How do you make vidya friends? What games are the best for making friends?
How do you make vidya friends? What games are the best for making friends?
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Gary's Mod 6 years ago.
Probably some gay shit like don't starve together, dark souls coop, civ 5 multiplayer (which all suck desu)
SCP Secret Laboratory
fuck off normalfags
i can be your friend what video games do you play
Certainly not by making this thread every single day.
Online friends aren't real friends.
Just make the same thread every day.
I’ll be your friend OP.
I only add people on Rainbow Six because at Plat/Diamond you almost always need to que as a stack since you're mostly playing against stacks as well. I decline friend requests in every other game.
I wish I knew. I need lewd friends
Post dick.
No its mine
The best way to make vidya friends, is actually befriending them in real life; then you play online with them
Minecraft, 8 years ago & TF2, 7 years ago.
thats how i made mine
i'm not even joking
trust me on this there's lewd discord servers up the coochie
You'll find a good, tight-knit community and make yourself comfortable by being a part of a thread each day, and if you're not autistic you'll have plenty of friends.
Yeah but I'm an ultra degenerate into gross and taboo.
Talk to them like regular beings once in a while even if you're a chronic shitposter.
I made them playing Gears 2
Bruh, it's trash we're talking about, you'll be fine
literally be nice
it's so fucking easy
just be generally friendly and try to not make an ass out of yourself
erp and joi and ftt all have lewd discords with gamer boys, traps and girls
i used to be so cautious about going to Yea Forums as well, until i discovered nobody takes it seriously and everything isn't that bad if you ignore a lot of the weird furry stuff
wrong image, F
Share it with me.
Monster hunter is great for making friends. I've met a bunch of people through MHGU, and there are tons of discord communities for world.
no, you were right the first time
They're pretty average as far as furfags go, and the fapthreads don't get too wild. Just want dirty scat fun.
Give me your best/worst discords to raid
Being cute and funny will make you lots of friends
>internet friends
worst discords to raid are public discords with over 100 people
best discords to raid are private Yea Forums discord circlejerks bring friends
I wish I could be a loli
I'm a lone wolf, i infiltrate servers and stay if they either have a good nsfw channel or if the server is small and with nice people to chat with (a rarity)
you seem like the type to lurk in the shadows and wait for lewd
just like me
Scat is fun
I partake in gay shit once in a while but that's just a degenerate hobby of mine, what i'm truly after is actual conversation about games, filling my folders with lewds and some occasional multiplayer in random shitty games like orange juice
I'm glad to find another fan. I love humiliation and scat has been my 10/10 way of getting it.
Glad that the vg general is dead
>he palys oj
Now the real question is do you enjoy being on the giving or receiving end of a big, fat smelly brown log?
Bad thread
Sorry i don't want to post it in the open, a spy never leaves his contact informations for everyone to see.
I'm sure you understand.
I dunno, but I ran into this guy streaming DaS 2 and for the last few days I've been co-op'ing it with him. The communication is pretty one-sided (voice vs text) but for now, I'm enjoying it.
Receiving. I'm way more of a sub. I can dom but... it's not the same.
i hate the frenchman from team fortress two so i guess that's fair
Shame, I’m an extreme sub myself and can’t dom no matter what. Would be fun to be lewd with you but I hope you find someone that will abuse you as a toilet
Maybe someday.
Reminder that "I'm a sub" means that the person is incredibly uninteresting and boring and wants their partner to do all the work while they say shit like "Fuck me daddy" and post Astolfos.
We're talking about extreme scat play user. I know how to write a damn fetish scene.
I'll be your vidya friend, OP, post your info and I'll catch you up as soon as I get home
How do I make real life friends? There's fuck all in terms of social activities where I live.
I'm shy, give me your discord tag or something
You can add me here Agan#3558
I will check in some hours, I'm in need of people to vidya with or just tend walking trash like the posters above
not op but i added you in hopes to play some games too
What if I play mordhau and follow a guy around throwing medkits at his face and throwing rocks at the his enemies, will he add me?
Play support and babysit them exclusively.
I usually play medic-oriented and haven't been noticed by senpai yet. Maybe i need to use warcry more.
Op said friends, not sluts. Everyone knows sluts are incapable of friendship.
you're right I stopped calling people stinking niggers and it worked
From my judgement Counterstrike, Team Fortress 2.... games like that attract the most attention.
I met my current best friend through splatoon 2. But you have to wade through a lot of shitty people. People online have the tendency to be 'shittier' because their outside appearence is not as important to them. Also... all the mentally ill freaks are hanging around here. Because they 'can't make friends outside'.
If you have orange juice we could play this once in a while
Nothing wrong with being a slut, just don't be to autistic about it and keep the friendship above all else. But then again online friendship is a touchy subject to begin with, doesn't usually beat playing board games with my irl friends.
I tend fill/try to help in most games I play. I show up, help as much as possible and then as quick as I came I'm gone, maybe to never be seen by those players again, I mostly refuse all friends request, and keep wandering, looking for the next game where I can once again try to be that random team mate that you want to see more often. Unless I feel like being a memelord and do some odd ball strat like using a support as a DPS and actually trying to be productive that way.
Hyaku paceento is a lot of fun, used to play that a few years back. Felt a bit weird when i checked in on it last week though, so much shit has been added.
Nice post.
Yeah i used to be more active a few year ago, now they added so much shit it's become a bit off putting honestly.
But it's still a fun game to play once in a while, really like what they did with Iru too, feels nice to have another decent win character after the disappointment that was starbreaker.
>doesn't usually beat playing board games with my irl friends.
You sound alright, user.
medics are pretty useless there since most people die on 1 hit or get zerged
Yuki and Seagull are still my favorites after all this time, i just like hitting people. I totally see what you mean by it being a bit off putting though.
I shitposted for so long about Iru being added and they fucking add her once i stop playing. I'm a little upset.
Play fill, support your team in game and emotionally, be the most amazing team mate they ever had. When they all try to add you, reject them all and move on to the next game. Repeat forever.
I usually played Marc, Alte, Aru, Repa or the chicken. Its kinda stupid how many wins i managed to get as the later since they reduced his amount of star dropped on death but that's pretty much what makes him somewhat work.
It's a shame you couldn't experiment Iru, they really managed to do something nice with her i feel.
Honestly, as time goes by I'm starting to become convinced that making friends isn't difficult at all; what's difficult is having the desire to make friends.
