Why dont any videogames cover the topic of rape?

why dont any videogames cover the topic of rape?

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lisa the painful did and its fantastic
but because of that it ends up being quite a glum atmosphere but its relieved by its sense of humor

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she cute but what the fuck

I only played the first Alice game but didn't Madness Returns have a rapist villain?

This thread is not video games


wtf i hate women even more now!

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What a cutie! I wanna have consensual sex with her!

What is this image supposed to imply?

Why do women not report rape until years later

Is this the girl that kills all the boyfriends?

The thing with rape is it's a big fucking taboo. People will say how horrible it is, but won't take you seriously especially if you are a man who got fucked over. It's ruins your life, and no matter what you say, you'll always end up with PTSD even if you say you're fine.

I got raped, and years later i got better but i can't get any serious relationship going with the sort of person i want because i ruined my life. Literally WHO saying vidya is the problem can shove it up their asses, without vidya I'd kill myself

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nah, it's some HAPA chick who had daddy/identity issues and made brutal hardcore porn which his dad payed to have scrubbed from the internet

Dead Island did in one of the most stupid ways ever. A side character is gang raped in the game and they have all the female characters being sympathetic and all the male characters going "Man, I don't know what the big deal is." This idea that men don't care about rape is one of the biggest bullshit feminist myths.

I have no idea what this image means

the last $40 in my bank account says she faked it. Anyone who can prove me wrong gets PayPal'd.

>not recognizing a young supreme gentleman

it's the supreme gentleman's sister you newfags

How old is she?
The answer to this question determines whether or not I would rape her. Then I can make a decision if I think it's a false claim or not.

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Various reasons
1. Video games are still not respected as art, so it gets less space to tackle controversial subjects
2. Videogames still focus too much on "fun" so any talk of sexual abuse is seen as trying to make it "fun"
3. Most videogame directors, especially in the west are 100% pussies who bend the knee at the first tweet complaining of anything controversial

Georgia Rodger
Ooo boy she is a cutie. A supreme gentlewoman.
She's 24, and she was 19 when her brother wrote his manifesto against the Chads and Stacys.

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Danganronpa does, along with child rape abuse.

Because for them rape is defined by whether the sex was okay and if the guy was hot. If yes to both, then it's not rape. They need to have a minimum of 10 years to determine whether the sex was rape or not.

Statutory rape doesn't count. Even when it's incestuous.


I was raped when I was 9, she carved her initials into my penis.
I'm genuinely afraid of women.

That isn’t Mayli

>women don't have it easier, bro! just improve yourself haha :)

Have sex

Did she pour cocaine on top of her police report and take a picture of it?

Fuck off from this board right now.

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i know your feels


>she carved her initials into my penis.
What the fuck man

Oh look it's another off topic thread with a vague promise of talk of video games. I'll be here waiting for the one autist, usually OP, to act all offended that I called them out on their shit and to tell me to go to the usual smash threads that are up

Stop advocating rape culture.

Post more rare Elliotts

its Elliot Roger’s sister, dummies.

Narcissism at work.

It's usually easier to block something out like that after it happens until your mind can deal with it later without completely breaking down.

Because then someone of this degenerate pit will fap to it

>got sexually assaulted by a girl half my size for weeks at work
It's mind blowing to have this shit happen to you. I was too afraid to say anything so I just changed my shift.

and? why is she so special?


How do you even get raped by women? Have them suck/take your dick? Every sexual act they can perform is submissive.


She’s not. People just like to point out that she looks hot and normal when Elliot obviously wasn’t.

Do tell

>I don't know shit about anything outside of Yea Forums but let me tell you how the real works according to my visual novels

Sorry guy.

holy fuck are you me?

>girl is special ed or something
>she looks ok or whatever
>mentions to me she never had sex before
>coworkers I'm cool with tell me she is having dreams about me
>too scared to do anything
>end up being a dick to her and ignoring her
>she stops liking me


>tfw she first got laid 10 years ago
It's not fair

Doesn't take much to get an erection if you have normally functioning junk. Some men even get a boner as a fear response.
Even then nothing stops a woman from shoving things in your butt.

lol pussy

>Sexually harassed by a small woman at work
Is there a worse fate? I doubt that she'd get anything more than a warning if you ever told anyone.

Confirmation to incels who believe women have it easier in society. You have it easier if youre just a born sociopath like a lot of normies are.

perhaps you were meant to die,then

JB Harold does.

