Aside from Deadly Premonition and Alan Wake, what are some "Lynchian" video games...

Aside from Deadly Premonition and Alan Wake, what are some "Lynchian" video games, that are influenced by the works of David Lynch or share his style and motifs?

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how is alan wake "lynchian"? the only similarity is twin peaks with the small town but not every game set in a small town is a twin peaks reference

Alan Wake is literally fucking Stephen King shit you retard.

Silent Hill was inspired by his movies.

silent hill obviously
in fact they are pretty much the only ones to get it remotely right.

the diner looks like the Double R, it's called the Triple D
coffee references everywhere
Sheriff Breaker looks like Cooper
the song that plays at the end of episode 1 was prominently featured in Blue Velvet, another Lynch film
,the achivement "Damn Good Cup of Coffee" is an obvios refrence
the Black Lodge doppelganger inspired enemies you deal with the entire game. tthe abundance of trees.
The "Lamp Lady" is the town oddball and even looks like Twin Peak's "Log Lady".
On the Triple D Diner menu it lists several Coffee sizes and Cherry Pie
Somewhere in chapter 1 there is a giant tree trunk which has been struck by lighting in the past, as you learn if you press 'B' (or whatever the action key), that is said to have been estimated to have had the height of 66m and it is said to be a 'Douglas Fir'

references doesn't mean it's anything like twin peaks, it's definitely not like eraserhead or his films from lost highway on

Elephant Man Gaiden

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What year is this?

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SH, Killer7 and The Silver Case
Principally Killer7

It has references but its flat out Stephan King type shit. From Alan being a writer, the force of evil, taking place in fucking Maine.

If you ever read a lot of King you would know Alan Wake is based on HIS shit but can have references from others, and twin peaks is always a good reference.


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I vaguely remember Alan Wake at the outset of the creation of the game, being a Twin Peaks-game at first, even supposed to have open world and everything set in a small town, before they scaled down to what it became.

It's both. Just like the film In the Mouth of Madness is both about Stephen King and H.P. Lovecraft.

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SH2 is basically lost highway

Kentucky Route Zero

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>There will never be a mod that removes the slowmo HERES THE ENEMY cam from Alan Wake
>The game will never be as good as it could

Its the biggest design flaw and ruins my chances of ever playing it ever again, its so fucking bad and retarded, yet when it DOESNT happen its so fucking good.

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>there's a full fan translation, it just hasn't been patched in
what the fuck

Eraserhead > Twin Peaks > Elephant Man >>>>>>>>>>> All his other shit > Dune

Alan Wake is way closer to Twilight Zone than Twin Peaks


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Yeah this is perfect.

We all do, was probably the last time this shitty site gave me smiles everyday for weeks on end.

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Fuck that sounds annoying. It's been in my library for years and I've been on a comfy horror binge lately, I was thinking of giving it a boot up.

david lunch lol

Its basically a Stephen King novel.

I can't even argue with this one.

Dune is genuinely enjoyable.

The personality of Stephen King but the looks of Neil Gaimen.

I found Rules of Rose rather Lynchian in presentation. Sadly for all the good stuff, the gameplay is fucking horrid, and its not "bad" in a SH type of way where it makes the game better, it makes it much worse.

Someone's not deranged. Also, a LOT of japanese stuff was influenced by Lynch, Twin Peaks was a massive hit there.

Im even shocked how anyone but Americans could even fathom fucking Twin Peaks. Its probably the most slice of life America edition ever.

The SoL stuff is just a smokescreen anyway.

That's why it works. It's a portal almost to this bizarre slice of America that we have never and will never experience.

As usual gemini wasted years of everybody's time by pretending to work on it for e-cred before quietly dropping it and acting as if he never heard of the game

>references makes a game "lynchian"
you could put the exact same references in grand theft auto but that wouldnt make it lynchian either. the atmosphere of alan wake is not lynchian at all.

1) What is popular in the USA will inevitably be aired in other countries with a lot of fanfare
2) Lynch was already pretty popular in Japan
3) It uses a lot of endogenous and rather exagerated rural USA images to build on its unsettling elements with impact, which makes a "tourist" feel through watching them if the person watching doesn't correspond with the culture being shown.

>Sheriff Breaker looks like Cooper
>a woman looks like a man

I know you like Alan Wake, but this is seriously reaching here.

