Greetings m'lords, 'tis I, the rapier user of mordhaueth, why arth thou salted when losing to rapier? Is it because thou can't parry and block a slightly faster attack even if thine life depended on thee? Is thy strategy only to swing wildly in a group of thy brethren whilst thy spam "MY MISTAKE SIR!"? Arth thou mad at the fact that other lords know how to use thrust attack when ganging up on thee, unlike thine team mates who can only swingeth wildly while spamming war cry?Be'eth not mad, sire, for thine rapier user may simply be fed up with ye swing spam, and likely desires to get guaranteedeth hits after riposte!
Greetings m'lords, 'tis I, the rapier user of mordhaueth, why arth thou salted when losing to rapier...
thou canst suck my cock later knave
video games art thy shittiest and so is english
>if thine life depended on thee
That is not not how that expression goes, you ludicrous fool.
I mind thee not, but those who carry yon shield are knaves in the utmost, and fools lacking all honor
Thinkest thee to correcteth me? HAVE AT THEE!
>Fighting a rapier in a staircase
God help you.
Just had a game where a rapier spammed mouse up over and over and poked his way through 8 guys.
No slabs of ye reinforced metal straped to this arm, sire, 3/2/2 rapier bloodlust be'est what I runeth.
That's a nice catapult you got there
Shame if it explicitly got burned to a crisp from 7.8 miles away
>Be me.
>See catapult.
>Get on catapult, get multiple 3/4 kills with no team mate kills.
>Random knight child sees me, and throws his weapon at me.
>It gets me off catapult, he takes the catapult.
>Throw his weapon back at him and leave hoping he knows what he's doing.
>0.2 nanoseconds later.
>5 dead team mates killed by catapult.
>"Ups, sry, I'm still learning!"
I'd still rather fight rapier guy than, "swing spam and block when you parry me is all I know how to do" guy. Actually rapier helps alot with that guy, because the stab should be quick enough that no ammount of spamming wasd is gonna save him from a riposte stab.
I'm afraid I must insist.
Why do people always go either 3/3/3 or 3/3/2?
Why not 2/3/2 since there's nothing that will 2 hit head shot you with 2 that won't do the same with 3 on your head.
Luckily its mostly by literal shitters who need a crutch weapon who can outplay with footwork but god help you if you face an actual decent player
Fashion tho.
I would like to know the amount of weapons that go from 1 to 2 shot when you upgrade your head armor from 0 to 1, then 1 to 2, then 2 to 3. I bet the return on investment is really low for the jump from 2 to 3... but what if we then look at the weapons that go from 2 to 3 shot when you upgrade head armor from 2 to 3? Maybe it's worth it after all.
I'm curious but not autistic enough to go and make a spreadsheet myself.
maul goes from a 1 to a 2 shot, everything else you're right
Level 1 armor might save you vs minimal damage, but it will at most save you from maybe one recurve bow shot, or one dagger stab. Level 2 and 3 will pretty much save you from getting one shot by everything other than the maul. Main differece as far as I can tell is that you might survive another body slash if you're wearing full 3 instead of full 2. That being said, the more armor you have the slower you are, so the less likely it is that you'll be able to use movement as well to dodge, accelerate attack, when you have 3 armor when compared to 2 armor or 1 armor.
maul always 1 shots the head though, or do you mean legs?
>I demand that you stop using that specific weapon that I'm unable to counter so that I would be having more fun with the game.
>Complain about getting ganged up on.
>Complaining about shield.
>Complaining about spear.
>Complaining about ranged attacks.
>Complaining about horses.
>Complaining about YOUR catapult.
>Complaining about YOUR double handed guys swining in to a crowd of their own team mates.
>Complaining about fire bombs.
>Complaining about rapiers.
What won't people complain about?
but you posted a side-sword user...
Sucketh my cocketh mordhaueth playerseth
Actually nvm, you can throw mallet to finish a low health player off.
That soundeth like a verily queer request, user,
Ban blacksmith hammers
you can literally equip 3 of them for only 6 points
Yes, you can, you can equip 3 of them, but why ... why would you do that, user?
Because they're stronger than mallets
Meant for
Or just pick them up off the ground and throw them, which is what I do...
Though I do also use them to build or repair if anything in the vicinity needs doing so. Don't be a dickhead and just throw them. Though I know that 90% of people who just learned of this strategy will do so. Because humans are fucking dickheads.
i beat rapier fags 90% of the time, rapier and shield is very annoying though
rapier is also annoying but not that much more annoying than something like a spear or zwei
>It's too easy, step it up!
C'mon now.
>Order to Downgrade Armor When You Need Points Elsewhere Tierlist
3/3/3 Just enough for a Maul
3/2/3 See you on Duel Servers
3/3/2 Bardiche & Eveningstar Boys
3/2/2 Bardiche & Eveningstar Boys with a Short Sword or Friendly
2/2/2 Now people can see your face you fucking versatile egomaniac
2/2/1 Engineers, Spearmen, Crossbowmen, Fire Bombs and Dodge Perks Apply Here
2/1/1 Several ranged weapons and/or Perks
1/1/1 Longbow and an Arming Sword
1/1/0 Gonna die in one hit anyway, may as well lose the legs first
1/0/0 Tis Harvest Season, M'lord
0/0/0 Brawler + a half dozen other Perks
>Most Fashionably Well Armored Tier
Power Gap
Everything Else
>very well ser knight, I will stick to your honourable ways
>game has lots of weapons
>all of them use the same animations
makes me sick