New Dragon Quest game for smartphones to be announced on June 3


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DQIX remake with full online?

Nice, could use a comfy game for phone while im on the pooper.

Its DQIX remake 100%

>Dragon Quest Gacha
invest in Square Enix right now boys you're about to make some fucking CASH

What I don't get is how the FUCK has gacha trend not ended yet?

The salarymen need something to do on commute

because asia where people literally just sleep home and do everything else outside. it's the kind of market that lends itself to portable gaming, and smartphones with f2p games have perfect zero entry cost. gacha also feeds into inner completionist mentality.

Will it be exactly the same as every other Dragon Quest game? Yes. Yes, it will.


Japan invented it in the 60s, its not a trend its part of their culture now, be happy they only use it in f2p games

DQM super light exists already I dont think this will be a gacha game if its 9 remake

>its not a trend its part of their culture now
basically this. gacha is just pachinko taken to the next level.

Youre missing the "completely new title"

>didn't like IX
>haven't played X
>lost all hope after XI
At least Builders was/is fun.

That only means its not a port

Didn't they do this with Final Fantasy as well, make a completely original title in the style of the SNES games?

builders 2 hype
can't wait for that shit


Multiplayer was simply never the reason why I played DQ. DQ9 sacrificed too much for the sake of customizable characters and co-op. DQ10 sadly never made it here.

>>lost all hope after XI
Tasteless pleb eat shit and DIE

Yup. Same here.

But seriously, how can people play RPGs with touch controls?
>inb4 with touch controls, duh
Yes, I know some DQ games have been ported to smartphones (IV, V and VI?), but... just, how? How do you play it with touch controls? Do you fuck up with input sometimes?

XI was goat

What the fuck are you smoking.

You get used to it. You need a 6" screen if you don't have baby hands, though. That shit is just awkward.

Not interested in eating shit, thank you. What can I say? With the exception of VIII, which was my first DQ games (and first one released in Europe), I don't like any post-VII game. They are too long for absolutely no reason.

11 is literally just 8 in HD, eat shit you fucking trashfag cumslurper

dragon quest + mobile phones is a perfect fit, is this really the first DQ for phones? I'd have though they would do this ages ago

>is this really the first DQ for phones?
they already ported 123456, 8 to phones
Not sure bout 7, 9 or 10

So, what you're saying is... I'm playing the same game, again, but with different cast? And you don't see a problem here?

Final fantasy dimension was basically FFV.5

Only in Japan

9 isn't long at all though, if anything is short (because the post game is expansive as fuck)

Oh damn really, what version is it? based PS1?

No I don't because the story, character and locations are different, only the gameplay is the same.

3DS version on Mobile

zoomers everybody, literally can't let go of their phones

And the progression.
>go from location A to location B to meet person Z
>you need person XYZ to help you to go from location B to location C
>but first, do something from person XYZ
>when you're done, you will go to location C where you must see person XYL to help you to go to loc--
>repeat until the end

non shitposty DQ thread

>waifufag bait post