Why does this game suck?
Why does this game suck?
why does it suck? i thought sluts sold games.
Based. Although there is merit beyond shitposting in what you said since the only existing English language release on Vita is censored while it isn't on Switch.
Switch has the definitive version.
You don't play Compile Heart games for the gameplay, although Trillion was approaching that territory
Cookie-cutter easy gameplay, anemic writing, nauseatingly boring dungeon design. This game is worth 5 hours of your attention but takes way more than that to complete.
It's actually bretty good
>You don't play Compile Heart games for the gameplay
>Cookie-cutter easy gameplay
Why am I enjoying it so much, then? It's nearly as addicting as XC2.
because its weeb trash
I deleted the game after playing 1 half hours of it.
The dungeons are shit and long it was like I was playing some game made 15 years ago seriously.