Why do you hate it?
Why do you hate it?
Who do you think I am, Square Enix?
I don't. It's a mess but I enjoyed it. There's a lot of soul in this game.
I don't.
I don’t. It’s just a middling entry into a franchise.
Cloud and Sephiroth from the first game aren't in it
i dont but...7 is more fun and so is 9
it should be getting a remake instead of 7 to fix its problems
the dream world stuff
junction system is shit
>use spells
>become weaker
wow, what a great battle system
The characters didn't resonate with me. Junction is pretty bad as well, Squall is just budget Cloud.
the whole draw/junction system is shit
>school setting
brb going to balamb garden.
It got better in hindsight.
My problem is that it's the first FF game which attempted be trendy and cool. That ended up killing the series' style and aesthetics.
>you will never live in balamb garden
>selfie will never suck your dick by the trex cage
Shit game play mechanics
Scaling enemies, hard to get weapon upgrades, card game that was meant to be played to get better shit, permadeath final boss
All around shit story too
Promiscuity was frowned upon in the garden though.
I don't. It just got released between the 2 best entries in the franchise so it's disappointing by comparison.
It's interesting how it's a game that is vastly more enjoyable on subsequent playthroughs because so much bullshit can be avoided if you know you don't need to draw a new spell a hundred times from a boss.
>That new AI retracing of backgrounds and textures mod doesn't fix the blowup doll mouths
Is there anything for that?
Squall is probably the blandest and most weak willed protagonist in the history of final fantasy.
This is the most original fantasy setting ever made.
because Spoony told me it's bad
but you have Squall and Seifer now.
>blandest and most weak willed
You should replay it. You'd see that Squall has a lot of strong character moments, and his characterization throughout the story is fantastic.
I don't hate it, but the pacing really hurts it.
There are so many points where the game slams to a crawl it hurts. I can forgive the parts where it pulls something out of its ass to get the plot back on its rails, but there are parts that just get a bit too boring.
I don't. It's my first final fantasy, so I am nostalgic about it. Played it on PC around 2002. I do however hate how the last parts of the game feel rushed.
I saw an echo the other day of this exact color and wonder if it was the guy who won this contest
Cool, I bet you can't name those great character moments.
Bring me back a hot dog?
Take it from me after 7 It is a good game. The story is slightly ambiguous though.
I recently read up on it and it makes more sense.
Because it's grindy in a retarded way. You either grind like a faggot and become OP or can't fucking continue. Junction system was ass.
but I don't user
I don't hate it but I could never get over the fact that everyone has amnesia.
I hate it because of an absolutely horendous "translation" that completely changes the characters and the story.
>jap version had actual lines of dialogue for Squal instead of whatever meme
Lets talk about all the good uniqueness of the setting
>perfect warring modern states subplots
>Academy setting done right
>public transport
>perfect modern setting in a fantasy world.
>perfect female antagonists literal witch queens.
>good scifi
>numerous real world immersive references to things like fibreoptics cable and radio.
It is perfect. The LoTRs of modern fantasy.
>>good scifi
What? Really? What did he convey/say?
It was my first and I loved it. I still enjoy it. I like the theme. Between 7, 8, and 9 I think 8 has the best music. Scaling enemies is cool because it doesn’t promote traditional grinding.
This. The reveal of the assassination plot is damn cool.
>that fucking garden music
Here’s what I read about it.
people miss that you are actually fighting a male god that uses women as a vessel to get revenge on humans
I didn't find this out till recently.
>comfy music
>posts a man who hung himself
What are you feeling user?
Rinoa is even worse.
She's a straight up completely different character in the jap version.
What’s she like in the jap version?
>The game is easier if you avoid battles and don't level up
>Junction system is too easy to abuse
I mean if they would just have made the leveling system different, I would probably like it more.
promicuous nymphomaniac.
Retards who complain about the game system are the same people who think they can tell the difference between organic and non-organic produce
Junctioning is stupid and Zell is a chicken-wuss.
Junctioning was the best thing ever. It's like stands from jojo but more straight.
So nothing changes?
>be me
>little kid
>meet quistis
>this hot older chick wants to suck my dick
>oh boy, squall, we're in
>"are you done yet?"
>wait no...
>"go talk to a wall"
fuck squall that stupid autistic cockblocking homo faggot
every girl in the game is hotter than quistis accept adel who i'm pretty sure is a man.
I actually didn't. I think the junction system was actually pretty cool but it could have really used some more development instead of just boiling down to "put everything into maxing attack and use attack and/or limit break in combat". Magic kind of blows and you can't really use magic without having to restock or neutering your stats.
Also status junctioning was really cool but of course because final fantasy can't have non-boss monsters past disk 1 vulnerable to status effects it was tons of wasted potential.
This is what I thought when I was a young lad and had shit taste. When I played it as an adult Quistis surfaced as the patrician woman in the game.
So did Squal die?
I liked the space scene.
I really thought they were both going to die floating in space and that would be the ending of the game.
Is there a new mod for drawing the backgrounds with that AI?
Rinoa literally couldn't die there.
I want some official explanations on the lore. Of all the FF games it has the most ambiguous mysterious lore.
user i...
Spoony made a perfectly good series of video ripping this retarded fucking game to shreds and you losers still try to act like there's a debate.
The characters suck, the dialogue sucks, the plot is fucking stupid, the junction system is shit, farming magic is faggotry incarnate, you have to re-equip the magic on new characters whenever the story splits some characters away from your group or else farm EVEN MORE to keep the entire group of every character in the game equipped with magic and the card game is hot garbage in every level of depth.
If you like 8, you're wearing nostalgia goggles. You were a kid with low standards because it was one of the few games you owned. That's it. Grow the fuck up. It's shit. The coolest part of the game was the two dudes fighting in the intro CGI, but it turns out to be just half training exercise in some dumb anime school and half dream sequence. The trailers at the time sold that CGI as an advertisement for the big and cool fucking drama that will be in the game but it's false fucking advertising, stupid gay shit.
Bad gameplay
Bad plot
Terrible twist
Bad cast
Good music
That's it
It's probably not a bad game on it's own, but it's a very bad Final Fantasy
Do you have any opinions that you've formed on your own?
Best Final Fantasy title ever made. Individuals who hate it are confirmed to only have read the Wikipedia for it and are just parroting what other people have said.
It has a good story. I love doing the side quests. The one place that I am scared of is the place where you can get Odin. I hate facing the Forbidden monsters and how they one-shot my characters. I love the boss theme song. Probably one of the best in all of FF.
What do you not understand?
I'm about to go play it again.
I don't hate it, but I don't think it was put together particularly well. The game seems to have been designed with all the big story set pieces in mind with little thought put into how all of the events were connected, what the through-line to carry the player through the game was. Their only real goals in constructing the game seemed to be to push the envelope in presentation, and to be different enough from FFVII to show that the company wasn't a one-trick pony. And the element of it that had to endure the test of time suffered for it.
I wouldn't call it a bad game, though. It's certainly not one of the Final Fantasies that I'd say I don't enjoy playing, like FFII and FFXIII. But I'm not putting it in my top 5 either. It's an oddity in the series, and that at least makes it memorable.
