what's the most fucked up thing you saw on a video game?
What's the most fucked up thing you saw on a video game?
Other urls found in this thread:
bandits forcing a player to eat the corpse of his friend in DayZ
why is she so huge?
That quest in Dyling Light where you have to look for a little boys 'brother' and dad in an apartment building
In hindsight, that scene from COD where you commit a mass shooting in the airport was pretty fucked. Surprised they got away with that without too much controversy.
Holy shit dude i haven't seen Creepy-chan being posted or mentioned in years and years
rapelay bad ending
Me neither, after America's Next Top Model I saw her in a couple ad campaigns then she disappeared. I wonder what happened to her...
i doubt they could pull it off again with so many shootings in recent years
Stop posting my /x/ waifu
Runescape circa 2006, some players were using the bow and cheer emote to mimic cybering in a tower outside of Falador.
It was on Fox News at the time, and they asked a video game pundit how IW could get away with this, and then the pundit explains the whole thing about being a CIA agent being undercover, and the interviewer just flounders afterward.
In Rimworld I'd keep a supply of those psychic lances around and one useless pawn near it whenever there's a fight. If a raider takes off a limb or kills someone they get lanced and my super fast pawn runs in and captures them to "The Bad Room" which is a 3x5 room that never gets cleaned and is constructed of granite walls 5 tiles thick on each side. After the battle I haul all the corpses I can fit into that room then forbid the doors so the captured raider slowly starves and eventually is forced to eat their dead allies raw. Once I run out of bodies I take off their legs and an arm then launch them in a cargo pod onto an ice sheet naked.
current year socio politics are shit. The only "fucked up" thing you'll see is gore in mk and that's it.
People are too soft nowadays.
One time I saw a FUCKING Spanish-speaking ESL trying to form a sentence, that was pretty fucked up.
What's the most fucked up thing you've ever seen in a video game?
nobody care about slav i guess
>Without too much
It was a huge controversy. People wouldn't stop talking about it. Though a lot of it was clearly intentionally drummed up by them for free advertising.
most cringy post of the day
Is she still a professional model?
She has an instagram.
t. Pablo
Back to your drug den
One time I read a comment from a fucking autist on Yea Forums, that was pretty fucked up
Transorbital Lobotomy.
>Surprised they got away with that without too much controversy.
There's a reason people are still quoting "Remember. No Russians" to this day, user.
thanks for proving me right
You have to go back.
she's my gf
the alien hive level in duke nuken forever
extremely out of place and weird
He meant it as "From here on out, we only speak in English"
Reminds me of that drummed up controversy because IS was using a modded Arma 3 to allow you to play as IS in game.
she's my wife and she just got a new boyfriend
white people get to pretend to be cute girls
black people are pedos in mmos
She's my married sister and she just got a new bf.
>the most fucked up thing you saw on a video game?
Furries are accepted as a sexuality.
Transexuals are harassing and blackmailing people into transexualism and suicide
Prot Paladins
>Transexuals are harassing and blackmailing people into transexualism and suicide
Discord was a mistake
It's impossible to see something ON a video game, since a video game is an abstract concept and not a physical object ON which you could place some other object. Note that I'm talking about video games themselves and not the physical media holding the data which makes up a video game.
Learn English.
you could use the disc as a coaster, that's sort of 'on' a video game
they should learn english though because that's not what the spic wanted to say
Really? Is she still creepy and awkward or is it a generic instagram thot account? Because if she's still creepy then I guess I'm going to instagram.
I miss when attentionwhores were just weirdos like the rest of us and not people following sound business models
But the data is ON a disc or drive.
>agreeing with an ironic frogpost
Oof, yikes and cringe!
Outlast dlc torture scene
>all these double digit IQ zoomers who've never played or even heard of Harvester
You little spoiled faggots have no idea what things were like before the ESRB came along.
Approximately how many black men do you need to fuck to achieve this look?
on = above or attached to a face
in = contained by
en = learn English
She's a low income model, I think. She just posts random pictures of places she's been with the odd selfie once every few months.
haha wtf
Wrong pic but whatever. Good hunting, user.
It can only be so ironic if it's factual
She's my wife and she just gave birth to a twin of mixed black boys. I'm so proud of her
Cool. Its that Vince Vaughn prison movie?
>CIA recruits young, impressionable ZOGbot into deep cover terrorist infiltration black ops
>leader of terrorist cell makes him commit a falseflag mass shooting
>CIA knew about this all along and incourages him to go along with it
>they were funding the terrorists from the start
how did we get from such a redpilled game like this to clownish hero shooter characters with rocket boots and black women space soldiers?
That part in Lords of Shadow 2 when Satan literally rips an acolyte's face off. There are probably others, but that's the first thing that comes to mind.
Oh, oh, and the Stroggification scene in Quake 4.
Not the most fucked up thing in a video game, but the one that stuck with me the most. Lisa Trevor's story in REmake and Sanitarium get honorable mentions.
Every machete execution in Manhunt was sickening to me, for some reason.
Also that one SWAT guy in metro station area screamed "MOMMY" when I peaked out of a corner with a shotgun and blowed his brains out. Most of the game you kill scum, extremely violent people and whatnot, and here is that police officer who was calling his mom moments before he died. Made quite an impression on me.
The first time I saw laser crit kill a human enemy in Fallout. I rerolled for an energy weapon build after that.
how do we fix the horror genre?
