Say what you will about the Witcher 3 (and it does have many flaws) but to this day Novigrad is still the best...

Say what you will about the Witcher 3 (and it does have many flaws) but to this day Novigrad is still the best representation of a medieval city and one of the greatest videogame cities of all time. It looks, sounds and feels alive and lived in, and it feels REAL
>b-but you can't enter every generic house or talk to every single uninteresting citizen like in muh skyrim
So it's realistic then

Arriving at, getting lost in and exploring Novigrad for the first time was one of the finest experiences in my history with videogames.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>say what you will about the Witcher 3
Manticore set was cool, I guess.

It was the best setting/area in the game and I think the devs understood that. Touissant is an excellent runner up.

>Say what you will about the Witcher 3
Don't feel the need to be defensive over a few contrarians, it's a great game

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I agree, but posting this over and over again doesn't make your point any stronger.

I played it on PS4 and the framerate was awful. Fuck consoles and fuck console niggers monkeys.

How can betheshitda even fight back?

Only Europeans can understand Witcher.

KCD did it better

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

Attached: 1445727351454.jpg (721x705, 126K)


Skellige is nicer.

I want to like this game but the actual gameplay itself is so fucking boring.

What the fuck is this supposed to represent.


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The battle theme.

The music in Skellige is nice too

Just imagine how Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be fren

Fucking amazing game all in all. Sure, it has flaws like them mediocre gameplay. But gameplay is not why you should play the Witcher to begin with.

>Sure, it has flaws like them mediocre gameplay. But gameplay is not why you should play the Witcher to begin with.
Imagine typing something like this

Attached: 1422155541043.gif (277x400, 116K)

Imagine being a weeaboo faggot

the detail in novigrad was more impressive to me than most of rdr2. probably because it came out in 2015 whereas rdr2 came out further down the line. I feel like rockstar were trying to ape a lot of the stuff cdpr did with the witcher i. E. Making a sympathetic main character, having some choices (choices in rdr2 are still super shit). my only nitpick of novigrad would be that the incline up to the temple is a bit ridiculous and most carts wouldn't be able to make it. small issue really. my favourite spot is always down by the docks. If you stand on the little strip of sand and look up there's a wonderful sense of scale in the city.

so you called yourself a "nigger monkey". are you happy now?

imagine seething so much that you have a text file at the ready to protect yourself from people with better taste than yours

Better a weaboo faggot than a AAA slop eating nigger.


Kek this guy. Have a (you)

Yup. Not just Novigrad but the entire world was likewise great.
The Witcher series is by far the best trilogy ever made in video games.
It's a shame so many people skipped over the first two games, because they do some things better than 3.
Vizima in TW1 was great too, as was Flotsam and Vergen in TW2. If Novigrad was the best representation of a medieval city, then Flotsam is the best representation of a medieval backwater.

Also The Witcher 2 is easily the best out of the three games and I would highly recommend it to anyone to play again and again, you'll keep finding more and more richness for at least the first 3 repeated playthroughs, obviously not back to back, but try going different builds, paths and difficulties (dark is the only one you should do). The Dun Banner story and questline, and the lore between Seltkirk of Gulet (the Invincible White Knight) and Vandergrift (the Visitor) in an eternal cursed battle, along with the return of the comet portending the current conflict, is one of the best ever written for a video game. It has the same air and gravity as the legends of past battles you hear about in Game of Thrones or the conflicts depicted in Berserk (champions facing off, eternal struggle between Skull Knight and Zodd) and Troy (Hector vs Achilles).

Witcher 3 had its moments, but The Witcher 2 simply does certain things better.
2 > 3 > 1.

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I didn't bought this worthless piece of garbage, I played it on PS4 because of my roommate, nothing more. Fuck consoles.

Kingdom Come is more realistic.

Arriving, getting lost in and exploring Novigrad was where I got so bored and fed up with the game I dropped it.
Yes it's realistic but I don't want to spend hours running around shit filled streets that all look the same.

What if objectively you are completely wrong?

Yes and the quests were good and mostly well written but after the first 50 hours you kinda just wish there wasn't half an hour of dialogue in every single quest that was incredibly mundane.

>leave the swamps and get into Oxenfurt
>the place could easily be the main capital city in most RPGs, absolutely love the place
>mfw finally entering Novigrad
Still, honestly I rather prefer Boucleair in Blood and Wine. Visible class divides and the city surrounded by rural vineries and villages, that's fucking good.
Now only if we had more actual buildings that can be entered properly, we'd be somewhere. As is, at least it shattered the Bethesda-induced bullshit belief that a handful of buildings can get away with being called a city.

