What's stopping Banjo from being in Smash?
What's stopping Banjo from being in Smash?
Other urls found in this thread:
He isn’t first party/Japanese/relevant/wanted
your autism
This, as relevant as bubsy.
> Tecmo
> Nintendo
> Capcom
> Square
These companies will make up the remaining DLC slots
nintendo of japan
Bubsy has a new game being released right here in 2019.
Bubsy still has new games coming out so he's far more relevant than Banjo is.
A smash invitation. Done. Next.
Oh, not even as relevant as Bubsy, it's funny how people even think that pos bear has a chance.
banjo's a faggot lol
>that 19 year old poomer who confuses "relevancy" with "recency"
He's an irrelevant relic whose only two notable games have aged very poorly. The only reason people want him is because their autistic OCD tells them the roster won't be "complete" without him. When was the last time you actually saw someone talk about Banjo outside the context of smash?
>When was the last time you actually saw someone talk about Banjo outside the context of smash?
Same with Geno.
Swap Tecmo with SNK
Swap SNK with Mojang.
>start playing minecraft
>pick an alligator skin or whatever the fuck that is
>play a few days later and I'm Steve
>launch it again later and I'm a blonde fag
Sakurai and whether Nintendo decides that giving some Smash fans what they want as a partnership with Microsoft would be a good idea for showing good will to both fans and MS. I feel like he has a shot but nothing at all concrete.
I would have never even heard of Super Mario RPG if it wasn't for autists shilling Geno in roster threads. Pretty much the epitome of "literally who" and "literally what game"?
>oh, you want Steve? Well, let me tell you about MY experience
They've made a statement saying that it's the main Dead or Alive tiddy monster or nothing from them, and Nintendo isn't going to add Jiggle Physics: The Character.
not being doomguy
Reminder that antifags never learn, and never win.
The competition by hundreds of characters still relevant today and the hundreds of anime swordsmen since Sakurai loves sucking off series like Fire Emblem
DOA isn’t getting a rep, it’s going to be Atelier
6 of those characters are spirits or assist trophies though.
Didn't Sakurai say he is just doing what Nintendo tells him to do?
But if we look at what Sakurai said in this very specific way instead of just a basic statement, it deconfirms every character ever conceived! You just don't understand, maaaan! Also I knew Ridley and K. Rool get in at some point like lol duh am I right bros?
Bubsy is more relevant than Banjo today
It was something like Nintendo/Sakurai gave Sakurai/Nintendo a list and then characters were chosen from that. It wasn't simply a one way street and Sakurai had a hand in who got in still. Anyone who thinks a character like Banjo, who has Smash fan support is impossible is being dumb. We got Ridley and K. Rool so Nintendo and Sakurai know that pandering to your actual fans is important. Joker proves they also want to pander to newer characters as well. The only thing Joker tells me is that the DLC characters could be almost anybody barring things like Goku.
Do people like Bubsy more though? Every time one of my pals notices a new Bubsy game on psn they're always puzzled by him still existing.
Recency =/= Relevancy
Sakurai being a hack and Nintendo being retards
>Post yfw Banjo is confirmed
Even earthworm fucking jim is getting a revival soon
Anguirus in smash wuold be unironically better
Banjo has neither.
He's neither though. BK is exactly the same boat as Golden Sun, good games in oversaturated genres with many characters of equivalent importance who'd work just as well, none of which are really Smash material.
That shit it's so outdated that it hurts
Nothing at this point.
Some might screech:
>wAaAAAH! yOu BaNjOfAGz! B-b-B-bUt MuH iRrEleVanVy AnD nOt JaPaNeSe!!!!!!
And that's a fucking stupid and baseless argument. Its pretty cringe worthy at times(see: King K Rool and Dark Samus)
The only thing that stopped Banjo Kazooie from getting in Smash in the first place was legal complication with Microsoft. But now that Microsoft and Nintendo are all buddy buddy as of late, literally nothing can stop them.
Since it sounds like an honest question and not pure fanboyism from a Banjoboi, here are some points I believe are obstacles for Banjo's inclusion.
Despite what a few anons believe in here, it's an important point. It took the ballot for K. Rool to finally be included, and it doesn't help that the few characters who were not relevant at the time of their inclusion are all first-party characters.
>Sakurai's latest words on the Ballot and Nintendo's stance on the Pass
It sounds like Sakurai doesn't plan on using the ballot anymore from his latest interview as well as the first two DLC characters we got. After all, why did we get PP over Geno or Waluigi, despite Sakurai acknowledging their popularity? Why wasn't Isaac added despite being more popular than Banjo AND owned by Nintendo? Why was Joker added when Persona and SMT didn't score high in fan polls?
Add to that the objective of appealing to new demographics, and Banjo doesn't really fit the bill since he is only ever mentioned for Smash.
>Microsoft and Rare's stance on Banjo-Kazooie
In 2008, Rare tried reviving the franchise, and were met with a complete failure. Since then, they didn't express any interest into reviving the franchise, simply telling people who want a new Banjo game to go "Play a Hat in Time". The hopes of getting another revival this year are slim, to say the least, with Battletoads taking that spot as the Rare game getting his chance this year.
The best thing Banjo has, though, are Spencer being OK with him, but that leads to the following problem.
>Sakurai wanting Banjo
For Banjo's inclusion, it needs to be an initiative coming from Sakurai himself. In Cloud's case, it was confirmed that Sakurai came to Nomura for Cloud and only Cloud, and in Joker's case, it's once again Sakurai who went to ATLUS (despite the popular belief that it's Nintendo who chose the characters). There's no proof that Sakurai wants a Microsoft character, let alone Banjo. (1/2)
Literally weepy willow. When will you stop being a romanticist, Craig?
Reminder that from them, only characters than don't sell or aren't liked by their own respective companies weren't added.
And funnily enough, this applies to
>Chorus Kids (ahahahahahafuckyouRHfags)
>Knuckles (Sonic can only sell Sonic).
So certainly, the same can be said about Banjo Kazooie.
The last bit was almost convincing. But the thing is, Nintendo are choosing this time around. Sakurai does have a bit of a say, but Nintendo have ultimate power on who does and who doesn't get chosen.
