Unbalanced as fuck

>Unbalanced as fuck
>Shitty playerbase
>No actual main quest
What a shit game

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>make the same threads day after day after day
lol real life sucks.

>game has been decreasing in quality for decades now
>influx of new players that constantly demand every little thing about the game be changed
>outer space expansion pack taking fucking forever to get here
>more people ragequitting than ever before
When the fuck are the developers gonna fix all this?

>He doesn't know

Outer Space expansion development has been replaced with endless diversity modules. Devs have just gotten lazy.

How do I engage in PvP without being arrested

how do i find party members in this game?
everytime i talk to someone they just give me this weird look and walk away.

use the duel funtion dummy, PK can get you perma banned

>can't reroll stats

Fuck this shit

enter a pvp zone senpai

there hasn't been a patch in over 2000 years

Good. I don't want to play this shit game anyways.

Some servers like Africa and South America have weak moderation in some places so I suggest migrating there.

How's the post-game content?
I heard it varies by player.

Why are the minigames so much better than the actual game?

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>Only playable race is humans
>No busty robot girls
>No fat assed furry girls
>No voluptuous aliens

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It's the laziest shit ever, you're just reborn somewhere else and your memory gets gradually wiped to avoid an identity crisis.

it takes a lot of grinding but you can definitely modify stats.

honestly I could deal with all the shitty balance and world's most toxic community if there were an actual storyline or a goal of some kind at all; some kind of meaningful guaranteed reward or something to work towards that would legitimately better my character's quality of life instead of simply leading to yet more mandatory dailies and shitty quests that have to be repeated constantly just to maintain the status quo. that part just makes me not want to play at all.

you're probably not leveled and equipped properly for the higher level area you're attempting to communicate in and using the wrong emotes to boot.

RNG is just stupid as fuck
Literally possible to walk behind a tree and find bars of gold or spend hundreds of thousands of hours in game time trying to make the same amount of cash
Fuck this roguelike piece of shit

But we all playing the game
the game you lost

>forced social interaction or you can't get any gold
>have to invest in social stat BEYOND that if you want your character to not be suicidal
>even still, it's possible to have a maxed out social stat and STILL get the lonely debuff, never get invited on quests or to guilds, and all these things themselves further prevent you from acquiring them
What the absolute fuck were they fucking thinking?

>grinding professions is the only way to get good gear and play somewhat comfortably

fucking boring.

>fasttraveling anywhere? grind profession to afford it kek

>in game economy ruined for new players by elitist older players

Guys, I'm level 21 and still haven't gotten the 'virginity lost' milestone
What the fuck am I supposed to do

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I'm the same except at 23.
heard you unlock some secret class at 30?
might want to stick around.

>stats are randomized at character creation
>roll 1s in everything and get a terrible starting zone
fuck this shit game

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27 here, it's a bugged mechanic, some players aren't given the option so never get the achievement. The devs refuse to comment and anyone who complains about it just gets made fun of.

>>No actual main quest
The main quest is egress.

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just use the hidden skill have sex

How do I reroll characters? My current one sucks.

>unlimited slot party mechanic
>nobody has joined mine
It sucks so bad, bros.
I regret installing

>almost lvl 26
>yet to find a suitable coop partner of opposite sex
The longer I play the more frustrating it is. I am almost used to solo play by now, but some content obviously is not designed for such playstyle.
Like holy hell, I've even tried using the LFG apps and shit. Why is unlocking co-op so hard? Shit game design or shit playerbase?

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refer to .
It's a well known bug, nearly 30% of young male players are affected and yet there's no fix in sight.

I don't care about that game

>incredible NPC AI
I'm a misanthrope because I expect more of the AI yet it consistently disappoints.
I know it's actually my fault, and the determinism of genetics is what causes the NPCs to fail at simple tasks like driving and thinking, but I like to believe that the depths of my hatred are divinely justified.

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coop is a meme anyway, just use a prostitute NPC if you wanna get rid of your virgin debuff that badly

>he doesn't go for the lvl 30 virginity achievement
I have it.

>roughly 18 year long tutorial
>as soon as it's over you're thrown into the gigantic world with zero guidance
>can't do anything because the on rails tutorial made you complacent

It's not about the debuff, user. I just heard this game is more fun in coop mode.

If you join the army faction that can sometimes work, though sometimes you get banned for historical reasons, depends which region you're in.