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Am I so out of touch?
No it's the children who are wrong.

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What do they eat? Where do they shit? Considering most of the surrounding land is Radovids territory, this 'free city' cant sustain itself.

Killing barghests with Aerondight while wearing Manticore armor was top kino and made me trip balls to the first game.

>dat chapter 4

Attached: witcher-09-fields-scenery.jpg (1920x1200, 582K)

oxenfurt would've been 10x cooler if the university was open

i'll never forget riding across the oxenfurt bridge at night, in the rain, and finding myself the tavern to play some gwent

>the best representation of a medieval city
>one of the greatest videogame cities of all time.
not even close

tell us which one it is then here's your (you) you filthy fucking retard

I wish there was an actual big city you could explore

I just wish that 2 didn't get so damn rushed. The last chapter was over far too quickly, and honestly every time I go through the Witcher series it feels a bit of a downgrade from a story structure perspective, from the prologue + five chapters + epilogue of TW1 to just prologue + 3 chapters (+arguably an epilogue, but it's just Loc Muine on pogrom night).

The writing itself improved by miles from the first game's patchwork of quotes from the books, but I miss the cutscene portraits and the sex cards.
Best amount and variety of equipment in the series - TW3's witcher gear is great, but its very existence means everything that's not witcher gear is vendor trash.
And like you said, choices and consequences are also probably bestg in the series in TW2. Not quite Alpha Protocol or Tyranny, which are my ideals to hold games to, but damn good nonetheless.

Attached: 1508769760661.jpg (550x706, 271K)

Behold! The greatest medieval city in a video game:

So much stories and adventures happened in this land lad

One of my absolute favourite experiences in all of vidya. The music, the characters, the armosphere and everything about it just works. Fucking great stuff.

>swim to Hindarsfjall
>oh boy I gotta get me all the gwent before Yen rides me
>she's waiting at the shore
>'You're late'

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tw2 is a fucking mess. man if you play 1 and go straight into 2 it's like day and night, so many terrible design decisions made just to appease console users.

honestly if you pick the roche path in tw2 then the final act just makes zero sense. you know i didn't even realise the dragon was a main character from the iorveth path. it was beyond bizarre when i found that out months after finishing it. and the thing is the game is so bad i wouldn't even consider touching it again to play the iorveth route.

>was pretty fucking impressed when crossing the bridge into Oxenfurt for the first time
>mfw Novigrad

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That duchy looked really purdy. Geralt's house looks comfy, rustic and stone look so nice together.

Shit was comfy as fuck, great taste user

You get to enter Oxenfurt albeit in an instanced quest for HoS, like you do with the prison there on the quest with Triss if I'm not mistaken.
Also you can enter the Nilfgaardian House of Respite if you wear Nilfgaard armor.

Still better than action/adventure tw3 shit

>You get to enter Oxfenfurt University

>man if you play 1 and go straight into 2 it's like day and night
Well, the menu system did have a bad case of consolitis, true, and it is more action-oriented, not necessarily for its benefit. Anything else that strikes out for you in terms of design appealing to consoles?

All three games had differing leveling systems, and whilst my favourite was TW1, I do not see anything too particularly wrong with the others either. The bronze/silver/gold point system in TW1 worked fairly well, although the game WAS ridiculously easy to break with just going full IGNI. Investing points into the different paths in TW2 was perfectly funtional, and let you plan out what you'd do pretty well, from fully investing into one to going as shallow as you can, getting more actual skills and slots for pathogens, although not quite as focused (plus I loved the minor 'perks' or whatever they were called, that netted you small things like fire resistance if you caught fire enough times, magic resistance if you told Triss to fuck off and so on). TW3's slots weren't quite so much to my liking, but you could get some fun combos going, and it let you play around with your build more than the others. Again, 1 is the best as far as I am concerned, and the most like a classical RPG setup (although it did merge attributes into the skills system iirc), but the other two are not bad either.

Other than that, what are we talking about? World, characters, quest structures, enemy variety?

It only feels like a mess in the first playthrough, because you don't understand what's happening around you and the game doesn't hold your hand.
Upon repeated playthroughs, once you are as familiar with the events and the characters in play as Geralt would be, the game becomes a LOT more logical and fun. The dragon makes sense even in Roche path, sure you don't know the details of and the machinations of Philippa but everything else is explained.

My only regrets with TW3 is that:
- I didn't start taking screenshots until a third of the way through the base game.
- I didn't learn how to use Ansel so Geralt is centered in all of them.

