Misunderstood sprites thread
Misunderstood sprites thread
You're retarded.
You're reddit
OP you're trying too hard to make that real and still manage to fail
I actually thought that was its butt too before I realized it's just its back paw.
It's the ass.
>3 legs
What did OP mean by this?
>3 legs
are you blind you double nigger?
Are you? OP clearly drew 2 arms and 3 legs.
>3 legs
what is that even supposed to be? I can never not see the dog
an omnitool
his omni-tool, basically an hologram pip boy
nigga wut. you gotta TRY to see shit like that lol
Can't see this one no matter how hard i try
It is easier to see in-game because the picture isn't that big and it is way lower res. That second eye is like 4 pixels, trust me when i say i just didn't notice at all.
How is it possible to be this fucking retarded.
I can see it but how do you just ignore the rest of the face?
took me half a sec till my brain adjusted to it
It was because the image was insanely small and low res so. The actual mouth just looked like a necklace to me.
Pretty good
Fuck off reddit
I always saw this in a way where his actual ears were eyes, like as if he had 2 dead an emotionless dark eyes in the sides of his head.
>newfags think OP made this
why do you think he used that image in particular, user?
you may need to think long and hard about this.
Wow you really are blind, read the god damn text in the picture.
That looks disgusting.
Thou art I and I art thou
>"what I saw"
>literally just draws the same thing
so forced, pls go back
i saw this up until the remake trilogy
I still don't know what is this guy supposed to look like. Is that a red cap and black beard?
Nah, I see what homeboyh's posting.
It's a chubby little head in a purple hat.
That was how I imagine him.
Same here, I always saw a bear wearing a birthday hat with torn parchment as the background.
this one is fucking goofy lol
I drew the hair to look more like torn parchment, and the eyelid with purple make-up doesn't cover the entire brow in the sprite if you squint.
Some of you guys are severely handicapped. Seriously.
Nintendo really fucked up with this one.
hurr durr derp
1st gen pokemon had some weird sprites
A Link to the Past's art is just fucking bad. Between the disgusting color pallete and shit like that I think the art was probably rushed or something
Someone jerked off to this
holy shit you must be really autistic to see all that
I can never see it. I really need this one redrawn
Wait what
That’s actually a terrible sprite, his proportions make zero sense.
>eyes on same level as shoulders
>that golden headband is about as huge as his face itself
>there’s wayyyy too much stuff above the headband
If I were more skilled at drawing, I’d try to draw a visualization of that stupid big brain Agahnim that has a small torso, small face, yet massive hands and a head that expands to fuckhuge size above his face.
Nice can't unsee, thanks for ruining it
Where's your handler?
I cant see that
fuckin good shit right there
What was this guy's deal anyway? He bears a major resemblance to Lavos visually but this is never acknowledged.
Wouldn’t be that hard to fix the sprite by adding a bit of neck to him, downsizing that jewelry on his head and making it so that 1/3 of his height isn’t located above his eyes.
Peon looking like a seductive lizard. I'm getting a semi.
This is the only one where I can't even conceptualize what I'm supposed to be seeing, and I've made some fucking dumb sprite misunderstandings.
I always saw that thing as a Koala
>See this all game as an enemy and mini portrait (top left)
>Check the gallery
>Realize that I've been seeing it wrong the entire time
Look at the top right and tell me that's not a long face with a big, round nose and buck teeth.
I’ve always wondered what kind of galaxy brain is hiding under that cloak.
Imagine that the second eye (made of like 6 pixels) just wasn't visible. Imagine that this image was extremely small and blurry on an old as fuck CRT. That is the only way i can explain it, lmao.
i would actually give you that one.
What game?
tell me i'm not the only one
Top right by the way
Also saw this. I originally played CT as kid, and when I replayed it a few years ago, I was waiting for the chancellor to turn into that big eyed monster. For some reason, this time I saw it correctly in instant, and kept wondering how I ever could have seen his horns as eyes.
Probably my CRT was just shit and blurrrd it all together so much that it was easy to make mistakes like that, while DS screen does no such thing.
its supposed to be that, i dont get it
This is probably my favourite, though I see yellow croc's eyes more as having purple pupils and looking suspicious.
I want to see some drawfag drawing a full frontal shot of this Hehehesaur.
breddy gud
Your are just dumb retard
Kill yourself
I can't breath lmao
Looks like a squirrel from Spongebob.
wait what game is that? That sprite seems very familiar but I can't place it
you must construct additional pyloncraft 1
Is this a pokemon porn?
No, but this is.