The big cope
And Nintendo doesn't care about Banjo, otherwise they would have tried to revive the franchise, but no, not relevant to them.
Like Nintendo would want Banjo
And that's why all characters are going to be shill picks
You cannot escape from the truth, BK-fag! You know it, I know it, and everyone but people that lie to themselves too much know it.
Same with the truth that it's way too likely Nintendo and Microsoft aren't doing a DLC deal for Smash Ultimate in the first place, lmao.
His captain and king.
>bUt NiNtEnDo WoNt ReViVe HiM
That's because they can't make a new game, because they don't have legal ownership. MIcrosoft and Rare does, not Nintendo ya big silly goose.
I wouldn't mind Mister Chief being in smash, I don't like Halo but I can see why people like it. I'd prefer a Battletoad though.
Banjo is just off brand Donkey Kong. Did you guys know Microsoft bought Rare thinking they owned Donkey Kong?
>After all, why did we get PP over Geno or Waluigi, despite Sakurai acknowledging their popularity?
Because PP was chosen because every game has that "weird" pick, PP is also not a protagonist, and because of how iconic PP is. Geno and Waluigi weren't even on Sakurai's mind if these were his criteria.
>Why wasn't Isaac added despite being more popular than Banjo AND owned by Nintendo?
Proof that Isaac is more popular than Banjo?
>Why was Joker added when Persona and SMT didn't score high in fan polls?
So because a character that didn't show up in fan polls made it in, that means Nintendo isn't going to use the Smash Ballot/the popularity of characters to determine the next DLC characters? That's a pretty big leap.
With most third-party characters, sales stagnated or improved over the games. But in Banjo's case, it only got worse.
The first game was a great success, with 3.7 million sales.
The sequel sold less than half of it, around 1.6 million.
The third opus barely made 500,000.
It didn't manage to secure an important fanbase over the years. From the start, the franchise fell into the abyss. It's barely more popular than Golden Sun, and we all know how known it is. In comparison, Persona sells better after each game. (2/2)
So, why exactly would Nintendo choose Banjo-Kazooie over Halo or Minecraft if they wanted a franchise to be represented in Smash, when they stated themselves they aimed for new demographics, and Banjo-Kazooie is clearly only brought up for roster speculation?
Would unironically cry like a big mama on Sunday service if he got in
Are you retarded? Who said anything about them owning the IP? With all these MSxNintendo friendship they could have used it to revive that POS, but no, they only took Minecraft, Cuphead and probably Battletoads.
>[Increasing desperate antifag shitposting]
How many of these retards know deep down that they've already lost yet another "fight" to keep a character out of the game?
If Steve can’t be in, then we can still prevent your cereal bear from shitting up the roster
Yes, but if you think Rare (who already lost a ton of the people that made BK and THEN these guys went to do Yooka-Layley [which was mediocre enough to not guarantee the costs]) gave a damn about BK AFTER Nuts and Bolts, then you are the big silly goose, my dude.
If Banjo gets in Smash I'll be pleasantly surprised but it's just not going to happen.
Imagine being SO deluded that you think dedicating yourself to rosterfags shitposting affects the roster.
The absolute state of steveys and there cope and seethey
>Proof that Isaac is more popular than Banjo?
Literally the biggest fanpoll for the Ballot from 2015, with 50,000 votes. It gives a good idea of what is popular or not in the Smash community.
>Because PP was chosen because every game has that "weird" pick, PP is also not a protagonist, and because of how iconic PP is. Geno and Waluigi weren't even on Sakurai's mind if these were his criteria.
If that's the case, then ROB, G&W and Duck Hunt are also gimmicky characters according to Sakurai, meaning that the only true irrelevant character we ever got are the Ice Climbers 17 years ago. That still helps my viewpoint.
>So because a character that didn't show up in fan polls made it in, that means Nintendo isn't going to use the Smash Ballot/the popularity of characters to determine the next DLC characters? That's a pretty big leap.
The "fan polls" are what we use to gauge who is popular or not. With a large sample (like I sourced before), it gives a good idea of who is popular or not in this community. And 15 of the 18 characters added in Ultimate and who were not in Smash 4 scored well in it. Joker, nor any Persona character or even a SMT one, did. Added with Sakurai's statement on not planning on making a new Ballot as well as the objective with aiming for new fanbases, it sounds like yes, the Smash Ballot is no longer what will be used for DLC, especially when it was used so much in the base game.
Cry all you want faggots, but these will be the only 3rd parties with playable fighters & no amount of non-existent rules can change that
>why wouldn't they choose Master Cheif?
This is an easy one. Nintendo didn't choose Halo whatsoever, he was deconfirmed a while ago.
As for Steve, really doubt he has an actual chance. Some leaks claim they've seen a model, but I'm highly sure thats Just a model for an assist trophy or Mii Costume. Kinda in the grey area over Steve.
>But Minecarft is popular! Why wouldn't they want to Cash in?
You're right, but Nintendo already has cashed in. Minecraft has already been ported over to the switch. If anything adding Steve would only benefit Nintendo more than it would Microsoft. If the new fighter pass will be all third parties, Nintendo would want to choose characters that would benefit both characters equally. Banjo Kazooie in the obvious choice for them.
>kingdom hearts
Forgot there were people more delusional than banjofags
Sora was already denied by Square's VP
Just ask for Mickey while you are there.
Agnes was already officially confirmed as the Square Enix rep, nice try though Sorafag.
>If anything adding Steve would only benefit Nintendo more than it would Microsoft.
Why exactly would Banjo & Kazooie benefit both parties equally while Steve would benefit more to Nintendo? It's still a Microsoft owned character.
>If the new fighter pass will be all third parties, Nintendo would want to choose characters that would benefit both companies equally. Banjo Kazooie in the obvious choice for them.
See, that's where I disagree. While I can see that Master Chief was disconfirmed, how is Banjo the "obvious choice" for a Microsoft character over Halo, which is THE Microsoft property, their face and their most popular franchise that they created themselves, or Minecraft, which ended up costing them over $2 billion, showing how much they wanted to acquire this license, and is the best-selling game of all time, or even over BattleToads which is a Rare franchise getting a revival this year?