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>imagine being this shallow

You should also regret unironically using the worst haircut, gayboy.

if i'm gonna play a game twice, it's gonna be because it's a fun game that i want to enjoy again, not because it takes two playthroughs to understand

>Who cares about substance? Look at the purdy graphics!
>Not the most shallow

>Novigrad is still the best representation of a medieval city
is it more accurate than shit in Mount and Blade or Kingdom Come? I never played Witcher 3.

One of the combat tracks but the turboretard who made that pasta didn't type it correctly, it's "LELELE"

Want to replay it now that I have a not potato PC desu, should I do what a normal sensible person would do and wait for the summer sale or get it RIGHT NOW

wait and play one of the hundreds of thousands of cheap games you also have on offer.

Use your existing game license you used to play it the first time.

Not that guy but every quest in witcher 2 is a complete dud compared to 1
Either they make no sens in their resolutions *that soldier in henselt camp and the three wraiths, where you can't ask him ANYTHING even if you know the wraiths are full of shit.But if you do everything as if you are going to feed him to them then you can have a conversation*
Or you get shit like the encense quests in flotsam that have ZERO flow and don't react to your action at all, get a quest to steal an encense formula so the guy can prove it's drugs? Well alright looks like I was able to convince the guy to fess up and close shop using carefully world replies like in witcher 1...oh wait I just pressed THREATEN CONVINCE or AXII till it worked no biggy Surely I can report that to the guy who hired m-nope nothing you gotta continue like nothing happened

Should have clarified that I played it on PS4 first

Come now my dude, that pasta is pretty funny in how accurate it is

it was brilliant, agreed. shame the story has you basically waltz through and then fuck of to skellige almost straight away.

The goty version is

Witcher 3 had autistic levels of attention put into it, the detail of the world is by far its most important and unique aspect. Its why I'm hyped for Cyberpunk, CDPR puts in the effort with its world design which results in levels of immersion you simply don't get from other games where nothing is considered more than a surface level.

ACG has two videos equally as autistic pointing out the details that really make the game stand out.

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Possible unpopular opinion:
I agree with OP that not being able to enter every house makes it feel more realistic. While we're at it, invisible walls were a good idea. Instead of being in a retarded valley or island, it always looks like you're in a real world off in the distance. And dividing it into separate open worlds brought back that feeling of traveling to a completely different place that I haven't experience in an RPG in a long time. The architecture, accents, culture, environment, etc. are all immediately different, which is more interesting in my opinion.
TW3 had a lot of flaws though, there's no denying that. The combat is just passable and Batman vision is retarded. Also it never scaled right. It starts off challenging but then you're outleveling everything even if you barely did any sidequests. Adding in level scaling in a patch as an afterthought was a poor way of solving that.

yeah it kind of sucked but I think hearts of stone really fills that gap in the middle, a great questline.

The Witcher 3 was a fucking awful game in literally every gameplay regard, and a whole lot of story regards.

But I'll agree that Novigrad felt like a real city for the most part and I had a lot of fun getting lost in it. I just wish that there was more to do and find and explore in it, but the game wasn't about doing or finding or exploring things, so obviously they didn't put any of that shit in.

Really, that's the biggest insult to me is that clearly the artists and level designers did all this work, made all these cool looking places and open worlds, and it was all for nothing because they were filled with nothing and it was all bullshit because as developers they can't actually be bothered.

>So it's realistic then
Is this supposed to be a good thing in a fantasy video gaem???


It gets more fun each new playthrough, but you need to play it maybe a year in between each time.

can you save the nightwraith or do you have to kill her?

what are you on? the dialogue was amazing.

The Witcher world in a nutshell is a low fantasy world being invaded by a high fantasy world, so realism is actually very important. The contrast between it's gritty, realistic elements and whimsical, fantastical ones is what makes the franchise so appealing.

You can save her with the immortelle thing you can get with beating the hermit at dice
However the game never acknowledges it

Oxenfurt was disappointingly small desu, isn't it supposed to be pretty big? I guess the university being closed contributed to that

Holy shit this has got to be the most brainlet post I've read this month. And yes I felt the need to type that.

