>Randys tweeting out animal cruelty videos now
What the actual fuck is wrong with Randy?
Randys tweeting out animal cruelty videos now
Other urls found in this thread:
when is he going to jail?
>Its already deleted
What was the video about?
>animal cruelty
Randy can go fuck himself but that video isn't animal cruelty. Far from it. If you want to see some real animal cruelty just enter one of the daily chink hate threads on pol and gif
Cat got snipped by a crab
Randy isn't a psychopath.
After a few of those threads you will be itching to go to war against the bugmen
animals fuck each other up IRL. That's life.
Not even Doom music
based npc
man he's really losing it. maybe we went too far.
what a fucking autist
Oh no, Randy is going to revive /r/Battlebornrule34 but with guro
randy confirmed for having strange upbeat funkish forest feel
I want to see it now
So randy is Yea Forums incarnate
i bet he'd love /gif/ rekt threads
he sounds (and looks) like a serial killer
its shit
what happened with the pedo allegations?
>it’s just a social experiment, guise!
The researchers found that pinching force increased with body mass. Based on the crabs' maximum known weight, the maximum pinching force of their claws was projected to be 3,300 newtons. This exceeds both the pinching force of other crustaceans and the bite force of all terrestrial animals except alligators.
>Dex vs. Con
How does he keep getting away with this shit? Anyone else's career would have been ruined years ago if they acted like Randy.
Yea Forums has always stood diametrically opposed to animal torture. Even shit like that lady that pushed a cat into a trash can.
>to animals interacting is now "animal cruelty"
>animal cruelty
Yeah I couldn't possibly imagine why dog fighting is illegal either.
>Yea Forums has always stood diametrically opposed to animal torture
Yea Forums is against animal torture Yea Forumstards however ....
Isn't this perfect normal human behavious?
Curiosity that is
no one is forcing the cat to interact with the crab, he's just being curious.
> Happycat
> Cobun
now that's a meme I haven't heard in a long, long time
Yea Forums does not like memelands so none of us are like randy lmao
At this stage I can only believe that Randy has some dirt on 2K higher ups that stop them from booting his ass in terms of having anything to do with the Borderlands image.
RIP ytmnd
if you create that sittuation and record it it is animal cruelty, that's like putting a gun where a kid can grab it and wait for the kid to shoot someone to record it
that looks like a dog to me
could be worse could be the basketball americans hate threads. there some definate upstanding church goers of the melanin persuasion. there that gives the bugman a run for their money, but against other people
That shouldn't happen. Cats are agile creatures. I think you are lying, good sir.
Not him, but you got BTFO, son
as far as i'm aware, nearly all craps cannot feel pain, nor do they really have the aware to know is happening to them beyond being reactive
cats r dum
Snibeti snab x—D
He is badass
>Yea Forums has always stood diametrically opposed to animal torture
which is why Yea Forums used to repost that picture of beheaded cat attached to CD above bathtub a lot
no one is forcing the dogs to kill each other
Poor cat. And of course it's a bunch of fucking thirdies filming it.
yes they are
only shitty trolls who have always been hated
you clearly havent been here much
Why are you guys so obsessed with m- I mean, Randy? He's just a fucking BADASS that wants to have fun.
god bless Hard Drive
Randy's psychological profile is a mess. He's a typical psychopath but lacks the survival skill to seem human.
He probably doesn't have the courage to actually kill anyone but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a corpse buried on his property somewhere.
t. chinkoid bugman
Someone post the NEDM pasta
>cat gets hurt
>kid gets hurt
haha so funny
being an animal lover is r*ddit as fuck. respect your pets but don't act like they're your children.
>n-no, they were dang dirty trolls, not true 4channers! we never laughed at animal cruelty or excessive loli rape doujins!
cope harder fake-oldfag
>butthurt child knows he's next
>moving the goalposts THIS hard
t. underage
>a bunch of edgy autists represent the whole site
>caring about other people's children
cuckold or woman
>weebfag is an edgy autists
not surprised, I'm sure you also want to be the little girl
Here comes the kid defense force.
Than you've never seen either, which proves that you live under a fucking rock!
>caring about other people's pets
he seriously have mental health issue
Okay reddit. Since you do not "condone" snipping kitten your sites have been 3'D until further notice. Still… nothing justifies 5'ing snapped kittens. Not even Doom music.
Animal cruelty videos are posted by faggots trying to get (You)s or to "pwn the anons", no one condones it. Loli rape shit has absolutely nothing to do with real life animal abuse, you conflating faggot. Also, it's awwwwwwrite.
Are you excited for Moze gameplay and new BL2 DLC reveal at E3 bros?
>conflating art with actual animal cruelty
Are you a hebephile by chance
>calling someone a weeb on an anime website
What in the fuck is up with Randy's death spiral lately? There's no way this doesn't end with him in jail or at least stepping down
>cats kill billions of native animals around the world globally
lol fucking based my pet kills dumb animals, they should know to avoid them if they don't want to die
>cat gets pinched on video
poor cat :(((
t. thirdie rat lover
he should've posted zippocat instead
invasive species is cancerous, but there is a big difference between
>two animals meeting and nature taking over
>some asshole with a camera passively allowing conflict to come about and then uploading it to youtube and another asshole showing it to other people
I was that cat.
>some asshole with a camera passively allowing conflict to come about
You okay bro?
>all anime is moeshit
Way to out yourself as a retard, go dress up in your dirty girl clothes faggot
>for your consideration
Is this a Warframe reference? For your consideration...
depends on what race the child is
It's the trolley problem but the main track has a cat on it, the switch track is clear, and in the observer's off hand is a video camera.
It's a conundrum for sociopaths
No I'm sick of my mods breaking.
Should you even be surprised from someone watching kids getting pissed on while he calls it "magic"
Fuck cats. Stupid shits always howling at night to find each other to fuck so they can poop out kittens that die during winter anyway cause they're stupid ass strays. They're lucky that I'm lazy or I'd go capture them and take them over to the all you can eat chinese place for a profit.
I'm now redpilled on crabs.
He's a legitimate sociopath and doesn't understand how normal humans think or feel as he is incapable of empathizing with anyone.
So wait how hurt is the cat, I don't see any blood spraying so he couldn't possibly have had his toes snipped off
She was 18.
She was the one pissing.
Get your facts right incel.