse echo chambers who have never left their hometown.
They're unable to prove me wrong
I cant believe nobody has made this joke but...
Please elaborate. The only part that is tiresome is that they are more often right than wrong.
>not caring about your country
>not caring about your family
>not caring about your children future
Better question, what the fuck is wrong with you?
implying that anyone besides man children use this website
>he loves niggers
>If black person shown, post X chart
>If chart disputed post Y webm
>If anecdotal evidence disregarded, call lib
They don't KNOW anything they post, it's just what they've been instructed to reply with.
My fucking sides.
>le black people aren’t all niggers maymay
Nu/pol/ fags certainly operate in that manner. Pointing out that 13% commit 50% of the Murder is still factual true and based.
Like pottery.
That's good.
That left woman looks like a robot.
Are you trying to prove him right?
Based, loved this game
If you can't handle facts that's your problem.
I feel bad for the white kids here. Any white person here that went on a school like this full of chinks and niggers? How was it?
>t. nu/pol/tard who can't read a simple statistic
Ignorance was bliss.
I didn't realise until I was older that my country had sold my future down the toilet to turn a quick buck.
Based boomers.
>They don't KNOW anything they post
it's crime statistics straight from the FBI.
>dude lmao look at these NPC snowflakes quoting statistics from the FBI don't they know that they commit crimes because of systemic racism keeping them down
Fine. Leave your house.
>Proving me right
I see 1 asian, 1 turk, 1 pajeet, 1 faggot(you), 3 spics, and the rest are niggers.
Italy was relevant for exactly one single time period. The Italy that mattered is indeed set in a certain part of time.
My schools were in this district! Pretty Epic!! ;)
first assassin's creed was in jerusalem, damascus and acre?
this is a japanese format sold across the world anyway
Not when the party van shows up out front
>open .webm
>oh no they're going to die
>notice headscarf
>"i'm okay with this"
why are you people in here anyway? just fuck off to any other place.
Do you? Prove it wrong then.
>stats proving they commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime
>haha I win
Now you know how they feel :^)
how would i prove you wrong?
by posting the stamps in my passport?
Empire of Ants
His point was never that they don't dumbfuck. It was that /pol/ has no thoughts of its own and can only regurgitate graphs somebody else told them to post. And you've proven his point.
posting the first actual answer to OPs question itt
He was taking a snapchat at the time the guy kicked him. Apparently he didn't even realize the guy had actually tried to kick him until he rewatched the video. Arnold is too good for this earth.
What "thoughts" do you need, nigger? Why do normal people hate niggers?
Here is your answer - they are fucking violent criminals living among us and everyone is okay with this. How's that not enough? Sorry but yeah I "dislike" criminals.
>They commit an insane amount of crime and people are scared of saying anything about it. They'll even excuse it with stupid logic like "well they are poor so they have no other choice but to commit violent crimes".
Not in Gulf Countries, since no Jews and cuck whites to defend their pet niggers and they get deported immediately by the authorities if they commit a crime.
Asscreed (implying 2) is literally the second and third reply, and plenty others have mentioned war and racing games.
Italian resident evil from the team that was about to make RE2 remake before being stopped by capcom, capcom invited them to their studios and helped them though.
went to a school full of minorities, most of the asians and pajits were tryhards trying to one up each other in any possible way. The whites were either valley types, stoners or white trash, and the blacks were as you'd expect they'd be. all the different ethnic groups had their own little cliques so it was a little divided.
Not all black people are criminals, and you're not normal. You're a sheltered racist loser.
What an absolute Chad.
The average person hate niggers and will never live around in a majority black area if given a choice.
what the fuck do you expect in an internet fight in a thread with a life expectancy of a few hours tops?
a survey of all literature on race and violence?
o shit, this looks good
Every other non-vidya topic can manage deep and sensible conversation within 500 posts on this board, so yes, if your political shitposting can't manage the same that's the fault of your own retardation.
>i-if i say it enough times the newfags will agree with me
you're the alien here, fuck off
This post reeks of sheltered white privilege that has zero life experience.
You are literally describing a tactic used by /pol/ to force threads they dislike off the board.
>having children
>i care for their future
pick one retard. a good parent would spare the child life in the first place, especially when you think the world is going to shit
>Every other non-vidya topic can manage deep and sensible conversation within 500 posts on this board
>You're a sheltered racist loser.
how are FBI crime statistics racist?
Upper middle class white person whose schools had a +50% black population and a large amount of Indian kids as well, AMA.
europe simulator has an italian level
>non-vidya topic
He's completely right and you're showing yourself off as a newfag.
Mario + Rabbids was Ubisoft Milan. You've never heard of them because they've spent most of their life making shit like Just Dance.
this isn't 2011 Yea Forums 2.0, off-topic gets deleted fast so it's the same shit-flinging as vidya discussion
and that's IF it isn't just a fotm fetish spam
Did he see how big those three white dudes were? Jesus christ why would you try that?