There's a huge assumption that we are getting a Microsoft character when nothing points to it, and even if that were to be the case, Banjo has many competitors for the spot.
Sora has been Deconfirmed. Holy shit. Well atleast Master Cheif doesn't have to feel alone.
Sorafags will say this doesn't count
This reads like a giant concession
> While I can see that Master Chief was disconfirmed, how is Banjo the "obvious choice" for a Microsoft character over Halo, which is THE Microsoft property
Halo is the only IP Microsoft is protective of, it was the last IP to go to PC, they Lord over it a lot more carefully than their other IPs, it was never a possibility for Smash. And Steve wasn't a possibility either after a Hunter got cucked by Rathalos.
People used to say the same about cloud and he got in. Master Chief is basically a never ever but it could happen if they want it to.
>First Party
This entire pack is 3rd parties
He was owned by NoJ from his creation to the buyout which is more than most can say
K. Rool, Ridley, Simon Belmont, Cloud, Megaman, ROB, Ice Climbers, etc
Has been topping fan polls for years
According to Capcom the Hunter is not the protagonist of the games and they don't want any of the Hunters to be the main character. Don't ask me how they pushed the female hunter into that fighting game, capcom is stupid.
>Literally the biggest fanpoll for the Ballot from 2015, with 50,000 votes. It gives a good idea of what is popular or not in the Smash community.
The chart was created using multiple fan polls so, no it's not one big poll. There's literally only one poll used for Japan and that's the Source Gaming poll. It's likely that a lot of people who've voted for their character on one site also voted for that character on a different site. Not saying every voter did that but it's likely that a lot of them did that since most of the polls that are used come from Reddit and Smashboards.
>If that's the case, then ROB, G&W and Duck Hunt are also gimmicky characters according to Sakurai, meaning that the only true irrelevant character we ever got are the Ice Climbers 17 years ago. That still helps my viewpoint.
How so?
>as well as the objective with aiming for new fanbases
Banjo can easily represent the "boomer" fanbase.
>With a large sample (like I sourced before), it gives a good idea of who is popular or not in this community.
Why not just use polls from 2018/2019?
>Sora deconfirmed
>Erdrick deconfirmed
>Steve deconfirmed
Ah, its going well bros, just gotta deconfirm Banjo.
What game is this from? Made me fuckin laugh, since i want both banjo and steve
Ok, but like, do you have something to back that up, or what?
>First party
We don't know this yet
Nintendo dropped rare, there was no buyout. The reason they sold out to microsoft was because they needed to survive in the gaming landscape without Nintendo's help
All base game characters except for cloud (he was never irrelevant) and MegaMan who had his last mainline game on the wii.
Popularity and fanpolls doesn't matter joker proved this
Grabbed by the ghoulies on Xbox
It's erdrick with the amount of shit dragon quest is getting he's almost guaranteed to be in smash.
Cope, Erdrick isn't getting in, you're getting a Erdrick mii costume when SLIME is announced.
>we could've avoided this entire shitshow if the morons at Microsoft realized that buying Rare wouldn't have gotten them Donkey Kong
Slime and banjo announced together and high fiveing ( or high appendaging in slimes case) would be perfect
>He was owned by NoJ from his creation to the buyout which is more than most can say
No he wasn't, Rare fully owned the Banjo IP. That's why they retained it upon selling out to Microsoft.
Rare was never owned by Nintendo. They wanted Nintendo to buy them but Nintendo refused.
The Hunter and Steve are in the EXACT same position. They're even phasing Steve out of Minecraft
>The chart was created using multiple fan polls so, no it's not one big poll. There's literally only one poll used for Japan and that's the Source Gaming poll. It's likely that a lot of people who've voted for their character on one site also voted for that character on a different site. Not saying every voter did that but it's likely that a lot of them did that since most of the polls that are used come from Reddit and Smashboards.
It still represented the reality pretty, well, with K. Rool scoring first, and Sakurai confirming he did scored high, as well as veterans scoring better than Bayonetta, which was also confirmed by Sakurai.
>How so?
According to this article, those characters were not chosen because they were "retro", but for being gimmicky characters, and we already got one for Ultimate with PP. Since we know that the "retro" factor was not used for G&W, Duck Hunt and ROB, but the gimmicky factor, and that spot is already taken with the Plant, there is no reason to believe we are getting a "retro" character with Banjo, since it was never a factor to begin with, with the sole exception of the Ice Climbers in 2001. Meaning that yes, being relevant is important, and that's something Banjo isn't.
>Banjo can easily represent the "boomer" fanbase.
The problem is that the Banjo fanbase already bought Smash, it's easy to confirm: he is only talked about during Smash season.
>Why not just use polls from 2018/2019?
The point is using a poll that was close to the reality in 2015. Polls from 2018/2019 include characters from 2016 and onward.
Steve is being replaced with Alex, Alex is the upcoming star of the minecraft movie.
Just remember that every post, every thread, every insult only makes it hurt worse if they get in. Kick and scream all you want, the reality will never go away.
>People think Brave is anything but a Sharena of the Wiess BRAVES
fucking kek.
Why does Steve live rent free in banjie heads
A toad.
I don’t know why do banjos live rent free in Stevefags heads
"I always knew. Time to see the refushit meltdown."
Probably because you little fuckers are the same who only live to shit Yea Forums everyday, without actually caring about either Steve or Banjo.
Literally nothing.
Just a matter of if they decide to pick him or not.
>they actually think shitposting en masse will shape the roster to their will
Holy shit
Being shit is the reason
Literally who in the top left corner? Never heard of them or their game.
>"It still represented the reality pretty, well, with K. Rool scoring first, and Sakurai confirming he did scored high..."
It still shouldn't be completely trusted. Simon did well on the ballot but didn't show up in the fan poll at all. Ridley did well in the ballot but didn't do as well on this fan poll. I would also like to bring up the fact that P5 didn't even release until 2016, the chart was formed in 2015, using polls from 2015. And, excuse my ignorance of Persona, but didn't the series start gaining traction when P5 was released?
