Why aren't you practicing beatsaber RIGHT NOW??

Why aren't you practicing beatsaber RIGHT NOW??

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Because VR is shit.

I don't have it because I'm not a virgin.
Have sex.


Beatsaber has unironically gotten me laid before. You just gotta be good enough at it

If you swing your arms around like a retard, like that star wars kid, and there's no one looking, is it cringe?

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>Impossible to S rank due to bullshit like a wall of 6 blocks that you need to cut in-between of
>Still relatively simple paterns
Garbage beatmap. If your maps difficulty comes from tryhard trash like uncomfortable swipes like the one I discribed, or having to turn your saber in your hand to hit all of the notes, it's not even worth talking about

That's maybe expert plus and a half at BEST

What's the hardest song you have beaten, lads?


Though you probably should worry about looking like a retard in VR anyway since everyone does.

buy me a VR

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but i am beating my saber right now

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VR are dumb Wii waggle games

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the goyim know
shut it down

I dont have enough room for VR in my small apartment.

Does it come with the girl?

Because I'm still on PSVR version and the second DLC song pack hasn't come out yet

Go dilate

Did somebody say Star Wars?

looks pretty retard

These maps are never as much fun to play as you want them to be

bc I'm playing Ping Pong.

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because I'd rather watch a man cosplaying as a vr waifu play beatsaber instead

Or waifu character models

it's really not all it's cracked up to be, at least not at this point

t. user whose vive is currently gathering dust in the closet

>Not watching yourself cosplaying as a vr waifu playing beat saber

I use my Lenovo every single day.

because my valve index ships 28th of june

ok virgin

because im beating my meat instead.

another user pointed out that you could play non-VR games in VR with ReShade, and that Grimrock was perfectly compatible with it, that and Doom 3 doesn't seem bad.

so that's three games? maybe four if that Duke 3D total conversion mod for the Serious Sam VR game is anything good.

that is what i can see would interest me if i got a headset, that and fine sculpting something in 3D and printing it out, what did you use your headset for, i am curious because i am not that tempted to get one yet even if there are some really good games that i would want to play in VR, like Grimrock

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I got caught up in the meme and had some money to burn, so I picked up a vive. Don't get me wrong, it was fun the first few times I played it. Checked out the vr selection on Steam (the Doom VR game was particularly fun/scary), checked out the porn (again, nice but not game-changing), and did the whole virtual computer setup for a while. In all I was using it about 5-6 hours a day for a week or so. Even tried sleeping with it on once, which really throws you for a loop.

Afterwards though, you realize that the content you have available to you really isn't enough to justify the (at the time 799) price tag. Give it a few years and maybe it'll be a better value proposition, but currently you could do much better for your money

can you give me a selection of the games you played? i am guessing they were all mostly garbage and nothing i would be interested in, but still.

as i said, Grimrock seems like the one thing that interests me with VR, that and movies i guess

>Rum & Bass single saber mode

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>want to sideload ALVR and Pavlov APK's on my Quest
>no fucking USB A to USB C cable lying around anywhere

>tfw when Beat Games, swimming in money, still stopped somebody making a VRchat clone of Beatsaber.

That's fair though. They gotta secure those purchases

I hit a wall. I used to be rank 500 globally when Osu!Memories had just come out but I can't really beat anything harder than it. Now I'm rank 2000 and mostly stopped caring about rank, now I just focus on trying to beat harder maps. I can get about halfway through Milk Crown but I just can't keep up the pace or speed. I love the game and play it most days but god damn I just don't have the stamina for some songs.

Why are you not practicing a real martial art?

Because they're next to useless in real life scenarios. You may as well be attending larp parties and smacking eachother with foam swords and spell beanies.

what happened

okay now where is the real VR thread

They do work in real life scenarios and and did back in the day
They may be less useful than even something basic like pepper spray in today's time but if you want to do something with swords, actually learning a martial art seems better than wearing a vr headset and swing remotes around

Regarding martial arts in general, the actual used ones do work (so things like bujinkan)
In most cultures they just were mostly forgotten

There is a reason why mma guys don't just box
And even in mma, small joint manipulation is prohibited, just like strikes to the back of the head (and throat I think)
And the bjj techniques they use only work in controlled enviroments
In real life, you could not wrestle someone on the ground, you'd be too vulnerable
But in guaranteed 1v1 situations, like in a ring, bjj is very effective


If it's not good for 6+ hour game sessions, it's a downgrade in every way.

Who the fuck plays video games for 6 hours straight?

>nigger pulls out glock
wow those halfswording lessons were cool, too bad I'm dead now.