Yeah, it was funny the first time, not the millionth

Tasteless gamers like ACG could never appreciate the worldbuilding and interconnected narrative of games like Witcher and instead blabber about animations and sound design, which are important, but not the main dish here

Nigger please shut the fuck up.Major issues why Novigrad is ass

>NPC's are all static that means they will do the same thing every day and you will listen to the same dialogue from the exact same NPC everyday whenever you walk trough a street
>The crowd sizes are a joke especially compared to games like Assassins Creed unity and the engine shits itself when there are more than 20-30 people on screen
>As you said there's basically no world interactivity in the city except a few unevenly placed traders
>The quests there are boring and suck ass
>It remains unchanged troughout the entire game like it's some fucking MMO even though there's supposed to have a siege there, they just fucking skipped it lmao it happens off screen.

>And dividing it into separate open worlds brought back that feeling of traveling to a completely different place

This is why open worlds need to die and we need to return to hub worlds. I fucking hate "story" games that can't go anywhere because the devs only made one map. Not to mention how much filler they have to put in.

>Batman vision is retarded.

Nah, it's kino and now everyone is copying it but it doesn't fit in trash like AC or HZD.

the biggest insult is not being able to settle down in toussaint with best girl Shani

Attached: Romance_Shani1.png (448x681, 412K)

Not OP, but yeah I agreed with and pointed out all of this.

Novigrad is just another example of TW3's major design and development problem; It is a bland, limited, generic third-person action game that just happens to have a really pretty coat of paint.

If you strip away the graphics and the textures and the model quality and just leave it looking like every other generic action game on the market, you'd realize that TW3 doesn't actually have much going for it and just hopes to distract with pretty visuals (which it apparently succeeds at monumentally).

Could you find a smaller and more irrelevant quest to show off your point? Fucking niggers grasping at straws, literally press A retard

my understanding is that it wasn't a siege as much as Radovid showing up and being handed the city by the Temple of the eternal fire and the witch-hunters

Novigrad is one of the worst towns among games, lmao.

Worse than towns in many mmorpg games.

>The Witcher 3 was a fucking awful game in literally every gameplay regard

No, it's great in everything for an open world RPG and one of the best ever in dialog systems

>and a whole lot of story regards.

Still better than any RPG in this century

>Nah, it's kino and now everyone is copying it but it doesn't fit in trash like AC or HZD.
I was sort of with you but what the fuck is wrong with you, dude?

>bland, limited, generic
wew lad

Here's your (you). Pretty good impression of a brainless shill.

I like Novigrad but most of the AC cities have felt like better representations of medieval cities in video games. Especially when it comes to crowd density and scale.

Attached: ac1 acre.jpg (1672x829, 390K)

Vizima > Novigrad

Hell even Flotsam is better than Novigrad even if it's just a small village

$10 says this gremlin unironically plays visual novels

>Can't explore Vizima in W3

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here you go you fucking moron.
The fact that that was just a simple side quest makes it more impressive, other games have shit writing and shit characters for side quests.

The amount of cut content is saddening

What? Witcher sense was fun since it made sense and it was engaging listening geralt piece together how something happened and which monster did it. It connected the lore, gameplay and plot in a natural way. I don't understand why you fags need to dislike anything that isn't shooting or slashing. grow up

>>b-but you can't enter every generic house or talk to every single uninteresting citizen like in muh skyrim
>So it's realistic then
you can actually walk into anyone's house in reality, however.

I thought you were being sarcastic in that first comment

where the fuck do you live? do people just not lock their houses over there?

You can wait for people to get home and then walk into their house. You can't in W3.

woah you destroyed him with facts and logic

I redact everything I said sir

>Witcher sense was fun since it made sense and it was engaging listening geralt piece together how something happened and which monster did it.
Not really, because it takes an opportunity away from the player to actually experience how and why Geralt knows the shit he knows and doesn't do anything to make the player feel like they have an ability to solve problems because you literally cannot proceed in the game without using the sense even if you're clever enough to spot the details the game puts there for you to follow.

You know what would have been more fun and engaging? Actually having to come up with those answers yourself, like a real Witcher. Actually having to reference your Bestiary and search for tracks, or identify pieces or wounds or markings or whatever.

What would have been interesting was GAMEPLAY. Following a glowing arrow isn't gameplay.

Thanks bros

yeah, I love the game to death, but witcher sense is just not fun.

>Seriously defending Witcher Senses
I unironically think it's the worst game mechanic introduced in the last decade. Completely ruined the game for me. Every sidequest, and even most main quests, boiled down to "Hold down right click and search for the glowy red objects". Completely insufferable.

Right, because it's not gameplay, it's actually the antithesis of gameplay. It's the designers saying "Shit making the player solve problems and come up with answers and use their wits like a Witcher would take tons of work and require a lot of effort and it might not be entirely successful unless we test it and make it right. Fuck all that, just have a glowing quest compass show them where to go."