Not that user, but I tried
Some of you guys are real dumbasses, huh
Nice thread
Charmeleon looks like a hippo
and psyduck looks like a bird on a podium
what the fuck its a dog? Thats gay as
It's missing the gold club.
I can kinda see what you're referring to.
But what I'm seeing in this picture at first is a pair of absolutely massive tiddies with ridiculous sideboob hanging out of an apron.
The fuck
Is this Australian shitposter Bulbasaur?
I wish it looked like this.
imagine someone with a turban laughing with his face up and his chompers out
I could not understand that sprite as a kid when I played it. I saw something like what's described in the image.
Now, as an adult, I can't see anything but the actual peon's face and feel like I was retarded as a kid.
When I see some of these goofier looking ones, I audibly make the noise I imagine them to make.
god damnit now I cant unsee it
Always saw metapod like this.
you People are fucking braindead, kill yourselves
Have sex too
Before, or after the killing?
Nah that's stupid
Does anybody have that one for the Black Omen?
Nearly spot on. More like a lizardy look would be exact, but good work.
The clarity of modern monitors really makes a huge difference.
I think that's how he's supposed to be. I always saw him as sleepy and resting though since he's a cocoon
Nah, you're blind nigga.
Looks like a bowtie to me.
I like this one
I’d imagine that most of these sprite misinterpretations come from low-res CRT screens, it’s very easy to see it wrong when the pixel borders blend into each other. Of course, doesn’t excuse the people having problems with Pokemon sprites.
Nope, the nose is actually where the wings pop out from so it is the back. Also Caterpies nose is right where the markings on metapods face are.
Play Mystery Dungeon then.
Well with gen 1 at least the confusion arose from the limited color palette, the sprites in general being a bit wonky especially from the back and the fact that most of the time it was hard as fuck to see anything on those little screens with no decent light source to work with.
This is the best one and most autistic
i always saw a small mammal having his brain expanded until his head burst
Fukn lol
Yes. so?
can't blame you
Oh, cool plant-flower...thing?
no way fag
most of those have been posted here regularly for over 10 years, kid
>implying the Agahnim one is forced
I saw it like that as a kid too, always thought he looked stupid. Was surprised that he was presented as the main villain at any point in the game.
still dont really get this one and i guess i never will
looks like the jaws of a tractor or something
god damn it
like this
At least say wolf to make it believable
>can't see it
>can't see it
>can't see it
>can't see it
>see it
>sides explode
I always used to see the "Brotherhood of the Sword" icon on the building screen in Heroes 3 as a cat with a retarded mouth. I knew it was a house but I could never not see it as the shape of a cat. Still do
what ?
A weapon to surpass metal gear
What am I looking for here
Lost lmao, I'm crying
curved blade cutting through flesh? something like this?
Always saw it like that. Also always saw Papu Papu's icon from CTR wrong
At least post the better one
It is much easier to see it this way on a cheap ass CRT, and no actual knowledge of what a orc looks like.
>Playing on easy
Criminally underated
Then what is the other stuff?
It's the context of the weirdo next to the croc acting like a retard. There's really no reason for the croc to be acting suspicious, and it makes more sense for him to be putting on an uncomfortable forced smile while awkwardly checking if there are any familiar faces around him to realize the moron is with him.
a sword
damn, I always saw it the same as you
So the green thing is a shield and the arm coloured thing is a sword? That is one shitty sprite
It's not my screenshot. I took it from google since I didn't wanna start up the game.
I only play on hard and normal when I play hotseat.
Well whoever created the top image is clearly ignoring the shield is green an looks more like a candle.
Besides the arm being fucked up, just everything about this calendar is horrendous.
It's a sword cutting through flesh and black cloth.
You're seeing the tip of the sword, which is curved at the top.
>i'll end it thus
Top kek
being a zoomer must hurt
Maybe suspicious was the wrong word, more like annoyed.
Looks like this to me
Okay now it makes sense. Both interpretations are valid. The blue tard is being annoying and the yellow croc can either look annoyed or awkward as a result.
fuck now I can't see the original anymore
>They were originally described as mole-like turtles,[1][3] but from New Super Mario Bros. Wii onward they lack shells (with the exception of the "classic" styles of Super Mario Maker)
missing the shell on the last one though
more apparent in allstars
your Granpa 'forced' himself on your mom and got you.
unironically thought it was an axe until now
I thought it looked alright until I saw his arm on the bottom.
Friend of mine told me he used to see the cover of Pokemon Gold like this.
I have no idea how he managed to ignore Ho-Oh's actual and very much visible beak.