You mean the video that proves he wasn't paying attention to that plot or background characters much at all? I wonder if he spoke to a single NPC the game didn't require him to. And several people mentioned to him modding cards over drawing, and he just blew it off and said "Well, it's still busywork".
best post in this thread by far.
Materia works fine, Sphere Grid works fine, junctioning system does not.
Who the fuck is spoony and why are you dickriding him?
The funny part of all this is that the first time I played this game, I played it without junctioning.
>Sphere Grid works fine
ma brotha
triple triad is legend
He tells you he talks to every character in the review. and of course he does, he's an old school RPG player. He was even spamming the field for hidden Draw points. It's definitely the case.
>"Well, it's still busywork"
And it's totally correct.
However the acceptable reason to not Refine is that it uses magic stones/cards and using an item is unacceptable in a playthrough, except to get Doomtrain. The real reason being that it would be submitting to the rules of the game, which doesn't deserve that respect.
I fap to Selphie's victory dance
and Selphie in general
I can tolerate the poor story and characters because the world is cool. I just wish the battle system wasn't trash.
>but other games have bad battle systems!
I probably dislike those games too
Imagine being such a contrarian nigger with absolute shit taste. Enjoy drawing magic for hours and not using any spells ever because using spells makes you weaker faggot.
>you only need a few of the high level spells to max your attributes
>use it to buff your characters into basic attack and limit kill
>you only maybe at least need one hundred of a spell any spell to max attributes for any character 3x
Junctioning system gives you the most freedom of any of the FF systems.
When you understand it you end up having three powerful characters.
you literal nigger. The magic in the games main use is a stat buff system.
You use draw cast to use magic or use spells you aren't actually using on that character.
this streamer is playing the game wrong. Ican't believe there were actually people so low iq they didn't get how to use junctioning.
Then why is there is there so much story and lore he doesn't understand? Not just in his 8 review, his 10 and even his review of fucking 13 are guilty of this. I don't know how you can miss plot points in 13, but he did it. He didn't know stuff that was shown/revealed in cutscenes.
FF8 lore is very hard to understand i don't expect a streamer to understand.
cause whenever you want to start another playthroguht you have to get past at least 2 tutorials were even pressing down skip you have something like 10 mins each of GF bullshit, then card game for transforming mats for ultimate end weapons and summons, smash "o" for extra damage on summons, dont forget to pull the trigger each time for extra damage. O you want to feel big by going back to earlier areas and smash once difficult enemies with now over leveled team, fuck you now everything levels.
>little kid caring about who anyone ends up with
Things that didn't happen.
Why is VIII the first time the characters overall aren't overjoyed being alive? Pisses me off.
Squall* - Turn around and look into the ground for a "job well done.".Terrible. Especially for a protagonist. Even Cloud starts his by pumping his fist in the air. (A fact only Lightning Returns remembered.)
Quistis - What the fuck is this?
Zell - Pumping his fists. This is great..
Selphie - Tapping her shoulder with the nunchaku as a miniature dance? However she's smiling. This is good.
Rinoa - Spastically waving her hands back an forth in the air, but it's the closest to the classical victory dance, so it's okay showing her happy.
Irvine - A weapon twirl and some sort of pointing toward the enemy with his other hand? Sub par.
*) I do like that it's the counterpart to Seifer's, but that's irrelevant to the main context of his happiness here.
>Bad if not outright boring characters (except Laguna)
>Schizophrenic story
>The fucking junction system
>Takes a good setting and wastes it
>Forgettable soundtrack
The contrarians jumping this game's cock as soon as they saw how many people hate it isn't really improving my view of it, but I don't attribute them to the game's shittiness.
I don't. It's in my top 3 FFs.
>he thinks its contrarian to like a game
Because nothing after disc 1 happened, so when replaying it I feel like it's pointless.
>Forgettable soundtrack
Opinion completely discarded
Because of this guy.
Explain this theory
>guy sits and retardely draws all the spells.
Wait what
Opinion immediately discarded.
Kill yourself.
The Sorceresses get their powers from a guy called the Great Hyne who may or may not have been a God.
He hid his powerful magical half inside women which manifests as sorceresses.
In a particular scene Ultimecia starts sperging out at humans, which is odd since she is a human. Using implied unatural speech. In the Japanese version this is apparently masculine in tone.
So the implication is Hyne posseses sorceresses and uses them to commit revenge against humanity.
All the info on Hyne is in two lore snippets in the game.
because I'm too retarded to pay attention to the junction tutorial
You're reading too much into it. It could be the case, but all we can say for certain is that Hyne is in hiding. It's nearly equally possible that since the power he gave up was the least part of him, he might not even care.
And secondly you're not even fighting him, since you never confront him.
Fuck off readit is fucking obvious as shit if you conisder the facts.
Seems like he's still an asshole, just less passive about it.
Is that the guy that cheated on his 10/10 cosplaying wife with a Goblina and sent dick pics to 15 year olds, trying to groom them online?
>It's to be expected that the "magic of Hyne" could not be found. Because of people's feelings at that time, it concealed itself in bodies, in the form of women, people who it was thought should be protected.
quote from -Story of Hyne from the Final Fantasy VIII Ultimania Omega
She's clearly referring to her (Ultimecia's) youth and the history within the timeloop between Squall and her. There's nothing unnatural going on.
But OP, I love this game...
I don't, Laguna is the fucking best. Lost my shit when they added him in Dissidia 012.
>muh reddit
Saying whatever and blowing someone off, telling them to get off your back are too completely different things.
i actually love it
Everything is fine except "Oh shit! We used to know each other before? Damn! Fuck G.F" reveal which they did it very poorly and the whole Rinoa romance.
I think they should focus more on Laguna and the party childhood instead of Rinoa's shit, to be honest.
>timeloops are natural
Should I be afraid?
Why would I hate best FF game?
I know that, yes, so? Nothing in the game really marks the sorceresses being under his dominion. Ultimecia's self preservation, which is canon too according to Ultimania, is enough of a motive for the events of the game.
I used to think he was this hardcore oldschool gamer but idk, look how bad he was when streaming. He's worse than DSP.
holy shit you filthy contrarian idiot.
They are literally the descendents of Hyne.
Literally Hyne gave them their powers and they can't die while they have Hynes half in them.
So ergo they are Hyne.
It is so fucking easy to understand if you unclog your brain.
Lagunas story was a more interesting narrative than literally any part of the PC's stories
>Used Spoony stuff
>Called others losers
Lmao, fuck-off, you fucking loser.
Her speech about generations hunting sorceresses is the thing that was "natural," because it happened/will happen. There's nothing odd about the speech.
(As an aside the stable instead of continuous/changing timeloop is the only thing that keeps the story even in the ballpark of coherent.
Although I despise it right now. Fate is the fucking worst in robbing player agency and cheap writing.)
That's stupid logic. I am not my great grandmother or father for instance. There's also serious personality differences between the sorceresses establishing they're not under the control of Hyne. Edea for instance is good. Hyne may plan that they will torment humanity on average, but even if that's the case, we never fight him directly and neither does he directly intervene.
God this game had way too much missable shit like NORG being refrenced at the very beginning of the game or Seifer's gunblade pose being based off Laguna.