>"According to this article, those characters were not chosen because they were "retro", but for being gimmicky characters, and we already got one for Ultimate with PP. Since we know that the "retro" factor was not used for G&W, Duck Hunt and ROB, but the gimmicky factor, and that spot is already taken with the Plant, there is no reason to believe we are getting a "retro" character with Banjo, since it was never a factor to begin with, with the sole exception of the Ice Climbers in 2001. Meaning that yes, being relevant is important, and that's something Banjo isn't."
That doesn't seem like it works for against Banjo for me at all. Banjo wasn't competing with PP because he wasn't even apart of Sakurai's criteria. What reason do we have to believe that Banjo even qualifies as a "gimmick" pick? I don't see relevance being an argument since K. Rool got in.
>but he was first party
And? Aren't you using first parties to say Banjo can't be in because the "gimmick" rep was PP and not Banjo?
>"The problem is that the Banjo fanbase already bought Smash..."
I doubt everybody who bought an N64 with Banjo-Kazooie also bought a Switch 20 years later.
>The point is using a poll that was close to the reality in 2015. Polls from 2018/2019 include characters from 2016 and onward.
But you can't use said poll and then say popularity doesn't matter when P5 was released in 2016, not 2015.
A severely underrated title
Steve's are on maximum cope and bargaining. God this is fucking hilarious
Says the Banjuck Huntooie
>literally a year of shitposting later and Steve's still don't have a good insult name for banjofans
Also I didn't even say anything about Banjo, obsessed
Sakurai, he needs to retire already
Banjotards are pathetic. Cant wait for their tears once their autism bear gets deconfirmed
the only thing standing in between banjo and smash bros is 15 days of waiting
She's in.
More like Erdrick and Steve
Steve and Alex aren’t in the movie that we know of
But Steve is the canon protagonist and they’re not “phasing” him out of Minecraft that’s the stupidest shit ever
Steve still has more advantages at the end of the day
still doesn't explain why we got Rathalos assist/boss and not a Monster Hunter character. enjoy your Minecraft stage
I’ll enjoy my Minecraft stage and Steve on the roster, with Minecraft spirits and mii costumes
Off topic but FUCK SORA
>and they’re not “phasing” him out of Minecraft that’s the stupidest shit ever
Oh no no no no no no
>Not in the spinoff games
>Not in the movie
>Not even in the latest update art
Anyone can photoshop, user
>Nintendo put their trademark on a game they published
Steve is in many other games so I don’t know what your talking about and they’re trying to give Alex more of a spotlight
Didn't know banjo and kazooie triggered you THIS much Yea Forums. Erdrick is 100% more likely than Banjo but even after that I'd still like for Banjo to get in anyway. Maybe next smash will be the smash.
>Relevancy fags
why do people want erdrick? unironically. never heard him mentioned till spergeben posted his dogshit leak
Banjo only makes sense as a base roster character
He would be phil wants his cut
>They don't know
Reminder that this woman is the same person who leaked
>The Metroid 2 Remake that happened on 3DS
>Simon and Richter
>SNES classic and Star Fox 2 finally being finished
Trademark isn't copyright. It shows that pre-split Diddy was a Rare property like Banjo. Diddy was only in Rare games until they split, and right after that was Mario Golf.
It was 49%
Literally this, hes just some dumb internet meme at this point, I'd expect Geno, Issac and Waluigi to all get in before hadbeen the bear
She said Nintendo was buying back Rare, the Switch was more powerful then the PS4 and Xbox One and Jill Valentine was in the base roster and igc said Steve was in like a week ago. Banjofags only believe “insiders” when it’s easy for them to
>Reddit spacing
Indie gamer chick is a liar
I want to believe it but that faggot Hitagi bullshitted everyone with his Katalina in smash talk because DURR THEY MET AT A TABLE
Banjo Kazooie sold well when it existed.
And we dont really know modern Microsoft or Rare's proper opinion on Banjo Kazooie, nor Nintendos.
She got things right and wrong
Your can't assume this is wrong without the thought that she's right
Didn't she say Steve was in and that Jill was SUPPOSED to be in the base roster?
Why do you believe her?
>Steve is in many other games
Literally just Minecraft, where he's no longer the default skin.
There was an entire game based around shitting on banjo
This meme of wanting an old classic character being onions getting retarded by the day
%90 of the smash roster is exactly this and your pinpointing
Fucking Steve fags
>Super Meat Boy
Because banjies only believe things when it fits their status quo
>Retro City Rampage
Buts and Nolts
>Borderlands 2
Indiegamerchick has heavily leaned on Banjo being in, along with the N64 Classic and/or Rare Replay coming to the Switch since about last year; but none of these have managed to materialize just yet. Despite this, she is a credible insider: Her claim to fame is that she knew ahead of time who was going to be taking Mr. Iwata's place temporarily after his passing, but she's also gotten:
The Metroid 2 Remake that happened on 3DS
Simon and Richter
SNES classic and Star Fox 2 finally being finished
Jez Corden is a Senior Editor at Windows Central and a Microsoft insider. He runs a podcast with Rand Al Thor called "The Xbox Two" where they discussed Banjo being in from a reliable source back in December.
But insiders are just people asking us to trust them, do we have any evidence or signs that Banjo is coming? Actually, we do!
1. The big one: Coding for Rareware spirits (Specifically Blast Corps and Jet Force Gemini) were found during the initial datamine for the game once it released.
2. Initial stats for a fighter codnamed Brave painted a picture of a fighter with a sliding turn and a floaty jump; two traits Banjo is known for in the two games.
3. Lootcrate was at one point offering a Banjo-Kazooie item in their upcoming box and even tweeted out about Banjo-Kazooie in Smash Bros. Suddenly, the tweet was yanked down very quickly and the Banjo item vanished from the box, leaving customers bewildered and confused.
4. First4Figures, the company known for making high end Banjo-Kazooie and Conker statues has been invited personally by Rare themselves to attend E3 this year.