You actually have to go out and literally play the game. No one will want to be your party if you don't say you are looking for a party duh

Guys how do you fix the autism glitch that you sometimes get when you spawn?

its not a glitch, is a feature

Spending too much time in PvP areas though causes you to develop the PTSD debuff quickly. It can get annoying getting stunned at random times.

>forced to pick a career
>don't even know what people even do in a 9-5 job

>slavery banned on most servers
Who thought this was a good idea? This game went to shit after the Rome season, fucking christian mods ruined everything.

Some great fucking feature then since it makes interactions with npc's almost impossible, practically breaks the game.

Yo does anyone else have this bug where the draw distance just randomly drops like crazy?

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>no monthly fee
every fucking time.

>no busty robot girls
It's a crime.

Join a PvP guild, you mong

Oh shit, did you get any spells?
My dad works at God and says you get those

>replenishing my hunger and thirst stat in a 'bar' hub world
>some douchebag breaks the no shit talking rule
>he's trolling me, moving his character close to mine, trying to push my character model out the way
>i engage in PVP
>IM THE ONE who gets jailed by the admins
wow what the fuck!? dropped.

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Not sure if related, but I can barely see the shapes of objects unless I'm super close. Had to use in-game items to fix that since lvl 7 or so.

those used to only happen in the morning hours but ever since the industrialization expansion the draw distance, especially in cities around the china and india regions, has gone down significantly.

What's the best in-game minigame?

you need some headwear items with the sight-enhance buff, dude. this is basic knowledge. did you sleep through the tutorial?

Some stats you’re just stuck with
I’ve been leveling strength and stamina for years now but haven’t found a way to raise attractiveness at all

Can I eradicate the Sarranid Sultanate


Fuck this game. The griefing is completely out of control.

Okay now THIS thread right here... THIS is epic.

My only regret is that I have but one upvote to give kind sir.


Gets worse at every DLC, I miss expansions...

That happens when you're moving around too fast for the game to keep up with loading faraway objects in. It sucks, but I guess it beats zipping around and smacking into a stop sign or something.

I just want to grind money, but most jobs are soulless as fuck and requires high stats. Is getting into this "stock market" thing a good idea? Seems like easy enough money.

>devs give new race with insane jump ability and night camouflage
>mods pissed because it's too op
>they keep those players in timeout areas for extended periods of time and force them to live in pvp zones

Where do you announce? The ingame apps are fucking atrocious but other than that I keep getting told to go to bars and clubs as if that's a sane thing to do

>MFW a hacker shows up with a banned weapon and turns the PVE area you're in to a PVP area

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How do I change my character's hair? It gave a bald hairstyle and I don't like it too much

Man why the fuck am I being forced to play this game. I didn't sign up for this shit.

>The ingame apps
you go and ask them If they want to form a party with you like a man, if they don't it's because they aren't looking for a party or for a class/job you have and they require others

>hacker shows up
>he's recording for an """""epic""""" griefing montage or some other gay shit
Getting real sick of this shit. Why won't the admins do anything about this?

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>lgf apps
Which ones? Asking for a friend

God, those sadboi pictures are so fucking cringy

>try to party up in some random-ass place
>bitch thinks I'm targeting her
>always-on PvP bullshit
>slaps my shit
>get blacklisted by clans everywhere
>I'M the one at risk of being banned
great advice man

>try to party up in some random-ass place
no dude, that's where you are wrong. You don't have to do quests you don't like, you hang out with guilds/places you like.

There are no developers, the game came about by itself one day

By which you mean "places with alcohol and drugs".

>No monthly fee
Except literally everything is locked behind cash shop bullshit
>Massive world to explore
Everything is just the same copypaste buildings plopped down at random
>Over 56,400 character archetypes
Whats the point of that many character types if literally everyone in the game is just multiclassing as depressed and basic?
>Fully PVP
Yeah until all the carebears in the game bitched until the devs made pretty much everywhere high-sec.
>Highest resolution graphics
Yeah too bad everyone in the game gets eyes that can't see past 30fps. What were they thinking with that?

Guys, I think I ran into a bug. I stopped getting "account age" rewards, even though I used to get at least one every year. What gives?

which I don't like

Change your server for fuck's sake. Find a server with stricter PvP rules or something.

>"places with alcohol and drugs".
I mean, if you like that go ahead, don't expect to find some with your ideal stats there then.
I literally said you hang out in places you like.

Where did -you- go?

>It's balanced by the heavy INT penalty though

>Where did -you- go?
Where Do I go? I don't understand the question. I'm a mechanic with interest in
healing skills so I went to a medicine congress where I met a Cleric and started hanging out with her.