>Well, there are people who believe the magic of Hyne is the origin of witches.
Witches actually exist.
There are various studies into their origin, but your teacher likes the “magic of hyne=witches” theory. Yes, that’s so, isn’t it?
It’s impossible to demand the origin of folklore, but it didn’t come from
zero, just as life didn’t come from nothing.
Therefore, I think there’s a bit of truth, even in legend.
No, I guess you could say I hope so?
Ah, let’s change the subject, shall we?
Let me introduce you to the “magic of Hyne=witches” theory.
Well, the word “witch” as it’s commonly used was designated by the scholar Temu about 500 years ago.
Temu combined folklore, legend and known facts, and is referred to as a
historical scholar by story writers.
Because of that, I like this Temu out of respect for his resolve as such a strange, daring scholar.
Temu recorded this in his own work, “The Whereabouts of Hyne.”
“It’s to be expected that the ‘magic of Hyne’ could not be found.
Because of people’s feelings at that time, it concealed itself in bodies, in the form of women, people who it was thought should be protected.
Occasionally, women played important roles in history, but I think this was the ‘magic of Hyne.’
Whether it is the descendant individuals who are in control, or the ‘magic of Hyne’ itself will be made clear with future research.
The ‘magic of Hyne’ in the form of women.
I name these ‘witches.'”
>Seifer is literally a guy that watched Laguna's dragon movie and thought it was the coolest shit ever so much he started emulating everything about it
I love that.
you are so hilariously wrong.
Stop quoting stuff, I've already read. You like to interpret him being more than a VIII world origin. That's completely fine. However it's intentionally ambiguous musings. The facts of the game work against Hyne doing much, so I choose to believe the sorceresses have free will (Well, besides them being absolutely under the effects of Fate like everything else in the VIII world, so they actually don't.) and that since Hyne chose things as an active fellow, he left humanity his lesser half as the sorceress power, while his more powerful half is somewhere out there in the universe (Probably still on the planet,since he cared about mountains as somehow significant.). and he too still lives as a separate entity. The main entity, while the sorceress power is just that pure, mindless power.
I don't suppose he's doing stuff, if I don't have to. Occam's Razor and all that.
stop. You are fucking retarded. No one gives a shit what you have or haven't read. You are wrong.
Are you disputing the halving of Hyne? That's in the game you know.
I don't, it's my favorite. :)
No you idiot.
How the fuck could you think that?
You were on disc 3/4.
It's my favourite final fantasy.
But I've never completed it.
Then exactly what are you disputing? That the sorceress power is mindless? And to be explicit what that means: Hyne has overwritten all sorceresses in history with His Divine essence and everything they've done he has compelled them to do? If it's that one, then I say your view is unproven and unnecessary for the game.
However if it were true, then VIII is a very unsatisfying game, because Hyne's second half gets away scotfree. You do not win. (You still don't win in the normal game, but that's not relevant here.)
If you're just saying the mindless power is Hyne's and therefore whenever you fight a sorceress you're fighting Hyne's body, that's technically correct, but it's totally meaningless narratively if Hyne is not an active participant to oppose you in said body. You fight sentient beings, if you talk of them as villains. As a main point of conflict of FFVIII.
>you are actually fighting a male god that uses women as a vessel to get revenge on humans
This is what you said. This requires Hyne opposing you actively and nothing proves that.
Am I the only fucking person on the planet that enjoys every single numbered Final Fantasy except 2?
I wouldn't say XIII was a good game but I had enough of a good time to finish it to 100%.
How's III, user? It's the only numbered one I haven't played.
Poor zoomy,
He doesn't know..
Look you idiot no one said it is "mindless" but you.
The game clearly says and shows you the sorceresses are not all bad all the time.
The point is Hyne possesses them.
>This is what you said. This requires Hyne opposing you actively and nothing proves that.
Yes that is literally what was said and what the lore says you potato faggot.
The entire "mindless" and "opposing" distinction is one you are making,
Yes literally you are fighting Hyne through the sorceresses that is the whole fucking point.
Am I the only fucking person on the planet that enjoys Final Fantasy 2?
It is amazingly dumb how you think being unsatisfied with a games lore is an argument for the games lore being wrong.
I thought it was fine.
I like it just didn't care for the constant rotation if the 4th slot party member and how wasted the stat growth felt on them. Thankfully the GBA version made those characters playable in the bonus dungeon
>The point is Hyne possesses them.
That's a stretch, he hid in them. Based on the game seemingly didn't take over either.
I can say for certain Ultimecia possesses other sorceresses and that Edea talks about what Ultimecia is like (fearful) after the fact, heavily implying that Ultimecia is different from Edea. They're not working towards a common (Hyne's) goal.
Now are you saying Hyne's body is like a hereditary sleeper cell that takes over the sorceress at some point in their lives and happens relatively rarely? And that this has happened to Ultimecia, who then proceeds with Hyne's plan?
If you're not claiming this and accept just fighting the sorceresses to be fighting Hyne. Then it's more like fighting a force of nature like boats fighting against storms at sea. It's just not a fight in the same meaning and "realizing" you're fighting Hyne has no value.
It's so much more simple, if it's just power Hyne hopes the humans fuck themselves over with.
I'm saying the lore is in question, so "Would the writers intend this?" becomes something you can actually honestly consider, when thinking whether it's the true interpretation of the known facts. A way to evaluate likelihood.
A similar plot device has been used in other FF games like Yu yevon in 10 or Necron in 9.
The difference in 8 is you never see Hyne.
Though It could be implied Adel is what Hyne could looks like.
>Now are you saying Hyne's body is like a hereditary sleeper cell that takes over the sorceress at some point in their lives and happens relatively rarely? And that this has happened to Ultimecia, who then proceeds with Hyne's plan?
Quite literally according to the lore Hyne hid himself in women. This manifests as witches. So literally a manifestation if Hyne.
So yes no matter if you like it or not you are fighting Hyne.
On top of that the entire attitude of despotic Witches in the game is an exact analogy to Hyne's story.
So it can be said that the Sorceresses are just continuing Hyne's war with humanity.
Ultimecia can be assumed to be the most powerful sorceress and vessel of Hyne who is aspirng to god hood by absorbing all the other Sorceresses.
As long as you bear in mind that Sorceresses = Hyne all the lore makes sense it even starts to explain all those weird fan theories like Riona = Ultimecia.
I think the fact they wrote expanded material on the subject sort of supports that they do intend this.
Where can you read the FFVIII Ultimania?
I'm glad he's fucking dead.
for me the main problem is the dialogue and characters
they're just very badly written
music and visuals and great though
>weird fan theories like Riona = Ultimecia.
They made deliberate parallels between the two characters that led to that interpretation. I don;t know about the Hyne thing, but all the sorceresses inherit the same powers iirc. The theme has a scrambled 'succession of witches' in the title. Ultimecia absorbs every witch's power across time during the compression.
I'm pretty sure Hyne is meant to be an allusion to this guy: finalfantasy.fandom.com
In the legend about Hyne in VIII it's said he gave up half of himself (his skin) and ran off with his most powerful half (his skeleton). The legend might be true, but why does his skin need to be sentient?