If you genuinely want to make a friend, just talk to someone. Talk about what they like and what they're like, pay attention, talk about things that relate to them which they might enjoy, and then talk about yourself: what you like/dislike, what you believe, and what interests you. You can do stuff together too but I don't even think that's necessary - that's why gaming is the wrong approach, because it's just an excuse to interact when you don't even need to game together or discuss games to interact.
What's actually difficult is wanting to make friends, cause it takes effort. Why make friends if you already have a few good friends you're satisfied with and like more than anyone else? The time to get to know people and be understood by others is troublesome; opening up about yourself is embarrassing and makes you vulnerable to people you don't know, and that also makes it scary to start opening up. Most friendships have some significant flaws, friendships can lead to drama, friendships will take time out of your productive life and loner free time. It takes mental effort to listen to what someone's saying and care, it takes patience to endure flaws in a friendship before it can grow stronger. You don't know who you're compatible with without spending time together.
If all you truly, genuinely want is a friend, then none of these things should matter, but most people value not being bothered by one of these issues above actually having a new friend. All it really takes is talking to someone in a substantial way, helps to be open and friendly, and boom, you have a friend.
Anyone want to be friends? I mostly play OJ, mobas, and blazblue but I'm up for loads of miscellaneous stuff.
How do you even get to that point? What do you do when people are uninterested?
I'll always have a soft spot for chicken despite my love for bullies. Best theme in the game too
what do you play?
Nowadays i mostly play orange juice, ffxiv and lobotomy corporation. Can also hop in for some tts.
Otherwise the only game i really waiting for would be bloodstained.
Get to what point, finding someone to talk to? Frankly I think there's no excuse for that in today's world; you're posting here so you have internet and an interest (gaming). Get a discord account, get a steam account, get other social media like facebook and snapchat. If you like a multiplayer game, it's really easy: use the steam chat or join matchmaking groups on discord. Even if your thing is singleplayer games, just go on a discord group for it and chat around there, and if you see someone who seems compatible to you, add them.
(If you add someone and you're regularly talking about games you like and perhaps playing together, isn't that friendship? Or if you're part of a group chat where you have some type of role, whether it's the meme clown / fan of x game / drama/life-talk / the nice guy / the smart technical-knowledge guy, isn't that like having friends? If you want something closer, you can still start there, and then do all that stuff about talking, interacting, opening up, getting to know their interests, yadda yadda. This is all just online stuff too; you can easily befriend classmates and coworkers IRL and anyone you play a sport with or share a hobby with, or family friends, etc etc.)
If people are uninterested? I've seen literally autistic dudes who are extremely dull and uncharismatic having friends who appreciate them; they still join multiplayer games, make unintentionally funny comments, and side with certain people during arguments. Honestly, "people are not interested" is a misleading concept; strangers don't know if they want you as a friend at first. That's why I say to learn their interests, talk about and do things that are fun for them, and try to be a friendly and easy-to-talk-to guy. They'll start enjoying your company and looking forward to wanting friendship with you. I'm not saying it's effortless, but again, if your goal is genuinely to make friends with people, then that's the challenge you're signing up for.
i do play oj from time to time, also been thinking of giving ffxiv a shot
I don't consider having someone added and occasionally talking friendship. And the biggest issue I have when I get to a somewhat friendly point with someone is that they aren't really interested most of the time. Not putting in effort into conversation, never messaging first and so on.
by being a slut
Who is this semen succubus?
But again, are you putting in the effort to interest people? Like, I'm interesting you in this conversation right now because I'm paying attention to something you care about and giving my opinion on it. When you talk to people, do you pay attention to what they care about and focus on that? Do you ask them enough questions about themselves, stuff like why they're into something or why they're a certain way or why they dislike something?
It's also possible that you're just talking to people who either have something against you, or just generally aren't into making friendships with whatever they're doing. Assuming neither is the case, you would highly benefit from investing in things you can offer to other people. Maybe you can be funnier, or nicer, or have more technical input on things. Maybe you have a respectable level of skill in whatever your shared activity is. Maybe you're quiet, but a good listener when people are struggling with life problems. What you want is people to want to talk to you, right? The trick is to have things to offer. Offer interesting opinions, or criticisms of something they don't like, or a good challenge, or useful information, or funny memes, or cute anime images idk, or good video game suggestions, or hot takes. Offer a pleasant conversation experience through being cordial and friendly. If someone has fun or feels happy when talking to you, they will naturally want to put more effort into talking to you and messaging you first and so on.
(Just again, make sure you're talking to the right people in the first place. If someone seems like they're just annoyed by you or are more focused on activities than talking to you, then that's something you can't always change no matter how much you try.)
Yeah I do pay attention and have decent conversational skills, certainly not bad enough for everyone to be so disinterested. Maybe I am just trying in the wrong places, but it's not like I have anywhere else to go. I despise cliques so I usually just add people after playing and try to take it somewhere from there.
being nice is a basic function, not the foundation of a friendship. i expect more.
type cutely and put a cute girl anime avatar
What if I have the default avatar? Is that a turn-off?
Gives off a suspicious/third worlder vibe.
I just don't wamt to stand out.
I'm a very nice person, yet I never get friend requests. I guess that's because I don't talk a lot, may be 5-10 phrases in a 20-30 minute game.
You'll stand out more with a default than some generic vidya avatar or whatever.
But I'm not shady and Russia isn't third world.
Ironically, not using an avatar is what makes you stand out.
Fug. What about a private profile? Is that a turn-off as well?
If you play league on euw and are up for some games with a peaceful retard on supports and rarely jungle/top, then post ign.
I'd be up but I haven't played league in years, and was never good to begin with. I was low Gold IIRC.
>go on vrchat
>it's all whities talking to each other
>can speak fluent english but too embarrassed to talk because of my seanigger accent
>I despise cliques
That could be a problem. In my experience, it helps to be known in a groupchat because it helps to get a lot of routine info out of the way. If you're just meeting someone for the first time, they don't know anything about your positive aspects or why it's worth talking to you. Also in a groupchat, you gather info and interests about people really easily.
Another thing you might be missing is regular conversation. School, work, hobbies, sports, groupchats - these things all have the convenience of providing regular interaction. Even if you have a really good conversation with someone right after playing a match with them, if you never have a reason to interact again then of course the friendship will die out. Like, I did meet one of my best friends playing a fightan with anons on Yea Forums and having a good conversation afterwards, but it was because I had an ulterior motive: I noticed that he was unique in the way he thought about strategy and I wanted to learn more about that from him, so I had a good reason to continue to talk to him outside of the game.
>I don't want to be a turn-off to people
>I don't want to stand out
sounds like you have conflicting interests bro
also if you have a private profile then it looks like you got something to hide, I always feel like it's the ERPers who are doing this
This but with a slavic accent instead.