5. Phil Spencer has been very open up until now about wanting Banjo in Smash. He's even been dismissive on the idea of Microsoft doing their own Mascot brawler and he believes only Nintendo has the star-power to pull the concept off. So the fact that he's ONLY ever brought up Banjo as the one character from HIS company he'd think would be a fit for Smash means he clearly holds the duo in high regard
>Meaningless cameos
We thought that Microsoft ruined video games, but now we truly know that they ruined Yea Forums instead.
Holy shit you copy and pasted this from fucking Smashboards, these “points” are incredibly flimsy
>Gets proven wrong
Ah Banjofags
>Your can't assume this is wrong
Uh, yes I can?
Claims without any evidence can, and should, be dismissed without evidence.
She might have guessed some things but she got more wrong therefore her word is completely useless.
>Jez Corden is a Senior Editor at Windows Central and a Microsoft insider. He runs a podcast with Rand Al Thor called "The Xbox Two" where they discussed Banjo being in from a reliable source back in December.
So an employee talking about him in December, AFTER the dlc was decided in November, basically shows not only did he break nda, but also that MS was never approached.
Also, how the fuck is the Banjo/Conker toy thing relevant? What makes you think this isn’t for Battletoads
Cameos mean less than nothing, cope harder.
>Using the argument that Alex is more important than Steve
You are retarded in all sense of the word. The world doesn't care about mojangs tranny agenda to push notchs creation out. Steve is the face of Minecraft and that will NEVER change.
Mojang can outright refuse to push Steve into Smash, and given their behavior, they would.
Fuck am I gonna be the one to shoot this down?
>IDC isn’t credible, she’s a known liar and she said Jill Valentine was in the base roster and I’m pretty sure she’s saying Steve now
>Jez isn't in a position to know anything about smash
>Joker only got Persona 5 spirits
>Rare pulled out
>This has nothing to do with smash
>Phil said “ok” when asked about if he would be ok with banjo in smash
>King K. Rool
>inb4 series backpedalling
>Believing this
It’s Microsoft's call and they’d definitely allow Steve in smash, they said they would love to see it back during Minecon of last year
First two are objective, yes.
However, not wanted? He tops most polls worldwide when the smash ballot was going on, usually in the top 3, if not #1.
And in that case, he is very much relevant. He might not have any games at the moment but the sole anticipation of a new game or a smash reveal at every e3 is enough to make him relevant.
>It's Microsoft's call
Specifically Phil Spencer.
If Mojang has no input it's just gonna be Phil spearheading banjo.
Rare pulled out? Welp, good luck with that birth control
Banjo has a lot of circumstantial evidence
Steve only has insiders and leakers who can't decide what the fucking Minecraft content is and fanboys using popularity as a reason over actual evidence
>Grinch logic
Phil isn’t the head of Microsoft
>Reddit spacing
>Banjo has a lot of circumstantial evidence
>they said they would love to see it back during Minecon of last year
That was low-level employees who has no say in the grand scale. Their high-level executives would tell Nintendo to fuck off if they approached them with the idea.
him being a lame character, duck hunt already having his moveset, and the fact that there are better Rare characters they could add
Wakey Wakey stevies
None of your insiders are making sense
Banjo doesn’t have any “evidence” it’s just people being desperate and seeing things that aren’t there and one untrustworthy “insider”
Yeah, banjie. Keep collecting those screenshots. This will be grinch/incineroar all over again
No they fucking wouldn’t
One of them literally said "Fuck no" to the idea of Steve being in Smash. She wants skeleton instead. There is no way she would agree to Steve in Smash, and chances are good that her fellow Mojang executives feels the same way.
Aubrey. Is. PR. For. Social. Media.
Aubrey’s own opinion on Steve is absolutely meaningless and it’s ironic how you think all of Mojang hates Steve when Rare said that nobody wants a new banjo
No rare said they weren’t interested in making a new banjo game and that people should play a hat in time
This is Ashley fags all over again.
You're doubling down on the shitposting and obsession because deep down in your heart you've already realized that you lost before the deconfirmations even roll out, and the object of your hatred is confirmed. So you futilely rage against your fate during your meme bear’s final days.
You shitpost because you fear the inevitable.
That’s what I’ve been saying
>ALWAYS bring up muh Rool
Aubrery Norris the community manager, has been very upfront over how she believes Steve would be a bad choice to be a playable Minecraft rep. TheRaddestBro is a staff member on Minecraft's official Discord who openly said "Steve is not in Smash", but suddenly walked that back the next day when his response went viral.
People were quick to dimiss RaddestBro when it was discovered he was a very new employee of the company at the time so "He wouldn't know". Which is fair, but Aubrey Norris is one people flip-flop on: Some say that the fact that she's speaking about it openly and being very frank about how she thinks Steve is a bad pick and that she's rather high up on the company means that Steve is deconfirmed, while others say that her personal opinions don't matter and that her word doesn't count and that she wouldn't know either. Another thing to note is, she is VERY well aware of how much this is currently a hot-button conversation within the Smash community
All i see is someone very affluent within Mojang bad-mouthing their own mascots chances of being in Smash. If Steve were hypothetically in Smash, it seems to me that someone higher up on the company would have requested her to take the tweets down. Some argue that having her take the tweets down would make it look too suspicious.
The point is... If Steve truly IS in Smash Bros, than this is some seriously BAD PR for Mojang to allow their staff to openly diss their mascot and how they'd be a bad fit for Smash Bros.
At least Ashleyfags didn’t believe in the most bullshit of “evidence”
>ALWAYS bringing up Relevancy and Popularity
Steve fags are literally the Ashley fags
You played yourselfs
>No actual evidence
Lol no, Ashley fags are literally just as much of a revelancy fag as you guys
Sakurai has already stated that he wants newer series rather than older
>which is more than most can say
What? Every single other inclusion was made by a Japanese person employed by a Japanese developer working on a Japanese game funded by a Japanese publisher located in Japan. Everything nintendo, fire emblem, snake, sonic, street fighter, pac man, castlevania, joker. You can theorize that it doesn't really matter, but all of the evidence suggests that it is.