>Everyone around is black
>chilling and minding their own business
>one fucker decides to do some stupid shit
>when will they learn
Gotta love those baits
What a piece of shit
it's not triple A but it shows that it's made with passion, also I think they had Satoshi Nakai, one of the artists of Resident Evil 0 and Resident Evil Code: Veronica to design some of the monsters for the game.
Well, I'm Persian, I have no experience with chinks but my nigger and spic classmates act pretty much like pic related. Thankfully my family got enough money to eventually move out from our former place and found a nice neighborhood.
Girls will love you, everyone else will hate you. Hopefully you hit the growth spurt early and can stand up for yourself.
super botte e bamba 2 turbo
Fucking based
A fucking Godzilla thread hit bump limit lady night and was constructive the entire way through.
Don't worry, he'll move out from his neighborhood if niggers decided to flood in.
The guy dirtily hits an old lady weaker than him, literally a coward and the "chad" antithesis.
>expecting rational thought from these types of people
The guy was screaming at Arnold demanding he give him a Lamborghini as he was dragged away. He was a retard.
what is going on here
Italians look like THAT!?
Try again Muhammad
We look like pic releted
que repugnante...
Is this guy italian? I havent looked into where the giga chads come from
American education strikes again and it is just as incredibly shit as ever. I guess it must be hard on a low iq mutt population
not him, but i think it was meant to be complimentary because of the woman
I sure do hate black people or NIGGERS as I like to call them!
read a book tranny.
That video of the chad got deleted
Vibrant, Diverse... Wonderful.
Which episode of jojo is this?
>no u
no u
What if I'm a Jew and hate niggers, well Sudanese specifically?
Hes right you faggot
Italy is literally a shithole, immigrants pouring in by the thousands daily, no economy, no businesses, freeloaders, rampant crime and drug zones.
We are a joke of a country, we are going to be the next greece and theres nothing anyone can do to stop it.
""""French"""" student breaks into a classroom acting like terrorist, making demands of cooperation, as a "joke". Reality is France is finally going to go away soon, and that's a a good thing!
And south Italy is even worse.
lol at him laughing
E Lui.
Pls Salvini save us.
They try hard to be cool and they don't realize their edginess is not cool to anyone, not even the ones they think they are impressing, it's quite fascinating to watch.
How often did you get beat up?
would fuck Lana.
>trusting the meme man
Been waiting for that crash just like The one M5S had today:
I give it a year or so. The moment people realize that money is not pouring in and the few nigs we have are not pouring out.
Who the fuck listens to these special interest groups spouting their blatant bias in the world?
Does anyone who can change things listens to these faggots? Why? Is this a real representation of discussion of human organization?
... And what could change the true human agenda, like the Zionist empire's interest and reign? China?
Nobody is mentioning that the guy he kicked is Arnold fucking Shwarzenegger. He really decided that doing a jumping kick into his back would be a good idea.
why specifically Sudanese?
I really hate seeing people eat spaghetti.
Eurofags in general are pretty fucking stupid. Especially, when the group up and get drunk over fucking soccer. Fucking soccer. One of the most faggot sports to ever grace Mankind.
Dude could have had a knife, security dropped the ball hard.
Is there really nothing that can save Italy at this point?
It's garbage slave world, not clown world.
Suck my dick the right way, you faggot.
No idea
We can only wait till people realize that both green mean and yellow fellow are telling bullshit and promising things that can't be applied with our laws.
And after that, we have to hope that someone shows up who is actually competent at his job and wants to administrate a country, and not run a constant campaign.
Future is bleak for the pasta-folk
That's a pretty accurate depiction of Polpo. Impressive really.
No, I was referring to the large man eating pasta.
I remember going to grade school, zero blacks. One muslim shit tard that would bully me, but that was it.
Middle school, I remember there being a couple of black students, but the school was still majority white or nuwhite.
High school, same thing, except there was a LOT of Russians for some reason. Oh god all the cute as fuck Russian girls, and a lot of them had massive honkers for their age. I wish I wasn't so much of a beta loser in school, I'd have asked at least one of them out on a date.
This was like early 90's to early 2000's, how the fuck did so many minorities just pop into existence??? Before you ask I've gone back to grade and middle school for events my siblings were in, and the demographics changed there too.
There are no other people, others wants to use Italy for their own gain and not the citizens.
Imagine trying to dropkick terminator
Fuck are you talking about.
The citizens don't know what the fuck they want, once upon a time they would vote for who looked more competent or capable at his job (and i'm both referring to politicians who studied all their life and people like Berlusconi who, despite everything, still seemed like a competent businessman).