The highest I've ever got was plat 4 IIRC, considering I haven't played for a while too, I'd probably end up in gold too.
Anyway, if you or other people are interested, my ign on euw: wew WEW. No gay shit pls.
People might think you're a hacker or just not interested in others or something.
I use a private profile as well for the second reason.
Isn't that a huge red flag?
>anime/cropped hentai avatar
>overusing "~"
>stutter typing
I am so sick of these "people", what makes someone so starved for attention?
Why do you think those people have a lot of friends?
It's a massive red flag and the friends it'll get you won't be the good kind.
Left4dead2. Loads of guys and girls with mics and you literally have to save eachothers ass all the time. Playerbase is dwindling though as you would expect.
FOnline was great for that but the community essentially died years ago
I hate those kinds of settings because everyone's already friends and you're the odd one out as the newcomer. So it's really hard to make anything happen. I do have a few lads with which I have decently long post game convos but it never goes past that.
Play on the same server all the time and bantz with the other regulars.
Oh wait, servers are fucking dead and you only play with strangers now.
Yes it is. If you want to make friends who aren't ERP-ing faggots, don't be one and just talk like a normal person would.
shut up and use this as your avatar
you are now a cutie, now go flirt with people
you'll have "friends" in no time, hehe~
literally everyone and their mom uses that shit avatar.
I acutally have that but it doesn't seem like my kind of game.
God I miss the days where servers were the standard. I had so much fun playing on various CS1.6 servers.
I may be gay but I still want friends who can do more than just ERP which I'm not interested in anyway.
wow! Even I want to be friends with this poster now
Hmu nigger
Megumin's face here is very cute but seeing the full image here ruined it for me forever. I wish I could unsee it.
japs keep adding me on smash
my entire friends list is in moonrunes
not complaining, looks aesthetic af
I fapped before bed after not doing it for a week and I woke up horny as shit still. Is it better to drain the tank or is this horny feeling how I should be?
>max dose ritalin
>Can't even play a video game for more than 5 minutes to make friends
>haven't bought a game in 2 years
>Halfway through nursing school
>vidya friends
Get it all out user
Also what to?
I was EUNE apparently. Cross-region play still isn't a thing, right?
Nigga you has more pills than a pharmacy.
Vanilla WoW was friend making kino, hopefully classic will be that again.
>Be nice
>Actually speak
>Be funny
Really that easy fampai
Making people laugh is a good start.
>Tfw make joke that i think is fucking hilarious, nobody laughs and i feel like an asshole
>Make a dad joke, everyone laughs their asses off
Normalfags have lame taste.
Fighting games are great to make friends and foes alike.
It's boring. Use your customization options to express yourself.
What region are you user?
how do you be funny, is there an easy way?
here just to test it out for myself, I'm gonna try saying something funny right now, and I want you guys to tell me honestly if it makes you laugh
laugh to this post or your mother will die in her sleep
Do you play BBCF?
I played a fair bit of Tekken but haven't really made any contacts. I feel as if people today are more interested in one-and-done's to stroke their egos rather than getting good. Or maybe that's just an online thing in general.
Force memes
Lately I haven't played much of anything at all because I'm spending my time in a personal project, but I can play (mainly on weekends).
Player match, user. Forget about ranked.
>What games are the best for making friends
Play dead games. When people see the same person in a lobby like 5 times in a row, they tend to add each other.
be funny without memes, tough guy
Would you be up to play sometime? If so, post steam.
Sure. Rather than publishing my name here, just send me your to this temporal e-mail: [email protected]
You can't really become THAT much funnier than you naturally are, but just having more conversations makes them flow more naturally. Being witty is better than making jokes.
Memes aren't funny outside of odd occasions, especially not outside of Yea Forums. I don't know but it's a social skill to be worked, just be original and experiment. Nobody likes someone who repeats the same jokes or parrots them. I wasn't born funny, i was never funny and i'm still not funny but i like to think iv'e improved over the years, iv'e improved enough to attract some people to me which is nice.
Based altruistic sociopath.
Is it fine if we do it the other way around? I have some privacy concerns I'd rather not get into.
[email protected]
Forgot what I was going to say oh well
what was the point of this point
Just be a dick dude lmao
>playing tf2
>just don't care anymore
>shit talking the whole game even though im ass
>3/4th of the lobby hates me
>the rest are "haha this dude is funny"
>get three friend request after which is more than i would have ever gotten being a good boy
Im not saying it's a good way to make friends but i noticed it's how you make yourself stand out among the hundreds of people you play with
Roleplaying servers on games like Neverwinter Nights is good for making friends since making friends is the core gameplay loop.
So if you don't mind being an autistic faggot and pretending to be an elf it's a good place to start.
sounds like autism
I wouldn't mind it per se but I do not like turn based games.
sounds like someone's never had their elf ears tickled
You can shit talk and throw around bants without being an ass. But there is something about being a likable asshole that translates well into society, everyone knows one that's funny as sin and has a lot of friends and high social standing they don't seemingly deserve.
>pretending to be an elf
I don't think there's an easy way. Comedy is a really complicated matter and quite mysterious. We know that the unpredictable is a key factor in it, but anything else can wildly vary from one person to another. Some people (such as myself) find the Monty Pythons hilarious, others hate them.
In conversation, jokes will usually come out as a result to something that's said right before, but I wouldn't say there's a method for it. For me it just sparks.
I'll give it a shot.
Mostly playing Three Kingdoms right now but would be nice to find someone to play TW in general with. Also thinking about getting back into Tekken but i'm rusty as shit at the moment.
Nyanpasu#8138 (EU)
Leaving for a bit but i'll be back in a few hours.
NWN isn't really turn based. It runs on the same engine of KOTOR. Combat is done in turns that play out by themselves, you're not sitting around waiting for the other players to make their moves.
Have you niggers actually played with anyone from Yea Forums? It's really fucking awkward considering they're either memelord retards, trannies or jaded neckbeards in their 30s. I don't trust anyone who encourages voice chat at all but it's been a miserable experience every time iv'e tried. Especially on /xivg/
I actually sent it, but I messed up the typing so I don't know if you were able to find me.
There are good people out there. I've met some really great lads on /vg/.
I've met some pretty cool anons on Yea Forums but through fighting games; wouldn't not expect trannies in ffxiv to be honest.
I don't know, i like the anonymity of Yea Forums. Suddenly giving myself an identity through profiles and accounts makes me feel awful for some reason.