>fully PvP
I thought ganking was against the rules?

>Coffee isn't addictive
>Get a debuff on caffeine withdrawal

Why does this game blatantly lie on certain items?

>No actual main quest
have sex

Not that user, but
Yeah, I am frequenting some locations for quests, stat grinding and other shit. The problem is that the community in these locations is limited, and it seems like everyone's already teamed up except me.

When does WW3 patch comes up?

Do we have to just expect eat shit and grind all day? This game is boring.

Someone isn't loving lain

>He hasn't done the Ritalin Prescription questline to unlock the best chem in the game
Learn to metagame my dude.

>No monthly fee!
The game is so heavily based on P2W that this is a lie. The E-Shop of Outside is so ubiquitous and unbalanced that it's the very first thing I mention when people ask about the game

>Massive World to Explore
Size doesn't equate to content. Most of it is just large empty space, and despite the crafting survival element, you're limited on where you can build your base due to GM Zoning restrictions.

>incredible NPC AI
A meter for asking about weather conditions and recent events isn't "incredible".

>56,400 character archetypes
Used to be the case, but as of a couple of years ago recent updates have made 99.9% of them unplayable.

>Fully PVP
Again, used to be the case, but now PvP sucks. Combat in general doesn't feel rewarding and backlash for entering Duels is way too costly.

Frankly, I miss the polygonal look of classic. Arguably, sprites are better.

I'm gonna ding 40 soon. What mount should I get?

smash and pass.

join a PvP guild (Army), or goto a pvp zone like Yemen, Syria or DRC.

INT is fairly useless in the current meta though.
>no offensive options whatsoever
>crafting is done mostly by guilds anyway
>can clear pretty much any relevant content with only a few points invested
>classes with high INT requirements are all either outdated shit or massively overpopulated

Got into the game a while back, only on lvl 22. I hear the game used to be a lot better. I've seen some screenshots from much older players from years back and shit looked so much better. Where did it go wrong?

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>have to spent 5-8 hours to fully recharge your energy.

what a bullshit system. and hunger too since it drains resources like hell.

>wanting to join a guild full of powertripping assholes
no thanks

>The E-Shop of Outside
what you talking about, this game doesnt have a chas shop, only in game currency.

>Most of it is just large empty space, and despite the crafting survival element,
they are there for you to build user

you're limited on where you can build your base due to GM Zoning restrictions
there aren't any GM zoning restrictions, they are just other players.

>incredible NPC AI
agree, it's incredible stupid

>Hurr durr you can still buy things with ingame currency so its not p2w
Fuck off, grinding for literally thousands of hours just to get access to the player housing content is bullshit

The worst part is you can’t exit or stop playing the game without killing your player character.

Get into the boxing hobby

Where do I find the good quests that reward a ton of xp and gear? I'm lvl 34 but still in starting gear from two zones ago and almost zero gold.

Am I bugged? Why don't console commands work in the overworld anymore? What admin thought this was a good idea?

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>grinding for literally thousands of hours just to get access to the player housing content is bullshit
that's your problem pal

>can't fast travel because enemies are always nearby
>expensive as all hell to mod your character's appearance if you don't like what you rolled
>can't reroll stats nor what race you're assigned
>can get banned for doing anything remotely fun like drugs, moving too fast, or PvP
>costs an arm and a leg just to get a steed and resting spot to recover stamina
>if you get injured in the U.S. server or God forbid a major status ailment, you may well delete your character
>you can't log out of this game
Fuck this game so damn much.

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>Highest level zone in the game
>Absolutely nothing there

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>you can't log out of this game
Well you can but your player character has to die first and you can never log back in or start a new game.

>People still talking about outer space expansion
>I've been waiting for the Hadalpelagic expansion for how long now

Sometimes I feel like the dev is just trolling hard

>create your own closed source server
Fuck WW3fags. PvP events are retarded, and guild vs guild events even more so. I could tolerate being forced to join guild, but i fucking despise current meta. They should create new PvE content. Maybe they could repurpose atlantis? Btw, why did they even lock it up? It was a fun easter egg.
I guess it was better for seasoned players, but suckness debuffs made newbies bespise the game, and grind was even more retarded.

>Character masters a class is never topped on the leaderboards

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>he doesn't know

>griefed the world so hard people are still salty of his existence 80 years later
How can one man be so based?

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>used console commands and cheats all day
>multiplied heal items, helped noobs get good
>mods catch him, and make an example out of him before banning him
>he unbans himself and disappears as a final fuck you
>last logged in: 1988 years ago
Feels bad

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>throw up his clan emblem in a public place
>sit back and watch as the reports come flooding in
Always good for a hoot.

