Was Princess Maker 2 the peak of gaming?

Was Princess Maker 2 the peak of gaming?

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I'm going to go out on a limb and say "no"

if it was an ero game maybe

>raising perfect daughteru just to be fucked by yuusha
*hit the pipe*

>can't bully your daughter and turn her into an alcoholic/bitter woman
what's the point.

Akabur's games are more fun, even if the gameplay is more simplistic. The writing is great and tormenting the girls is enjoyable.

you are breaking your back raising that little bitch and you cant bang her, or at least recieve some BJ on special occasions.

Shame there are really no other games like that. Sure, you have many raising sims, but none of them have the whole "your character gets visibly older and mature" thing.

>gets visibly older and mature
what's the point


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Unlike Mass Effect 3, your choices matter.

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What's the point of anything that doesn't affect the raw gameplay, really.
I always love it when rpgs make your progress visible just by looking at your character. Gothic and fable both do this to some extend, but every other rpg makes you go from poor farmer to god slayer in a mater of days. RPG where progress takes more time like in princess maker could be interesting.

Thats what musumaker is for
Plus you get 3 daughters instead of just one technically 6 and a female(male)

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>Not marrying her yourself instead
you are pathetic

Ok you have my attention.

I see benis! Cute.

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>one of the best Endings is a "Bad" Ending

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I'm working on a game heavily inspired by princess maker. Tell me what things would you like to see in it.

Bad ending because she was sent by the Gods from above, not below.


Sexual training schedule management

A lot of Endings.

Not if you make her a virtuous Mommy ruler.

Circle of (other little girl) friends that would be of influence on the daughter, that father could attempt to control. There could be option to randomize friends and their personalities for each playthrough.

It's literally established from the beginning of the game that the Gods call the shots down there, too.

I want to watch my daughter go to the bathroom and piss/shit.

>ability fuck her bad influences out of her circle of friends

>another man
Doing it wrong, you are.

Can she be your daughterfu ?
If not, then it applies.


Cunning character design

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You need to be able to feed your princess/daughteru sweets until she gets fat.

Black royal family

Wakanda and shiet

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Daughter is scared of thunder and wants to sleep in your bed


God I remember this game
Remember to yell at your daughter user

I have something similiar already in the game. You actualy play as the girl directly. There are few other kids that will change their behavior depending on your actions.

then pisses the bed and when she go showers you sniff the hell out of her pissy underwear.


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In all seriousness I just want lots of events
All the games focus on nothing but stats which is pretty lame. There's only one game that doesn't, which is 4 but of course is the only one that isn't translated.

Actually being like Princess Maker, you get a lot of inspired by Princess Maker but it doesn't play remotely like Princess Maker.

shark teeth and always have smugface.

Visual feedback. If she's getting better at doing something, show it! Not just with numbers, at the very least have descriptions change, preferably graphics too.

Seems like you guys just want another eroge rather than a Princess Maker...

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It was a lot of fun with some glaring issues
Optimal play requiring constantly going on desert trips to visit lucifer because it's the fastest way to raise any stat in the game was my most hated one. You don't make an autism simulator where the most rewarding way to play is grindy as fuck and takes 10 times longer than playing normally, that's just cruel

I mean, of course I'd just use it to make her fat and jerk off to it, but it'd probably still be cool to have her appearance change with her diet/lifestyle/stats.

Only serious answer you'll get in this thread : flesh out the adventure mode, seriously
Every princess maker game that isn't Princess Maker 2 fucking sucks and the main reason is because there is no real adventure / adventure events.

If it had better art, sure

Friend meet
From age 5-9 she’ll 100% listen to your approve of/ disapprove of choice

>Yes you can hang out with a nun, and farmer girl but not the penny less thief

From ages 10-13
Your disapprove of character gets a high approval from her “rebellious bonus” and vise verse for an approved one

>I hate nun girl, Farmer girl is my bff and penny less thief is my boyfriend

From 14-18
You’re choices don’t matter and even the most loyal daughter won’t listen

>I broke up with penny less thief now I’m dating Black magician
>Farm girl is always there for me
>Meet my new friend Dragon Tamer

Random events and character drama like in ck2, the replayability would be insane.


This but also cute art and the possibility to mod it.

I will write a short description of the basics. I could write for hours about it so I will try to keep it simple.
You play as the girl directly, game takes place in a small open world, you start at age 10, end at age 18. More focus on exploration and survival than the original games, focus on world reactivity and long lasting effects of decisions. Quests won't reward you with money, but rather with something that can be used for the entire length of the game (can pass payed bridges for free etc.). You raise your stats like in the old games. By working and training. Combat is hard from the start and you don't enjoy killing things. Also, RPG maker.