Depth3D? It's weird, you have to run it in something like BigScreen and then get opentrack to headtrack and it's a pain to configure. Also since it fakes 3D by warping the picture you get weird artifacts. Not saying it's bad but there's a reason people pay for VorpX which despite being intensely autistic, is still easier to use.
Doom 3 actually has a VR mod so no need for Depth3D.
I don't know if you've actually tried VR but if you haven't its next to impossible to imagine it. I wouldn't play something like Elite:Dangerous or Subnautica without it at this point. As someone put it, playing flat games now is like trying to go through life looking through a mail slot. VR isn't simply a really big screen that follows your head.

I doubt you're really exploring VR to its full potential. Which is fine but you should sell your Vive before it becomes completely worthless. Also for me the price point of the Odyssey+ ($300) was perfect. Now that my feet are wet I'm going to splurge out on an Index bundle after I have a chance to see how the first shipment performs.

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Yea Forums told me to have sex.

Neo-Yea Forums ladies(non-trannies) and gentlemen....

Supported his fat body on a digital ping pong table.

That reminds me of when people were trying to use the wii for the same thing and everyone just sat on the couch for wagglan shit anyways.


people who aren't wagie cagies

They may be less useful than even something basic like pepper spray in today's time but if you want to do something with swords, actually learning a martial art seems better than wearing a vr headset and swing remotes around

Doesn't that make you depressed? Any time I play for more than maybe 2 hours or so I become upset my time is being wasted

Blade & Sorcery now has halfswording AND glocks

People who aren't normalfags like you.

Well it's not your time I'm wasting, so it's okay.

>so I become upset my time is being wasted
Yea Forums is the biggest waste of time known to man, I actually feel somewhat accomplished when I manage to tear myself away from this worthless black hole and actually play some fucking vidya or stare at a wall
What's your shoddy rationalization for posting here Mr. Productivity?

If you're remotely interested in self defense you buy a fucking gun and train with it you dipshit
If you're interested in being a LARPing faggot you do gay HEMA shit which would get you killed even if you lived in actual medieval times because it's retarded pantomime degraded by generations of domesticated retards who have never tasted battle

Why would I be depressed when I'm having a fucking blast?

star wars is lame now, I just don't care


I exclusively phonepost while doing other things

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>normalfag phoneposts

>If it's not good for 6 hour game sessions

Okay fatso

>can't play vidya and also exercise
How's that double digit IQ treating you?

the cancer reveals himself
Poor excuse though, there's a great deal you could be doing on your phone to personally enrich yourself
You are wasting your life being here.


You know beatsaber has next to nothing to do with star wars, right?

If we're done venting out the "VR is a fad" posts, when the FUCK is vader immortal getting reVive support

Seriously. I'm tempted to get a Quest just so I can play it

There aren't any new songs that are fun. 99% of the custom song makers only make animu shit or really shitty techno remix songs

Is this your first rhythm game?

>these kind of replies are starting to mutate into something retarded
Yeah, I think we've all been on the internet for too long

If I wanted to exercise, I wouldn't pick vidya as my hobby.

Why not both

If video games feel like a waste of time to you then why are you even here?

>based retard
get a job

Bad detected

I have no doubt in my mind I could beat that map. It's bad because it's bad, not because it's too hard

My only issue with VR is my playspace isn't even remotely big enough for it, so even though I have it all setup, I BARELY have enough room to mess with it. I make do, but my room could use some rearranging for it.

are those cheap $10 VR's at walmart decent enough for porn? Also for vidya?

Porn, maybe. It's fun for a gimmick once or twice but not much more than that

Vidya definitely not

Porn yes, Vidya no.
It's 360° video, i.e. no tracking of movement, just angle.

I haven't played SkyrimVR ever since I dunked hard on a rat and almost shattered my PS4
I've made a lot of room since then and suspended the cable, I should get back to it

I wouldn't even touch anything cheaper than a WMR
You only get two eyes, don't abuse them

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>I wouldn't even touch anything cheaper than a WMR
Actually those phone ones are solid to see what VR is like on a cheap and underpowered scale. I usually recommend it to people before they buy their first real headset.
The problem though is that aside from just quickly trying the tech out, they don't serve much purpose

Yeah people said that shit about google cardboard too
Just no

I'm referring to Google cardboard. Googl cardboard and the plastic headsets are the exact same thing

Then my statement stands, don't settle for anything less than WMR. Fake VR is godawful and probably causes lasting harm.

>Do the smart thing and wait for the second generation of VR kits that got anounced in the last few months
>Sort of as expected, the index seems to be the best option
>Sold out until September
>Not even a word on shipping to Canada
>At best I will probably be able to get it early 2020
Fuck me. At least my 3.5 niggabyte 970 is still apparently valid.

You're an idiot if you think it causes lasting harm. What do you think the difference is that would possibly harm you?

Oh it's the impoverished peruvian scum who is a phone VR fanatic and has never experienced real VR
Run along Paco, maybe if you stay away from phone VR your eyes will eventually uncross on their own

sent ;)