I thought Zubat’s fangs were eyes and a blush
I always thought this guy was wearing freakishly large goggles
Oh shit
Are you fucking serious? In hindsight I have no idea why I thought it was some weird pig thing.
>thread is 90% reposts from 5 years ago
>everyone responding as if its oc
someone just pull the plug on Yea Forums already
It's Mallow delivering a pizza.
based me too
10 years ago I reported that thumbnail thinking it was some weird kind of cp
It's not like new bad sprites are being made, ya know?
And the catapult has a guy pushing it REALLY HARD
People get banned for it every once in a while.
Was this a mistake?
2 vaganias
focus on his ear and see it as a face
Come on, you can do it.
it's a crab pincer
is this the "man shitting on a baby" thing? i heard it was posted a lot on Yea Forums
dragoons look so shitty
don't open
There is an actual "man shitting on a baby" cp that used to be posted.
what the fuck
This is what I saw too
If you already saw it from the front when capturing it, how the fuck would you see it like a Melvin from behind?
>is this the "man shitting on a baby" thing?
This thread is the reason why the first real games were 3D games.
Remember than Warcraft icons are cheating.
oh fuck
wait, like actually shitting on a baby? jesus fuck
>there are people out there seriously holding this opinion
After all these years, Megaman 4 is still the best game of all time.
Looks like the knights in the first forest of Zelda Links Awakening
>Drawn by Toby Fox, age 26
For the longest time I thought it was it's mouth and he was whistling.
Honestly, just looking through this thread makes me wish more people would make sprite things like this. Some of these are hilarious
its called perspective, nigger.
you're looking at him from a top down point of view, so yeah, the headdress is gonna appear the same size as his face.
i literally had no problem understanding this sprite when i first played this game at 7
No that was “real” in the sense it was a doll. Someone posted the source once. The other famous one was the screenshot of a guy getting banned for “posting an image of a guy fucking a dead little girl with maggots and shit” which turned out to be August Underground Mordum is memory serves. Yea Forums used to be such a magical place...
Sauce on that pic?
Can any drawfag make porn of that blue thing smiling at the croc?
forced as fuck, but here we go
Jesus fuck, it took me forever to understand what the hell I was looking at
This is what happens when you play video games below your recommended age group.
WTF i always saw it as a horribly disfigured doll/child with its brain exposed. Not a hand holding a brain.
More like a bird that is somehow attached to a body that it's trying to escape lol
What even is the original?
Eh. I actually thought the beard was a smile
Man what a dick head
the real question is : sauce?
Holy shit ahahahaha
Formerly Chuck
But it looks like that
There are some shit in this thread really dumb, maybe kids who needed glasses or something. I'm talking about shit like and> >463659983
Got u nig
He is just a mystic (Demon) that strongly resembles Lavos. His 7th Descendant was told that Chrono's Party was weak to Lavos Attacks, hence why it uses it more.
a cracked skull, took me forever to finally see it
I feel like that could be another evolution or alternate of Gardevoir if made more "pretty".
ITT:im retarded
>watching these threads be taken over through the years by zoomers
Red mad max style hair and goggles.
I second this
Maybe you're a zoomer who's looking at these in high resolutions, not understanding how the original sprites and icons looked for someone playing the game at release.
This pls
>used to be
Literally someone posted it just last night to derail a thread, nigger
Unconsciously I still see it as an interior and have to focus to perceive it as being outside. I remember that I was ready to trash talk the anime for not respecting something this simple until I saw that it was an outdoors area the whole time, felt pretty retarded. Even despite the obvious visual clues my brain thought it was inside for some reason. Probably the result of being a kid on top of the tiny ass size of the screen and the weak colors of the DS.
Not a sprite, but I thought these guys from Banjo-Kazooie were gorillas instead of hooded guys
>This was an outdoors area
What the FUCK
you just blew my mind I now have seen the light
We all got tricked user, it LOOKS indoors in the gba and ds versions.
Don't minde me, I'm stupid.
October 16th is my birthday, now I am curious what game this is.
but the tail doesn't even connect to the ass in the second version.
It's Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney on the Nintendo DS. A Cool visual novel/text adventure game. Have this pic if you want to get started, I hope the font used won't kill your eyes though.
I've always thought the misinterpretation looked more like this
You need to lack spatial understanding to misinterpret perspectives that severely.
If I was black this would be my steam avatar, Dunno why that's the criteria but it is.
I will now bump this thread. Your possible sage was now useless. You should have ignored the thread.
What about the massive scar on his forehead?
I can hear Owen Wilson's voice.