Mostly just nostalgia except for mental health stats, which I suppose you could argue are the most thing to consider.

>get a debuff during the tutorial from other players disbanding parties during quests and the two tutorial helpers not giving you tools for handling social encounters
>have to pay gold to open a help menu on a cooldown and experiment with different builds until you find a workaround for the debuff

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Don't really get why people like hitler even if they agree with his ideology. Man was a weasel.

Could you not argue that the upcoming Global Warming patch, which has been pretty clearly confirmed by moderators, are the developer's attempts at experimenting with nerfing humans?

>Either of the two tutorial helpers can STILL be killed or go missing during the tutorial
How are they not fucking flagged essential already

You forgot the part that you can be kicked out of the tutorial for any reason.

I heard the Islam faction can provide you with one if you have enough in game currency to pay for it

Should not have picked extrovert in your character stats

the (((developers))) really need to fix this game

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Was WW1.0 the healthiest PVP metagame ever?

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You have to do the Plastic Surgeon Quest to get the extra bonus on that.

Did the developer fucking die or something?

There are big bugs right now that dont make sense

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I’m still waiting for the robot girl DLC, I’ve seen screenshots yet there is no release date yet. The Devs sure have been taking their sweet time with this one

All factions can, in fact. But doing it this way can get you the STD debuff.

You just got ban baited

No I’m talking about a permanent follower NPC

He hated the playerbase so much he stopped development and went into hiding.

>being an NPC in someone else's life

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guys help, i think character autonomy for my build is bugged. i cant keep the sleep stat up as he only sits around on the Computer item. the Computer item doesnt even level any skills! how do i fix this! im considering refunding this game

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>beta enemies get removed
wtf why?

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Just delete your account dick fungus

>level 0-20 are slower in progression then 20-40
>leveling up after 27 actually penalizes you
>character is randomized entirely

2/10 it has good graphix

>each new patch changes game aesthetic
why do devs do this

These grieving videos are fun to watch

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This game would be a whole lot better if mental and physical pain were removed. Also being able to control my emotions would make it beyond better. Also, FUCK THE DEVS.

Just wait for the climate change patch to change the area. It's end game content.

So your character has to sleep, eat, breath, and shit just to stay alive, why did the developer put in so many things to keep track off. It’s stupid.

Just leveled up to 23 today , I'm starting to not care about achievements before focusing on training myself first

dig deeper bruh
best gear is there and banned content

You can literally buy this acheivement you fucking dummies

It was a feature on the prehistoric episode. I guess it was too much of a pain to remove it?

He claimed he was literally the original dev's son, no wonder the mods banned him. It'd been like, what, 3000 years since the original dev had last interacted with the community directly?

>level 22
>just completed college education quest line
>no more obvious missions to complete
>story signaling that I’m about to be kicked out of the tutorial zone that I’ve been at since level 1

I’m lost guys, anyone have a guide they can share?

>finished the college questline
>chose the engineer profession since it was supposed to be an easy way to get plenty of gold

Why isnt this fucking working?

You can use the transendance ability to save your state when you need something to eat


>he didn't know about the college bug

Did you interact with the engineer profession mods? Supposedly you have to get buddy buddy with them in order to get the job.

>Doing a huge ass quest line just to get the transcendence ability
>You can still fail at getting the skill

Yeah, nah.

Happy level up day


Happy level-up user! And desu achievements, and anything else in this game will be freaking overrated as long as the playerbase is this toxic.

There is oil and other resources buried in the ice
just wait for the global warming patch

Is the College DLC actually worthwhile?
I keep seeing mixed reviews

I heard that if you use the reincarnation ability you can start a new game, but the VR headset will erase your memory of your previous play through.

One of these days I'm going to log out and nobody will know until long after when they find my model ragdolling in a chair in an area with a bunch of locked doors.

The harem route is proving tricky.
I need more resources

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>need a special peripheral just to see clearly
wtf is this weird permanent debuff
And why is my character stuck using his left hand primarily? No one else is stuck with this weird shit

How to increase luck for casino minigames?

Who's excited for the "Nuclear Apocalypse" expansion? I hear it's coming in less than 5 years.

