Only $499 for their best CPU

>Only $499 for their best CPU
>Destroys Intels i9-9900K $1100
Your games run best now user

Attached: 1558927672061.png (1219x378, 658K)

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Also destroys the I9-9900KS.
Not enough info about the GPUs though.

brb calling the fire department

I mean they have to optimize for AMD hardware first, and nvidia/intel can just pay devs to not do that, or the devs just won't of their own volition because every prebuilt brand uses intel/nvidia.


That's all this thread needs

>>Only $499 for their best CPU
>>Destroys Intels i9-9900K $1100
>Your games run best now user
where are the fps benchmarks comparing these two CPUs?

I can't wait until the benchmarks are out. I mean real practical benchmarks in real games. I love how intel is literally better and amd users are in denial. Literally the same price, in this case , so why try and justify it? The comments are just sad on that video.

Only poor and stupid people get scammed into buying AMD Trash.

Intel and Nvidia forever.

It already started

>105w for a high-end 12-core

Only if you're some retard who buys a 300w PSU.

AMD is fucking garbage. Everything they make is absolutely, objectively crappy as shit and only a fat neckbeard would buy this shit-tier crappy shit because he's afraid of running out of autismbux (because God forbid he spend less money on Taco Bell and Mountain Dew.) I tried building an AMD gaming rig once and it was the worst experience of my life. First off, that CPU clip is fucking impossible to use. It looks just like an old Pentium CPU clip, but it's autistically retarded and I couldn't deal with it. And the graphics card was so fucking huge, I had to cut a hole all the way around my case to fit it in. Fucking AMD.

But wait, that's not even the best part! When I tried to start up my shitty autismbox (which I sold to the Association of Retarded Citizens BTW) the absolutely massive power draw dimmed every light in my house and throughout the entire neighborhood like I was firing up fucking ENIAC in the 1920s or some bullshit. I had plenty of time to worry about my power bill too, because this shitty thing couldn't figure out which of its 32 CPU cores to use and it took half a day to boot. As soon as I tried to play a game (fucking Starcraft from 1998), it lagged so hard it went backwards. I thought I should try downloading a driver, but there aren't any. There are no fucking drivers. What the shit, AMD? No wonder Apple doesn't use your shit. It wasn't long after that that I realized this thing was putting out more heat than a goddamn jet engine and it burned my house down.

Two weeks later, when I sold that piece of shit, I built an Intel/Nvidia rig! Holy shit, it's like jacking into the Matrix! I built it 5 years ago and it still runs every game in 4K at 240 FPS while using no power and it actually cools my house during the summer. What a beautiful machine, I seriously hope none of you are poor and stupid enough to buy AMD.

>Intel shills scared to post in /g/ AGAIN so use retards on Yea Forums to make themselves feel better

by the time that vidya will be able to utilize it effectivley intel will probably have a 7nm chip

not even a cope im buying a 3900x for my workstation

Yea Forums is the smartest board on Yea Forums, we actually know real performance is what matters and AMD always loses in that. /g/ doesnt know anything about computers.

if they can't even get a good 10nm desktop cpu out what are the chances they'll ever get a 7nm?

press S to spit on intel's grave

Attached: 1527637453944.jpg (502x463, 24K)

gave me a good laugh

good read.

Cus /g/ stands for gays


Probably will slap that 3700X in my next build, assuming Intel doesn't fix their "Maybe you should disable HT" blunder soon.

If AMD continues to have poor optimization and lack of quality drivers for videogames, I'll just stick with Intel. Their CPU is great for everything else besides gaming imo

AMD's gpu drivers are superior to nvidia, their cards just aren't. And if you're talking about CPUs you're just a retard

its more a statement on how long it will take video game devs to adapt, im sure itll be at least a decade before intel has 7nm

Only fps is relevant. What good is a car without wheels?

Then why'd you say quality drivers?

I am only talking about CPUs because AMD GPUs cant even compete with nvidia.
Intel + Nvidia is the best gaming combo
Enlighten me otherwise

Enlighten me on CPU drivers genius

Way longer m8. 10nm chips are already pushing the absolute limits of what we can do, Intel even had to delay it several times because it's so hard to produce

CPU optimization, not drivers.

>half the price of Intel 9920x
>Same perf.
>more cache

RIP Intel

Not the other guy, was just jumping in. It just makes no sense to have "superior drivers" for hardware that can't make use of it.

Im waiting for the 4000 refresh anyway, being a early adopter has always fucked me up.

>800 CORES

>an 8 core intel beats it

imagine being AMD

they're going straight for zen3 tho

Show me the benchmarks cool guy.

It's $500 less. Benchmarks no longer matter

>lack of quality drivers for videogames
nvidia is fucking worse these days.

What's the per core performance?

Imaging buying Intel.
Imagine living in the past like that.

damn 149$ with cooler for the i59400

might be time to upgrade

How often do you pc fags update your specs? Imagine spending this much money every year

Intel's best gaming CPU is the i9 9900k, and it costs about $485.

So you are admitting you have no idea what you are talking about?

>Same perf.
>No benchmarks

Whats the average fps in Resident Evil 2 or Devil May Cry 5? Those are real benchmarks that matter for gamers. If you can get the same performance with a $300 cpu in games, regardless of cores, it'll be another failure.

reminder that /g/ literally told retards to buy dual core CPU's in their guides a few years ago lmao

Now would be a good time, who knows what pricing will change after this shitstorm. I got a 1660 ti paired with the 9400f. CPU is more than enough since most the processing is passed on to the GPU at 1440p. Also, side question. Do all 4k tvs have a 1440p mode? I read somewhere most don't, but my 55" sharp has no issues at 1440p60 for gaming. Only reason I've been holding on to it.

Imagine having a full time job and knowing how to manage money.

Because a few years ago it was either a pentium or a FX 8350.

Every 3-4 years?.

>Comparing CPUs that released about a year apart for this argument
What the fug

Intel's $260 chip gets more frames per second than AMD's $280 chip in terms of gaming. Yikes!

Wrong generation buddy.

Is now a good time to put together a new computer or is there a new generation of cpu/gpu that i should be waiting for

they were both released in the same year lmao

Wait for Nvidia in 1 hour.
Then wait for E3.
After that go wild choosing shit.

Wait for Ryzen 4.

And? Same cost with a 5-10 fps difference. By that logic, you shouldn't compare the new ryzen to any processor available now, they're too old.

Wait for Ryzen 6 bro
That generation will finally kill Intel

Kinda want to switch from my i7 8700k to a 3800x. Are there MicroATX 570 mobos yet?