Any of you fags listen to podcasts while gaming?
Rogan retards aside, of course
Any of you fags listen to podcasts while gaming?
Uhhh... No. I'm too busy getting pussy.
What about my immersion? DansGame
Had Sex
>Do you guys like hearing people talk when gaming?
Nigger just turn on tv or something.
>Rogan retards aside, of course
You mean I can be a socialist AND say racial slurs??
Sometimes if I'm replaying a game I can semi-auto pilot but usually I'd rather listen to some music I like instead. what I find hard to relate to is watching streams though, I guess since I'm a bit older its just a lost appeal on me. I know dudes who will double monitor and play games on one and watch a stream on the other for background noise but it would drive me nuts
Typical ignorant racist.
>saying the n word unironically
nigger nigger pumkin digger
Only niggers get triggered
And by triggered I mean shot at
And by shot at I mean by literally everyone
Because the only good nigger is a dead one.
why would I listen to other people talk when I can just talk myself?
>self-censoring on Yea Forums
How do you do that one?
i listen to joe rogan while gaming
So you're that guy on the subway?
I listen to some of Alan Watt's lectures if it counts. It's mostly drivel but makes me feel learned and enlightened.
Please stop making fun of people for being Virgins. It's tough because I'm a leftist, I love this sub, and I work hard to be a good person and practice good praxis, but I'm also 28 and a virgin. Watching Y'all make fun of people for being virgins or calling people virgins really hurts.
Obv I'm a dude. Posting here on an alt because my normal username can be linked to me in real life, but I post here daily. Most of you have probably upvoted my posts at one point or another.
But yeah, I'm old, and I'm a virgin, and while it doesn't bother me much anymore, it's really bad praxis to call people virgins as an insult or to make fun of them for being virgins. Incels are bad not because they are virgins but because they just blame women for their cause. Make fun of them for their shitty beliefs, not because they are virgins.
But seriously, that's all I have to say. Please think before using virgin as an insult. It's just a state of being, that of having not had sex, and every single one of you were a virgin at some point in time.
Thanks for reading. I love all y'all anyway.
*laughs in high pitched fat faggy greek through the whole episode*
yeah it's a funny podcast cuz they be laffin ha ha
I listen to Cox n crendor in the morning. Luckily both hosts are so brain-dead it takes no brain power to follow along.