What even are the options left for Smash DLC?

What even are the options left for Smash DLC?

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buff low-tiers

kylo ren


Reimu Hakurei duh


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Stubbs the Zombie
Pajama Sam
Math Blaster Guy
The square from Adventure for the Atari 2600
Screencap this post, faggots.

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As many as there are video games in existence, and after Goku eventually gets in, anime, cartoons and manga.

There WILL come a day when I will watch my grandkids play Smash Bros. fighting as Bugs Bunny, Mario, Krillin, Shaq. And on that day, I will have lived a fulfilled life.


These posters are correct, but also I'd like to add another.

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>Erdrick deconfirmed
>Steve deconfirmed
>Ryu deconfirmed
>Banjo deconfirmed
>Sora deconfirmed
>Doom Slayer deconfirmed
Nobody we expect, ""insider" larpers stream their suicide

Eventually he's gonna have to upgrade more Assists to playable or so many people are gonna get pissed off that it becomes an actual noticable drop in sales.

You can deny the power YouTubers have over kids right now, but try again in 10 years.

obviously she's gonna be in as celebration to her english dub.
Sakurai is a supreme otaku, you see.

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Oh yeah, so tell me DQfag, how is your "Dragon Quest day" going? Many announcements? lol

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Not really, just a lot of love, people telling their memories and nice fanart. I allowed Smash threads to make me bitter, and I guess today was a reminder Dragon Quest isn't about such feelings.

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>y-you d-didnt get an announcement on this holiday even though literally no one in their right mind expected a reveal then with E3 so close
>Erdrick fans BTFO!!!!

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First of all, it started only 25 minutes ago so you're already blowing your load too fast, second of all, I knew you guys would try and bring that up when it was only falseflaggers and idiots saying anything would be announced today instead of e3. Of course you'd try and find some excuse to act smug undeservingly. Just wait till e3 when anyone actually expects announcements. As for me, I'm going to continue with my plans to hook up my NES and spend the day playing Dragon Warrior.

One of them is going to break the unspoken "they can't already be a spirit rule" and blow the whole thing wide open again

That said, there are fine picks outside of that happening anyway

3rd parties that don't really fit or don't have much connection to nintendo, so

doom guy
dark souls
steve from minecraft

>If you click the image Phonix just asks for whatever is to the left of your computer

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He's been deconfirmed already, at this point it's beating a dead horse. Cope


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Woah, Nick is making a good case here. They should put him in...

source: my ass

Third parties and literally-whos.

Woah, even Apollo agrees that Erdrick should be in. How can prosecutors even compete?


>no season 2

is it true bros? will the fun end?

Wright, stop being a fool for one moment. Rather than using easily exploitable type that can be covertly used by any anonymous user to back up their most coveted request, follow my example instead.

Put ME in.

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If they were to put a new swordsman, I would rather have Steel Samurai. Indeed, a quick assessment will show he that is iconic, has great moveset potential and will bring great music to this game, ergo, he is the perfect fit for Smash.


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>Put ME in
But we already got three of them!

It basically depends if Nintendo wants a season 2 or not.

The guys from Double Dragon are due to be the long shot retro picks.

Popular shit of the last 5 years that needs to keep its shilling through Smash

Curses! This whole "shitposting" thing is difficult to comprehend, even with my abilities in logic...

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>Putting Bimmy and Jimmy in before Kunio-Kun

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>fucking Jump force gets a second season
>but smash probably won't
Sakurai whining again about how he doesn't like the idea of a season pass, or about how long DLC characters take to develop has me doubting.

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3rd parties because they're wacky and unexpected
pretty cringe, but Nintendo are retarded

I mean, the same books claims he wouldn't do a season pass, but there is a fighter pass, I wouldn't bury season 2 just yet.