Copy and pasting from Smashboards AGAIN, gotta do this again
>Raddestbro was only working at Mojang for 12 days when he said that so he’s quite literally at the bottom of the totem pole
>Aubrey is PR and it’s her opinion
I can’t wait for you and your smashboard buddies to kill themselves when Steve gets in
seething/obsessed/cope/have sex
7 btw
King Dimes Rool is an exception, not the standard. Besides, he's way more popular than Bunjoke Kuckpoopie.
>another one
Nice 7 I’ll take it as a good omen for banjo :)
Samefagging and Reddit spacing, Banjofags are smug, annoying and always lean on Simon, Megaman, King K. Rool and Ridley
Reminder that Based Ashley has content in the base game while Stevetty and Boomer Kazooie do not.
>Ashleyfags still exist
Never ever ever, pedofork xD
Go back to your home
No not really
All the fan polls during the ballot had Banjo in the top 5
And you can’t dismiss them because King K Rool and Veterans like Wolf were also on the top, proving the similarities to actual ballot results
You can’t put something you don’t own in a game you dingus
Not my home but you should go back to discord
Not an argument
Steve has no evidence
It doesn’t matter if Aubrey and Raddestbro are stating their opinons
It’s still bad PR.
Leakers and Insiders can’t get their shit together like stated here
It’s confirmed lads
I’ll be taking that.
>RELEVANT WITH A NEW GAME COMING(Minecraft’s anniversary)
Like clockwork
Nice 7 Banjoke, I think I'll take it
Raddestbro isn’t stating an opinion and all the times Rare has shat on banjo is that bad PR? Banjo doesn’t have anything going for him either, back to Smashboards
I can see Steve being a mii costume
reminder that refusteves have never gotten a 7 OR a Smash Bros invitation.
See you tards at E3
Failed twice guh huh
>orange cereal mascot
Banjo was not top 5, K. Rool, Inklings and a handful of veterans were. Add to that Bayo and Cloud who did end up getting in Smash 4 instead of being saved for Ultimate.
>autism brown legos
How does this guy feel knowing he’s a joke punch line
Too late, he’s already got a piece of the pass
>mentions Steve out of nowhere
Can someone say "obsessed"?
look at this shit, kek. these are the people in this very same thread, pathetic losers.
I dont see a 7 there.
Seethey Stevey
Steve and Banjofags both come from Reddit
>What's stopping Banjo from being in Smash?
he'll be a good mii costume
you mean THIS 7?
Not happening
Banjo has been requested here since Brawl, newfag
oh no no no no...
I know! Banjo will be a great mii costume!
It is happening.
Too small
Steve gets in, but what’s his stage?
Rare Spirits
Phil says he would
Lootcrate mystery
Your Steve fag posting won’t change that you have zero evidence
>Rare Spirits
Devil's Third spirits. Holy shit he's in!
>M-muh Phil Spencer
>Lootcrate mystery
Alright Banjoid, that's a new one. Let's see an explanation.
Rare pulled out of a deal with Lootcrate and Lootcrate deleted a tweet about banjo
>Devil's Third AND Banjo are in
Holy fuck, absolutely based
>Banjo Kazooie having great history with Nintendo
>"Our friends at Micorosft", words that have been said loud and clear by Nintendo themselves in a direct
>Microsoft and Nintendo have been on phenomenal terms as of late
>Quotes from Phil Spencer and former Rare employees suggest they're even borderline requesting them.
>They're always in the top spots in Smash ballots. Official or fan made
>Were considered for Melee, but dropped due to legal complications. However that's not even an issue anymore
>The fighter spirits of Jet Force Gemini and blast corps(Rare games I mind you) being found in the data. Scrapped content probably, but the implications of it are pretty eye opening.
>Smash Bros is recognized as a celebration of gaming history. Especially Nintendo. Not including Banjo Kazooie would just be preposterous in the long run from a moral stand point.
History repeats
Can I see a source on that?
Shut the fuck up Craig
It's all the same circumstantial evidence that the Grinch leak had going for it.
Grinch Leak’s “evidence” was less bullshit
Sephiroth will be second dlc fighter and the SE rep
with Banjo being the third dlc fighter and the Microsoft rep
Both of them will be revealed at E3
Sephiroth releasing in june and Banjo in fall
It's the same kind of bullshit.
If we want to talk circumstantial evidence, Steve's got it out the ass, and that's not even including leaks.
Erdrick will be second dlc fighter and the SE rep
with Steve being the third dlc fighter and the Microsoft rep
Both of them will be revealed at E3
Erdrick releasing in june and Steve in fall
You can't deny the fact when you see then.
This was it, then it got deleted and the item removed at the same time with no explanation. There's another pic of an email. I'll look for it, but it's just an apology with no reason given.
All of this shit is concrete, unlike banjokes we don’t have to rely on speculation
It’s because Rare pulled out, it’s not as deep as you think it is
Hehe sex
Nothing is stopping Banjo from Smash. He is literally locked. I hope you guys enjoy Rare Replay coming this October.
>unironically using a wolverine meme as evidence that Banjo is in
Didn’t the Rare Replay rumor also include Steve in smash?
Things get mixed up so that leakers don't get busted.
Why can't they both be in?
Oh yeah, because nobody unironically wants Steve LOL
I'm not giving opinions or conjecture, just providing a missing tweet.
Why is it that Minecraft threads can be comfy and cozy despite steveposting being a thing while every Banjo thread always has to be smash related and it's always a clusterfuck
No, I clearly remember Sabi saying on Gamefaqs that a source told them that Rare Replay, Halo the Master Chief Collection and Steve was in smash
Yeah, and all those people unironically wanting Sora worked out so well, right Banjoid?
Because Banjofags have nothing to talk about other then smash because it’s been dead for 11 years
Because Banjo is the new Geno
Banjo is the new Isaac
If smash is the only reason people still care about a character or game than they probably shouldn't be in
That’s why Geno and Isaac aren’t in
There are Banjo threads almost daily but obsessed refusteves always shit them up and Banjofriends rightfully tell them to fuck off. Conversely, Banjobros don't bother invading Minecraft threads because they don't have an autistic discord dedicated to shitting up the board
Isaac, Geno, and Banjo shitters are the trifecta of never-evers.