>Fursecution has shifted over to TERFsecution
And all was right in the world.
>the absolute state of american """""""""humor""""""""
remember when /x/ was good?
Such a distant memory it feels like it was just a dream.
I remember it always being infested with Yea Forumstards.
The best paranormal threads are spontaneous ones on unrelated boards.
There's this map in Action half life mod where you can enter a demons mouth go through it's digestive system and wind up in a house with anime on a tv.
She's on a table
It was actually pretty based of them to pull something off like that. it was fucked but damn.
>The best paranormal threads are spontaneous ones on unrelated boards.
the best place to have a discussion about any subject on Yea Forums is NEVER the board created for that subject
they didn't really get away with it, since the first time you open the game there is a popup asking you if you want to skip killing russians or not.
also, the proper excuse they used was that technically you don't have to shoot anyone, your buddies will do the job for you anyway, so it's ok
I would fuck her
did he die?
it was extremely painful
>got pretty far on a reality supermodel show
No shit, you and all of America probably.
for whom?
what happened?
I'm her dog and I use her computer when she's at work.
That eye scene in Dead Space made me a little uncomfortable to say the least.
I think it's the third human centipede. Full of edgy stuff.
she lives in the apartment next to mine, I'm on good terms with her, her husband and her boyfriend. only rub is they do sometimes keep me up at night when tyrone's railing her
that is like super discriminatory of the american gay society
Related to this, there was another scene in another CoD game where a kid got killed by a car bombing or something right? Can't remember where i heard about that though.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
>without too much controversy
I'm pretty sure the entire reason they did it was to stir controversy to boost sells. It fucking worked if so.
why are americans obsessed with cuck posting?
I'm not even sure it was the death scene that was the worst part; the needle going into the pupil was unsettling enough
She lives two apartments down from me. The guy next door to me is a huge fag and I'm stealing his wifi, but she seems alright.
I'm actually canadian, it's my wife's boyfriend who's american (african-american, if you must know)
Thenks, I even played a bit of that one dunno how I forgot.
/k/ has the best skinwalker threads
She lives in the apartment below me. I drilled a hole in my floor so I can peep directly down onto her when she's squatting on the toilet. Sometimes, if she goes a lot in one day, the scent wafts through the hole and fills my apartment, like an incense.
Because it was a really dumb scene just trying to recapture some of the controversy that kept mw2 on the news.
i think that's in the same game
>what's the most fucked up thing you saw
My life going down the drain day by day and I've lost the will to do anything about it.
you're the only one in this thread who even mentioned the word cuck. something on your mind?
What's that from? Can't place the art and I think I'd remember having played a game with a first-person lobotomy.
h-haha imagine being like this lol I sure am glad I can't relate to this feel heh what a crazy notion
>just pretending bro
BioShock Infinite Burial At Sea Episode 2
I can't satisfy my wife :'(
Excellent taste dude.
I'm her dogwalker, she doesn't pay very much, but I get to fuck her dog while she's at work so it all balances out.
FEAR was good
Most of the kills in Manhunt 2 are pretty fucked up, but that level in the bar/BDSM dungeon was disturbing. It was filthty and unsettling
the one with the screaming toddler in dark room?
That's pretty fucked up, though 'I'm going to fuck up your brain if you don't tell me the thing in your brain I want to know' isn't the best of threats.
Time for this shit then.
Strogg processing on Qu4ke is pretty fucking brutal. You're amputated, helplessly tied to tubes and machines only to be aware of it all. Where you are milked and harvested for your fluids and life essences.
The most fucked up thing Ive seen in vidya probably goes to the bucculus. It's a smash bros enemy that kisses you and drains your life. It's been my fetish since. Also the redeads from melee are my fetish. Damn smash bros. Making me nut to girls getting held down and drained. Other games where that happens is hot too.
Not him but I think there's two, and I think they both happen if they get pregnant. First is if they're doing cowgirl position they suddenly pull a knife and stab you to death. The second is that they push you in front of a train in the subway.
Activision was fucking based pre-2012.
It's a dream sequence
>max payne
>dead baby
I passed this the first time without failing, so I never really got to experience le epic gamer gore I guess
Watched a video later with all the death scenes
>let's just hoard the worst of society in a small confined space and NOT turn them into fertilizer.
sad when the obvious truth that anyone can see is "redpilled".
the ZOG really fucking brainwashed this country.
fetus from berserk?
Incredible. I love sandbox mp games.
miyazaki hasn't had a single original idea in his life.
yeah pretty much.
>playing Ark on new server
>running around on beach collecting rocks or something idk
>suddenly naked caveman comes crashing down right in front of me
>ragdol spasm glitches in the ground while making the death scream noise
>startled as fuck
>look up
>notice a couple high level players flying around in pterodactyls, holding players in their claws
>realize they're trolling all the lowbie beach players by picking them up off the beach, flying way into the sky and just dropping them
>mass murder shootings ok
>anime tiddies bad
Amerimutts are braindead
this hasn't been relevant for 10 years. you can't get away with shootings anymore.
braindead retard moment.
the more fucked up thing is that they kill her after it all anyway by beating her to death with a heavy metal tool or pipe or something.
Now I'm curious, what quest?
>ctrl f "White phosphorus"
>zero results
fuckin plebs
I saw something like this before in a thread a while ago, but it was a collage of a bunch of pictures like this, and I still haven't found with this is. Is it like a more fucked-up version of those "this (thing) doesn't exist" things, or what?
any idea where one might find similar pics, or a particular descriptor one might search for?