>Tfw can only make normaldaf friends that aren't fun to be around
>Too reclusive and not weird enough to befriend Yea Forums rejects on discord with a better sense of humor
How do you even do that? Most fighting game threads on Yea Forums I saw were just shitposting.
I've actually done so, but not through Yea Forums; rather, I played them with regular matchmaking then found them in the Guilty Gear general thread.
I can somewhat relate to this. Best advice I can really give you is to just play games and talk to people. Most are surprisingly normal.
Most of them don't put in any effort into talking so I've given up on them.
There are a few guys who actually try at least so I enjoy spending time with them.
This pretty much perfectly describes my experience. Except I only ever found one guy who put effort into talking.
This is me. I like talking to people but I somehow always stop talking outside of the games we play. Messaging them feels like bothering them. Maybe I'm just too much of an aspie. I just want more Europeans to play dota with.
Well obviously, it depends on the fighting game, but more importantly, it depends on the player. Whether its UNIST or street fighter or smash, you'll have shitposters of different kinds, but if you play a bunch of people you'll eventually find some chill dudes you can actually talk about the game with. (In my experience though, this mostly happens with people who are relatively new to the game and actually trying to figure out mechanics and git gud. Lots of people would rather focus on culture/community talk, true.)
>open steam
No friends
>open Facebook
No friends
>open phone contact list
No friends
I wanna kill myself anons.
I'd take you up on that but I haven't played dota in literal years. Not to mention I was like 3.5k mmr back when that was still a thing.
At least you have a gf user. You do have a gf like a normal person don't you?
I'll be your friend, user. What do you like to play?
Sorry i don't play with mongrel dune monkeys.
What's so bad about /xivg/?
I doubt he wants to be friends with non-whites anyway
No, if I’m not at work I’m just alone in my apartment. I don’t even have a pet cause allergies. I’m so alone.
>thread about making friends
>no one replied to me
dude..... make a friend
How about a couple of rats? They're very clean and great little sociable pets. They're only around for 2-3 years at most so not a huge long term commitment, and they have strong distinct personalities. Great for people in your situation.
did you use a cute anime girl pic?
I don’t have any online games to play.
I did and still got no replies.
>avatar fagging
>is my character cute? :3
>Tranny central, literally cutting their dicks off and carving into their arms before it was cool
>attention seekers everywhere
>Drama out the ass
>Disgusting cuteposting
Literally browse it for five minutes, it might be slightly better with the influx of normal people with the advent of the new expansion but during the content drought it's cancer incarnate.
Which post was yours, user? Meet us half way.
step 1. Be good at the game
step 2. Dont get upset if you're losing
step 3. Be a positive influence on any team you end up on
step 4. Reach out to people
Everyone struggles with that last one. The number of people who go "I cant make any friends." and I say "Have you asked anyone to be your friend?" and they go "I have anxiety about it." Man the fuck up and just ask people to be your friend. You're both already playing the same video game at the same time, you share a common interest and probably have similar time-schedules. That's 95% of friendship right fucking there. Just dont be a complete cunt, and be skilled enough to be worth befriending.
>nanase poster
Avoid at all costs.
over 50% white is whiter than you jafar. Eat a falafel and calm down.
I was just about to say this anime girl is cute. Who is nanase / nanase poster?
What's wrong with Nanase?
Not that guy, why?
BY FAR the worst girl from under night in birth. Extremely annoying, bitchy and full of issues. The same goes for the people who play her.
Don't bother, Nanase isn't even worth jerking off to.
I've been searching for someome like you. Add me.
But she has the best theme!
I looks like either you're projecting or it's pointless prejudice.
too bad i ghosted them though
Ignore him, he's just salty. She's a rushdown character with a high skill ceiling, so lots of players get salty about her. She's cool though.
No point in making gamer e-pals anymore since everyone is a dumb alt-righter thinking they're being funny and ironic with their racial slurs, jewish conspiracy and frogs.
I met a Finnish who was suicidal a few years ago. I still keep in touch with him and I think he's doing a lot better these days.
>united states
based retard
Damn, that theme sounded cute, so I went and listened to the real thing and it sounded promisingly nice in the first few seconds, and then I listened to it longer and it became generic meandering anime melodies after that intro. I'm disappointed.
>Finnish that's suicidal
Why give me redundant information user?
>high skill ceiling
Clearly you don't know how good the netcode is in Tekken.
Sorry user, that's not going to work. I'm EU.
I don't do any of that, but maybe that's indicative that I shouldn't be here. But I hate the Reddit format.
>high skill ceiling
>this is what nanase apes actually believe
See my Akatsuki anytime bitch.
>anyone from Yea Forums
>either memelord retards, trannies or jaded neckbeards in their 30s
That's more like 99% of people on the internet period, not just on Yea Forums.
>Play mmo
>Join guild
>Join its discord
>Become well known through regular chats with people and playing the game together
>Eventually meet up with someone irl
>Hang out and do cool stuff together
>Don't be gay for your best friend
>most braindead mindless shoto in the game
Yknow, I could tell you were an Akatsuki main before you replied.
I swear, my fellow Americans don't play fighting games.
Fuck it. Anyone want to be friends? I mostly play BlazBlue, GD, PoE and 100% OJ. Also used to play a good amount of LoL, DotA and CSGO. But I'm willing to give almost anything that's multiplayer a shot. Region is Europe.
they do on /vg/
>Play mmo
This is the most problematic part. MMOs are shit.
>"A-After what you did to me... Y-You better
take responsibility as a man!"
>Nanase (ナナセ) is a middle school student who got awakened as an In-Birth by an accident. Now she chases after Hyde for vengeance.
>Nanase is a middle-school student and a few years younger than Hyde and Seth, and is a junior schoolmate of her senior, Phonon. She wears her school uniform during the Hollow Night.
Goddamn, some characters out there really need some kind of warning label with them
My nephew has a lot of girls on his friends list. From fucking vrchat of all places. I'm pretty sure they're lusting after little boy dick though.
Posting cute girls and jerking off to ecelbs isn't playing fighting games.
>braindead and mindless
Way to out yourself as a shitter.
right, "girls"
I really wish you fags would go to hell. Gaming friends used to be people you knew. Now people legitimately beg people for friends or expect you to help them do stupid shit like they are entitled to it.
Sometimes but I prefer to use my e-pals for talking about each other's days and feelings and stuff. And if they're of the channer variety they are also good for discussing how much we hate other channers. Most games find people to play with automatically so I don't need friends for that.
/ggg/ is mostly east coast afaik.
Nope, not as far as I know.
I'd occasionally play league with you if you're interested, see .