Now the common social media addicted fuck thinks he's smart because he can type wikipedia in a searchbar and votes for the politician who regurgitates the same bullshit he believes in.
Why would I want to be governed by someone who's as smart as me?
Fuck that, I want someone smarter than me to do the job. If I wanted someone who says everything I already believe in to be in power, I'd fucking run for prime minister or whatever.
I have a sneaking suspicion this is fake.
it's all so tiresome man. Only way out is to leave
It's a Mediterranean nation. It will always be under siege.
Yes, i'm aware. I was referring that there are opportunists not that smart that just seek power.
Your heart acting up isn't instantly going to lay you on the ground, dude.
>One muslim faggot who had to redo a whole year bullies me despite being a grade ahead of me, so two years age difference
>Nothing major but still annoying, it was mostly his attitude that pissed me off, who the fuck bullies those younger than him
>He ALSO has to redo his last year of highschool
>By that point he's completely alone and I'm fully grown and massive after a full summer of running around the beach and getting into diving
>Everyone makes fun of him, people are way too old to laugh at his shitty jokes (see: desperate calls for attention during class) and tell him to shut up without the teacher having to do anything
>Girls in the class absolutely mentally torment him, making fun of his age and how he's a wreck in life and how he'll never find a job
>They probably cut deeper than any of the guys that made fun of him and insulted him
>Beat him a few times after school, guy was rabid, resorted to biting and even attempted to pull my hair at times like a complete faggot
>Guy dissappeared 3/4 into the year and have never seen him since
Cathartic I tell you. There's nothing quite like getting back at bullies, I consider it almost essential in anyone's upbringing. Shame most of the time it fades away with a shitty or no resolution.
the boatloads are still coming?
Yeah, he's called Salvini if you haven't noticed.
As if that guy actually gave a shit about blacks and italians, he just wants to be in power.
The only dude around here in Italy i respect is Calenda.
At least he did his job correctly.
But even he has some fucking stupid takes sometimes like that whole spiel about videogames being the devil. Felt like the good old days of "violent videogames" never left.
>Non hanno mai giocato a zero comico
Che gran gruppo di coglioni che siete
Do you think the country could benefit greatly if it wasn't inside the EU?
And then the whole bus clapped
I know.
That sounds like me except I wasn't a bully and I'm not a muslim.
Italy will go to shit the moment we leave the EU.
Brexit should clue every anti-EU fans over how terribly difficult and damaging to our economy and reputation it would be.
Also remember, Brexit is the biggest shishow that happened lately, and the English worked on it.
A country that didn't even have to worry about changing back from the Euro.
Other than that, leaving the EU still wouldn't solve the immigrant problem, since we cannot send them back at random due to OUR laws, not just the EU's.
The immigrant crysis can only be resolved with the participation of every country in the EU.
The visegrad leeches are taking EU money and doing absolutely nothing in return, leaving all of the trouble here in the developed parts of the union.
The only real solution is cooperation between the relevant countries: Italy, Germany, France and the others willing to work with us.
The Visegrads need to pay back what they owe to us, take their share of the niggas and help us with dealing with the problem.
Breaking up the EU will only lead us to be raped by Russia or the US.
The Visegrads should realize better than anyone that, if everything goes to shit, they'll be the first one to taste Vodka-scented cock again.
>La parte dove Giovanni si pompa con le stelline magiche e uccide il gorillone.
It's only been shit because
A. The EU hate us
B. The half of the country that voted to remain refuse to believe they've lost, and refuse to acknowledge the above statement
Oh poor Anglo, the EU hates you?
Do you want a blowjob to go with your sabotage of the Union, perhaps some scones too?
Did you expect that we were all pussies, too afraid to fuck with the great British Empire who will surely rise again soon?
You deserve every single bit of trouble you get, enjoy your ruined politics for years to come, backstabbing cunts.
>il trio non tornerà mai ai loro gloriosi fasti anni 90-inizio 2000
Your fucking Union is a tyrannical undemocratic entity, run entirely by out-of-touch politicians who barely even know what the fuck they're voting on.
See, I'd love to no-deal out of the EU, and say "Fuck you" right back, but half of my country are too gay to let us leave.
>Is there any game that was made in Italy
A lot, but they're almost never noteworthy and/or are either car races or football games
Italians are way too depressed to make good games. The reality they're in is so fucked up they can't even use escapism anymore
>underrepresented time in history
Yeah sure, we just voted for the european elections but we're tyrannical because the anglo read it in a picture on his granny's facebook.
How about you post some proofs from reliable sources that corroborate your view then, you smart cookie.
Also, the fact that you still want to leave with a no-deal just because you want to say fuck you to a metaphysical entity really shows how much you actually care about your country's economy and well being.