Notable mention to Waluigi, Sora, and Shantae fags. RIP
Sakurai saying no.
Banjo threads barely make it past a couple of replies before they’re derailed into a smash thread
>People have to keep editing this image because it gets btfo every reveal
Banjo threads almost always last until an obsessed refusteve that sits on Yea Forums all day long monitoring for smash threads comes in to spread his autism
Rayman shouldn’t be there, nobody is asking for him
This one hasn’t been btfo’d and won’t be for a long time and there’s nothing to talk about with banjo every topic is beaten to death
That's not the fault of the normal Banjofans. The rosterfags are obsessed. Plus it's partially Discord
THIS so much we're the victims here
>The fifth iteration of this same image will surely last longer than the previous four
See you at E3
>There's nothing to talk about
Crazy how there are threads about it daily, then
Shut up falseflagger. You don't believe it exists? discord.gg
>sakurai tweeted about minecraft!
He tweeted about Chrono Trigger too! Crono's in!
>there was no trifecta
>there wasn't even a duo at one point when Ridley got revealed, they instantly turned on K.Rool fags.
Jeez, why not re-write history to where the holocaust did happen.
>Had to edit out Geno
you guys can't make an original thing for the life of you, huh?
>This whole thread
Fuck off Banjo is the only character left that deserves to be in smash
The whole steve render was stolen from a furry. Lmfao
Fuck yes
>intellivision exclusive
What the fuck?
Im furious that no one ever brings up Kazooie in all this, its just Banjo, as if she doesn't fucking exist.
>literally the only thing going for banjoids at this point is 7 gets on a basket weaving forum.
Oh, don't worry. She's in good hands.
Get fucked Colecofag
The fact that people have to falseflag Banjo so much shows how scared they are of him.
I couldn't imagine hating a character so much I'd pretend to be one of his fans just in an attempt to make him look bad.
You are the very definition of obsessed.
Officially deconfirmed
Saying "Banjo & Kazooie" is too much a hassle, like "Rosalina & Luma", people just use "Rosa" or "rosaluma"
It's so people don't remember that he'd just be a duck hunt clone
Repeating a lie over and over again doesn't make it true Banjie~
No one on Yea Forums cares about Banjo-Kazooie. It's always Steve this and Steve that. The franchise is a big joke here now.
Man, remember when people said K.Rool would be a clone of Bowser?
Naw, cope darling
>doesn't fucking remember
>re-writing Yea Forums history to fit their cope
Not really.
>Big reptile bad guy
He was absolutely thought to be a clone if he got in during the WiiU and 3DS games. Please, go, Steve-fags.
Genofag, geno was in one game years ago and has less relevancy than Banjo.
Nintendo including him.
That's literally it.
>whirling galleon
That's clearly just shitposting user. Same thing with refusteves.
Why would you want a cereal mascot over the better option?
>Missing the joke in the image
Seething, now Duck Hunt and Banjo on the other hand...
>K. Rool
Even Knuckles and Krystal are assists, and Ray Man, Geno, Chorus Kids, and Wonder Red are Spirits. The STATE of the person who made this.
Nah, fag, it all happened. Proof you guys weren't around for the DLC shit flinging wars of WiiU and 3DS. Jesus.
That's satire you buffoon
You mean the most different of the two characters?
Shame Steve would just be a Toon Link clone.
This. everyone said he couldn't be in for being too similar to Bowser. Same with Ridley and Charizard.
The 'similar moveset' argument NEVER works.
>wasn't around in those times.
Not my fault you fell for obvious shitposting, retard. I bet you also think stevefags genuinely want Steve too.
Based and Kumapilled.
fuck banjo and steve
where is my fulgore?
>K.Rool is just a big fat lizard, he'd be a bowser clone
>Ridley's a fire breathing dragon. Charizard clone
>n-no those didn't happen
>genuinely falling for WHIRLING GALLEON
>also falling for le funny duck hunt clone joke
No wonder refushits keep posting. You idiots are too easy to trigger.
He called Grunty a nigger.
All these stevies need to crawl back to their daddy Billybo
His newest video defends steve for the 20 gorrilionth time
Of course they happened. Im not arguing whether they didn't happen. Im telling you off for being a simpleton and believing people were serious.
I can't believe fucking stevefags were making such vile propaganda towards to a fellow member of our own NEVER EVER trifecta
This was back in Smash 4
>didn't even respond to the whirling galleon pic
>merely pretending
That's not how the internet works. When you say something retarded, I'm going to believe you are genuinely retarded, you genuine retard, you.
There's that word again.
If anything, K.Roolfags and Banjofags were the only two 'working together', since they kept rooting for each other. Ridleyfags INSTANTLY turned on KRoolfags when Ridley was revealed.
>image was drawn to btfo people who said k.rool would be a bowser clone
Nintendo wanting him in Smash, seriously thats what boils down. Dunno why keep making this thread, I can assure you that if smash season ends and Banjo is not in, the only Banjo related threads would be the ones shitting on him. At this point in time, Banjo has become pretty much Smash talk which is sad.
So like Ness, Lucas, Ice Climbers, R.O.B, Captain Falcon, and Game and Watch?
>Banjies eating eachother alive
Hey that'd my job!
You seem to be under the impression that I personally made any of that shitty bait. Me calling you idiots out isn't me being retarded. Quite the contrary actually.
Which just proves my point. Why even bother getting outraged for? Eat shit and keep falling for steve shit you brainless morons.
Give me a fucking break.
Billybo10k is Billybased10k
It depends if Nintendo wants him, which they probably don’t
His game is shit.
You're not fooling anyone stevefag
Reminder, the Cult of Steve discord fell, and they made another one.
the original post you were responding to wasn't even acknowledging the K. Rool pic.
Someone merely pointed out how silly it is to use the duck hunt joke, when the same joke was used before on K. Rool and Ridley and failed. horribly.