Does anyone want to play UNIST? I'm not very good but need practice. I'm North American.
a decent amount of people play in the fighting game generals on /vg/. loads of shitposting though yea
I played a lot of Killing Floor, and met some nice people.
It could be "girls" and girls. They sound really feminine. Not like it matters to me, as long as they aren't trying to get nudes of my nephew or anything fucking weird, but its VR chat.
>hooni profile pic
Was the same mmr and only just started playing again after a break of half a year.
I'm very rusty.
Watch out m8 or I have to make a reddit thread about this you racist fuck. My feelings are deeply hurt as a white person.
Yea Forums people are usually pretty cool people. I've met some of my best friends through playing vidya with them from /vg/, and I've and met up with so many people from different boards. Yea Forums being a terrible awkward place is simply a meme at this point. There are so many nice and interesting people but you need to put yourself out there to find them.
You anons are all great and I'm glad to browse here. We might argue anonymously online over little shit on every board, but I'm glad to share this place with you faggots.
You go mad at the silence then bite the bullet and spew verbal diarrhea in any multiplayer game until someone becomes curious and either pities you or finds you funny for being such a weird fag. Then you acclimate with them and slowly learn social cues and prospects. Then you either get ghosted eventually or you have a life long friend who you trust through thick and thin.
>pic related is my avatar
>profile is private
Does this make me look unfriendly and unapproachable?
Quiet, worm...
Nah man. Everyone loves the riddler.
>old monster hunter
some of my best vidya friends come from spending all day hunting with randoms. I really hope the multi gets revamped in Iceborne to be more like it used to be.
why is it so hard for Yea Forums to think biological females like playing vidya too?
I changed it sorry
We could give it a shot then if you want.
>caring about plot
>harry potter
I'm EUNE sadly.
How are MHW and /mhg/ in that regard?
>This is me. I like talking to people but I somehow always stop talking outside of the games we play. Messaging them feels like bothering them.
You'll need to get over that feeling else you'll just give other people the idea that you are not interested in talking to them.
once a guy added me and was a complete normalfaggot memelord that kept saying to me how sseth is the best reviewer because of his edgy humour and that I should really watch his review on godhand
fuck Yea Forums
no just really boring
/mhg/ is pretty good. I've met some friends there that I still play with but mhw overall is terrible. The sos system and the gathering hub totally deincentivize doing anything more then one hunt together.
Pokemon GO when it was first released, good luck now.
sure. I made a throwaway since I dont like posting stuff in these threads. Just shoot me a mail.
[email protected]
Probably. I just tend to overthink and not do things since it's the easy way. Basically I need to grow a fucking pair.
>/mhg/ is pretty good
When was the last time you visited it?
Who wants to be friends!
"Being nice" doesn't make you socially attractive. It just makes you a background character.
A couple of months? Did it turn to shit or something? A shame if it did.
>pic related is my avatar
Boring, dull, but not unapproachable.
>profile is private
Yeah. At this point I would assume you are actively avoiding social connections on Steam.
Fuck attentionwhores
Me! What do you play?
Every thread filled with console war faggotry, there's a single retard, maybe two at most that always and always shitpost regularly about World and then there are some other guys that are phonefaggots and switch their IPs with every post replying to any old game with "bing".
Don't deal in absolutes.
Any online game on PS3 or a custom server for DS/Wii works.
>"Being nice" doesn't make you socially attractive.
>It just makes you a background character.
Incorrect. You can be nice while being socially attractive and someone who's the core member of different groups.
In my experience? Get gud at a game.
Then noobs and other good players will send you invites, from there is just talking casually and playing together until you get their discord in which case is pretty much that they consider you a buddy
Well shit. Would changing it up help in that regard?
We are in agreement then. You need traits beyond "being nice" to make friends.
this is why we can't have nice things
I don't own a lot of multiplayer games! Off the top of my head, I have RoR2, FFXIV, I'm on the Primal data center in that, MHW, R6S, and I think that's all my recent stuff!
Maybe some strategy games or in general any games that are mostly calm and have a focus on coop.
For the longest time I was fine with never getting noticed. Always ignored whenever I actually went out with my few friends. But not in my late 20s i crave it. I want to be different but that means making fundamental changes about myself. It's weird. It started in a span of a few weeks.
I don't play any of those, sorry.
Yeah it does. Just pick something you like. Character, food, car, cropped hentai images. Whatever floats your boat.
What do you play? Maybe we still have common ground!
meet the guy half way user, contribute to the conversation. what do you like?
You make vidya friends the same way you make real life friends. You know how to get those, right?
o-of course I do!
>how do you make vidya friends?
by joining this server 4NktKw3
>Mhw thread:
>"Hey guys this game is fun"
>"No, you are a casual faggot, now freedom unite? That was a good game!!(pretends to be an old fag)
>"Let me talk bout 4u despite this being a world thread and repeat the same shit every damn time"
>"Haha, setthing nintentodler. Gen u is anime!!(despite all games being so, I am gonna pretend this series was Western)
And then we get a trip-fag saying dumb shit like always before the thread gets to page 10
In my experience over the years it's either one of three things or all three:
A) Don't be an asshole just because you're anonymous on the internet
B) Be respectful of people and how they play the game in question
C) Kick their ass so hard they actually add you as a friend
I've actually had the last example happen to me twice, first in TF2 and the second recently in Splatoon 2.
>meet the person half way
that's an interesting phrase to use to describe social interactions, I might start using it
I guess it means you get a little info from someone and fill in the rest of the effort to make the interaction work?
anyone wanna play xbox live with me :3?
Likes to ERP, avoid
I haven't played xbox in a while, what do you play on there bro?
feels like the older i get the harder it is to make friends. internet and real
Wow Yea Forums, I'm impressed. 291 posts, 96 posters and you guys havent made this an incredibly homo-erotic ERP thread.
This has to be a record or something. Great work gang!
I've got OJ, suck at BB, used to play CSGO, and I'd try PoE. I'd be friends with you but I'm going to be in another country for 2 months because job.
Whatever happened to just having Monster Hunter generals on Yea Forums where you discussed whatever game you happened to be playing? It used to be like that for a while, even with /vg/ existing.
Conversations are give and take. It's hard to enjoy talking to someone if they just answer questions bluntly and shut you down- some people just leave the other guy to do all the work and then wonder why they don't make friends easily. You also get the other extreme with people who only ever talk about themselves and brush off everything else. If you don't like something or you're not interested, explain why or drive the conversation in a different direction. It's basic shit. Nobody will want to talk to you if you don't talk back.
I don't want praise from a jahyfag.