All form and no content, the lot of you cucks.
no johnny glamour
Three Men and a Leg is Kino and nobody can say otherwise
(Tenete l'inglese o chiudono il thread regà)
>Non ci sarà nessuno come loro in futuro.
It's all garbage italian youtubers from now on, enjoy.
Underrated post
Searching a new gen. italian with high iq is like searching a needle in haystack.
Have you accepted Farenz as your lord and saviour yet?
He has a family to take care, so he rarely makes video but the mails ones are the best.
the best game they could make would be about politics.
England is easy mode
Italy is "oh shit nigger why" mode
He is the smartest of the bunch
>kept loyal to his irl job and only made videos for fun
>youtube implodes itself with multiple factors shitting on content creators, meanwhile he's completely set with his high paying job and family
His mail videos are my favorite christmas tradition, Farenz is the most wholesome and consistently funny youtube guy I know.
Can't believe I can go back to his old AVGN ripoff days and find funny things to smile at even today.
this game is italian
Welcome back.
I appreaciate zeb89 because he's chaotic and doesn't care about youtuber etiquette and also treats his fans like the morons they are
99% of youtubers have less balls than a TG2 host
I still remember the good time Yotobi reviewed movies, still sad that he stopped doing it his Adrian video was good
Looks cute, very Ghibli-ish
I'd fuck the redhead
You can't be Pasta Nostalgia Critic forever, I'm glad he found his niche.
I miss Adrian.
It was such a glorious trainwreck I wish it was talked about more outside of Italy.
he trashed natale in india which is peak kinopanettone
Fucking chinks I swear.
I laughed irl and woke my dog
Each episode brought something that blowed my mind [the watchmaker, the fox, the hunchback, the woman with Celentano voice], i hope that the last episodes one day airs.
I remember I got this from a cereal box, I had no clue how to play it but I still had fun. I wish it was still that easy to have fun.
It's Carotino the father of the abyss.
Does this count?
Those "chinks" are smarter than you cumskins. Enjoy getting dominated by China in 5 years.
>Is there any game that was made in Italy
assetto corsa and the motogp games are made in italy
also the gba version of rogue spear
>No, non posso crederci
redout was made in Italy
>tfw too low iq to find anything funny now
i enjoyed the Fantozzi movies though
Why did he get so triggered over a bestemmia anyway
We all say them after all.
the xcom rabbits game was made by an italian director
No, he got triggered because he couldn't fully remember the name of the king.
are you fucking stupid the very language you speak now came from latin
>put a youtube celebrity in a talk show
>gets dabbed on nonstop by boomers
>goes home and makes a video seething about them
the day television btfo youtubers
whats up ac family?
lmao that shit is controlled by el berlusca no one with a brain wastes their time watching it. its just an enslavement tool for old people that you cannot save
What is the Roman Republic and Empire?
watching el berlusca on talk shows is more entertaining that most italian youtubers
aww how nice, they are sharing their culture
guys i think el berlusca is searching for the fountain of the eternal youth
5 euro che siete tutti terroni
Empires of the Undergrowth
I'm piemontese from a shitty province which I'd like seeing burned to the ground, where's my 5€?
italian tv is based
farenz was based until he went senile
>tfw you followed farenz since he was doing bootleg avgn italian subs and watched him grow old and start a family
watched him since his PSP video
its honestly scary how old he got
It feels like yesterday when Gatto passed his exams with an ac2 thesis
lol you just made my day. imma post this on r/imgoingtohellforthis if you don't mind
terrone here, don't worry I wish for death every day
Spain is a similar country and gets even less games settled there.
nah I'm willing to bet this is from Iran.
Terrone Cho rici a to soru!
Do italians really eat tons of mozzarella cheese?
How's life?
the sea is nice if you can dodge the bullets on your way to the beach
isn't that still in EA? Here's a patrician 3d ant simulator:
and mozzarella is not cheese
Yes, not by itself though
Sniper Elite V4
he said the sea was nice, so no unless you like to swim in mafia bodies and trash
O non è lui?
yeah, but it's not the same as when you put in on pizza
raw it has a completely different texture and flavour
most common use apart from pizza is the caprese salad (salad, tomatoes, mozzarella cut in discs, olive oil, salt)
I'm French and I eat Mozzarella about 4 times a week. With tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.
It's hand down the greatest meal ever devised
What do Europeans even do? How do they have fun?
Have you tried Mozzarella di Bufala?
we ooga booga scream and throw rocks at american, is very fun activity in village
>could have had a thread about weird webms and ants
>just pastaniggas and /pol/ shitposting instead
Yea Forums used to be cool
Oh yes, that's usually what I buy to a cheesery near me when I have guests instead of regular cow milk mozza.
I like burrata as well, but on its own with cured ham and grilled berad more than in salad.
Dark magic and stuff.
>Oh yes