That’s unlikely to occur unless you rolled the Chad class or are a high ranking member of the Mormon or Muslim factions

Nah it has a bug where it puts you in debt for tens of thousands of gold without the guarantee of joining a guild
Try the Trade School expansion instead it still requires some gold but not as much as the College DLC and it has a greater % of finding a guild

Imagine sitting next to soneone with a piss filled diaper just because they couldn't keep their hormone moodlets to themselve

You could always move to the Utah server, there are loads of underground guilds who are proponents of harems and will get you one easy.

Forced Hardcore, no respawns
Debuffs that last forever

Idiots bothering the rest of us after picking wrong gender during selection

I have the same debuffs user. Why isn't more of the game designed for left handed players?

>devs keep postponing it for 60 years
>j-just 5 more, guys

>no monthly fees

You have to pay to have fun...

Guys does anyone else have trouble with the uninstall exe file? Every time I try to run it it seems to not work.

Far too many npc glitched with the words "have sex" please fix!

I was thinking of multiclassing into muslim. Sell me on mormons

Just loot stuff from other people

It really depends on your server and your endgame build. If you just want an easy way to grind gold, there are better paths.

It's free to play this video game, and video games are fun.
Are you having fun yet? :^)

have patience it will be fixed when the next meme flavour of the month update comes out.


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Your character needs to die for it to succesfully uninstall since your character is tied with you spiritually and if it were to be deleted without recollecting then you'll lose a part of you

>Find a +10 speed skateboard
>Didn't get skateboard proficiency in Grade 5
Fuck me.

You won’t have to learn Arabic or pray 5 times a day as a member of the Mormon faction but there are no brown qts either. So the choice is between brown qts or not having to learn the Arabic language skill and not having to do the prayer emote 5 times a day

I mean sure if you enjoy PVP being one enourmous stalemate for years on end

It's not bugged, you just need to have a bigger charisma stat. Or you can level confidence, works too


By fixing...you mean killing?

Disgusting shit skinned faction
delete your character and start over

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>trench fighting stalemates
>little to know advancement on either side for ages
>took so long they had a Christmas event mid game and disabled pvp for an entire day because players were fed up not being able to do anything else

>need money to buy food and shelter
>a small group of people control every aspect of the monetary supply and policy

why the fuck is this allowed?

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>no actual main quest
Nobody has found it yet.

The nazi clan was allied with Muslim faction during the great troll war

>Shitty playerbase
Do you want to know how I know you didn't play this shit? The muh shit playerbase is a meme. You can't blame an entire playerbase for the actions of a bunch of loud trolls.
I meet fantastic players every then and now.

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>tfw they re-skin these and shrink the model then proceed to call them "birds"

Based strategy guide man.

I mean i did the optional internships objectives, which required interaction with engineer mods...

Why waste the money? It's just a fucking cheevo, nobody cares.

So you guys do your dailies right? My fucking roommate doesn't. Its annoying and im honestly thinking about kicking him from my guild.

How do you finish the college questline? Level 23 and I've done a year each of the Mathematics and Physics branch, but I somehow take far longer than the rest of my pugs to reach checkpoints and raise my skill level when grinding. While people will be on the 7th objective, I'll still be stuck on the 3rd for some reason. Obviously, the boss rapes me since you get thrown at him after 3 months whether you like it or not.
I've tried focusing on fewer quests at a time and at least clearing those while earning a bit of gold on the side from dailies since I do have quite a bit of time, but honestly, given that the internet patch makes gives you the ability to learn the story and cutscenes of many college education branches on your own, I'm not sure it's even worth it. I hate the low-level dailies and am honestly just thinking of levelling a class so I at least can do some fun content while I watch Physics cutscenes and try to come up with a way for people to be less toxic.
If all else fails, I might as well just move to an unpopulated area with low-level mobs and sustain my HP from crafting.

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It's amazing how NPCs drive poorly up until a collision, where everything fixes itself.

The college quests took me a little while to do as well. Mostly because I started the questline and then dropped it for like two years. And when I started again I did like you and only did a couple of quests at a time for like a year. Regardless user just do the questline at your own pace. Its not a race. The endgame questlines after the college questline suck ass anyways.

The jobs system needs a total fucking overhaul. No matter what profession you select the leveling is basically the same. You don't even see a boost in dollars per hour until 4-5 years of grinding the same job. This system is broken.

>level 23
>good stats
>found good career mod
>meet female player for co-op
>she invites me to her guild
>its a small guild just me and her and 2 of her female friends and her brother
>deposit some gold and valuable materials in the guild bank because my pockets are full and the additional storage pants are ugly
>everythings cool for a good while
>wake up one day and the guild bank has been emptied
>guild disbanded, cant find any of the members on my server anymore
>mods "don't get involved in guild matters"

Fuck this shit game

Sounds like your stats werent actually that good and the guild was just using you for your items.