The idea that Geralt, the character, can solve these problems but the player has no input or control or requirement to be involved distinctly separates the character from the player. We are not playing the role of Geralt, we're just enabling a game character that already knows all the answers to progress with a story that already decided what the answer is. Why even give the player control at all, why not make the game just take control away from you and follow the trail on it's own? Why not make it a cutscene? What meaningful contribution does the player have in that situation?

That, alongside much of the combat as well, is shot by an in-theory-remarkable dedication on CDPR's part to showcase the witcher fighting style and senses, respectively. Trouble is, they couldn't really come up with something that would really do that without taking a highlighter pen to the world and making you do nothing but pirouettes all day. As I haven't really played much of the Batman games, just the first one, the SUPER SENSES schtick wasn't as old hat to me as for people who have been bored to tears by it twice over, but I sure hope at least they do a little bit better in CyberPunck 2077. Funnily enough TW2 seemed to have a better handle on the same thing too, with the medallion-pulse thing you could do you'd get a quickly-fading version of the same thing.

I agree. I think it could have been implemented somewhat better, by being able to find clues and having multiple conclusions that you can come to and then have to read the bestiary and then decide what you think you are facing.

Like finding footprints with your witcher sense, Geralt describing the footprints, or clawmarks and missing organs and having to read up what monster usually does that. Dunno, just rambling.

Thanks for the video user, was interesting.

i honestly almost dropped the game because sort of did anyway since i put the game on hold for 2 months then i played like 80 hours in a week and a half and loved the shit out of it

Took me 180 hours to play through 3 with all expansions so now I never want to play it again.

Has anyone tried the Ghost mod (overhaul of the gameplay)? Is it worth downloading or is it soulless trash

Attached: 10205105.jpg (454x453, 74K)

It's fucking great. It might as well be the enhanced edition TW3 never got. No reason to play the game without it on PC. Very customizable too.

People comparing ANY of the ACs to The Witcher series are complete brainlets, as someone who has played both.

If TW3 has 10 lines of NPC dialogue then AC has like 3. The complaint about NPC being useless fodder is amplified thousand-fold for the AC series, in fact it was one of my prime complaints about ACI and II back in the day. AC suffers from Hitman syndrome. Everything looks glossy and full of life on the surface but it's completely dead underneath. To twist this around and use the same complaints about TW3 is laughable.

You complain about invisible walls? How about the fucking animus walls that won't stop interrupting your gameplay every 30 seconds? "Ezio did not kill innocents" - DESYNCED. It's utter shit. That same beggar lady on every street corner begging for money with the same goddamn line. All those mini-'quests' for rooftop racing, collecting chests/feathers/posters/flags as a means of poorly padded 'content'.

Nah, AC isn't better than anything. I'll even take the cities in Skyrim over anything in AC.

rate my ideas for improving the witcher 3 in a way that's exactly achievable for devs
1. don't make so many quests
2. add actual track/markings on the ground instead of relying on witcher vision. keep the large circle that appears on the map so player's know the general area they are supposed to look.
3. Add a first person mode players can use to inspect those markings
4. Add way more effects/debuffs/traits to the monsters that require the player to prepare more or think before they engage. This will allow the designers to get away with building quests that are only based on killing a monster
5. seriously cut like 25% of the quests

Its been 6 years and Bloodborne fags are still salty.

is it compatible with ng+?

I wish TW3 has more incentive to do random exploration. Hidden treasures, guarded treasures, bandit camp etc are really pointless when random loot scale with your level (while enemies doesnt). This means that the ideal time to explore would be later in NG+ when you're at level cap otherwise you will just pick bunch of loot trashes like level 11 hunting trousers.

This is especially obnoxious in Skellige where half the ? marks are just hidden caches in the middle of the ocean

Why not just skip 25 percent of the quests if you don't like them?

Just add doggo companion to do witcher sense for you. Following fartgas trail becomes really old quick

Pretty much this.
NPC's in Novigrad also have a pattern they follow.
If it rains they take cover underneath a tent or something like that. They have their daily routines going to the market etc.
Ass Creed on the other hand....

Because it's not always obvious what whether the quest is going to be one of the higher effort ones? From what I remember you might pick up a monster hunting quest from a board and that quest could be pretty involving or pretty generic even though you received the quest in the same format. And those more stale quests take dev time.

Though desu you could make the argument that having the more generic quests is appropriate in the sense that they are meant to simulate the life of an actual working witcher.

