Is she the most beautiful female in all of gaming?

Is she the most beautiful female in all of gaming?

Attached: Margaret Moonlight.jpg (486x600, 53K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: 54201748_p5.jpg (530x750, 127K)

Corpses can’t be beautiful.

I keep seeing someone talk about how they love Reisen in multiple threads. Is that all you or is that the work of multiple people?

It's just me! People occasionally try to be rude but it's rare!

Alright. Well, nothing personal, but I hate you


Because waifuposting is annoying

I'm very easy to filter!


I'd say 2B. No vidya female had an influence on real world as she has.

> No vidya female had an influence on real world as she has.
She's a FoTM waifu from a super overrated video game that got popular because normalfags have never seen a character wear a thong leotard before

I facy more her sister

She's pretty damn cute.

What about Lenin?

Attached: Lenin.jpg (948x474, 39K)

Based Reisenfag
Keep up the good work user

Attached: 1546839934605.gif (352x240, 460K)

Dunno about the "all of gaming" part but she's easily my favorite NMH character by design alone.
I was so butthurt after killing her that I stopped playing the game for a month despite being near the end.

Attached: The Most Beautiful Suicide - Evelyn McHale leapt to her death from the Empire State Building, 1947.j (1000x1392, 318K)

NMH 2 was a worse game but Margret's the best boss of either game

I couldnt into nmh desu
>all these cool and interesting characters
>you play a boring pervert self insert

You kill most of them anyway.

Yeah that's my problem.
They didn't give you a heroes mode or anything either.

Such a waste imo. And
>lel jacking off with the controller XD
Was funny for exactly 0 seconds.

>goth lolita
yeah i remember being in 8th grade.

Ryuji was the best boss fight even if he isn't the most interesting character.

She's really not as good of a boss as you may remember. Hell, Alice is better.