Will streamers ruin it?

Will streamers ruin it?

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Umm.. Im in eu sweetie. So no

God I hope so.

If you’re on a streamer server, yes.

they'll ruin the ~6 servers that they play on
most of them will be fine though

Ofcourse or at the very least make it a different game.
Im rolling a UD rogue just to camp asmongold.

Only on the servers they are playing on. Besides that, I think vanilla will be a quick burn. The players who are not getting where they want to be fast enough will go back to live WoW for awhile. That or just go back to playing Overwatch or whatever they left live WoW for to fill the void. I really don't see them making drastic changes to live WoW. I am excited for vanilla though.

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Yes. And this whole streamer phenomena is only one of thousands of different things why Vanilla WoW would suck in 2019.

You had to be there in 2004 to experience Vanilla WoW.

They already did.

They will ruin pve servers which is fine. No big streamer will dare go on a pvp server.

Assmonfag pulled a 180 and wants to go on a pvp server now

Just don't watch them and play the game.

Unless he has a legion of fans surrounding him hes going to get stream sniped so much.

>knowing streamers by name

of course not, stupid concern trolls

Why the fuck would the modniggers move the thread to /vg/ instead of the countless smash threads, is he really a smashtranny?

>knowing enough to identify a bastardized version of a streamer name

There's nothing to ruin in the first place.

They already ruined it for me. Fuck.

>You had to be there in 2004 to experience Vanilla WoW.

agreed. back when it was something new and fresh, and even then it was carried by a feeling of being part of a community, friendships, people you hated and things like staying up all night just to mess around with friends. there's no way to go back

I did not know, I actually concluded from the conversation. You are a waste of space and you fill your memory with the most retarded things; hence, you are a retard.

He and every other streamer are going to roll on pve servers. The streamer menace is not a problem unless you're a carebear.

Well, now you know too. Welcome to the club, retard.

>top server premade in full r12-r13 gear decide to camp him for an hour
This is what's going to happen. There is no way they'd survive on a pvp server.

shut up boomer

Druchad rise up

haha no you're retard because you are on chinese knitting board haha
How does it feel to be retard???

Out of curiosity - how many servers do you think Classic will have?

If they don't ruin the localized communities of their servers, they will ruin the general atmosphere of the overarching community. They'll overtake the media surrounding it, those excited into playing the game by seeing said media above all lesser creators, and the social mentality of the population will forever be changed not just where they are, but for their influence across the board. What we're seeing with these reaction, world first, and pvp videos from the beta, shows the landscape we can expect and the grasp they have over it at a larger scale than their localized server. Their egos are too massive to step into the shadows.

Streamers always ruin everything, so yes, most likely

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i think you're making it bigger than it is. Most of the people who want to enjoy classic are already prepared to chose servers without streamers. The rest of the zoom-zooms and twitch tumors will drop the game after a month because they all have adhd.

at least 30 per region, probably more, although I'm not quite sure how the layering system will affect how many servers Blizzard will use

lol, I legit forgot that there are PvE servers.

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They are inevitably going to ruin the balance on the server they roll on.

That's a weird name for a streamer to have. Doesn't twitch hate men and will ban them for even saying the word "fag" or "nipple" or whatever?

They already have

This comic is convincing me not to buy Classic WoW.

Only Vanilla WoW was good. Classic WoW will be massive cancerfest.

>Will streamers ruin it?



Holy fucking shit. This upsets me.

Streamers and people who follow streams are subhumans.

Don't play on american servers

God I fucking hate streamers and twitch

no matter which side is who, this is the reason they've put both retail and classic under the same subscription. They will avoid showing a split audience and, in case classic ends up bigger than expected, they will still be able to say that retail subs have gone up.

>tfw EU

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Streamers will probably all be in their own server to interact with each other, so just avoid it.

this didn't happen in TBC when it actually would have mattered you fuckin' retards
>Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Deathknight, Monk

For the first few weeks, yeah

They'll venture over when they want a fresh start.


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If Forsen will play on PVP server I will deliberately get on his server so I can get jab at trying to kill him.
He's the only relevant European streamer anyways so his server shouldn't be fucked up because of him.

anyone expecting to get anything against a streamer and his entourage of parasites is a fool

>have to wait 3 more months to go home
what am I supposed to do in the mean time? There's literally zero good games anymore

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>Will streamers ruin it?
Some will some won't.

I don't get what's going on here at all.

what is the autist sperging about? he doesn't want to roll ally? i can barely understand

Are you stupid?

It's Sodapoppin raging that some streamers are going ally instead of Horde

I thought I wanted to play wow, got in private server in about 20 minutes with client download.
Got to level 7, alt-f4, deleted folder. And it was crowded too, felt nice at first. But fuck it, MMOs suck, it's not 2004 anymore when we didn't have better things.

explain the problem then


give some examples of better things
dont say dark souls or witcher 3

vaginas. Not that you'd know

Play Warcraft 3

There servers will be the most active but also have the most spergs. Go rp to avoid streamers

>buy classic wow
But you don't have to buy it, it comes with the normal WoW sub.

