ITT: Games to which time has not been kind

ITT: Games to which time has not been kind
>Love a game as a kid, think it's great and looks gorgeous
>come back after 10-15 years to replay it
>It's clunky, boring, slow and ugly as fuck
What game was it for you, Yea Forums?
For me, it was Oblivion

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She would look much better if she was thicker. She looks like a god damn skeleton.

She looks like shit because she's underweight in the right picture

Time hasn't been kind to the entire ps3/x360 gen

Kingdom hearts

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this is what amerilards actually believe

I remember how Resistance: Fall of Man was such an awesome demo game for a new HD television when it was released.

But now? It looks dull and drab with its brown/grey colored world, the level design is just generic ruined towns or tunnels, and shooting feels janky and unresponsive. Even some of 6th gen console shooters feel more fresh today, despite the fact that FPS genre usually isn’t kind to older games (besides of some exceptions like Doom, that relish in their simplicity).

Resistance was just Sony thinking "oh fuck we need a shooter for the PS3, let's make a Gears/Halo ripoff"

It’s also especially funny when you consider how Halo 3 came out within a year of Resistance’s release, being the better game in every possible way. More varied level design, more responsive controls, far better movement and mobile gameplay, looks better by actually having colors and lighting effects that still look good...

On the other hand, Resistance 3 was actually good and I’d even call it underrated, but yea, it’s overall certainly one of the weakest Sony exclusive series.

Max Payne

seems like she's not a skeleton anymore thankfully

also, dark souls 1 i guess
it's still a nice game, but the mechanics just feel really outdated

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>what are red dead redemption 1, bioshock, batman: arkham asylum, halo 3, bayonetta

im a skinny europoor and she does look sickly(could just be the light though). It doesnt necesessarily have to do with weight but yeah she also looks a bit too thin

she was born for refugee cock

fuck off

Sure she's skinny but not underweight. She just has weird proportions. Her shoulders just don't fit the size of her face


No that is what medical science believes. Fact: Women need more body fat % than men to be healthy. Obviously that doesn't mean they need to be obese but it does mean the ignorant normie standards that women should be slimmer than men is bunk. Women have a key biological role that men do not and their body evolved with this in mind, if you aren't meeting your body's needs you will be unhealthy whether that is overweight or underweight.

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Thief Deadly Shadows

She's a babe in both.

Memes aside, she IS underweight. If you think she isn't, then you might just have some serious mental issues.

Just imagine how many universal executives went through her. The german music industry is worse than fucking japans idol shit.

Neck theory.

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look at her arms in the left image and look at her arms in the right
she is clearly underweight in the right and a few extra pounds would literally fix everything "wrong" with her appearance (more so as a reflection of health) and doesn't really have anything to do with age

a woman at 18% looks like a man at 10% because of where they store it

Physiology is suggesting that low enough BF for pausing menstruation is of youthfulness (saving eggs, even though it's possible making more).

Hormonal balances (for women, lowering estrogen, increasing GH and T; and for men, decreasing DHT, and increasing GH and T) are huge for mood, clarity / motivation / QoL …

She was really cute at eurovision but I bet her personality is obnoxious

They can be 20% or so. A man should never be over 15%

neck is too long, would not bang.

b-but she's a gaymer and did promo events for bethesda in the past
one of us!

This doesn't look like a general health recommendation for the average human, at best it looks like an alternative for folks with unique health needs. I definitely wouldn't see a doctor recommending a healthy female pausing menstruation for "youthfulness". First of all youth's usefulness lies in improved fitness and healthy reproduction why would interfering with healthy bodily processes be an advantage, as the years come so does the environmental toll( i.e radiation) on the body, older eggs/sperm are less healthy than younger ones, best biological time for women to breed is when they are young nature knows this, men's bodies know this.

Second of all you have to be careful when adjusting natural levels of GH and T in a healthy human while both are important nature strikes a great balance and there are serious consequences to disrupting that balance specially long term.

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Thief wasn't that great to begin with imho, it's just that it had one really great level.

Shes pretty thin and I actually like thin girls, looks better on the left.

simply aren't producing more eggs. There are further aspects of eternal youth (full nutrition, etc.) – but even increasing GH is worth replacing carbs with protein (promoting) and getting into hypoglycemia, etc.

What a vague assertion.

The "full nutriments" aspect includes proper antioxidants (Sangre de Grado and astaxanthin), et al., so increasing those hormones is … even more beneficial.

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Well she's a musician so a certain level of narcissism is to be expected.

just look at the difference, she was definitely underweight 2 years ago

Guild Wars 1 was way uglier than i remember it

>The "full nutriments" aspect includes proper antioxidants (Sangre de Grado and astaxanthin), et al., so increasing those hormones is … even more beneficial.
It's like when cooking something when it gets too dry you add more water, cooking is simple but the human body is complex. This is the kind of stuff that needs to be thoroughly scientifically tested to see if the benefits outweigh the downsides in the long run.

All flash games.


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GW2 looks nice though, although the game is shit

Morrowind only got better with age for me.
Skyrim & Oblivion both aged like shit.

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… You're projecting downsides.

I had the opposite effect with Spyro. I was fucking amazed how well it held up, even graphically.
God her song was so fucking annoying. They played it fucking 10 times a day on the radio. Fuck her stupid voice and that dumb song that she didn't even write. It wasn't even written by a German. Hell it wasn't even written by a person who knew what Eurovision even is.
This years winner is one of most based winners we ever had though. He's so humble and normal and wrote most of the song himself. He's also really CUTE

I fucking love Brosnan posting

Wew I fucked that spoiler up
Also I thought of something that was way clunkier than I remembered: Rollercoaster Tycoon 2
I have no idea how I managed to build fairly complex rollercoasters as a kid. Shit's fucking complicated

>it wasn't even written by a person who knew what Eurovision even is
you make it sound like that's a bad thing

RDR1, Bioshock and Bayonetta are good but keep Batman and Halo
This. The 7th gen was easily the worst one.

>Hallo, Maxi.


It is. It's the definition of soulless. Soulless things shouldn't win Eurovision. It's about countries representing themselves musically, not "who can shit out the most successful song no matter how or where it comes from".

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>tfw her nudes leaked

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Weren´t those just shots from some shitty TV-program she acted in before she was famous?

no, a while later her actual nudes were leaked after someone hacked (or stole) her phone

God bless that man

eurovision is inherently the most soulless thing to ever be on TV
none of the """musicians""" are even remotely relevant

They don't need to be relevant though. I'd rather see talented but not well-known people represent their country than some faggot celebrities who are full of themselves.

ah yes, like that fat israeli SJW who won last year
the voting is 90% political anyway

bros... we need to call THE architect...

Pokemon. I loved it as a kid, but as I grew up its glaring flaws became apparent. "Nintendo is for babies" is an insult that gets thrown around a lot and it largely isn't true, but Pokemon absolutely is a children's game. You have to be a kid that doesn't know any better to enjoy the absolute dogshit tier gameplay. The only redeeming quality of the series is the pokemon universe itself.

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Explain how this years voting was political, then.

The fat jew girl has a fantastic voice though, it's just that the song was retarded. Everyone who knows one or two things about singing can tell that she has absolutely impressive control over her voice, even the high notes.