What’s up with banjo and coattailing off of king k Rool and Ridley
>this thread
For a series as "beloved" as Banjo it seems like a sad fate, there has only been a few threads talking about the games that at most reach 200 replies and they were practically banished in between Sm4sh and Ultimate. Mother at least is finished and has fan projects, F-Zero still gets talks about people wanting a new entry, Ice Climbers had only one game and the other 2 are hardware related so you cant talk as much aside from retro threads. (Although with how Labo is going, it wouldn't surprise me a R.O.B labo eventually)
The problem with Banjo
>Not relevant
>Rare themselves don’t give a shit about any of their IP’s
The problem with Steve
>None of the insiders have been consistent with the information between each other
>Opinions within Mojang aren’t in his favor
Mojang likes Steve
>Banjo doesn't have fan projects
>Banjo doesn't get talks from people wanting a new entry
ok retard
Give me THREE (3) reasons why Steve shouldn't be in Smash.
"He's an avatar" and "it's for zoomers" are not valid reasons because they apply to characters in the roster already.
Because bwaaaaaanjo
1: He has quite possibly never had sex
2: I told him to shut up, but he didn't listen
3: I'm smarter than him, so I should be in Smash Bros.
I thought most insiders agree on Steve and Mojang likes Steve
Literal bandwaggoning and Steve tier shitposting about a character they don't care about because it makes people mad
No personality in his own game, Sakurai has stated that is a big priority
Minecraft is better represented by a stage, since none of the characters in Minecraft matter, and the core gameplay of the game revolves around manipulating the environment
His animations would not transfer over to Smash well, and there's no way to make it a unique part of his character like they did with Game and Watch
They pretty much die in between smash, thats my point. Their relevance becomes more related with smash than anything.
rares dead and so is whatever charm banjo had
Reminder that Stevefags actually do want Banjo in Smash. You're literally arguing with people who want you to convince them that he'll get in.
I know you're getting impatient, but surely there are other ways to pass the time, hidden Banjobros.
aww shit here we go again, my jigga
The very thing that caused Steve to even be a thing is crumbling
None of the insiders can correlate each other.
Vergeben doesn’t believe it’s a character.
Xenofag and Shitagi said be most retarded shit among other leakers like “saw a playable version” “character” “boss”
The nigga who saw and leaked Isabelle, Incineroar and fucking Piranha Plant didn’t mention any Minecraft content for Base
Steve was dog shit from the very beginning, but then you niggers decided to get arrogant and start pretending your relevance and anniversary meant anything.
Steve fags are about to get destroyed and their ego’s will be wiped against Gruntilda’s ass cheeks
Vergeben is unsure, not that he doesn’t think Steve is in
His support for his friend, Steve.
If you're implying banjo will be in you're wrong
I think hes coming in bros
Your post numbers mean nothing. Crash is coming soon. Besides, he's had more experience being on nintendo consoles. Prepare for banicock.
Banjo isn’t going to be in, neither is Steve. I don’t know what makes people think we’re getting a Microsoft rep other then lots of people wanting banjo or Steve
Reminder, only Banjies give a shit about discord drama.
>people still act like there are a list of rules that Sakurai follows when deciding what character is put in
They've already blown out the first party/Japanese/relevant "rules".
>announcing reports
Uh-oh! Seethy Stevey, are you alright?
Here's another 7 for the road.
Banjo has a really good shot, it'd be amazing if we were both in!
Banjo doesn’t have a really good shot
He does have a list of rules
>not relevant
Animations wouldn't fit. Game & Watch barely even moves and looks shit when moving.
Block placing mechanic would break online
Square Toon Link you have to pay 25 dollars for?
>YOUR CEREAL MASCOT WON'T GET IN, LOL, >man I hope Australia Wompa Fruit Crunch's mascot gets in
Then neither of them will be in and I can finally be at peace
Oh the ironing.
>Shitty opinion
>Shitty opinion
>He's only 5.99
You can stop replying now
Calm down Banjoke
Let's see them.
>Game & Watch barely even moves and looks shit when moving.
But he's still in the game.
>Block placing mechanic would break online
Yeah, just like how Villager's tree breaks online.
>Square Toon Link you have to pay 25 dollars for?
****$6.00. It's 25 for all five characters you brainlet. If thousands of people are still willing to pay $30 for Minecraft on the Switch (it's maintained best seller status since it's been released on the Eshop in both Japan and the US), then I don't see why they wouldn't hunk over 6 buckaroos for Steve + a Minecraft level + music.
Steve is more likely then banjo, why can’t people admit that
sakurai's overwhelming boner for JRPG characters and advertizing games that will never be on Nintendo consoles
Steve as a character isn't worth 5.99
Compare him to Joker. You think those two are worth the same amount of money and effort it took to animate/model them?
This is how I know Steve won't be in as a fighter.
>why can’t people admit that
Autism, cognitive dissonance, sunken cost, stubbornness, and an unwillingness to cope.
Well fags, Sora is out. Banjo is next
>steve would be impossible to animate
10 seconds later
>steve would be too easy to animate!
Make up your fucking minds banjoids.
Well considering your argument is that Steve would look weird and his movement would be too hard to implement wouldnt that mean money, time and effort was put into it.
Well with being shown, this should be the future
Not the same person, paranoid-kun.
I'm sure Sakurai could make Steve work no problem. The only issue is his design is extremely cheap. 6 blocky polygons, no facial animations, and static limbs with no articulation.
No matter how you slice it, it's not comparable to the amount of work Joker or any of the Smash 4 dlc newcomers took to make, and therefore not 5.99.
not that I want Steve in but he isn't really an issue considering Mr. G&W is flat
Thread should've ended here
Imagine if Rare came out and said “banjo isn’t in smash”
Neither Steve nor Banjo are getting in. DLC plans were finalized way before the Nintendo-Microsoft partnership. The fact that both you fags are still so dead set on either getting in just shows how deluded you faggots have become. Besides it’s just a fucking party fighting game. Who cares who gets in?
The only thing the banjo smashboards talks about is Steve and Erdrick
Quads speak the truth
Norman Reedus and his fetus is in
The Minecraft content is going to be a Mii costume and people will pretend that’s what they meant
Keep coping Banjoke
No insiders are saying banjo tho?
Sounds like Vergeben's got you shook if you're convinced Minecraft content is in.