Why is this the only one not available on xbox one? They got 7,9,10,10-2, and 12 but not 8 what the fuck gives?
Interesting ideas and setting, but fucked execution in story and gameplay. As popular as 7 is, 8 needed a remake more
No his skin was a ruse and not sentient. His actual self he hid in women like a possession.
And his motivations can only be based on the legend about him hating humans for being numerous, killing their children and fighting a war with them.
Which is all similar to the Witches battling seed who are children and described as "lokusts"
>FF8 steam release
>the game isn't fully retranslated and fixed like FF7 was
I love it, it's my favorite FF.
bigger mystery than the games story. Maybe they are secretly remaking it.
I read some dev say they wanted to remake it.
FF8 needed a Final Mix like a year or something after it came out or something to fix the Draw system and add Seifer to the playable cast. You probably coudn't fix the battle system from the ground up but something like make Draws auto-collect from kill and putting limitations/minimums on stats based on level to balance shit out more would be a half measure at least.
You still don't explicitly say whether the sorceresses are against humanity from "birth" or from a point when Hyne takes over later or if it works subtly without them knowing like an instinctual craving.
I guess the difference between us is that I, myself, have no problem with his manifestation just being power. A power he may someday reclaim. The lore works quite fine. It doesn't need it tying it together, when it can clearly happen on its own. Most of all I'm so baffled that I think you actually agree with me that Ultimecia is gathering Hyne's power of her free will, so her being Hyne is irrelevant. Both for the plot and the lore he hasn't changed the sorceresses. So what are we even arguing about?
>Yu yevon in 10
Sin and Yu Yevon are a different case and it's a gradual takeover.
>Necron in 9
Fucking what? How? Screw this VIII talk. This got interesting. How is that in anyway similar? I know Necron is officially Kuja's fear of death (I would rather her be the Void), but this is still far removed from VIII's case.
(Please, don't say the similarity for the three is being a minor endboss tidbit.)
>Riona = Ultimecia
That's easily explained by cryosleep with a Junctioned GF producing a Tabula Rasa Ultimecia in the future. (Not that it's true now thanks to Kitase.)
It has a lot of problems but this isn't one of them
7 and 8 are awful at this in general
Zell would have become the main protagonist and ended Ultimecia all on his own
How far did you get?
If you at least got to the final Seifer fight that's okayish
I love it. People don't pay attention to the plot and call it shit, but if you actually use your brain, you'll understand 90% of it.
Already said that the game makes it clear not all sorceresses are bad.
>guess the difference between us is that I, myself, have no problem with his manifestation just being power
No you are not getting it is completely ambiguous in the game if the power is actually Hyne doing the talking. Except in the scenes where Ultimecia speaks and her "K" way of speaking and this is supported by the japanese version. Which is masculine.
Also the fact that Adel looks like a male demon AND has a males name is really weird considering the power is only for women.
Supposedly she/he is more powerful than Ultimecia too in the possession power ranking.
It's alright, I liked it more when I played it and it was like only the 2nd FF I ever finished, I like that it actually tries to have a story and like the dynamic of Leon being the 4th party member your trying to get all throughout the game, finally getting him he's kinda of a pain to grind up to be on par but give him like 2 hours and you can get him suprsingly up to speed.
Squall is a great character, the problem is the party, after Squall the best next character in the party is Quistis, who... I really like Quistis but she just stops being relevant at all by the time you are even half way through the game, they definitley needed more scenes with her.
Next best is Rinoa, mostly shines as a lover to Squall, not really as an asset to the party dynamic. I like Selphie especially coming from KH first but again their isn't that much too her in terms of how she serves the plot.
Irving and Zell are complete fucking jokes, Zell especially I find personally infallibly annoying, the fact that I had to spend any time levling him up and getting his limit break kinda made me realize the game is leaving you stuck with party members you don't care about and you don't even have a choice in the matter.
The party needed to be bigger, it needed one more member that you actually cared about to push it from a problem to a solution, Seifer should have joined your party at the very end of the game in the final dungeon, after having completed his oath of loyalty to his Witch but realizing that his ambitions were misplaced and that the best way to correct that would be by joining Squall's group and trying to right the world, I mean he's on the god damn cover of the game for god's sake, it just feels like he was meant to be that final piece and it just never happened.
Yu yevon is literally continually referred to in the game as the founder of the religion.
You never see him until the end and he is a tick like parasite living within Sin.
It is a very similar ambiguous analogy to Hyne living in the Witches
>This got interesting. How is that in anyway similar?
Necron is the final boss or entity like you can assume Hyne is.
They are both virtually never mentioned in the game. In fact Necron is never mentioned.
So all three villians are metaphysical antagonists. Not directly known to the protagonists.
I get that cards were a great way to handle (and break) the draw system, but for those that didn't want to play cards and just play the game normally, they were somewhat limited. I forget if other item refinements were enough to get you through the game assuming you didn't grind, but at first glance, FF8's battle system wasn't really intuitive from what I remember. Very experimental as to trying to make a relationship between magic and items work together as limited (and more valuable) in a system, but mixed results.
They also had story elements of very ancient folklore and how it affected the characters and world in FF8, but they never go further with it other than just simply mentioning it. I don't know if they were planning something much bigger and cohesive, but it feels like it and that it just fell apart sometime after Disk 1.
I only recall one of my later playthroughs but it was pretty much
>use the op GF abilities like "bum rush" (only one i can remember because of the funny nams)
>max out attack attribute with drawn spells
>basic attack everything.
>then get to powerful magic like ultima to boost stats easier
>and the best weapons
You aren't actually suppose to grind magic. You just draw it once or twice every battle and use cast and abilities.
Where's the next video, Noah?
Also forgot to mention, having Seifer in the party I think would do a lot to make Rinoa more interesting, I think the dynamic between them the few scenes they have is fucking great and him actually being a party member would make Rinoa feel less one note post space rescue.
You're making me post this shit.
>Except in the scenes where Ultimecia speaks and her "K" way of speaking and this is supported by the japanese version. Which is masculine.
I have no problem with Ultimecia just being a strange person. If Edea can be good (basically free from Hyne), then Ultimecia can be a weirdo (equally free from Hyne). Hyne is not a necessary explanation for this. Neither does Adel's appearance require this explanation. It may be a neat idea putting bow on things, but not necessarily true.
And to say Adel and Ultimecia are significantly bigger Hyne vessels doesn't stand up to scrutiny either, because Edea inherited Ultimecia's powers.
Although that's a disingenuous lie for me personally, because I've reasoned that it must be only the potential that is inherited, because otherwise it's not a stable timeloop. [If it isn't, then the power would gather over time (always having at least Edea's original powers added) and eventually all but Rinoa and Ultimecia are irrelevant in the final battle, a battle which Rinoa must at the end definitively win, because the game exists otherwise it's insignificant loop #11 or whatever the game is wouldn't exist, because of Time Kompression.]
So since I can't disprove it outright, I'll say correlation doesn't prove causation, which is much more fair.
This is my head canon that Hyne looks similar to Adel.
Literally a wizard trapped in a womans body and uses his power to transform the body into a man.
Who is the most tyrannical of the witches.