Finished system for that yesterday, but I want to know what sounds better: All minor events are completely random, All events are static, some small events are random.
It is not menu based if that is what you mean. You can walk around, talk to people and do things directly. But the overall gameplay is very similiar.
Kinda hard to do that with static sprites. But I have many things to visualise your progress. Your wounds are visible, badly healed wounds leave scars, you get bigger with age, mutations, ability to wear contact lenses and dye your hair, chose different haircuts,...
That is what I'm going for. I want the entire thing to be like the adventure mode, but vastly improved.
Already planned. But i'm a one man army so we will see how many thing I can add before going insane.
I will release the thing for free and also give acces to the source files, so modding will be possible.

Joke endings from stuff like doing exactly nothing for a whole year since start of the game and the like are always nice
Some names having special effects and assuming you can name her
Inbuilt cheats are nice too

So Cute Knight instead of Princess Maker?

One of the most popular parts of PM2 was the game-breaking mod for infinite money and naked children the English translation came with. The game attracting deviants isn't surprising, especially with the lesbian dom bandit who want to deflower your daughter.

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Based, can't wait to play a little slut. Godspeed user.

>tfw my daughter in princess maker 5 has 109 cm bust size

At the start of the game, you get a quest to deliver a letter. You get a ending if you decide not to do it. You can name her, and there will be one that will do something special.
And I alredy have some basic cheat system in the game and some clothing made specificaly to be a cheat reward.
Never played that game, but I heard about it. Looks like PM, but you play as your character directly and you do not age visualy. I'd say my thing has more in common with Pm.

>36 int

Raised her the same way I was raised.
Worked the farm and practiced fights, won tournaments and saved the planet. I'd rather have a muscular daughter that can handle herself even if she's not a 10/10 hot babe than a stupid bitch that runs away from home and fucks the dick carousel into std hell.

What kind of degen plays these kinds of shits

Based snusnu princess.

>not wanting a Cave Princess for a daughter

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It's like a CYOA book with a lot of endings, it's fun to explore different outcomes for the same character.

Yikes, is that Hitomi Tanaka tier?

I liked cute knight though the dungeon left more to be desired

can you make different chest sizes based on your choices ranging from completely flat to something reasonably big

probably bigger, I keep grinding for bust up pill in the graveyard dungeon.

Sounds alright so far. Good luck and don't burn yourself out.

holy based
how does it work anyway? never really understood it

Just make another princess maker, these guys are impure and think women are for sex only.

>he doesn't know

they are also for making babies

Breast pills user
Breast pills

you understand 3 languages including nip?

oh, I thought it had only one like PM2
I'm talking about it increasing without pills, never understood how that works

wrong thread sorry, i really need to stop fucking drunkposting.

Wrong thats fucking sociopath thinking
They are mainly for sex, not only. They're also for cooking and cleaning, and whatever else is menial and you don't want to do

I understand that, which is why I didn't quote the "cunning character design" because that was a given.
I'm not that user. Also,
>women aren't for sex
I understand that she can be anything we (don't) train her to be but come now.

Princess maker is a wholesome series, show some respect.

I'd like to see openness to raise my daughter however I want to.
Fuck you, Long Live the Queen.

Marriage and sex with daughter for sole the purpose of procreating

Seconding this. I understand that art is one of the harder things to do for a Sim-style PM game, which is why so many rely on stats and text to convey changes. Still, its nice to have concrete visual changes happening as well if possible.

Make sure you play long live the queen, it's a unique variation of the genre so it might be work checking out just for a deeper understanding of things.

I'm not actually perverted enough to want to fuck my own daughter and this worries me, how do I get more perverted?

it means either you got the big gay or your daughter is ugly

is it in english?
is there a dl?

>I'm working on a game heavily inspired by princess maker. Tell me what things would you like to see in it.
If your child is male, he gets unhappy if you try to force him to crossdress. He never really "learns to enjoy it" and is always very uncomfortable, and if you keep trying to force it on him he'll eventually suicide.
If your child is female, she'll get similarly unhappy and suicidal if you try to force her to get into video games.

The boy can get into videogames and the girl can get into wearing dresses with no major issues.

Keep this in the game and I guarantee you one sale.

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My autism wants all static events because I tend to get salty if the optimal path requires good RNG.

As far as combat, try to make it so the skill ceiling is quite high. Not just in terms of timings and memorising hitboxes, but also in terms of having to understand how one enemy guy behaves, how another different enemy guy behaves, and having to understand how to move/act so that you're in the "blind side" or "safe spot" of both of these guys simultaneously.
If possible, introduce mechanics where you have to think ahead and control the battlefield, because if you're just reacting to things as they happen you might get trapped in a corner.

If you're doing this you're also gonna get people REEing for the loli pill, the trap pill, the smelly feet pill, and the giant growth pill.

banging your daughter

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Looks like that potato's about to get mashed.

>you start at age 10
Too old.

>Olive marries the father if her relationship with him is 100%. You also need her to have less than 100 Sin, 100+ Morality and Faith, and Intelligence, Refinement and Charisma to be more than double the Morality/Faith. You also can't have Morality and Faith be more than 499

Wow, no wonder this ending seemed arbitrary as hell to get, church school is easy as hell to raise magic defense if I have the money for it but also skyrocket faith