>Forget an item in a dungeon
>Have o go through the entire dungeon again to get it
Forget an item in a dungeon
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's despawned
>In a JRPG with random encounters
>Against enemies that can't be run from
>And spam status effect magic
Go whence I came.
Fuck FFVII and its missables. Also going through Northern Cave and walking through every path with encounters every 5 seconds made me want to become an hero.
>Jester character is fucking annoying
>kill Jester
>Game Over
fuck this game, seriously.
>item only drops from a single enemy
>random low chance to drop from said enemy amongst other items
>said enemy is a boss that appears once in the entire game
>loot steel sword
>weighs 5
>loot quill
>weighs 5
What's your 'hing, Yea Forums?
>grab the winged boots of hermes
>reach the exit of the dungeon
>the final obstacle before the treasure at the end is a giant chasm of fire
>use the boots of hermes to jump the chasm
>for some reason, the game thinks i never picked them up
>make a pitiful leap into the flames and die
what the FUCK?
Imagine that one of your main DPS characters is the only one with the ability to steal and bosses usually have super good loot with low as fuck steal chance. You just have to try to keep everyone alive (including the boss) until you steal the item. You can't really heal with the thief if you want to steal the item this year which leads into your other characters dying and spirals into a game over and a new try.
Fuck you Zidane, how hard is it to steal a fucking helmet from a boss who isn't wearing it.
sierra games bro, I warned you to make another save slot
I can understand every 5th-6th word he says.
Falconhoof speaks plain old english though
I've got a question for ye:
Which does more damage?
>Zodiac Spear
Who figured this shit out?
its funny because its mostly americans that obviously speak english that say they don't understand it
it's clear as day what he's saying
>the trash packs respawned and you can't get through them alone
depends on the swing speed
>That invisible bow that spawns in an invisible chest on one airship route with some insane low chance
Depends. Can armor/resistances lower damage below 1? If yes, feather knife will do 0 damage.
If 1 damage is the minimum, feather knife will be immune to damage reduction.
The sword if theres armor that mitigates based on damage per swing or if I have abilities based on weapon damage per swing
kill jester
The sword
because steel is heavier than feathers
Did that shit only exist to sell strategy guides?
...you are at a dead end
>companion gets stuck on the map like a retard
>have to walk around him till the pathfinding unfucks itself
fuck jester
But steele's heavier than feathers!
But ye din actually grab the boots. All ye did was exit the dialog prompt before actually grabbing them.
>miss an item
>locks out an entire half of the game
Depends is there armor, does crit exist?
since their damage potential is already expressed through the D(amage)P(er)S(econd), clearly the steel sword.
>collectible hidden in a dungeon you can only access once a playthrough
>Chest has a random chance of giving you a unique item or some worthless trash
>Game never tells you this
>Kill Jeste-
Dragon's Dogma Everfall chests can suck my entire left nut.
Put troll in bag.
Drink Barry's red cola.
Tastes great straight from the bottle!
>% chances for drops in those chests
Might as well go straight to BBI.
Learning to abandon some specs of "content" that I forgot is how I re-learned to enjoy video games.
I am no longer a completionist and a perfectionist, and I actually try new vidya, even if I quit halfway through.
It's actually not bad.
>Game has a branching path. One way leads to loot, the other turns out to be a one way street to the next area.
>game has your fetish
I prefer a 2 litre bottle of ginger.
Best served cold, and bounced off a rocket's napper.
>find the chest at the end of the dungeon
>it's only a muffit of tea