It's Gyiyg, not Giygas. Stop ruining the canon with your shitty fanfiction

It's Gyiyg, not Giygas. Stop ruining the canon with your shitty fanfiction.

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Other urls found in this thread:

muh moon rune translations

sauce or gtfo

>"shitty fanfiction"
>literally spelled "Giygas" multiple times all throughout the game

What did the great faggot OP mean by this?

Giyig, Giegue, Giygas...who cares? You won't stop me from fapping to her.

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How the fuck do you pronounce any of his names?

your fucking thread sucks shit, so i'm here to improve it

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For you, what's in a name is enough to ruin fiction?


Dumb thread but this reminds me of a pretty cool fact about his English name. When Marcus Lindblom, guy who translated Earthbound into English, translated the name Giygas he actually intended for it to be pronounced "GEE GUS" and not "GUY GUS" like everyone did. He's a pretty cool guy.

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His Japanese name, Gyiyg, is pronounced "GEEG".

Just be happy it didn't end up "GEEK" like NoA seemed to have originally wanted.

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Guy Gus


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Really not sure what NoA was thinking with this one. I appreciate that they were trying to play up the silly nature of the game but there's a limit on this kind of thing.

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ackshully you'll find his name is gyiyg's monster. its a common misconsception

what exactly was the devil machine?

More of this would improve the thread.

Gay baby jail.

That's not a word. The's a noise people make when they stub their toe

A machine that contained his powers, weakened him. Also let him think and have actual reasoning.

Where’s her spit?

>people think its a screaming distorted face
>but turn it upside down and its actually his head from the original MOTHER upside down and distorted

Gyiyg is a japanese mispronuniciation of gigas, from greek mythology. Op is a fag.

I make more of a "Nuuohou" sound

Did the fight with Ninten damage him that badly

contained giygas but also served as the apple of enlightment

that fight never happened yet when you fought giygas in earthbound.
giygas attacked attacked way earlier then planned because of the events of mother 1


idk what gay anime noise you make just when i stub i let out a solid "cunt"

Bro no Wojack bro bro no wojack really bro

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Morphine Giegue is a forgotten gem.

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what is this

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Nothing like a devil machine ever gets mentioned in the Japanese version im sure. Or maybe I misremeber. Where does it come up?

it literally only gets mentioned in the final battle

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