>cover the topic
lmao what's to cover, plus sounds like the makings of a shit game

>You have it easier if youre just a born sociopath like a lot of normies are
I agree but this doesn't make you sound better than incels

show pics of dick

>teehee i just got raped look at my sex face uwu
Whoever did it didn't do a very good job.

>it’s the people living healthy, active lives with friends, lovers, hobbies, and ambitions that are sociopaths, not me!

or maybe she enjoyed it so much she wants to get raped again

He is kinda right, the average woman can't physically dominate a male under normal circumstances.
Either drugs, a weapon or some form of manipulation would be required. Either that or user is weaker than a girl.
Remember to lift everyday brother, you never know when a feral slut will try to pin you down and take your fear boner.

I mean, I can sympathize with him in a way, a lot of "normal" people are outright malicious in following their beliefs and leading a "normal" life, with blatant disregard for other people's feelings.

>I should resist against someone who is holding my dick in her hand, what could possibly go wrong?

I'd rather not have my penis on the internet, thanks.
Also this is a blue board.

Domination isn't exclusive to physical build moron.

Post it on Yea Forums and link it here.

Basically yeah

Not same user, but how the fuck is a women goig to dominate me if she physically cant

At first she just started out complimenting my looks, then a few days later she started touching and playing with my hair, and about a week after that she started grabbing my ass a lot. I told her I didn't like her doing that after a week of it and she just laughed at me. After another four days she started grabbing my groin and rubbing up on me. After that I just asked my manager for a shift change because of family issues and he allowed it.

What the hell did she carve her initials with? A knife or something? The fuck

If you’re a bitch I guess

Not hot. Fuck sakes bro. Im so sorry.

Don't post it dude. These people asking for it are dumb.

what is blackmail
what is false rape accusation
what is media frenzy
For fucks sakes people use your fucking brains

I'm sorry user.

when a woman gets "raped", 99% of the time there is no physical force involved

Pics or it didn't happen.

but are they aware of their malice or do they just not know any better, that's the difference between a socipoath and a complete idiot

Why did you end in that position in the first place though?
I mean you should've realized something was wrong once she started taking off your belt.
I know, that's what I meant by manipulation. Sorry, I wanted to be broad because there's a lot to cover in that department, from authority to blackmailing, etc.

A gun or knife. Women can also drug men.

Imagine listening to this slut get railed by Chad every night while you wait for your Black Ops 2 match to load.

>you never know when a feral slut will try to pin you down and take your fear boner
y-yeah that would be horrible haha.

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I've known a dude that was forced to have sex for a part in a local TV show, the alternative was her reporting him for "public indecency".
It's fucked, rape's not good for anything but RP porn.

She can accuse you of rape if you even let out a peep.

Those things aren't domination.
They are something else, But I wouldnt call it domination.
Also if a women put a false rape charge on me, and it fucked up my life. I'd probably actually kidnap her and rape the dog shit out of her, just so atleast we'd be even

You only think this because you don’t bother or outright reject their ‘normal’ conventions. If you stopped being so sensitive to others, you’d realize that most people are actually just like you - “normal” and afraid of being rejected. They’re just been conditioned to accept the rewards from vulnerability and friendliness are better than the pain of rejection.

If you stop trying to protect yourself from the world by making it out to be your enemy, you can at least be assured that you’re not deluding yourself if you’re still too scared to take action or admit you’re satisfied socializing with other weirdos.

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Then why bring it up at all, asshat
You wanted the attention
At least go the full mile with it

Women arent even willing to date me so i think im safe from this.

No, they're methods to get to domination. It's how you dominate someone's mind.

Literally, what's so bad about rape? Why should I deny sex?

I have no mouth and I must scream

It really needs to become a felony to falsify rape charges.

Next time you go out try to look out for the most fat, disgusting woman you can spot
Now image her pinning you down and taking your fear boner

>bitch tells me to have sex
>grab her and get sex

Alright bitch, what the fuck do you want then?

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I don't know... I think some are aware and don't really care because of today's "me first" mentality or brush it off as "learning experiences" and stuff, while others are simply unaware because they've grown up that way.

Regardless, human interactions nowadays are fucked. And I'm not saying it purely because I can't get pussy.

Sounds hot

Absolutely based

You're retarded. Women can absolutely dominate men in every way.