I want it to go back to the way it was before. Make it go back.
don't worry about it
That's shait
you can't say
>what it was
after pointing out how it's been misinterpreted without labelling it
'cause now i can't fuckin unsee it ya dunce
Wait, so you thought the tail was the head and the head was the tail? Do you have a hard time recognizing faces?
Roserade a best
she gets all the girls
Mondegreen for eyes
God thats gross looking
>anyone i don't like is reddit
I only ever played MTG 2013 on a low res monitor and I'd never seen the actual Pelakka Wurm card art, so this is what I thought it was supposed to look like. Looking back I have 0 idea why the fuck my brain assumed that was how the head was supposed to look.
Oh fuck I've never seen this. That's wild dude, I just thought the MH art team were shitheads
wait so what does he really look like?
prove it isn't this
I absolutely don't blame you user. I couldn't even see the intended art of cards when I played paper.
Makes much more sense now that I zoom in
I thought the tail was at the front of the camera, not at the back, and that skitty's head made a creepy 180º turn.
funniest thing I've seen all day
You have a point for some of those, but Agahnim's sprite absolutely looks like Pokey Minch.
Ah. The fact that you exchanged the colors you used for the head and the tail confused me. I can see it just being a creepy cat.
>it's an outdoor area
man that game was good
gotta love the vita with all it's lewd dungeon crawlers, it was the only console free from the western jew
>No smoking area or ash trays (before they got banned everywhere)
>No umbrellas or shades
>No birds
>Sun out of view
It lacks a lot of the signs of an outdoor employee break area but that roller door should be a clue
What actually even is that? I can't see it in any other way than the way OP sees it. The only Pokemon game I've played is Red and Silver so I have no clue what that pokemon is or is supposed to look like.
It took a while but I found it. Name is : Moero Chronicle.
Fuck you cunt for not including sauce
Oh shit I thought the same thing, hahaha.
See, I saw OP and recognise the bottom abomination long before I recognised the top as an annotated Slakoth. Fucking weird people.
I was a dumb kid.
HOLY FUCK ME I've literally never seen the peon until now
Thanks for putting my mind at ease.
Nope, skulls don't work like that
You can't be fucking seriously
The bottom illustration still looks perfectly like what the original is intended to look like. That's impressive.
If you stretch it like this, the hat makes more sense as a raised comically-huge eyebrow.
Didn't you deduce from how the knights look when they're facing sideways and upwards?
Looks like a moomin from behind
Your brain is programmed to see the lines of those buildings connecting as inside wall corners. Grats on living in a 1st world country
fukking this
That requires some master-level misreading.
same. I still think its scarier as a floating castle thing
cant unsee
"What's wrong, ese? could it be... you're craving mi chalupa?"
this is making me mad
The perspective is just bad. The shadow underneath it strongly implies that its the later rather then the former.
That's not a leg if you know what I mean.
Third best Latin ass after JLO and Ricardo
Looks like a sloth of some sort.
I imagine this occurs in reality as you approach dead Cthulhu sleeping in Ryh'leh
To make it worse, it also hovered up and down in that spot, creating the illusion that it's a giant fortress castle. I also had played Super Bomberman 2 which had a similar sprite which actually was a castle.
>eyelid become a hat
>literally the same thing
What the absolute fuck
>turns into a vw bus near the end
I just now got that.
I always assumed it was man ass and never questioned it.
The thing is extended in the direction of the person taking the photo.
I saw this too as a child no joke and i still bought gold
I'm more impressed that his wife is getting up in there and just waiting for the blast.
His neck would have to be completely broken to accomplish this.
Researchers will use these threads in the future to document the full range of human perceptual fail states. When people wonder how some can't complete simple Spot The Difference puzzles, these will form the backbone of the resulting theory.
Where is this thread?
Ohh I see. That would've been almost impossible to tell without context. Even knowing that, the perspective of it still makes it look like an optical illusion.
>"spiral snails haave"
>no spiral
Actually mildly puzzling - the ground must be seriously warped along with some concealed staggering to achieve this effect.
For the record I only saw this for one second before realizing what it actually is, and with every pixel I drew, what I saw made less and less sense
The lines that make up his fingers. I said I was a dumb kid.
>he never saw the babyshitter
Oh sweet summer child...
>so absolutely destroyed in the other thread that he redraws his shit and tries again
I can see what the diagram annotation was pointing at, fuckwit. There's no spiral there - that's the point.
yo wtf i played like 500h of ruby as a kid and always seen the same as you
I cannot see that, no matter how hard I try.
nobody thought that. Togekiss wasn't around when they ha those sprites.
I still don't know what this is, but I see it the same as you.
Not even mad.
cheeki breeki iv damke
Wait, what?