In other words you got got scammed user..

I feel you so much.
I think I'vepicked the wrong branch, chemistry, and locked myself out of the good ending.
All the other players seem a lot better than me.
I have only finished a couple sub quests in three years no matter how I grind.

okay, WHAT the FUCK, is the admins problem ?

This shit is 100% rng based ffs, not getting the second game

>too many new low-IQ, violent NPCs coming into server
>difficult to get a job and make real money
>some stats are fixed and can't be changed
>can't carry too many items at all
>actually very difficult to craft things
>education quest easy to fuck over
>rules too constrained, can't have fun or you get banned

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>being level 20+ male character and not having traded your mana with a member of the opposite sex now flags you with a yellow "Virgin" tag
>as you gain more levels, the tag turns more red per level
>you can solve the issue with microtransaction, but the tag still remains in your player history
>around level 25 it automatically repels all female contact from you
>at level 27 you are permanently stealthed to all females
>the available DLC's "Wealth, Good Looks, Nice Car, Excellent Social Skills, Friends Who Would Come To Your Funeral" should have been bought and installed on your character creation
>at level 30 you reach arcane powers which will grow exponentially every year

>not getting rid of the debuff for 100 gold

>level 25
>OP stats, capable of speccing into multiple classes
>B+ Luck and Charisma
>burnt out already
this happens all the time

You're better off solo-leveling, user. Once you finish gearing and getting an epic mount, then look for a guild. Watch out for ninja looters.

>people can't stop arguing if there's one developer, several developers or no developers along with which developers there are
wew lad

>furry girls
Disgusting, stick back to the furfag clan where you belong

>smash hit irl
>smash hit
Bullshit, reviews have tanked in recent years compared to decades ago.

Pretty impressive how the game can simulate around ten quadrillion vigintillion atoms given the fact there's no developer.
>inb4 equip fedora hat

>he doesn't know

>games inside the game are better than the actual game

>game has so many rules you have essentially no real choices or free will at all
>even quitting the game is not an option for a lot of people who don’t have enough depression points in their skill tree

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>quitting game is even illegal

>mfw the maximum speed cap
How the hell are they going to do the space expansion without making it boring as fuck?

>only 1 life and its game over

fuck this shit man i never learned how to play properly, i fucked up and can't even start over again, this is fucking bullshit

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>soundtrack changes every few years

whats up with all these mid-level players trying to use hacks to change gender?

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they been promising that patch since before you were born. it's vaporware.

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>He does not know.

>buggy exploit
Most of the time it doubles your happiness drain.

Happy Level-Up Day user!
Definitely don't group up with a female player yet. You need to be a high level character then you can pick a fresh low level character.

>Hack the game to change gender
>have 40% chance of dying now

yeah exactly. they are just doing a client side hack. the server doesn't accept the insecure connection so that why they always disconnect from the server

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>be ayylmao race
>peek into Earth sever

>high level partying up with low level
You should know boosting is frowned upon by most of the community to the point most NPCs will grief you to the point of outright killing your character if wind spreads of it and will get you banned for some good years.

The soundtrack has become shit, actually. I think it has something to do with the rights expiring, and so the devs need to buy more soundtrack but they've given up on making sure the soundtrack is even bearable

Who thoght random autistic perk and social akwardness perk were a good idea ?

Well the main problem is that the soundtrack is user-created—because the devs only provided resources to create it and didn't make it themselves.

most players just use the shitty presets made by music guild mods to print ridiculous amounts of gold and xp, the soundtrack moderation is fucking broken now compared to 30 patches ago

>cant mate with anyone under lvl 18 without mods perma banning you
wtf? they have the option at lvl 13, some zones allow it below lvl18 but those are mostly pvp zones, weird.

Theres no such thing as man made global warming. The trending warmer climate is a natural process that has been documented and predicted. The earth's climate fluctuates

t. programmer

>merchant guilds hogging all npcs and resource nodes, and collude to sell them at inflated prices
>GMs actually collude with them
>Only way to slay NPCs or gather resources is by doing GM-approved activities, including working for other players
>NPC spawn rates slowing down, rumors they've eventually stop, as will resource nodes
>monthly fee keeps getting higher, everything is going up
>all the best spots allowed are constantly packed
>if your character gets sick and you just happen to be in the wrong zone you're: Dead, suffering permanent stat loss, or losing a lot of gold, maybe all of them!

Great game.

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