"Have you seen a little girl? She's just seven years. Short, black hair. My daughter."
"Have you seen a little girl? She's just seven years. Short, black hair. My daughter."
Why would a police officer give a civilian a gun?
there were monsters attacking people and she didn't want to leave him defenseless when she went to go somewhere else. and just for the plot to explain why he had a gun at the start.
>scariest section in the game doesn't have even a single enemy
How did they do it?
what section
For me the school was scariest, followed by the hospital which is tied with Nowhere
nowhere is my "favorite" part out of any of the games, it's done so well
why does his daughter have black hair if he doesn't
because he adopted her off the side of the road, they show you this in the main-menu cutscene.
can you do that?
i honestly thought it was a little disappointing. the layout wasn't very meaningful, it felt more like economical reuse of earlier assets than the culmination of the town's degradation. i thought the prison in 2 was a better execution on the idea of a "Nowhere", but i played 2 first so what the fuck do i know?
>doesn't have even a single enemy
I don't remember a section like this. Maybe the first time you go into the sewers? But I think even then you run into a few of those lizard things.
How did Harry die? Isn't he a badass?
Shit, I must have forgotten. It would have been better off with none in that case.
He was old and the creature caught him off guard.
didn't have a pipe and health drink on hand
somebody said it's because they wanted to hire cheaper voice actors so they just killed him off
I don't think so. Maybe you could adopt her after you take her to the police and no one claims her
Gun law is loose in the US
In an extreme situation, you would give a man a gun so he could defend himself. Would you leave him alone to die?
Not gonna lie, that was pretty lame him going out like that. He was still in his TV chair
I mean, realistically, they should've stayed together.
I thought she never even saw the monsters though until you talked to her under the antique shop?
She has no idea how to escape the town yet, and he was adamant on searching on his own.
Is the monsters and rusty world Alessa’s Creation?
She triggered the autistic Spirit of The Town, not create it.
no wait maybe I'm thinking of the rusty nightmare world. I haven't played in years
I want to know why the people who got pulled in, got pulled in. Dahlia, sure. Why Kaufman, though, and not other cult members? Lisa and Harry knew Alessa. But why Cybil? Why not anyone else in town? Why two outsiders?
I'm sure the answer is as mundane as that they just wanted as many NPC interactions as RE1 had.
>the people who got pulled in
That's not really how it worked in 1. Everyone else from the town turned into a monster or died.
Nice fan interpretation.
No, you're just assuming the town in 1 is the same version as it is in 2. The town didn't pull anyone in 1 like it does in 2. The only person "called" was Harry and that was being done by Alessa, not the town.
I always wondered how extensive the legal process for that would be compared to just going to an orphanage. I supposed it'd be even more difficult because they would have to take extra steps to prove that the child's parents are really gone.
It happens all the time in books and movies, but it's not like dropping off an abandoned suit case at the police station for a few weeks and being able to keep it if no one claims it.
>Hospital opening
It's so eerie. Everything is quiet, then suddenly the elevator you've used a couple of times has a whole new floor that wasn't there before. Fucking KINO I tell you.
are you thinking of adopting a witch child off the street
Considering Harry was on the run from the remnatns of the cult, he might have forged the documents.
Not lately.
because it was the 90s and he was white. whats the worst that could happen?
How tight is her cunny?
Redpilled post
Begone Satan
>They look like monsters to you?
The town was never the same after Alessa happened to it. And she was gone after 1, so there.
How is her father supposed to know how tight she is?
Anyone else expected the Mall to be a huge level like the School and hospital?
I was kinda let down after I ran into a boss almost as soon as I reached that area.
was it a cut level?
The same way every father knows.
Sexual deviant.
That doesn't make a difference. Didn't get pulled in, did get pulled in. Died or become a monster, lived and wandered the town. I'm asking what made these individuals different from all others.
Have sex.
She is woman and doesn't actually know how to use it.
You don't have a lot of contact with other, real people do you? Was just having fun with some banter. But this is Yea Forums, the no fun allowed zone, I get it.
Maybe she's in my basement.
I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him?
Well Harry cared for Cheryl, which maybe Alessa felt. Cybil was a cop so better at surviving that kind of situation compared to an ordinary person, although there were other cops in the town who disappeared and she ended up being parasitized just like the nurses anyway. Dahlia and Kaufmann knew what was going on which probably let them stay safer.
>Your father wasn't a hero.
>He wasn't your knight in shining armor.
>He was a human being.
Still the best game in the series, nobody's topped the sense of mystery and atmosphere.
>But this is Yea Forums, the no fun allowed zone, I get it.
Rise up!
Maybe he's in my basement.
I'm still fucking mad. My boy Harry faced the terrors of Silent Hill and wasn't even phased. Dude was legit more discomforted by the implications of a wheelchair in an elementary school than by any of the crazy shit going on, which he just steamrolled through to find his little girl. If he had to go out, he deserved a better exit than what he got
More like Shat-Turd Memories.
Don't forget about the doghouse. Where's the dog?!
Agreed, although 2 was close and still also great
It fucked off.
Why didn't they ever make a movie about silent hill?
10/10 post
I didn't care for the first movie when I first saw it, but I look back on it with glowing rose tinted glasses after seeing what a true mess Silent Hill Revelations was.
I've always found Harry to be handsome.