This game looks like a disaster

This game looks like a disaster.
What do you think Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

first time i've heard of it. Looks like ko takeuchi?

go back to his fuckin stream

Some epic vinesauce meme people are spamming.

Absolutely fucking awful

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>TFW Vinny tried to backpedal but got destroyed by chat

It's shit

no one cares about your twitch streamer fuck off newfag

Warioware fangame?

Fuck off TransPride faggots

it was fucking trash since the intro

Trans pride worldwide

Attached: 1426896008731.jpg (4500x4334, 938K)

Add another reddit meme to the filter

Who was in the wrong here?

imagine having

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Wait, did he say some wrongthink?

Chat kept saying the game was terrible and the dev left


Imagine letting

>tfw you can literally tell it's Vinesauce by how shit it is.

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the dev seemed extremely self-absorbed, to the point of making a long-ass intro where he self-inserts himself into the daily life of his favorite internet "friends". I don't like picking on spergs but this was painful

>dominate the media

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I feel bad for dev.

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I don't think he's talking about trannies, user

He can take his pol dogwhistles elsewhere
Trans rights are human rights

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>Trans rights are human rights
not even meming but what rights

Please tell me what rights trans people don't have that normal people have.

>Ripping off Ko Takeuchi's artstyle

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

Attached: Ko Mother.png (1434x1034, 1.8M)

That intro was fucking painful, he deserves it.

The right to not be discriminated against on the basis of gender identity.
>B-but that applies to normal people too!
No one has ever been discriminated against for not being trans, it’s not the same thing.

last I checked that's already a law

It's a WarioWare D.I.Y. romhack with microgames that are mostly way too vague to understand how to beat, and the quality is really inconsistent.

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People get discriminated against for tons of random shit, from the way they dress to how tall they are to how much they weigh. tons of shit has stigmas trans people aren't special and they are turning their shit into a meme at this point.

That's a right straight white men don't have but everyone else does though.

I cringed a bit but kinda feel bad for the dev after almost the entirety of the chat started bashing at him

Can somebody tell me what the fuck trannies have to do with Vinesauce and this game?

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Why the fuck did OP Mcfaggot make this thread about some low quality minigame then.

For some reason, there's been an influx of discord trannies spamming the Trans Rights emote in Vinny's chat at random times because they need to make everything about themselves.

Vinny played it and the chat called out it's shittyness so hard the dev, who was in chat, threw a fit and left.

people were flag spamming in chat hardcore during the BRB

I literally never watch vinesauce live, only the uploaded streams. Chat is way too cancer and vinny is insufferable to interact with directly.

When is it getting uploaded?

Far as I can tell someone sent in a fanart with the usual TRANS RIGHTS shit on it and Vinny's response was
>...(oh shit this is on screen now and I need to respond in a way that won't get me lynched on Twitter)...Yep *goes to next art*
So now the flagspammers have come as a result.

>threw a fit and left.
What'd he say?

i don't see it on the booru at least
i figured it's just leftovers from the hbomberguy thing

It's twitch's fault for turning a bunch of political symbols into emotes in the first place

I liked it

Nothing, user is making shit up

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Courts actually love discrimination cases against men. Most of the notable sex discrimination cases have involved discrimination against men.

>Silence means you side with the enemy

Fuck this over-social planet, Ted was right

What happened? I didn' watch the stream. A wiiware game?

Art segments were a mistake.

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so did he just silently leave the stream or what
>"i left a notepad saying the games were difficult like old Warii"
even the first warioware's microgames weren't as difficult to understand as this schlock

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please dont tell me this was shown at an art segment. I can already see the chat and vinny getting uncomfortable seeing this

>this lofi jazz music
anyone know the name?

>hey our movement has an image problem
>how do I get people to understand where I'm coming from and support me?
>better mindlessly spam everywhere and be obnoxious when people tell us to stop spamming
Why is this the play? Is it just because they're all like 14?

i dunno about that but this was used in the parrot flight minigame

Of the songs or the genre? The song names were popping up in the bottom left corner when they started playing, as for the genre it sounded like a mix of things. Vaporwave, synthwave, lofi hip hop, the works.


i meant the name of the song that played during the gachapon. Also didn't realized the name of the song popped up so ill check later. thanks

Why are people making a big deal if this game? It's shit, end of story


I feel bad for the dev because imagine getting someone you think is really cool to make something you play and you put in some work and even make a video about it and basically everyone calls it autistic and shit like that’s a fucking superhero villain origin story

Play something you make*

to be fair, the video was extremely autistic after like the first minute

>mfw the vine princess
oh dear lord

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That only makes it worse because this entire experience is like a reality check

People apparently were roasting him, he didn't seem that mad about it though

oh my fucking god please don't tell me he showed this to the stream

He did. Vappy commissioned the art.

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no wonder why his stupid ass got fired. This would make anyone uncomfortable.

He got fired for putting vinny's picture in the background in a furry porn commission
>Fucking up a job doing something you like because you're a dumb furry

He got fired for not doing his damn job. Fullsauce was critically behind for a long time, and he wouldn't cut any sequences Vinny asked him to. Vinny replaced him with someone who actually uploads the videos now.

Somebody post the video please

Daily reminder that all furries are like this. All of them. There is not a single good furry.

what about me?

Vinesauce really reached a point where trannies are a problem now after the furry brigade?

> first furry invasion because of the fucker vappy
> then the misadvantures with tron bonne discord panic
> now its tranny raiding for attention whoring

you just know vinny is going to snap eventually and purge all fur shitters and discord trannies soon

> that OC
> the fucking singing
> 5 fucking minutes
vinny was in the right for shutting this fucker down holyfuck

You're an overweight autisto and you know it.

no, Yea Forums is overreacting again

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>then the misadvantures with tron bonne discord panic
That one was all on Vinny. Obviously he doesn't want to get banned, but sometimes he doesn't treat streaming as seriously as he should and uses user-submitted packs without getting them vetted first, based on good faith of the community. It's not usually a problem, since it hasn't been a problem for the past 9 years, but the guys he has that do go through the games beforehand for this stuff do it for a reason.

it's not all on vinny
his mods are supposed to vet them and they didn't and said they didn't

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I posted a clown emoji and got a pm from some fag asking if "I'm on some 1488 shit"

the absolute state of vinesauce fans

He doesn't always ask them to vet them, it's on him to submit them to be vetted. Vinny there decided to use a user-submitted pack without vetting it, so there was nothing the mods could do.

he's way too beta to do anything, most he'll do is cry to his therapist and kill himself slightly sooner

So is Vinny secretly still catholic or something? I know he sperged out in the comments of the Zoo Race upload but when he was asked if he would become a vampire his response was basicaly "w-well I mean if Jesus was real he seemes like a pretty cool guy"

next time he plays smash im getting into that lobby and making him play on the cunny ashley stage.

cant wait to see chat on that one

This looks like a fanfiction

Reminder that Vinny's mods are watching those threads.
Non stop.