Maybe Hyne attempted to reappear as Adel but after his defeat he reasoned it was best to stick with being a sexy woman via Ultimecia and Edea and being a bit subtle with his despotism.
>reee humans
generic sorceress. I think they are never supposed to be interpreted as humans. They seem very alien.
I dont know whats up with FF8 threads being huge when they do pop up, its like wasted potential the game
hypnosis and/or lucid dreaming my dude.
totally possible with either of those.
only if you played the English version.
play it in Japanese, he's got an entirely different personality.
>The reveal of the assassination plot is damn cool.
And then everyone fucked it up by acting stupid.
>Oh I can't wait five minutes to apologize to Rinoa let's jeaporidize the mission
One of the things I like is how the game gives you an op GF right at the start you can unlock in a boss fight.
I dont hate it. In fact I like it more than 7
I just had a thought that, if GFs relate to magic and magic comes from Hyne and youre going by that one theory that Hyne possesses shit, then memory loss happens so that its easier for Hyne to possess someone for revenge. Or that its easier for a GF to possess someone. All of that probably doesn't make sense or is wrong but fuck it
i fucking love FF8 but there are some flaws in your post
>>perfect warring modern states subplots
for the first disc and a half, yes.
>>Academy setting done right
for the first 40min of the game. the game would've been infinitely better if being at "Balamb's School of Magic n Gunz" was the main focus of the game but instead you graduate in the first hour.
>>public transport
in only 2 places, one of which is totally skippable/pointless
>>perfect modern setting in a fantasy world.
>>perfect female antagonists literal witch queens.
this could've been done better though
Edea suddenly becoming a good guy, then "Adel? Who?" who is only relevant for like 1/3 of a disc then it leads up to a dungeon/boss fight with another literal who witch.
a good villain done right is one that causes problems through the whole story, not a villain introduced right at the end of the plot.
>>good scifi
yeah but so is most Final Fantasy games. Even both MMOs. XI for example starts off as a quiet country nations game before eventually turning to sub-dimensional time travel and fighting crazy alien fish under the ocean about halfway through it's expansions. same with X, starts off as a chill tropical beach simulator before turning into sci-fi.
>>numerous real world immersive references to things like fibreoptics cable and radio.
see above, but also keep in mind that it's a world that didnt even have working TV for 20 years for seemingly no reason.
I don't? I fucking love it, it's my favorite FF.
i don't -- it's the best one alongside XII and ivalice alliance
It's like Dwarf Fortress in that the game itself is piss easy, so you have to put limitations on yourself to make it challenging.
>every girl in the game is hotter than quistis accept adel
excuse me, what?
When i played it i didn't really know about the schools day anime trope.
So I viewed it as some sort of military academy boarding school.
That is what it is a school for mercs.
>Edea suddenly becoming a good guy, then "Adel? Who?" who is only relevant for like 1/3 of a disc then it leads up to a dungeon/boss fight with another literal who witch.
a good villain done right is one that causes problems through the whole story, not a villain introduced right at the end of the plot.
Adel is the reason they can't use radio communications. She is literally screaming at people through the tvs in disk one.
The tv not working is because Adel is telepathically sceeching in space.
I don't, it's my second favorite FF
(You'll never guess my first)
He made it bros, he went to balamb garden...
Shitty mechanics that take no effort to break even unintentionally. I figured out how to spam limits before the game itself was even out thanks to the demo.
>the fact that I had to spend any time levling him up and getting his limit break kinda made me realize the game is leaving you stuck with party members you don't care about and you don't even have a choice in the matter.
This is completely wrong, leveling up doesn't help. It takes like 3 button presses to Junction Switch, the char you are using doesn't mean shit except aesthetics and dialog.
I had that theory just then too Hyne might be a GF.
Or it could be a metaphor for the draw and cast system.
his "cast away skin" and he was drawn into women as a host.
and limit break and their form of basic attack.
melee builds are superior.
As said earlier the entire game is buffing your characters into basic attack and limit power houses + abilities. The magic system is a big ruse.
I liked the ff7 world too.
I like disc 1 and 2 but hate disc e and 4
Both of these things really don't mean shit, their overall strength is determined by STR junction. So again it doesn't matter what char the game leaves you with.
Except for the superboss obviously, which comes down to Zell Squall and Irvine. But that's like 0.01% of the game and even then you can get away with using anyone.
Yeah nah
top tier post
the modern sci fi bit is huge too, it lets you handwave the whole 'we knew each other!' thing. dont gotta explain shit.
>a good villain done right is one that causes problems through the whole story, not a villain introduced right at the end of the plot.
You realize Ultimecia was controlling Edea at the start, right?
Yeah that is the point buffing str.
I think some characters perform better but that is what i remember doing to beat all of the game Squall + Zell and a support character. Just basic attacks and limits.
I was thinking it was more of 'use this great power at the cost of yourself' type of deal. At one point, someone mentioned the possible theme of FF8 being 'do you sacrifice yourself for duty' with power linked to memories as an inverse relationship.
To go on another tangent, FF Type-0 has some similarities to FF8 like a military school theme and magic/crystals being used at a great cost. Like the plot point of those linked to the crystal (that supplied them magic & power) would be completely forgotten by everyone should they die in battle.
what does GF stands for again? Guardian Friend?
>the time compression sequence when you fight a bunch of sorceress monsters with youtube.com
Wasn't that just literally everyone in the world? I don't think you had to specifically get crystal powers in order to be forgotten by everyone when you die.
Guardian Force.
The Hyne thing explains the story so neatly, Ultimecia's motivation is really weak on it's own as is Adel.
If Ulti's only motivation was stopping her fated death why does she spend so much time wanting to oppress humans.
Why is she seeminlgy unaware she is being "persecuted" because her and adel are douchebags?
I heard in here that the battle mechanics can be exploited very easily making the enemies and bosses irrelevant. Anyone knows a good guide that explains how to exploit it? I want to rush the game without grinding just for the story
>descendents of Hyne = Hyne
>Calling a sorceress a "Descendant of Hyne" is a sign of great respect. The only known male sorcerer is the originator, Hyne.
yeah max str and use the basic attack abilities.
And pray tell how exactly being a sorceress a.k.a. a descendent of Hyne (which I am not disputing) means that they are Hyne?
read the link
Leave balamb
goto beach
monsters give great amount of ap which levels GF abilities.
A few abilities you unlock will turn items into magic. Like tents become curagas (I think).
You should be able to do over 1000 damage with physical attacks and have over 2000 hp.
Play the game, cakewalk. (get in trouble, grind for a bit of ap in new gf's abilities, keep going.)
Diablos gives an ability called encounter none, no more random battles.
Look up how to get Squall's ultimate weapon on disc 1, which will let you plow through everything.
I had FF8 when I was a kid, but someone stole the second disc and I never finished it. I have it on PC now can someone explain to me the junction system? From my understanding grinding in FF8 is a detriment. Do you really have to draw magic a lot?
Basically Hyne is the biggest irrational bitch of a progenitor.