>600 servers
>1 locked server for streamers and their friends

Yes, the community aspect, economy and general feel will be long gone. They’ll ruin RP realms as well by invading there as well. Classic isn’t going to be what it was.

anything that isn't MMO tab combat.

already did


that's the best kind of combat though

>thinking enough people are going to be playing to warrant 600 servers
>thinking streamers aren’t going to take a server apiece
>thinking there will be enough people playing at all
You naive child

>They’ll ruin RP realms as well by invading
i'll be honest this would be entertaining. Watching the twitch spergs collide with the rp autists. they all need to burn in flames

Seems like there's a few people interested

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I enjoy RTGame and Vinesauce Joel, am I a subhuman?

There's only gonna be like 10 servers since each server will have layers. If you're playing on one of 5 pvp servers hope you don't stumble upon a streamer and his merry band of retards or you're in for a bad time

I don't mind the screaming and wanting it that badly.
Just them ignoring the higher roller who also wanted it in favor of the streamer.
They're quite simply evil degenerate people.

>he thinks there's something better than tab combat

there is like 250 retail wow servers each region
WoW classic will be 3 time as popular


>joel over every other content creator he has collabed with.
yes, you are.

Whatever that is, yeah.

>this is the type of people we have browsing Yea Forums now
kill yourself, twitch faggot.

They literally announced 3 servers per region.

fuck you blizzard this is going to be such shit

>Classic rolls
>streamers and their zoomzoom pets roll on pvp servers thinking nothing can go wrong with 200 bodyguards
>entire guilds roll on the same servers with the sole purpose of ruining the streamer's lives
>streamers cry in pain
would Blizzard intervene in this circumstances?

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I'll enjoy permaganking your sorry ass you old fag boomer
>tfw rogue are unbeatable in vanilla

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Honestly, Asmongold is best thing that happened to Classic. Some contrarians here might say otherwise but he brings community together, is not afraid to criticize bfa, promotes other streamers and youtubers. Let's be honest this man played wow for many years and he has what it takes to change classic for something better. I personally didn't donate to him but I don't mind using my twitch prime sub on Asmongold as a token of appreciation. Can't wait to join his guild on launch, a new great adventure awaits me.

I'd honestly question who's wasting their time more

shut up

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>calling me an oldfag is an insult to the mind of a zoomer
This is fucking hilarious.
>implying Im going to even touch classic
with streamers infesting the game with brain-dead trash like you, I'm not going to be touching it.

Daily reminder that people will join classic servers AND buy gold through RMT

Good, we don't need old shitters like you. It's not the game for you

Yikes, Cringing at this poster. Oof.
Go away newfrog!

Bunch of friends betrayed me and are rolling the opposite faction. What are some good classes to dab on mages all day?

no streamer with a fucking brain will roll pvp.


I see Sodapoppin doing it. Didn't he run PvP worlds when he was still streaming on sites that weren't Twitch or something?


rolls on kungens server*

can someone redpill me on sharding/layering? will leveling feel dead and lifeless like it does now?

Isn't soda a pretty hardcore player though?

>sodapoppin, his mindless followers, and his pserver clique of good players join horde
>asmongold, his mindless followers, and other top pserver guilds join alliance

I'm EU so it's whatever to me, but if they join the same server and they don't get ~LAYERED~ wpvp has potential, beta fights have been fun so far

only if you are ahead of the pack


Never has 1 man made Yea Forums seethe so much. Is it because while he's a loser like everyone on this board, but he separated from the pack making millions and getting a big titty gf? Ya'll like the typical jealous black man mad at another black man's success.

>imFUCKINGplaying any of you fags wouln't immediately ninja that shit if you could and bolt from the scene back in the day, which was 100% common
>acting like streamers will be any fucking different from the conglomerate guilds that literally poached and stirred up infighting in competitive guilds to take their best tanks
>even bothering getting in a raid with a fucking streamer in the first place when you can just make your fucking own
>Completely ignoring the fact DKP is going to be back just to play the sky is fucking falling

Chicken Little retards, the lot of you.

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I'm currently leveling a warrior on private just to have a little practice for launch, are warriors just shit at lower levels? I'm really struggling for rage. I'm only level 14.

>t. streamer
get fucked, you strawmanning faggot

you could always mess around on private servers like henhouse or retrowow to test out classes. i've been doing it for over a month i still can't fucking decide what to roll.

Nah, I lack the looks or charisma to ever stream. Much rather just play by myself while I listen to How It's Made in the background.

Keep doomsaying though or whatever I guess if you really want to spend your day doing that.

Which is a good thing. I'll literally play for 48 hours straight to get the biggest lead possible.

not just streamers but zoomers mentality will carry over to vanilla, I can see a lot of them starting to come onto my private server after the release date got announced, a couple of times I've invited people to do grindy quests in really volatile areas and they decline and then about 20 minutes later I run past their corpse.

Most of the zoomers will persist with their single player mindset and very few will adapt to classic. I think the best time to start playing might be a week or two after launch.