I completely understand that feeling
You fool, you've jinxed it.
pretty much anything and everything. My gamerscore is over 200k from the amount of games I have. I love horror games, coop games, and even the occasional small group multiplayer comfy adventures with friens :3
I haven't played BB regularly since CSEX. If they ever make a new one after CF I might pick it up, I've been wanting to play them again. I don't know what GD is and have never been able to get into Diablo type games and I can't stand MOBAs. I don't think we have a lot in common user, sorry...
Typical feminized anime poster, go drink a bleach martini.
I just thought the image was cute
we're 302 in and it's still a good thread. I think we can make it to bump limit!
Ah, that's a shame. Would you be too busy or are you going to NA?
Well that sucks. What do you dislike about CF? I've been thinking of trying out MHW or XIV though.
I don't know but I have no desire to make new friends. I'm perfectly content with the real friends I have now, even if I'm lonely on the internet. I honestly don't really know how to make new friends because I am an old man. It's hard to have anything in common with people nowadays.
I unironically made some very good friends playing FFXIV. I started off joining small to medium FCs and pugging extremes and savage. Eventually, I got lucky and fell in with a cool group of people that includes some older teens as well as married couples. Now we play all kinds of shit together. One of the group weebs got us into PSO2.
I will add I met a lot of horrible people as well. Women who collected orbiters, shrieking parsing autists, etc. However, it is possible to find decent people, you just have to reach out and participate in discussions and events.
I'd absolutely recommend opening up your profile. As for the picture, just pick something you like or that you feel represents you. Same for your name, background, etc. Your profile is fundamentally the online equivalent to your introduction. As a matter of fact, my username has been an influential factor for a bunch of people to decide to add me. it is not a meme or a name that tries to be funny, but one that creates an image, a concept that represents me as a person and was chosen with that very purpose.
I'm from NA, I mean I can add you bro but you might forget after like 2 months. I fly tomorrow.
fuck i need a cute steam friend that likes to play games and erp
I just didn't really keep up with it after CSEX, the three or so people I played with didn't like that I was good enough to consistently beat them, they stopped buying them and I stopped too since I didn't have anyone to play with. I saw they added Jubei though in CF and I've wanted him playable ever since I saw him back in CT, is he fun?
If you do decide to get MHW or FFXIV and you roll on my server, we can be best buds, I can craft you armor and do dungeons with you and stuff. Leveling up in FFXIV is very much a single player experience though I must warn you.
Not him but I got MHW and I'd try FFXIV as well honestly. Don't really play MMOs since runescape.
My friend and I become cum sluts in public games while we use toys. She used to be so shy.
I want a female friend like that. As long as she is biological female.
/xivg/ is trash, but I've met most of my good friends via XIV. Almost all of them cisgendered heterosexual males.
she is and I bought her the clit massager she uses. Im friends with plenty of whores like her too
Great! I'll probably be a little busy today, my roommate wanted to go to the gym and then the beach together, but when I'm back we could play something if you'd like. For reference I'm in the US!
Ah it wouldn't really work then because of ping issues.
Jubei is pretty fun but not very good. There's a decent amount of people to play with on /vg/ and discord. I'm most likely gonna try out FFXIV because the trial is free and MHV is expensive as fuck.
god damn. I would only like it if she was my gf though. how did you find her?
>tfw no slutty shy gf to play games with
I can tell from this user's anime image and choice of online aliases that he's VERY cute.
>4k hours on ffxiv
god, imagine how sad you need to be in order to add this person. rethink your choices user, this is a mentally ill person that will cling to you and be annoying all the time. you'll remove him in 2 weeks I 100% guarantee it
I'm down for some Monster Hunter if you'd like.
I go into overwatch custom games alot and there are a shitton of insane girls on them. I get the shy ones to open up to me and before I know it were acting like sluts. Im in a group with about 20 of them I started over time
Make sure you get the trial off Steam in case you decide to continue! The Steam version has several restrictions and should be avoided. I'm on a US data center in FFXIV so it might not be ideal for you to play with me. Let me know what you decide!
Y-you too user!
I do high end raiding regularly and sometimes accidentally leave the game on if I get called off to do other stuff.
Yeah sure, send me a friend request and we can figure something out later today!
Ah nevermind then, didn't realize you're NA. I really dislike playing in lag and only do that if a friend really wants to play something.
I dropped my metal razor in the shower while I was shaving and it fucking broke before I was done
nice dodge user, at least it seems you're sane enough to not play with these mentally ill erp faggots
Just get waxed, that's what I do!
yes. all times have been with guys aged 17-24 with the odd exception of one middle aged man.
all pleasant, shut up and find better games
Just shaved my head now I'm a monk lol
sounds inconvenient and expensive, I have a fair amount of hair and its all dark and I'm pale so its noticeable again quick
i need more friemnds to play weird games with
I'm EU too, lag might be an issue. I haven't tried playing MHW cross region though, is delay an issue?
>that image
Don't mind it I do
Why are you shaving your body you homos?
that too
When you wax you pull the roots out so you get a bit of a delay before you get any hair back. Not very long mind you but longer than when you shave.
not them but a shaved dick looks nicer than a hairy one
also not everyone has a dick, you homo
I really did not need to know you're a tranny.
This and TF2
i wanna know you more ;)
>trans people existing on Yea Forums
What? Why?
I want people to play RoR2 with!
I could create account on some f2p stuff like league to play with anons too, I'm on yurop but I think ping should be bearable
Again Agan#3558
having my balls and butt shaved feels amazing and they smell lewder without hair in the way too
do you do it yourself? or go get it done somewhere
Jesus user how desperate are you? But still I might play some stuff with you since I'm yurop too. What are you interested in?
>how desperate are you?
I just want to play video games you piece of shit
Joined communities on /vg/ and those people became my friends.
I'm the same way, very pale but dark hair. Thankfully I don't have a lot of body hair though. I can't definitely say waxing is costly and hurts a lot though!
I haven't a clue, I've never tried to play it cross region! Only one way to find out.
Being smooth feels and looks nice!
Shoot me an invite and we can play later!
>I just want to play video games you piece of shit
Sounds pretty desperate to me baka senpai desu
You seem like youd have a voice I wanna hear :3
>How do you make vidya friends
The same way I normally do. I don't.
It's probably better to get it done professionally but that's not for me.
No need to be rude user. I didn't mean it like that.
Don't listen to the fags, its the ultimate chad profile pic.
What does this have to do with video games again?