I legitimately can't see anything else
People are making fun of these now but zoomers don't realize just how bad composite CRT picture was.
It's like, half her body decided to be a midget and the other half left it behind.
Feed me those beans with your cute feet
He doesn't need a strap jacket if he isn't harming himself
I can see a lot of these WoW icon misunderstandings, but not this one. This is stupid.
It's a fucking hand letting go from a sword. It's the icon for disarm for fucks sake. That should've clued you in.
I've been staring at this for 10 minutes. Who's fucking legs are those? IS the kid clipping through the middle guy or something?
I always thought that too. Probably why I hated it so much. Once I figured it out, I was fine with him.
furry Owen Wilson
Look where the guy's white shirt ends and the kid's gray one starts and it should become clear.
Oh fuck me my sides
The boom lift is in the air closer to the camera.
The "nose" is his belly.
Ohh that isn't a shadow!
95% of these just seem like people desperately wants to be "in on the joke" and are intentionally misdrawing sprites in a way no one could possibly see them, or contextually understand them.
anyone else think she looked like a gap toothed hippie
That's a positive way of seeing it, I think most of them are just fucking stupid.
and the other 5% are people saying this over and over
Me, minus the hippie
No one in the entire world could look at the Contra character sprite and think "in this game about Rambo military guys, that's a bloody smiley face holding a gun in his mouth, connected to a pair of legs"
Not one person on earth.
dummy thicc
The cherry picker is just extended directly toward the camera.
Oh, that explains the tiny tires.
this one is truly mesmerizing
>still mad salty i got b@ for posting this one in some random thread
man mods need to doublecheck shit sometimes
Case in point:
Ah ya beat me to it.
On point user
Maybe you just got banned for posting shitcore.
talking about the dog's ear pic
I'm can't fucking breathe!!
What is it supposed to be?
Wait what? That explains the lack of stairs. I always thought it was meant to be a floating tower. Why is it the only object in the entire game that you see from the top down?
The thing is you don't focus on them while playing the game.
Maybe you were 6 years old and played on 640x480 resolution, and it was just an icon out of many, and icons weren't even the focus of the game.
As you glance at it you register "yeah that's X".
Then over 15 years of playing the game and remembering game you have the icon in the corner of your eye, and every time it is there you reinforce your initial assessment.
Then as an adult you actually look at it consciously for the first time and you see that it wasn't X.
First time I noticed it was a yelling dwarf
A fist
Extremely reddit post.
Looks like a clenched fist for a rock golem or some shit. That doesn't explain why it's a "shout"
But who was phone??
It actually got me Hard
Ramming speed Mr.Smith
Four-Armed Tiger Monster, or Black Santa Claus?
someone post the DOOM Knight
You play WoW right?
A lot of WoW Icons are originally from Warcraft 3.
I'm pretty sure that's the icon for various golems Ground Slam.
So it's supposed to be a Rock Golem fist punching down.
I see this every time I look at this cover
a nice keyring
pretty sure this one is edited
>This is how AI will see us
technically grammatically correct
Did he do too much Joy?
more accurate version
I'm jealous of these threads. Not enough games ki played when I was a kid still used sprites.
Always thought Ganon's half snout was his mouth and he was doing a pouting face.
I was very young.
This just makes the game better!
This was always a fucking weird icon. I never understood what it was supposed to be until later on but even when you see what it is what the fuck is that circle doing there.
What is the solution to the zoomer problem?
How does being able to comprehend simple sprites make you a zoomer, you autistic fuck?
Always thought it looked like a Doberman with a horn.
why did you save this transparent image as a jpg
Pretty sure that's a digimon.
If you think that'll prevent me sticking my dick in you you're sorely mistaken.
Nowadays, I get that the red orby bits are eyes, but I used to think that the golden ovals were the actual (derpy) eyes.
Nice to see Princess Yue's still around.
I forgot this movie happened. Now I'm sad that this movie happened.
I like this interpretation more than the original. Reminds me of Banette.
one user once said "post gore to scare off normalfags", and i'm pretty sure this would work but i'm such a lazy piece of shit ass to restart the router every time and a faint of the heart bitch to save gore,but i would accept this for a greater cause
a bug catching net you mean.
lmao kill yourself retard
looks like he's carrying 2 bags
Wait a minute. I took this screenshot. Neat. Bet that's not all you saved from that thread.
I thought it was big lips
Improved design
That is true, but I am also NOT FINGERS
Improved design
Well shit. I thought about how the extender could factor, but I just ruled it out. That is some angular witchcraft
OC right here
I must be retarded too because I saw the same thing