That glitch from that baseball game.
Orphange bit in Thief
Fuck if I know, and I don't really remember what the thread I saw the collage pic was. I'd imagine it was probably another spooky thread like this, though.
Unless you were talking about the "this (thing) does not exist" thing, which you can just find by googling. As far as I know, there's generators for waifus and real people, but there's probably more.
>nobody mentioning the trap-filled game where you play as a loli going through literal hell, where solving puzzles incorrectly or stepping on the wrong tiles will end in gory, drawn out deaths, sometimes with over a minute of animation for 1 death sequence., on top of an entire level where you are naked.
No, I won't give the source, if you don't know what I'm talking about you shouldn't see it. There's not even any playthroughs of it on youtube because of the extreme brutality mixed with the fact that it is illegal loli porno in some countries.
The ultimate guide on how not to make a horror game
I really want Creepy-chan to step on me. No memeing, that's my greatest dream.
Outlast 2's ending. The entire game was obviously pretty fucked up and i loved it, but the childbirth scene was hard to watch
>Meme game is forgotten
Nothing surprising.
>having to make up words like "basedguments"
Jesus just off yourself, how can "I don't like other people having fun" obsessions reach this level? We get it, you can't enjoy life, just kill yourself instead of pretending there's something wrong with people that can enjoy life.
Pretending to be retarded doesn't make you any less retarded
Imagine being autistic enough to make something like this.
it was something drawn by an artist with the intention of making them as "uncanney valley" as possible
I liked South32, which is a film company and not a game company.
>being "onions" means you don't want horror to be just shitty jumpscares
You autists really can''t even keep your story straight, you can't have an image claiming that and also showing FNAF as one of the trio of onions horror games.
the first time meeting a bloodsucker in the sewers of CoP did scare the life outta me. still does. the rest of the game is just a nice old slav shooter though
You can't, horror in gaming doesn't exist, all you can hope to achieve is to make the game stressful and shocking.
fuck you we don't spoonfeed that illegal shit around here
then whats a good horror game that i can play?
best part is nobody gave a fuck if you just play the thing, its all made up controversy by the news to get some ads
you have to go back
>I can predict people will think I'm full of shit
Well yeah...
these things made me uneasy while playing Quake IV, the thought that some ayy lmao would dismember you and keep you alive as their coffee maker battery just made me feel dread throughout the whole game. and there are more variations in-game, upside-down/headless/whatever, you would never stop seeing these poor bastards that didnt get a clean death. Fuck
Minecraft with Herobrine mod
I hate it when that happens to me
If you're going to steal memes from Yea Forums at least make sure the games are applicable. Jesus christ.
I'm her father and put me in the screenshot
Yeah, I'll have to go with this.
I mean, if you lose, you get your face ripped apart by a wild machine.
But if you win, you still get a fucking needle in your eye. The whirring sound doesn't help either.
The scene in Silent Hill 2 where Pyramid Head is raping one of those leg monsters. Made me turn off the game, and I didn't end up revisiting it until 6 years later.
This scene is always pretty fun
Here's your (you) faggot
is people out there who really think l4d is scary?
Reddit tier desu
To what extent is this meant to be comedic?
At least put that it's from the third Human Centipede movie in the filename, bro
The one where you first find the screaming baby enemies. This isn't that quest, just the enemy.
thanks, pally
creepy chan is queen of Yea Forums
they just want to fuck skinwalkers
holy shit what the fuck god dammit why fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK GOD DAMMIT FUCK
Fucking queer.
There's no such thing as a horror game, retard. How do you PLAY a horror game user? Horror is a theme in videogames, not a genre.
Dog: Yes hello this is dog
Caller: GoT
Go back.
I like how much Corroder hams it up.
>Surprised they got away with that without too much controversy.
There was a ton of controversy. It was all over the news and they got so much heat for it that they patched the game to give that mission a disclaimer and the option to completely skip it.
Man PC gaming was like the wild west back in the day, there were so many PC exclusive games that were beyond crazy and completely fucked up. The devs seemingly did whatever the fuck they wanted and as long as it wasn't on consoles no one cared.
>tfw no creepfu
why even live
one time I saw two people kissing in a video game and I fucking vomited
I'm CIA. Get 'em on board, I'll call it in.
cute dog
When I first played the original Manhunt I couldn't even believe what I was playing. The fact that such a concept for a video game even existed really bothered me.
Pull up the dress and draw the curtain babe.
>When he hits the nail with the hammer and the screen changes colors
God that shit was physically painful to sit through.
For you
>Transexuals are harassing and blackmailing people into transexualism and suicide
you just described nu-/r9k/
check your history; what was the thread no.?
>The filename
the fucked up thing about that is you KNOW niggas like elliot rodgers and lanza were inspired by that shit
not saying it MADE them do it but still, just strange to think.
Its different from the DOOM/columbine shit too. DOOM isnt fucking realistic
The guy who played the main character got arrested for possession of cp
Lol people were so angry they got this post deleted
>except he's actually cracking the skull, not performing a lobotomy
>so they can scan her brain "the meal" or something?
What am I missing?
Maybe rocket boots make for better gameplay than some shitty military cover shooter, I don't know.
I seriously don't, I have not played either game, but I do think shooters being goofy is a good thing.
What? No. They were pretty shitty even back then.
