Thoughts about new total war game?

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Good gameplay, but boring setting.

i havent touched total war games since getting ripped off by empire total war in 2009

Final nail in the CA coffin, not only catering to casuals, but to fantasy fans and chinks as well.

Craven dog!

Do you want to eat me, chong?

it's harder than rome, where you can 1 shot the entire campaign. I had full-size rebel stacks on turn 10 sieging my biggest city. It's not bad at all

I'll tell you when the crack comes out.

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Meh, napoleon does musket warfare better.
I'm not buying it until the release it with all the DLC and it goes on sale. There isn't anything in this game that makes it worth playing over Rome 2 or war hammer. Give me a Napoleon 2 for fucks sake.

/pol/ likes it, ironic considering it has “chinamen”

Attached: dark china.png (800x5132, 762K)

The gameplay in both modes is fun but good god the UI is abysmal

game's pretty good tbqhwyg imhom8
ancient china men are pretty based, before communism stole their humanity

>browsing /pol/
incel detected. yikes and cringe

>falling for the "them nazis just want white people in video games meme"

Really? I think it looks way more polished and nicer than previous TW games.

I just want to go back to Shogun 2 / Medieval 2 personally

How’s the unit variety? That’s my biggest concern

>Game about ancient China
>Chink pandering
What did the retard mean by this?


>/pol/ boogeyman

there's a lot

A more or less the same as Shogun 2 but each faction gets unique units instead of just stat bonuses. The main meat of the game is the campaign though. The battles are still nice especially how you can burn anything. Wait for the blood and gore dlc

crack when