>hes never experienced that before
Its real easy once you understand what Northern bumfuck small town Maine and Vermont are. Its exactly that.

GTA could arguably be more Lynchian than Alan Wake funnily enough, with the various dead areas players could stumble into, even if unintentionally.

Control and F.E.A.R

>Lynchian or Twin Peaks like

Do you even know what Lynchian or Twin Peaks even are? Im gonna have to assume Control is as retarded of a suggestion without knowing what it is if you are gonna throw FEAR in.

I live in Australia. And even then, it's a different time. If that's not a relevant factor now, it probably will be in the not so distant future. Super Troopers is a pretty comfy window into Vermont, though.


Yes I've watched all of Twin Peaks including the new season and Mulholland Drive

Lynchian doesn't just mean rural america, it means dreamy sequences and strange story twists and what not. Control definitely fits that bill as well as F.E.A.R, also I'd throw Hellblade in that list as well.

nah Time aint much a factor in these towns, but those types of towns dont have much of a future aside from standing still. They have shit job markets so the people living there have been for generations.Small self-sustaining towns with no real growth.

Max Payne

>dreamy sequences and strange twists

Thats absolutely not what it means, and the dreamy aspect of Lynchian is far more than "sequences"

FEAR is absolutely nothing like Lynch shit.

Also Control if Remedy Entertainments new game and if you don't know who they are then you are a fucking clueless brainlet who shouldn't even be posting in a Lynchian Yea Forums thread, get the fuck off this board and go back to >>lgbt if you only care about "Muh quirkiness" you fucking retarded nigger-dick lover.

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In that sense the new season of Twin Peaks captured the essence of the town perfectly.

Pass me my controller

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We have those here too, so I get the idea there. Don't really appreciate them (they suck), but photos like this make them at least look interesting. Feel naive thinking back on what I said on my last post, haha.

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Its going to be hard to even find games like that because most games are designed to be fun, closest your going to get to that is stuff from Remedy entertainment, probably Kojima to some extent and F.E.A.R

*stroll into Yea Forums*

alan wake is garbage as a video game

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>naming games nothing remotely like lynch when silent hill exists

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I’ll suck your dick if you keep talking shit faggot

>still haven't watched season 3
How is it? Season 1 & 2 are my favorite show but I've heard mixed things about 3 and it's pretty long.

Only movies I've seen are Mulholland Drive and Inland Empire, how are Lost Highway and Eraserhead?


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and if you liked mulholland drive and inland empire you'll probably like S3 as it's much more along those lines than the original series.

fuck you faggot the was generic as fuck mechanically please be a femanon

Season 3 is peak Lynch.

Lost Highway is his masterpiece imo. If you liked Inland Empire and Fire walk with me you'll have a blast with season 3.

Also, Flower Sun and Rain is even prescriptive of Lynch, weirdly.

I did like those movies, the thing is that 2 hours of lynchkino is great but I don't know if I can take a whole series.
I loved the original series because it was comfy and easy to watch with the occasional Lynch moment thrown in to keep it intriguing.


God I wish I could watch Lost highway for the first time again

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yeah silent hill exists that works and that's why people suggested it like 7 times in this thread, I'm just trying to find other options for fans of lynch's work

S3 is a lot like those movies but it's not as dark as them either, it mixes lightheartedness and dark lynch stuff pretty well

Don't talk shit about blue velvet you faggot or I'll fuck your ass got it?

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You should che k out Gaspar Noé. I Stand Alone, Irreversible and Enter The Void are top tier.

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Noe is fucking awful, nothing like Lynch at all. Film equivalent of dogshit like Arca or SOPHIE

Fuck even Shinya Tsukamoto is more like Lynch.

When is that one PS1 game going to be translated? something falls was it?

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Mizzurna Falls?
It's actually uNEVER EVER

That's honestly magical.
Though I have to wonder how true that story is. He really came up with the theme first try? I guess it's pretty simple so maybe it's not that hard for an experienced composer.

Rip /tpg/

It actually has been translated.
It's just nobody has bothered to fully implement the translation into the game itself.

Killer 7 is just if Lynch decided to make an action movie.

>watching the nuke episode with /tpg/

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Harvester, not even joking. Its 1950's Americana + surreal horror + unintentional/intentional comedy, is probably the closest you'll get to David Lynch in videogame form.

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>Lost Highway not at the top

get a load of this guy

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Pathologic obviously. Also Kentucky Route Zero