American media sure is disgusting
Saw little footage of that shit and I wanted to throw up, no other horror game has given me that reaction in my life and I'm a fucking pussy when it comes to spooky shit
And not just once, several times.
lol so true
It's because it's so rawly disturbing, it's not like most corporate horror games where it's mildly creepy with some gore maybe, demonophobia was extremely gorey and brutal, but it wasn't corporate at all, someone somewhere made it because they get off on it. That's the creepiest part.
The successful scene is what I found to be more disturbing. A needle going into your pupil while you remain completely conscious was not something i wanted to see. Over the top gore is all that shocking
Mafia 2 when the policeman pissed on the toilet that Vito had just cleaned
In Breath of Fire 4, you spend a good amount of the game searching for Nina's sister. One of the 'dungeons' is a horrid Akira-esque labyrinth of mutant flesh. It transpires that the mutated area is the entire lower body of Nina's sister, once you find her torso in the upper area.
To make matters worse, the character that transformed her gets away with it. He is never dealt any penance for the rest of the game.
i like how fontaine's fake accent just drops
>what's the most fucked up thing you saw on a video game?
ALL of Postal 1
It's too fucked up to say it but it was in the Sims 4 Modded
surprised it took this long for anyone to post this. genuinely shocking moment
someone explain this pic and why it keeps getting posted
Obsessed and rent free pilled
I’m curious tell me more
Not that fucked up in comparison to some things, but seeing the unbaptized fetus demons crawling out of Cleopatra's puss-filled nipples in Dante's Inferno is a boss battle I haven't forgotten.
Get out.
That was one of Hondo's maps if I remember right. Dude made some of the best maps with secrets.
Fucking newfags.
get the fuck outta here
>Surprised they got away with that without too much controversy.
>without too much controversy.
>over a fictional setting
This is why I love Japanese games made in Japan, they literally know it's a fictional setting, and therefore can never become real, and they mostly have a "What the fuck ever, bro" habit.
Everyone on Yea Forums has heard of Demonophobia and half of us have played it, newfag.
Holy fuck you killed him.
No, twas 'tism that killed the autist.
Dead Hand in Ocarina of Time, mainly due to how un-Nintendo it is.
>Demonophobia is now "le epic spooky game DON'T GOOGLE IT XD"
What a pathetic board.
Skulltullas did it for me.
Im still terrified of wall masters
I went through most of Majoras mask as a kid, glad they were absent. And when I hit that well, after being grabbed I shaked uncontrollably and shut off the console. I had to beat that section by timing my dodges and never looking back.
it's really a pathetic site honestly
It's funny how TP was marketed as the dark Zelda but had nothing on the level of OoT at its most macabre.
I thought Majora was the "dark zelda"?
It's literally illegal in quite a few countries to have a copy of it, you can't find the final level on youtube because it's classified as cp.
Because CIA engaging in advanced spookery isn't "redpilled" or some sort of secret knowledge. The glowing niggers have been called out on that shit since before the agency even got an acronym by just about everyone. And they're aware that people are calling them out, by this point they brush it off like water off a raincoat since what the fuck are people gonna do? Act like this is outside of their jurisdiction? Shit outside of jurisdiction IS their jurisdiction.
chomp scene in muv luv
They're all mentally ill from being mutilated at birth.
I'm her apartment door. Her husband seems nice but her boyfriend keeps slamming me closed like a fucking mongoloid
extremely underrated post
this is the only time a game has made me flinch besides shitty jumpscares
Please stop parroting stupid shit you heard from someone even more retarded than you.
Such an illegal game you can find people making playthroughs of it on YouTube.
It's dark in atmosphere but doesn't contain an entire dungeon about massacring an entire race.
Nah, that was the "weird Zelda". TP was supposed to be the "dark Zelda" after WW being the "colourful Zelda".
Serbian Film
yeah i agree OoT is the darker game
rip dead guard
my waifu
made you look
Human Centipede 3 was directed by a Dutch guy who was born in and lives in Alkmaar, and it was filmed by his own film company, who are primarily Dutch.
besides "new zelda" what would BotW be called
no not "shit zelda" or other memeing
Majora is more surreal and fucked up than outright dark.
Literally just google "Creepychan", it's not that hard.
Open Zelda, of course. Skyward Sword is the game that is hard to pin down with a single adjective, so I suppose I would call it the "let's go back we fucked up Zelda".
What's the exact differentiation between "fucked up" and "dark"?
>Ctrl f
>No Spec Ops : the Line
When you use white phosphorus on your targets and discover afterwards that they were unarmed civilians. It was a little too much for me.
that was pretty bad-ass and in retrospect a classic vidya moment, people shit on COD but man did it invent a lot of shit good and bad and had a lasting impact on vidya as a medium like no other franchise, imo both MW1 and MW2 are superb games, no way you could do a 'no-russian' moment in today's political climate
Dark I consider to deal with more typical horror conventions/settings. Ocarina has an entire dungeon themed around death, and is also surprisingly bloody for a Nintendo game. When Ganondorf takes over the world, the mood is bleak and helpless as opposed to the sheer chaos that the Moon in MM brings.
lmao fuck off that game is retarded garbage made by and made for people with no taste, sense of aesthetic or the existential horror of war.
babbys first war is horror media
Fuck, all this years and now I just noticed dead baby in diper in that pic
>bragging about being a desensitized robot
imagine literally anyone trying to do this in real life
Prey 2006 opening part where you get sucked up in the ship and the aliens are harvesting everyone.