>heroically fights a bunch of monsters using magic
>gets tired (lazy bitch)
>creates humans to help him
>falls asleep
>wakes up and spergs out at humans
>kills children with fire magic because he is autistic
>humans beat him up
>screaming i'm sorry i'm sorry take this gift
>lying coward runs away while humans are distracted
>reasons humans don't beat their wives (how wrong he is) so hides inside women
>thousands of years later
>Sorceresses are using his power inside them to terrorise humanity
>people fight back
>"why are you hurting me reeee"
It's just one long saga of the most pathetic god ever written.
But wouldnt that level your character too?
Magic is like ammo, and you can choose to equip it onto your stats instead of casting them which will boost your stats. Enemies level up with you so grinding isn't necessary, and avoiding every fight you can makes the game easy because you can still become stronger with junctioning and gear while the enemies remain underleveled.
grind for ap
get gf abilities
use abilities to turn items into magic
and turn low tier magic into higher tier
(if you like card game, use abilities to turn cards into magic)
turn off encounters and stop levelling up
enemy stats are based on your level NOT your junctioned stats.
So supe up your stats, cakewalk the game.
you would only care about levelling AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE if you want to fight ultima weapon at endgame.
If you don't care, then the 10-15 levels you gain grinding for AP won't change much in the game.
just draw a bit every battle you should have more than enough for the end of the first disc.
hey i'm starting to remember why this game was a cakewalk in subsequent playthroughs.
The Ultimania one? I've done that. That doesn't explain how a human being with their own physical body and personality who inherits a magic soul later on in life somehow actually becomes Hyne while being a descendent of Hyne due to the magic soul that isn't even permanent. The Ultimania link is also just a story that didn't make the final game from the perspective of a theorising teacher in a classroom. That's in no way definitive.
There was that,m and also
>Plan doesn't even past stage 1 and blows up in her face
>The crackshot professional sniper suddenly breaks down and can't shoot at all about a minute before the crucial moment
>Instead of just shooting Edea in the face, they make a big show by dropping the gates on her, warning her right away that there's some shit going down
The assassination plot was a neat idea, but every stage of the plan just had some awful fuck ups.
Whats whats the consensus of Squall dying at the end of disc 1?
Yeah you didn't read it. It literally says magic of hyne = witches.
It then says the magic of hyne deliberately hid in women strategically.
It then refers to historically significant women being realy the magc of Hyne.
Then it raises the speculation that it is infact the magic of Hyne ie Hyne who is in control at these times.
Adel is just a very masculine woman. They do exist.
>his 10 review
I vaguely remember being real fucking angry at how dumb he was watching that a while back, but can't for the life of me actually remember anything about it. Weird.
I don't. I love Squall
yeaaaah no. Adel is man. No not even human a fucking 4 metre tall demon man.
>wanting a logical explanation for magic, posession and gods
Come on now.
FF8 is the only FF game I finished. And they rewarded me with a jump scare at the end. What the fuck but also based.
>In the Information part of the menu there is a section that can only be unlocked by hacking the game, called "Succession of sorceress power", which says: When a sorceress is about to die, she gives her power to the next person who 'inherits' her sorceress powers. According to Odine's research, the power tends to weaken with each succession. It is unknown if this section was disabled on purpose, or if it is a mistake; therefore it is unknown if the hypothesis of the power weakening with each succession is canon or not.
I have no idea why you'd hide lore in the game.
Maybe you should read it again.
>Let me introduce you to the “magic of Hyne=witches” theory.
It's all just one teacher throwing out his ideas to the class and quoting an earlier scholar also theorising everything.
>Occasionally, women played important roles in history, but I think this was the ‘magic of Hyne.’
Literally just conjecture.
You can't make a claim of magic gods existing in a certain way based on implied implications and conjecture as a foundation for your theory and then expect to get away with a copout as bad as that.
>foreshadowing is bad
The fuck are you smoking retard? we are talking about a game called final fantasy with magic.
That is the in game explanation for magic in the setting.
Hyne is the progenitor. If you can't accept the lore as stated you may be stupid.
>If you can't accept the lore as stated you may be stupid
I accept the lore that's stated. I don't accept your conjecture and assumptions based on the lore that's stated. Stop conflating the two.
I used to hate it, then I came to realize that I just hated Rinoa, and the rest of the game was a hot mess but pretty enjoyable. Drawing stillfucking sucks,and I wish that there were more balance in the junction system. I like actually using magic.
>implying she couldn't magic herself to be like that
>my conjecture
You mean the conjecture in the lore plailoy stated as a way of conveying the literal lore?
Holy fucking shit you are dense.
You fucking retards that make everything into an ad hominem argument even literal facts are so frequent lately where are you all coming from?
But I fucking love FFVIII.
user are you drunk? How are you getting so angery at the lore?
>there are people who actually feel this way
I think it is implied
You don't accept the lore as stated. Stop lying.
Junctioning system was a neat idea in theory. I disliked it being it heavily discouraged doing anything but pressing Attack over and over again, with Limit Break occasionally, since that was the highest damage option available.
Being able to equip different magic and effects to your weapon and armor was neat enough though.
draw system is retarded, monster leveling is retarded.
I hate the romance subplot. There is zero chemistry there. The game would have been infinitely better if anyone else was the love interest. Even Seifer. Actually, thinking about it, especially Seifer. He's about the only person in the entire game Squall ever shows any emotion towards.
Also missed having a zany furball companion, moombas almost make up for it, but Selfie and Zell being obnoxious downie brownies the entire game wipes that good will out.
I don't. What kind of retarded fuck would hate 8? It's the top 3.
>Hyne means peasant
>Adel means noble
This is interesting.
yes of course, but it was lazily tacked on 3/4 the way through the game.
>if a villain isn't visible at the start then they're just a tacked on after-thought
How many video games have you actually played?
Edea, Adel and Ultimecia are all the villians at different times.
The basic theme being witches.
Edea is assumed to be the big bad. Then Ultimecia. Even Adel is referenced in disk one
—Message broadcast in radio static by Sorceress Adel
All Hyne by the way. The Jenova or Yu Yevon of FF8
>As popular as 7 is, 8 needed a remake more
I have no doubt that if 7's Remake is financially successful as SE is hoping that VI, VIII and IX will all be remade eventually.
Squall is a great protagonist.
The soundtrack and environments are good.
The gameplay just isn't fun.
There was a quote somewhere that indicated they have discussed a remake/sequel to 8
FFVIII isn't available on PS4 either. Well, I mean it technically is as a PS1 classic, but not as a modern release. Like FFVII and FFIX have both been release specifically for PS4 with tweaked controls, proper resolution scaling and trophy support, etc. But not FFVIII. It's very strange.
Didn't they lose the source code?
Garden Fighter
they are secretly remaking it.
It's a Final Fantasy game, which means it's a fucking dumb storygame pile of garbage with shit gameplay.
Back to Fortnite
I've literally never heard of spoony
the first time when I saw gameplay of FF8 was two years ago
I still think there's merit in the game that should be explored with a remake
Final fantasy games are pretty challenging compared to todays games.
I'm playing one of the older remakes and it is fucking hard. Every victory feels well earned.
>he hates one shit game he must like other shit games
Fucking Dumbest Generational. Go watch TV if you love your fucking boring stories so much.
Shit characters
Shit story
Shit music
Shit gameplay
Good length (though the game is so shit that that's probably a negative)
Good graphics for it's time.