>This is especially obnoxious in Skellige where half the ? marks are just hidden caches in the middle of the ocean
>the ? marks
I hope against hope they won't make the mistake of having the same in Cyberpunk. Want to do hidden stuff in the world? Cool, you just need to NOT MARK THE EXACT LOCATION OF THE FUCKING THING and just have there be a few clues here and there for those who would find it? Have fewer, but better designed hidden drops and the like. People who don't want to deal with that shit can still kill off bandit camps (again, don't mark the damn location, just have someone mention they've been robbed by King Fuckface's bridge on the way to Vizima) or cleanse monster infested locations to get loot.

Attached: al.jpg (768x576, 77K)

no way. gothic 1 old camp better. witcher fags just dont know anything about games because witcher was their second rpg(their first being skyrim)

>NG+ is technically supported, but not recommended as the game itself is not created with NG+ in mind and thus this mode cannot be balanced properly. Also, due to a lack of NG+ GM players there might still be some NG+ related bugs.


I disagree, even though I appreciate your point about relying more on environmental cues and clues that lead to hidden quests.

While I didn't like all the superfluous loot in the ocean, I did the like overall system of being able to consult the message board to populate your world map with points of interest, because as someone who is OCD and wants to 100% the game and all collectibles anyway, it's just a QoL improvement and saves me from having to google and do them all that way anyway. I'm not about to wander around every stretch of land just 'hoping' to encounter something cool. They should give an option to turn off that marks but otherwise I like having them in the game.

all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)

6/10 game. Had potential, wasted it.

Attached: witcher3.jpg (1920x1080, 282K)

>main game
>hearts of stone
>blood and wine

got extremely sick of the main game by skellige, good thing the expansions save it

Git gud

No you're right, and that's what I mentioned in my previous post.

It's supposed to be an RPG, and RPGs are supposed to be able making the player feel like they are in the role of the character, which means giving the player the opportunity to succeed or fail based on their ability to figure out things or solve problems that the character should be able to solve. You can give them tools to assist, obviously, but when you have NOTHING for the player to do but sit back and watch the character carry out complex tasks or solve riddles without input or control, then it means the player isn't playing that character, he's watching it.

And the worst part is THERE IS A FUCKING IN-GAME BESTIARY. It has all the monsters in there. It has their lore and their weaknesses and even shit about them that has nothing to do with the game. That's literally prime material for any RPG to say "Hey when the Player is tracking a monster/investigating a corpse/deciding where to hunt one, they can go to this bestiary and have the info in there for them to find."

But instead, they just say "Well Geralt already knows this shit so let's just skip to the fighting part already."

That's why TW3 is a shit game.

That's fair, although I'm autistic in completely the opposite direction. It's just silly to have a place marked on the other side of the map, and then twelve hours and three quests later happen on it as I clean them all off the map. Some of those markers, based on the notes and whatnot you would find, are actually fairly interesting, nice little things, but it's cheapened if they just become one more thing to tick off the list. The objective isn't to find this interesting thing, or follow a quaint little story, but simply to clear away the question marks infesting the map. It's wasted effort, as far as I was concerned, and has me watch the map in a game with an absolutely beautiful and well-designed world.

Can you give 2/3 geralt his 1 hair

>that cut yen cooking quest

I think so, yeah.

>I did the like overall system of being able to consult the message board to populate your world map with points of interest
In a broad context, I'm ok with this part. I liked the idea of the message boards, I liked them being filled with some quests, but also lots of just general junk. I liked how they sidestepped just having random people in town have floating ! marks over their heads to tell you they have a quest for you.

BUT. I don't like the ? on the map. I think it's dumb and I think it's just another sign of developers too lazy or incompetent, or just thinking too lowly of their audience that they can't comprehend people wanting to figure shit out on their own in a roleplaying game.

You have roads, you have landmarks, you have signs. Why the fuck not just give directions? There's no excuse other than laziness, period.

And that's just for quest. The "points of interest" which are mostly just bullshit or 5 bandits guarding one chest or something similarly dumb are also pointless on the map because why the fuck do I need this giant ? screaming at me from across the world to go check it out when all it is, is a nest of Drowners and a fucking chest full of garbage? Why would I even want to waste my time? You could say "lol just turn them off" but the real issue is that the designers couldn't be bothered to convey the idea of a POI that's more or less worth the player's time, so they just made them all the same icon and that's just fucking stupid if you're going to have that system.

Who are you trying to impress by namedropping Gothic for no reason?