Quake 4, you know the part
Manhunt games are pretty fucked up
Dead Space had some very unsettling deaths
Darkwood had some very unsettling characters and quests. An example You help a little boy get back his violin from his house, his father is dead, and his mother turns into a giant mouthed chomper. If you don't kill her and come back later you see the boy cut in half
Damn. Nothing is more fucked up than seeing a dead murdered baby in a pile of other human corpses. That kid's mom must be there somewhere as well, rotting away as the Celestial Gardener weeds out the parasites.
We really are a blight on this world.
why was this deleted?
imagine thinking that spec ops the line is horrifying in anyway. its a teenage angst view of war. try reading books, watching legit kino and good documentaries and then you get an idea of war, not WOW YOU PRESSED THE PROMPT YOU COULDNT SKIP AND NOW YOU KILLED THE INNOCENT PEOPLE, ARENT YOU A BAD MAN, FEEL BAAADD
Lisa isn't a horror game tho
Just to correct this comment the boy never had a brother it was his dog i won't spoil the quest for those who haven't played it yet but it was not nice what i found after i finished it
The dead space eye part makes me churn, but I'm weak as fuck to eye stuff. However, I've never played the series so, the most fucked thing I can remember seeing is probably the guy you bury in a porta-potty in San Andreas. It just felt too over the top for cat-calling.
Damn bro.. that's so deep... humans are the real ebil of the realm......bro *hits blunt*
Yeah I spooked the shit out of me. I always though that I could go to a sex club and get lured into getting cut in half n shit.
I was around 14 and played it on PSP with headphones in the dark.
this is nothing surprising considering how hard Yea Forums tries to be contrarian, but please spend at least 5 minutes today reflecting on how you became like this
>Prey 2006
Forgot about that one. That was pretty unsettling.
this gant be happenig
im in jarge here :D :D :D :D
oh no nothing like that, it's similar to parasitism, and parasites have never been good to anything except themselves.
Wow so edgy, I'm really proud of you son.
I was in a gmod server in 2012 and i had an invisible prop that i would keybind collisions on and off and id always stick squeakers in it to hear them scream
one was so upset that a mod got called in to ban him for micspam but he was so angry and incoherant he didnt explain that the reason he was yelling was me breaking the rules
Thrill Kill. This fucking game; used to play it when I was younger with my friends. Didn't think much of it at the time, but goddamn I don't think I could play it now with how far it goes.
Thanks dad. It's great that we can still bond over stuff even after mom left you for that black guy.
She was a Yea Forums waifu years ago, kind of like boxxy
my reflection in the monitor
Broooooooo *hits another blunt* wooooow that's like so fuckin deep bro...the universe and stuff..woaaah
Spec ops is a shit game kys immediately
I'm her landlady, she is a very sweet girl who always pays rent on time. Some of the other tenants have complained about noise when that dark-skinned gentleman comes to visit. I'm not sure what could be causing it as she has a husband.
whoa... this post is fuckin deep...
Sure son, but as they say, like father, like son, so I'm sure you'll manage to get cucked by your wife (male) too.
I'm her other dog and I just got done knotting her.
>anime titty bad
exactly zero
ebin mem my dude xd
I wanna rape her
Am I a bad person? :(
Hybrids from System shock 2 where fuckin me up when I was 9 years old with those lines where their human part still sits there and try to fight it
Dad, I have something to tell you. I've started HRT. I want you to address me as your daughter from now on.
I'm her cat this bitch dont fuckin feed me
had to bring in a dead mouse show her how its done
If you wanna be a girl, you're gonna have to learn to take dick. Now, c'mere and lemme make you call me Daddy again~
If you wanna live here you are gonna have to pay as a woman
I work in a shoe shop and she asked for for help buying shoes once
I got to touch and rub her feet. I still masturbate to the memory
The Brain Torture scene from Wolfenstein: The New Order
I didn't care much about Rena and Rika's suffering in Higurashi, but the entirety of Satoko's chapter got me. Unfortunately, they kinda phoned it in when Satoko stews in fucking hot water for a solid while, only for her to get well a few minutes later with her fucking sexy body almost fully exposed, destroying any tension in the ending.
Reminder that the push for wrace mixing is being paid for largely by Jewish interest groups who stand to profit from increased immigration and low wage workers that destabilize their host nation through an excess of social program use. This guarantees votes for one political party over the other and ensures certain laws are passed.
Reminder that the transexuality movement is being paid for almost exclusively by pharmaceutical companies and mass media groups which are giving big pharma unlimited political power through the manufacture of transexual children. This funnels more money and social sway into the hands of a few corporate giants using drugs and treatments that are unapproved by the FDA and cannot be tested for damages they cause due to social taboo.
Reminder that police are incentivized not to investigate crimes committed by immigrants and transexuals by being given additional funding and equipment the more outwardly progressive a police jurisdiction can be.
Reminder you are living on hell plant and your soul is being destroyed as a move to consolidate power and capital and soon it will be illegal to criticize the instruments of your destruction.
people say anime tits are bad when this shit is on tv. what the fuck is wrong with america? why would you put a scene with a guy fucking another guys love handles.
hey, wait a minute....
this isnt video games!
The idea is that you shouldn't have to "skip" it, you WANTED war when you put the game in, so you GOT it. You CHOSE war. Sorry that autism makes figuring this shit out hard for you.