>FFVIII isn't available on PS4 either. Well, I mean it technically is as a PS1 classic, but not as a modern release.
I dont think VIII is avaialble in any form on the PS4 user. Or am i wrong?
level scaling
>if you know you don't need to draw a new spell a hundred times from a boss
I thought that was the whole point of the draw system?
Because it's shit?
>m-muh e-celeb said it was bad!
Shut the fuck up bitch faggot.
>Shit music
Unironically kill yourself.
>Enjoy drawing magic for hours and not using any spells
You mean playing triple triad for hours because it's fun then converting cards to spell stock
>actually drawing magic
I love this game but goddamn I feel like the writers cut out the middle of it and shipped it near unfinished. That or just typical Japanese distorted storytelling.
>Why do you hate it?
A story that goes to crap at disc 3
Bad cast of character (except for pre-romance Squall)
A poorly developed love story that ruined the only decent character in the game (and yet better than XV's romance where it got no development or screentime)
More like why does Square-Enix hate it. They fucking lost the source code for the game necessary to re-release it.
The farthest I ever got was that section where they try to snipe the evil bitch during a parade or something, but for me it was the battle system.
I distinctly remember the false president boss fight on the train and just spamming GFs for 30 minutes.
It’s my favorite of the “modern” FF games. Best protagonist, interesting setting, great creature design(GF’s), they weren’t afraid of trying new systems that can be exploited, great music.
It fails at things, but it has more heart than most games ever will.
it encourages spamming the same move over and over
Squall is objectively the best written character in the series. The conflict between his internal monologues and his spoken dialogue boarders on mental illness, as he desperately tries to convince himself that human relationships are inherently self-destructive while simultaneously crying out for another's warmth to save him from his own miserable existence.
Deep down he's still a little boy crying out for his big sister to come home, but this clashes with his ideal image of the lone courageous lion, "Griever", which he strives to emulate. Ironically, despite Griever being a symbol of strength and courage to Squall, the name itself, "Griever" or literally "to grieve" is representative of the lingering feelings of childhood abandonment that still control his life today.
Then comes Rinoa. He was falling for her at the SeeD ball. And she was pursuing him pretty hard. Not to mention she was more emotionally in tune with him than Quistis (read, Rinoa and Squall were both tremendously immature). I'd say that Squall grew up a lot more than she did over the course of the game. But there was growth. And it's a final fantasy game. What were you expecting? A *realistic* teenage relationship?
Even if you send Rinoa to the missile base, their relationship still makes perfect sense. Squall never disliked her. He was afraid of becoming attached to and losing her, which is how he feels about all of his friends. The difference is that unlike Quistis who gives up because of her own emotional insecurities, Rinoa persistently continues to pursue him eventually forcing Squall to acknowledge her.
Finally, once the party reaches Esthar, Squall is forced to acknowledge that he cares about her as he's on the cusp of losing her. His previously blocked emotions open like a flood gate and turn into obsession, as is known to actually happen with people who struggle with forming relationships. You seem to have completely misunderstood Squall's character. He was cringey because he was so piss poor at expressing himself. That was the point.
Get some taste faggot
>Squall is objectively the best written character in the series.
and then the poorly written romance ruined him
This only becomes an issue if you have no idea how to play the game and try to power level like a scrub when it's nowhere near necessary. I'd tell you to git gud, but for christ's sakes, it's a fucking Squaresoft JRPG, arguably the most casualized subsection of the genre.
You can stockpile magic way more efficiently by refining items and cards. Drawing is only absolutely necessary for obtaining optional Guardian Forces from bosses.
Everything else is subjective. I find it hilarious that people to this day still harp on about level scaling and drawing more than 20 years after it got proven that there are incredibly simple ways to avoid issues with them.
what would you change? I honestly think it's fine, the awkwardness and emotional coming-of-age is relatable
>This only becomes an issue if you have no idea how to play the game
I knew nothing about levelscaling in 8 when I played it so I played it like a normal FF game. As in, if I am having problems I would level a bit
>You can stockpile magic way more efficiently by refining items and cards.
I will confess, I never touched the item refinement skill because I mentally dismissed them as "I need rare and specific items" and fuck the cheating AI of the card game.
Honestly the problem is that, being a 90's game, it gives you an overview of shit and doesn't explain the level scaling, and you're left to figure things out on your own. The average player wouldn't do a trick like intentional low health for neverending Limit Breaks, or the Card and Card Mod method of junctioning your stats like crazy. But then the average player also wouldn't know why the fuck the Random rule is spreading or how to stop it.
>But then the average player also wouldn't know why the fuck the Random rule is spreading or how to stop it.
I dunno user, playing a game and seeing [Random has spread] might be a bit of a giveaway and an indication to hit the reset button.
There's no reason to play this game other than Triple Triad and jacking it to Selfie.
I mean the ACTUAL method of preventing rules like that from spreading.
no thats jared. spoony is just a lazy fuck
>FF14 has a new job dedicated to squalls fighting style
>Even has Eden as a raid boss
>Don't rerelease FF8
What do they mean by this?
Yea Forums told me to.
>it gives you an overview of shit and doesn't explain the level scaling
The whole point of level scaling is to maintain a level of difficulty rather than allow players to brute force their way by grinding. Does every game need to inform the player that it becomes more difficult the further you get into it?
>The average player wouldn't do a trick like intentional low health for neverending Limit Breaks, or the Card and Card Mod method of junctioning your stats like crazy.
The game rewards those who delve into the skills and abilities the GFs have to offer by allowing them "shortcuts". Knowledge is power in this game, much like most other Final Fantasies. This knowledge is also nowhere near necessary to beat FF8 as well. I should know because the first time I played through FF8 I was playing the japanese version, could only read the most basic of sentences, didn't assign any junction skills to learn and got all the way to Ultimecia without junctioning anything. It was a shit experience, but I managed to do it while barely understanding anything about the game properly.
>Does every game need to inform the player that it becomes more difficult the further you get into it?
Only if the new installment introduced level scaling when the previous installments didn't have level scaling. Like FF8.
There are no PS1 classics on PS4, not even on Playstation Now. The only modern port of VIII was the PC version, which was a re-port of the old 2000 version by Eidos, and Eidos had to keep dealing with absolute hell of Square sending them non-final versions of games that they would have to fix up. Not only is the source code likely long gone, but the port's likely spaghetti code beneath the surface. Meanwhile it took FFIX years to finally get a shit port with mobile interface and numerous questionable changes, and that was a brand new port from the ground up.
They would basically have to either figure out how to unfuck the PC port for modern consoles, or pull a IX and redo the port from the ground up.
Pretty sure the idea of spreading and abolishing rules was there to emulate the idea of "house rules" where people will tweak the ruleset of a game to their liking when playing with friends or in specific regions. It clearly wasn't an intended mechanic to have players save scum and reset their games just to manipulate rule spread/usage.
The intended mechanic to stop it from spreading is by going into a match with rules you don't like and then quitting out of it until they offer to change the rules to something more favorable. This is how you prevent Random: by forcing everyone to play fair via whining like a baby.
Add more internal monologue here and there like him being amused of Rinoa at certain parts of the game, flesh out their early relationship a bit like give them more time to talk to each other alone like the one in the concert.