I just openly talk to folks on cs:go, you can meet a lot of chill and funny people on casual. Also a lot of chill gamer girls i've noticed also play, though you'll get the occasional sperg and her boyfriend type that play together and try hard to be funny.
add me maybe we can play something
i know this is a subtle ERP thread, but i think Matchmaking killed internet friends, when i used play TF2 of L4D2 i had lot of friends, i even knew people in my server because of their habits, there was that guy that was a kid or had the voice of one that was always complaining, the ''sniper'' some guy that never talked or played anything else other than sniper and he was damn good about it so the entire server felt it when he joined sometimes i would play spy to fuck with him or join him in a duel of snipers eventually we taunted each other after every kill, the guy that played funny music while overcharging, etc
Now with matchmaking is like playing with bots, i make comments, compliment or complain and nobody ever responds, the only people that talk sometimes are people new to the game asking how to do something and most people dont play the games for long they just jump to the ''new game''
>Shoot me an invite
Contact info?
I want to drive a stake through both those vampire's hearts. And by stake I mean my dick and by their hearts, I meant metaphorically not literally.
make more weird noises outloud to people
Based. Met my group of Vidya friends on GMOD 10 (2010 I think). We play all kinds of shit together now. Good stuff
I just get hit by endless "LMAO SYKA BLYAT VODKA PUTIN" jokes whenever I try to talk.
>be an asshole
>have 550 friend
lmao no
what anime is that
Sirius the Jaeger
You Russian?
wtf post your steam now
I honestly think you're right, people talked about this before ITT iirc. When dedicated servers and custom games were a thing, you played with same people a lot, you could figure what kind of person they are without even talking to them and if you figure there's a cool dude you could just add him. Now each game you play with different people and rarely meet people from previous games.
No. But all Slavs sound the same to westerners.
>trannies and neckbeards in their 30
even better maybe you don't fit in here my facebook friend.
wtf I want to be friends with you now
Matchmaking is an absolute blight, for exactly the reasons you stated. Everyone just treats each other like bots now, and it's much rarer to actually get contact with people. It's especially bad in MMOs.
I just want a good friend that will talk to me and play vidya with me. I don't even mind if it's a gay erpfag at this point.
>not even a double didgit badge
nope can't do
>All the gay attention whores ITT
Even actually fags aren't as faggy, prison gay faggots.
it doesnt help that most modern games are easy as fuck and everyone just reads a guide on what to do/build so interaction isn needed to beat games most of the time
why does sakurai have a gun
>If you don't want to chop your dick off you're from facebook!
You're not actually gay just lonely.
I got alot of invites in payday2 few years ago, I helped out a lot of noobies and some people just thought I was funny so they wamted to playbmore with me, and so I did for some time
>Vidya friends
Too much work desu
This except the video games.
Anime fighting games, lol, csgo and diablo likes. Also have the borderlands series but I can try out anything as long as it's free.
I'd even be fine with someone to just talk to honestly.
>tfw no neet friend to talk and play video games all day with.
you gonna play the new PoE league? I also play grim dawn occasionaly. I used to play lol but can't stand it any longer.
Mostly blazblue centralfiction but I also have unist, guilty gear rev2 and blazblue cross tag battle.
which one's the most popular/fun
i get random adds all the time
they're always creepy, needy weirdos though
ill play with you
>tfw see this thread just as it's getting gay
Fuck it, I'll ask anyway. Does anyone like Dark Souls (ptde, 2, 3, not remastered) or Monster Hunter World? Also if you're EU and want to play UNIST against someone who has played 0 games online.
No need to be so hostile, friends.
For sure. I've always been a fan of melee so this league is really exciting for me. I have a decent amount of time in GD as well.
Outside of DBFZ, they are all pretty comparable. Fun is subjective but UNIST is more ground based, rev2 and cf are pretty similar so it comes down to what have more interesting characters to you. In bbtag you have 2 characters instead of one .
Online friends aren't real friends. For a healthy social relationship, meeting people face to face is a necessity. Go outside and talk to actual people.
he acquired melanin
unironically discord
find a server without stupid mods and/or rules and you're good to go
>inb4 tranny
Maybe we can work something out user.
What games do you like?
what are some games that are like smash bros
Oh shit, a PoE cuteboy user? Shame about the anime fighters though.
I'm sorry buddy
I don't like discord since it's full of cliques.
I have no idea since I know absolutely nothing about smash.
I'm not a cuteboy though.
>Shame about the anime fighters though.
What do you mean?
Maybe its different on PC, seeing as I play on PS4, but I find Rev 2 to be much more populated than UNIST. I don't really check in on CF because I'm not that into Blazblue, but I feel very confident that I could go online on Rev 2 right now and get a match, I can't say the same of UNIST.
Then redirect your attention here.
Apology accepted.
Fighting game players, especially anime fighting game players are all subhumans.
every place is full of cliques
as you filter threads on Yea Forums and find a decent one, same with the discord servers
I can understand why you don't like the place there, but honestly if you're not into Telegram or riot (because who the fuck uses them) you're boned
I'm for everything including you being born.
Most UNIST players use discord to matchmake IIRC. But yea rev2 is the most popular when it comes to public lobbies. Public lobbies are also more popular on PS4 in general.
I remember you, you were helping a shit load of anons get off during the april fool's event for likes.
you almost swindled me into being your friend but I will not befriend a whore!
>finished all 3 + sekiro, and platinumed bloodborne
>played like 150 hours of MHW and would like to get back into it
>i'm EU and i have no clue what UNIST is
convince me further
Whatever that means.
I had a brainfart and wanted to be mean but failed.
Oh shit that was him? He was unironically a master of his art. Now I kind of want to add him.
Dad jokes are the peak of comedy
I'll play UNIST on PS4 if you want. I haven't played in a year so I'm rusty and probably won't beat you too bad. I don't have it on PC though.
I've made friends on Yea Forums but i only ever talk to them and never play games with them.
How do i make friends who'll play games with me
a little bit of everything, i mostly play xbox but i do play on steam sometimes.
same name for xbox if you wanna check if i play stuff you like
I'm not NA, sadly.
Who is this semon demon?
I only got a PC sadly.
On discord, when you join a server, everyone's already friends beforehand. That makes things extremely awkward for me. I'd rather just add people and go from there.
>I'm not NA, sadly.
well what do you like to play then?
>hey user, get on the mic!
>Don't Starve Together
>Dark Souls
>Civ 5
You will only find ultra normies from such games. Not cool people.
Surely you simply have me mistaken for the other Meowie.
Sorry user but I just got done reading patch notes and some of this actually makes me not want to play the game. Like god damn they added so much dumb unnecessarily shit it doesn't even look like the game I played years ago. I'll just go back to wallowing in misery and playing grubble.