>tfw pp got hard
>hits another blunt
Try anti-depressants + Finland instead. No, seriously, try it.
I feel like shit.
it might not be video games, but it sure makes sense
Its pretty hard for me to consider something fucked up in games when I know its all virtual shit, but I felt pretty fucked up that time when I dismembered some female bandits in FO3 and fapped to her fuck nugget body.
SSRIs are one of the worst things you can ever take. Not as bad as benzos or antipsychotics but still pretty fucking bad.
human centipede 3 is fucking hillarious
way better than 1 and 2
Benzos feel so good, it is a shame that they give bad brains
wow so deep, the game pretended to be generic war and then spoke to you directly telling you how bad you are!!! wooow!
Just fuck off, I don't care if you're incapable of enjoying videogames, I still am fag
Combine it with a mind full of wild imagination and it's even worse. Constantly thinking about random stuff is fucking annoying.
The unrealistic amount of blood ruins it
>fuck nugget
THIS is the most fucked up thing I have seen now
I forgot if it's that quest but one particular quest really spooked me and made me real uneasy. The rest of the game is more like a thriller in tone for me and not horror, so not scary, but this one quest and several other moments...
The one where you had to go to a locked torture room where you investigate killings and suddenly from the door the fucking killer shows up. I don't remember if that's the right quest but that particular moment is fucking spook.
Also suddenly finding hanging bodies via rope suicide, the one in the post office and one in a house in The Following. Not very scary but it made me feel hella uneasy first time discovering it
oh hey what's up Charlotte, good to see you aren't a dog anymore
its "no russian"
it was a pretty big deal, new coverage and everything
this was unironically horrifying to sit though. The controller even vibrated every time he hit it.
what ruined it imo is that everyone knew about the phosphorus scene within a week of release, or atleast expected some fucked up shit to take place, spec ops's twist only works if you assume its a run of the mill military shooter.
fuck you honkey, white bitches are where its at, and you cant stop me.
I don't think I've ever played that mission without attempting to kill as many people as possible
It still worked for me since I avoid spoilers and trailers for games I might play at some point.
Also played on the highest availaible difficulty from start up to that point and after suffering through quite a few deaths it sure felt good nuking the shit out of "enemies".
>thrill kill
That shit never got released though
How did they get away with it?
DayZ was shit but with the right people you could have moments no other game could offer, like getting your legs broke and screaming for help because you couldn't stand up
That pciture of Maddem bug where the polygons were fucking bugged
that shit gave me more tryphobia than actual tryphobia
I remember the opening of home front where the kids mom gets shot to be disturbing.
and the bombing in mw3
I played Tf2 in the furry pond server, it was terrifying
there was the baseball one
For you
>so many shootings in recent years
Nigger, niggers and mudslimes have been genociding themselves for hundreds of years, stop taking CNN seriously on the rare occasion a white does it.
>Talking about hundreds of years of history
>Conveniently leaves out that the two largest wars in world history were started by and primarily fought by white people
>"Hur dur only the brown people are violent."
like me
Am I the only person not fussed by this
fucking disgusting
I don't see the difference from the real deal
Holy shit. This game is inventive as fuck despite the cringe premise. Quite a few things even got a legit laugh out of me like the Ryu/Ken skin for the conjoined twins
Ultra Despair Girls is the only game that's made me feel viscerally uncomfortable
>bro it's so fucked up bro but I can't tell you the name and also it's impossible to Google
I fucking hate how America handles abuse cases and divorce cases.
How very Yea Forums a hivemind
>Daily Mail Australia
Are you retarded or just pretending?
What so bad about benzos, besides the dependency potential? They've actually helped me, unlike SSRIs, and even with dependency, the withdrawls aren't as bad.
There's nothing offensive in any mainstream videogames because developers are cowards.
That being said I've broken all the bones of NPC women then removed all their teeth and roleplayed raping their warm immobilized body in DF adventure mode
That's what happens when I involuntarily no-fap then play video games
Doesn't Xanax make you act like a total asshole and then lose your memory?
How can you fap to ASCII?
Imagination fueled by not being able to watch porn because I was staying in a shitty dorm with no in room internet for several months
Jesus fuck just download some era games then
The part in Corpse Party where you listen to Sachiko kill all the elementary students. The scene itself didn't bother me, but blood curdling screams from the voice actors still stays fresh in my head.
Oh fuck, i just saw the A and assumed. But now it makes more sense. Australia is turbo c*cked in many ways.
I live a block down and her fucking cat killed my pet moose, but she's actually very nice
She has huge guts
Hormones in food
damn his pp must be small to fit in that hole
That's one fucking strong cat.
The data it literally attached to the face of the disk.
Sounds like one of those generators online. This cat does not exist, etc.
My dad is started dating her recently. Sometimes they let me come over and play Switch.
Jesus fucking Christ. That poor baby. Call me Reddit or a faggot all you want, but this is the shit that actually boils my blood. Why would you do that to An innocent baby? Fucking hell.
Sociopaths genuinely don't give a shit.
Sociopaths are why shit like factory farming and exploitative capitalism like wage slavery are a thing.
No, it's sealed into the product permanently, meaning the data is contained within the entirety of the object. So fuck you you little nerd.
lol. Kiddie stuff.
Why was the pic removed?