>why is this game punishing me for level grinding when it isn't necessary waaahhhh
nigga just play the damn game normally or learn how to farm magic/abuse limit breaks/get Lionheart on disc 1/etc like everyone else who can't handle the "challenge" of FF8
No other FF game punished you for leveling
-draw system is broken and shitty "I need to cast Curaga. OOOPS, it' s junctioned to HP. Now my max HP is less. Hahaha!"
-retarded amnesia plot "Hurr durr, we all grew up in the same orphanage."
-character design is visual-k emo shit
Just a few.
>I wanna use these rules
>Well I don't wanna
>Man, these outsiders don't wanna use our house rules but I really wanna play, maybe I should just stop trying to force them to use those rules
It's a pretty natural progression IMO. Then you have the dudes who are hell bent on eradicating certain rules throughout the world so they save scum and reset to do so.
Pretty much what happened to FF2.
Square experimented with a very unique style of gameplay, and the experiment backfired. There is a reason why the junction system never showed up again.
Music was great though.
I mean, there's nothing in the game hinting that you can do that, the average person wouldn't expect to keep entering games and quitting them, and no guides covered it. Didn't people have to literally pull a Disassembly and find that tidbit in the game code to realize you could do it?
t. brainlets
It's a fun game, but. The story is completely retarded. The draw system is tedious. Enemy scaling is broken and ranges from making enemies never a threat, to making things ten times harder. Some characters Limits are worthless, even with the 'best' move. Or some of them are better with only picking up one move because it's fucking random.
Read an FAQ on how to abuse game mechanics already, The irony of FF8 is that it is simultaneously easily breakable and annoyingly "difficult" to play through, which means it's perfect balance wise since it's a challenge for those lacking knowledge but enjoyable to those who have invested time into learning the systems and understanding how to best utilize them.
Uhhh I didn't?
>draw system is broken and shitty "I need to cast Curaga. OOOPS, it' s junctioned to HP. Now my max HP is less. Hahaha!"
>junction a different spell you don't use to HP
>now your HP never goes down
I never actually played FF8. The main character looked like an edgier emo Cloud so I just skipped it.
except Curaga is the best spell to tie to HP
no thats too hard delet this;(
I don't know who Spoony is you spoonfed retard
>I never actually played FF8. The main character looked like an edgier emo Cloud so I just skipped it.
and then out of the blue he becomes a lovesick puppy with some annoying bitch
yes there is, it's literally all in >start game
>"hey can we use these rules?"
>"yeah, sure"
>game ends
>well that sucked, I'm never agreeing to this region's rules again
>several games later
>"XXXX" rule has been abolished"
Why do people who hate on FF8's systems come off as the most unobservant, willfully ignorant people ever?
>Ultimecia's final form is a big mythos thing with a woman wrapped in chains underneath
>two separate HP bars
Both of those posts were me, user. And in a time of 90's game mechanics and logic, this isn't some meager conclusion to draw. I'm not saying "don't agree to starting a match", I mean entering a match with the rules and then quitting out repeatedly; when people found this out they collectively lost their shit over finally having a counter for one of the stupidest mechanics in an already controversial game. This feels like you're just claiming that unintuitive game design is reasonable and anyone that complains is an ignorant pampered child.
God forbid the game tries to balance you casting the best spell for HP junction or hoarding it to keep your HP at max. There's literally over 40+ other spells you could use in place of Curaga with some only having a minimal impact on how much less HP you get.
I dunno man, maybe you need a game that holds you hand tighter so you don't accidentally poop yourself make tough decision like prioritizing stats over casting spells or vice versa.
Not being rewarded for leveling is not the same as being punished for it. Plus if you exclusively use 3 characters and sideline the other three then the average level which determines enemy level stays far lower than the three guys you play with, allowing you to have your precious "reward" for leveling.
>Both of those posts were me, user
Yeah exactly, that's why it boggles my mind that you're claiming there's nothing in the game hinting towards that, when you wrote it out yourself. You're basically whining about having to put in effort to effect change, it's no wonder this generation is falling apart.
>"I need to cast Curaga. OOOPS, it' s junctioned to HP. Now my max HP is less. Hahaha!"
It's almost as if good things have drawbacks in order to not be completely overpowered. I think there's a word for it, was it "balanced"?
>-character design is visual-k emo shit
It looks absolutely nothing like visual kei you retard.
The point isn't the effort. The point is what would a new player to the game do? I know now by online and prior experience that I can do these things, so I can put in the effort to handle them. But what about someone picking up the game back at launch, or someone that picks up the PC port today because "hey it's Final Fantasy, might as well see what this one's like"?
>The point isn't the effort
It is though. People didn't come across TT knowledge by throwing their hands in the air and going THIS FUCKING BLOWS I'M NEVER DOING IT AGAIN, they sat down, played a bunch of games and realized rules could be abolished. None of that would have happened without effort.
>using GFs in the battle
Nah I thought they were all decent and enjoyable. My least favourite is probably XV, and everything past 10 is lower quality.
Hope this gets an HD remake as well after 7,the world is too beautiful to pass up plus maybe they could make a few tweaks to the plot
>Am I the only fucking person on the planet that enjoys every single numbered Final Fantasy except 2?
I like every main numbered FFs except for:
2 - weird ass leveling system
8 - see 15 - shitty open world meme, need to buy like $40 of DLC + movie + anime + books to get the full story, Hold O to win combat system, casual as fuck, underdeveloped characters, etc.... Easily the WORST FF game I played
What is the VIII steam version like? I got burned with IX, with its shit take up half the screen UI and mod that's supposed to fix it that doesn't work. Should I just emulate VIII?
Just because a game is bad, you don't have to hate it. 8 has it's qualities.
>NORG being refrenced at the very beginning of the game
Wait, what?
and then he choked at the ONE THING WE HIRED HIM TO DO
that earned him a top spot to go on the suicide mission
He was also the only one who knew he was about to shoot his adoptive mother in the head. Then he finally pulls the trigger but she stops it anyway.
You should be drawing to cast in battle. Although in reality you should be spamming limit breaks
Teach Quezacotl Card-ability. Card your enemies instead of killing them. Lower the enemies HP%, more succesful Card is. Teach CardMod to turn those cards to items and use other Mod abilities to turn those items to spells. You will not get exp from carding but you get the AP. To get rare items, get Tonberry for Lvl up ability to steal or kill the enemis holding the rare items. Get Encounter None for your pleasure. There, you broke the game and no, you dont have to draw or play the card game to be OP.
It's threads like these that scare me away from ever starting FF8.
Or you can junction the excess directly into your stats and viola, low level run with absurd stats that let you effectively break the game over your knee like one-inch plywood.
The game is managable even if you go blind. The power tactic is for those who already went through their initial run.
We can all agree that FF8 has the best music overall, right? Some of the other FF have one or two superior tracks but talking overall, FF8 is superior.
That being said, It is the FF I least of all want to replay.
This. To me all the stupid time compression stuff would’ve felt less shitty if every character didn’t have selective amnesia of their whole childhood. Overall I like the game, (even more than 9), but the story just falls apart at the end.