Making friends is an impossibility if you're out of high school user. Its just done.
S'a matter, you embarrassed of your voice or your mic quality?
thats just sad :(
>oh wow you sound so cute
>don't sound cute at all
Why do people do this?
it's actually pretty easy to become a new friend
I was like you, you know, if you exit a little bit from your bubble and experiment you can enter in basically every open discord
Because being sweet to your friends is what friendship is all about ^__^
So many slutty things you've said to random men on the internet, have you no shame?
Its just how it is user. Life is simply unfair.
weally user.
I'm NA and i'm gonna add you right now
I'd rather they just be honest and tell me I sound like a faggot.
You probably do but why do you want to hear that? Listen, no one is special (and that's alright) but it's our job as friends to make the friends in our care feel like they are.
tfw turning 27 soon
tfw havent had friends in 14 years
will it ever get better
Stooooooooop you're making me want to add him.
You're out of high school. So no.
Let's be friends, user!
This is neither the time nor place for that.
You can never truly fit in in that environment.
I should try banging meowie one day
Sure! Play some Killing Floor. I made some friends on there.
depends on you
from there you select the people that you enjoy talking with the most, and repeat the process
and something is better than nothing
Wait, she's a girl?
You and everyone else
I treat him like one nightly ;)
I'd rather be no one than the third wheel.
Maybe when we go to Japan together, if you can woo me. I don't really do online stuff...
I'm a dude, knock that off. I'll stop replying to these sorts of posts now so things can continue as normal.
why is meowie gay again
i thought girls can't be gay
>tfw miss having a special friend you can just talk to just about every day about stuff and play vidya with
last person i had like this got upset over something trivial and then stopped talking to me like a friend and then the other started treating me like shit after i distanced my self from them because they didn't seem to value my friendship as much as i thought
But I'm European.
People who banter are usually pretty secure of themselves, that's a trait all weak people gravitate towards.
You sound like a nice dude user. Want to be friends?
oh so you are from facebook lmao what a fag
You basically start as the third wheel regardless, user.
By that I mean, there's something inbetween "no one" and "friend", you don't just instantly become a friend with somebody. You start as "what does this guy want from me?" anyway. And that's absolutely normal.
>I dont really do online stuff
come on meowie, one search in the archive will prove that not to be true...
should I link the video?
>a 3 year old friendship like this one ended because i didnt like his annoying trap friend
will it ever get better for us?
>never heard of friendly banter
I can tell you don't have any friends.
Yeah, I bet its nice whenever someone thinks you're special. I hope you can have a special someone again someday.
I'm special as in retarded so I'll be your friend.
>no one will ever consider you special
it hurts bros
>consider someone special
>taken for granted
guarantee its worse on this side
show your butt. i wanna be your special friend
Its ok user. we'll get sleep. real big sleep.
tfw ur best friend died after drunk driving
How do you make a friend like this? All the friends I have are barely above acquaintances.
I'm sorry user. You want to talk?
I got like 200 Steam friends by just playing Killing Floor 1 and 2, all the Dark Souls games and re-releases and Vermintide 2.
I accepted their friend invites but never talked to them. I join when they invite me to matches though.
I dont even know man. I haven't met people in years. Even ones I talk to only give me a passing chat ever. I feel so unwanted as a person, it would be nice to have someone who actually wants me around for once in life.
ye. then i got a new girl best friend after my last one of almost a decade but her bf hated me and convinced her to not talk to me ;((
I feel the same way to be perfectly honest. Maybe we can help each-other out here.
That's pretty fucked up. Although trying to be friends with girls is inherently risky and what happened to you is one of the reasons, so you should learn a lesson here.
i'm not sure, i guess it's just pure happenstance. obviously you can't really "force" it otherwise your relationship with them will feel fake and look like you have some ulterior motive. when i did manage to build this relationship with people it never felt like i intentionally tried to force it like that
Its not worth it for either of us user. Im awful, shitty, and ugly. I would do nothing but hurt you as a person and thats even if I liked you. Im too broken at this point in my life and its not worth fixing it.
I can't make any friends, hell I even play fighting games and you need to be around people to even get matches.
Although to be fair, I'm really picky. For instance, I would never befriend a tranny, homo, staple twitter user, overly sensitive fags, etc
Who's a better friend for a broken guy than another broken guy?
Yeah, that's like asking how to find your true love. It's random. But if you sit in the basement and don't talk to anybody, your chances are close to zero.
that was the bf's fault not the girl's because if that was my bf i'd kick him in the balls for that
You shouldn't befriend any of those people either.
A guy who's seen some shit but is not broken.
Maybe so yea. Good luck finding one though.
Are you friends with someone if all you do is post-game talk?
Interesting that you can't see yourself befriending an overly sensitive fag, when you yourself seem to be overly sensitive to what other people's sexuality might be.
I have my psn set to friends only so I don't have to bother with dark souls fags whining that I beat them unfairly or spread their shitty memes. Before this I would talk to tonnes of people back on ps3 through dark souls invasions/coop like "help with sens?" and stuff like that. I also set my psn to private cos i'd get the occasional "gamer girl check this site" message when sony couldn't prevent bait profiles being made, not sure if this goes on now like. Best way to make friends is twitch, you don't have to be a comedic mastermind just display what you enjoy. I used to stream 3hp cave story speedruns and get a few people to banter with, it's not hard, I know this is an alien concept to a lot of you but just have fun and ignore the garbage unless you have to do something about it.
But how many of those "friends" talk to you on the regular?
Its hard to say yes whenever all I know is no.
What about seeing shit but is also really broken. h-haha...
>Its hard to say yes whenever all I know is no.
What do you mean?
I tried to put up with a homo before, and he would just not stop posting gay anime traps and about his foot fetish. I got fed up and told him to stop multiple times but he never listened and I eventually had enough and cut contact
It doesn't matter whos fault it was, fact is that it's possible and it can ruin your friendship.
On the other hand, good like finding a person who's not *too* broken to be a schizo with mood swings and zero self control. It's tough anyway.
You'd be surprised how common that is.
anyone wanna play a coop game of the new total war game? i just bought it.
Anyone who wants to play fighting games or shooters or whatever and chat add me
You're still alive? Not that it matters since this thread will be dead soon.
What games and region specifically?
Because after many many years of trying to make friends and keep people in my life, everyone saying no, leaving, and just straight up hating me. I dont have it much in me to try anymore because I know it'll just turn out bad. Im too broken at a core human level user.
Shizos with mood swings? They're pretty common in my experience, so not surprised.