>game that has the devs literally go to the pentagon to give talks about how their advertising campaigns can help them recruit kids and gets told what content they can put in the game in return for free military advisers
>le based and le redpilled
why are /pol/tards even bad at their own bit
Wrong pic. I posted my wife Katya instead of Creepy-chan.
Hit up "The Town of Light" on PS4; you get to have a lobotomy in first person then remember your uncle raped your mother and molested you; all of this before you were raped AND molested in the care of the Italian government.
Good game.
Why is this bitch keeps getting posted? Her nude photoshoots aren't even that good
Yeah, what this guy said.
We should post some, just to uh, reiterate the point...
Does the horrid voice acting have some story implications or is it just amateur?
>me getting euthanized
She's from before your time, young lad.
Two soon
Not the must fucked up things, but i like when non-horror games have relatively fucked up scenes, even without gore. Fucked up with another meaning, i would say. Like Drakengard 3 and TERA: in one the owner of an orphanage is forced to slaughter all of her childrens because someone fused them all into a beast, and they still talk and cry to her while she kills them, while the other has you killing still-conscious """"""""zombies""""""" children because a witch used a spell on their school. Unkillable children in games piss me off, but these kind of unjustified massacres are just sad.
Possibly? I don't like Xanax, I take Ativan or Klonopin.
I think I remember playing a vn like this a long time ago, where some idol cutie is up on stage doing her thing before loons charge in and start raping her. There aren't enough holes to go 'round so they start opening her up with knives and going about it that way.
It was some smaller company, don't remember anything else remarkable.
This could have been a good thread. Why does it always have to become about cucks? Why is vee so shit
lol true dat
I'm her
Can you prove the baby was innocent?
Is it worth playing if I don't care all that much about Danganronpa ?
I just want to play more unsettling games.
The baby probably invaded that poor woman's body.
It's HER BODY so growing inside without her consent was misogyny.
it' turns out that having some moderation is good
I wish more games had ryona in 'em.
God same.
Isn't that all games with playable female characters?
Rarely enough.
The TR reboot was a gem in that regard.
I'll just call you a sensitive faggot instead. World sucks, you don't need to tell everyone how you're literally shaking every time you're reminded of it.
That was the best part of the reboot was how violent her deaths her.
As an American, I wish we would have went for nudity over grotesque violence. This is just disturbing for the sake of shocking an audience, theres no nuance to the violence. I'd much rather have fat tiddies running around than this.
This whole place easily, and Saya no Uta if that count
Probably the shower scene in ZTD. If you press the button, 6 people are melted alive under hydrofluoric acid, and you see a puddle of their tissue at the end of the scene. That's the first thing that comes to my mind.
God the reverse hills were weird as fuck. Creeped me out like crazy.
this is another reason why this website is dying
It's a Dutch film, all the Human Centipede films are. This one isn't on you, Yanks.
Personally, the series doesn't disturb me, though perhaps I'm desensitized. I just find it immature and dull. Shocking film can still be art, of course, I love The Devils, and that film has a bunch of nuns rape Jesus.
As for games that disturbed me, the only one that comes to mind is I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Hopelessness disturbs me far more than violence.
Anything involving Curtis.
That place in blasted tokyo were you're" cleaned" too.
The second sector of Strange Journey also creeped me out, with Mithra
Tooth and Tail's intro cutscene really got to me.Something about how brash it was
They did it for attention dumbasses
Context is old pro pub games chatlogs being scanned for wrongthing in Dota.
A kid jumping through the window of a inn, double cuffing both men and women to their beds and rape the shit out of them. The cherry on top being both piss and shit in their mouth, leaving them to die and rot alone for the rest of the game
That kid was me, i used to love playing Lifeweb for that very scenario. I wish there was more multiplayer games allowing this sort of shit on other players. Too bad the game became more of a safe space
>the moments she gets impaled and starts frantically trying to free herself
This shouldnt arouse me as much as it does
Fuck Yea Forums. When did being Yea Forumsfag cancer become acceptable?
Oh no, it's an ethical gamer, the thread's over...
when Yea Forums got all the Yea Forums refugees, then got all the reddit refugees, then got all the /pol/ refugees, then got...
Visually nothing really gets me anymore, however audio is usually what's more creepy.
Post it
fuck off tumblr fag
this place needs a fucking purge
Yea Forums is for sociopaths and right wing christians, thank you very much.
All these posts replying to this is reddit as fuck.
I really wish developers would put more stuff like this in games that aren't explicitly horror games.
>Kotoko was born and raised in Towa City. She was a child prodigy and a famous child actor whose father was a dentist.
>When she was about 10 years old, her parents prostituted her to producers where she was repeatedly raped by them. Her mother did it out of a twisted form of parental love and prostituted herself alongside Kotoko as a "mother and daughter set", believing that this was in her daughter's best interests and that it would help further Kotoko's career, make her "sparkle forever" and have the spotlight. Kotoko's mother saw youth as a great, horrifying power, one that should be used in their advantage when they still could. She didn't care if Kotoko and the society would hate her, as she believed that her actions were completely right. As a result of the trauma, she ended up developing a breakdown trigger to the word "gentle", a euphemism the producers had used to describe their rape.
>Kotoko wanted to be a normal child and didn't want to "sparkle", but she endured it all and didn't complain for the sake of her mother, because making her mother cry would've hurt Kotoko the most. Kotoko's father, on the other hand, used the money they gained for his own benefit, was cheating on his wife with his dental hygienist and overall didn't seem to care about his family at all.
story behind this pic?
Considering how my papa made me watch all kinds of horror and gore movies when I was growing up, I hardly find anything fucked up anymore.
But Drakengard was one of the first games that I played where pretty much everything is fucked up, the characters, the plot, enemies, etc.
MC has a boner for his dragons, his sister wants to fuck him, and he has pedophiles and baby eaters in his party. Also child soldiers you gotta massacre. Only god knows how much was censored during the localization.
Xenogears, lots of fucked up shit of all kinds happening as well.
Theres also plenty of fucked up visual novels but thats just too easy cuz they can go full retard with just text and CGs.
periods are rough
Wait, you can cargo launch prisoners?
I never tried that, does it still generate a map you can switch to as if you had a settler there?
Sounds like a really fun way to dispose of prisoners.
girl had an obsession with one of her male friends and wanted to kill him then herself. The guy survived and the girl is in jail.
Why... what kind of person would write a scene like this
literal stabby yandere girlfriend, she also is a cosplayer
>When she was about 10 years old, her parents prostituted her to producers where she was repeatedly raped by them. Her mother did it out of a twisted form of parental love and prostituted herself alongside Kotoko as a "mother and daughter set", believing that this was in her daughter's best interests and that it would help further Kotoko's career, make her "sparkle forever" and have the spotlight
That's kinda hot. And i'm pretty sure i've seen that scenario in an SVU episode.
im her black boyfriend
>has a pacifier so it won't cry
this just makes it that much worse
It was controversial, you dipshit. You and every person responding to this post agreeing with you were literally 6 when they played the game.
There was a lot of controversy about it though.
This is not some case where "you couldn't do that today!" A developer could do that today if there were an equal amount of money and publisher confidence involved.
You merely witnessed the classical liberty of the Stone Age.
I've seen this pic countless times. Has there ever been any context?
You always were a kidder, Steve.
The ending in A Hat in Time kind of fucks with my head.
What video game is this?
There was this WW2 game where in one of the cut scenes a puppy litterally kills itself by smashing it's own head against the wall.
>/x/ was raided by Yea Forums 10 years ago and never recovered
the closest thing we got to golden era /x/ was the rise of SCP but that went to shit when the discord trannies started to retcon everything they didn't like and the original admin went full alt-right retard in retaliation
I just finished Danganronpa V3.
The ending was fucked.
pic related.
>There's a reason people are still quoting "Remember. No Russians" to this day, user.
Get the quote right, Faggatron.
Imagine being nurse and committing a giant fuck up with medicine dosage among a bunch of patients due to stress.
Imagine being so fucking tired of your job you just want to escape it especially after your boss keeps pressuring you.
Imagine actually getting into a fucking car accident with you and your sister. Becoming a giant fire and causing her to die and causing you to have your face fucked by the fire.
Imagine being desperate enough to show the doctors a picture of your fucking sister for plastic surgery to fix your face.
Imagine actually trying to live as your sister and pretending that your the one who died to escape life.
same. The most recent thing I remember her being on was some TV show where one of the hosts was some gay nigger wearing a big pink bow tie. Was this it?
The torture chambers in Amnesia were bad enough without the audio "memories."
If you take too much of it yeah.
Is it bad I knew this was ace attorney after only the third part
Which game?
Yeah, I only caught on when I read the fourth sentence.
That case was a wild ride
You literally get into this fucking topic over a fucking european car discussion
What political affiliation do you think a majority of people serving in the military is?
>He thinks no ones heard of Harvester
Are you living under a rock? Nearly every streamer who deosn't just play fortnite has played harvester.
The engine was god, the game was shit. And dayz was only good for a month or two after its initial alpha release.
>can use the stars for navigation
etc etc etc
they knew who syd was, retard. He stayed in his apartment painting and going to the market.
It's not on american tv, nor is it an american film you retard.
It's literally because of all the memeing about Human Centipede 1 being a super disgusting gorefest when it was actually fairly tame, with the gross stuff implied. Critics still lambasted it for being gross, so the director decided to make Human Centipede 2 and 3 as disgusting and violent as he possibly could, as a sort of "fuck you" to the critics of the original.
When I first played through Ocarina of Time at a friends house, I got traumatized by one of those zombie things if that counts
I was like 14 when she was on America's Next Top Model
It's also how I discovered this site
Did your friend hold your hand to make you feel better?
Based vlad
>literally found out about this movie couple days ago
>finally someone posts a webm of it on Yea Forums
Seriously, the timing.
Also, is it just me or does anybody else remember Human Centipede being a old ass movie from the 70's or something?
Cuz I feel like I always knew about those movies but recently I found out it was from around 2010 or something. Its like I'm having my own mandala effect experience with this.
The films were heavily inspired by exploitation flicks of the 70s and marketed on their shock value just like said exploitation films.
or you're just retarded
>he's wearing the same shirt
pretty much all of grezzo 2
Tits or gtfo
"Nothing stops an eight-year old kid from becoming a terrorist and shooting people"
my sides
this. it was so fucking tasteless and a complete fucking waste, and a complete fucking joke and insult to the things that it is inspired by like Apocalypse Now or Heart of Darkness, and only a complete redditor pleb would like that game or think the white phosphorous part was somehow a hard hitter
the actual good part of that game is
when you choose to kill everyone at the end and say "Ladies and gentlemen- Welcome to Dubai", and it's actually kino because it truly completes the arc in a way authentic to the source material and it's optional because there's multiple endings