Why do you faggots want him out of smash so much
Why do you faggots want him out of smash so much
Other urls found in this thread:
>another furry
No thanks
To be be perfectly honest, I'm doing it out of spite
I really hate your guts you know
contrarians. nothing more.
I don't care about him being in Smash, and I say this as a Smash fan and a guy that loved Kazooie and Tooie back in the day.
I just fucking hate the roster faggotry.
I'm setting my expectations. If I convince myself I'd rather have Steve, I won't be so upset when banjo gets in
Because rosterfag should all die
I want anything but Steve just to bully stevefags, even Ashleyfags or Genofags were not that annoying as stevefags.
I want him because any and all value to his legacy as a character is as a nintendo-owned 1st party IP. the character not only represents the nintendo's N64 era, but gives rare more representation as well, which is important because rare is possibly the only reason that the N64 didn't lead to nintendo's failure as a company.
Well user, just because you asked "nicely", I'll give you a good list as to why I think they should and could be in Smash
>Have a great history with Nintendo
>Could make for a fun moveset.
>Has had great fan demand since the melee days
>No matter what ballot, official or fan made, Banjo Kazooie are always in the top spots or atleast always pulls in good decent chunk of voters.
>Smash Bros is recognized as a celebration of gaming, especially Nintendo. And excluding Banjo Kazooie would just be preposterous in the long run
He is the best candidate
This desu
Because I want cool characters, not some dumb shirtless UG-HU saying retard and his bird onahole.
Unironically this
We already fucking got incineroar, K.Rool, and even ridley, there's no need for more, jfc
We got a million realistic-anime characters last game. What's wrong with some balance?
You already have plenty of furry characters in the game already though. We already got 4 fucking characters just in one game alone. It's enough.
Out of the 75 character roster, there's only about 20 that you could consider even remotely "furry".
>great story with Nintendo
>just 2 games copying N64's flagship game
>awful games at that
>no one with self respect likes Banjo
Battletoads are an actual good Rare rep, not some shitty furcrap.
Imagine playing the most revolutionary 3D game during the time of the N64 launch with Super Mario 64
Now imagine a game that was better, had personalities and great characters
Now imagine a sequel that was a straight up upgrade that was much more ambitious
Banjo owned that era
Furfags are so delusional
That's a good number and like I said, you guys already got a bunch from a single entry. Out of the new characters that arent echo fighters and DLC (7), 4 of them are furries and even 5 since piranha plant is very friendly for vorefags.
Banjo-tooie was nowhere near as good as the original
Imagine thinking there needs to be a limit on certain types of characters based on whether or not weirdos on the internet find them sexy.
get a grip.
riveting, dude. you totally convinced me.
Your talking about an age where a gorillion 3D Platformers existed
Mario and Banjo were the only actual good ones
OP asked why fags want him out of smash. I just give my personal reason of wanting him out because I genuinely dislike furfags and we already got more than enough this time. I don't even dislike the character but his fanbase is enough for me to not want him in.
Tooie was bigger, better, more polished and much more ambitious compared to Kazooie
Oh boohoo, you have interconnected worlds, fuck off, that shit was awesome back in the day and still is now
>blaming the fanbase for a character
Shit move desu, I bet you hate Undertale for the same reason too
It’s less about Banjo himself and more that Rare did a lot for Nintendo during the SNES and 64 days that they deserve recognition by putting their most popular series they created on their own for Nintendo at the time
I have a way with dealing with contrarian faggots where i come from...
i shoot them
>trying to ride on the Mario wagon
>Doing it for Nintendo
They did it for themselves, they saw it as a chance to make money off stupid kids with furfag tendencies and took it
No, I hate undertale because I genuinely disliked it. Had the luck of playing the game right in its launch, BEFORE it blast out in the furry fanbase.
I just really dislike how furries are too close minded, even people who are into lolis/shotas and waifus/husbandos have a varied range of interests but for furries it's only a real talk if you put a talking cartoon animal, it's ridiculously upsetting. So you know that at the very least I don't really actually hate the character.
Fair enough. But letting a fanbase mold your opinion of a game or it's characters is pretty weak-minded, imo.
I like the Spyro games, but I don't let the scaly, bara-fags effect my enjoyment of the series. And if he hypothetically ever had a chance of getting into Smash.
I can't want him out of Smash if he was never in to begin with.
And personally I have nothing against Banjo, It's just that he has no chance in hell of being added!
Reminder that the majority of Banjofags are zoomers that bandwagoned starting around the Smash Ballot. Most Banjo boomers have given up by now and realize it's never happening.
The same reason I fucking hated genofags, I cannot respect someone who deludes themselves so much. At least genofags gave up.
Yep, 90% of rosterfags have shut the fuck up already. Banjoids are the only ones still clinging on to some desperate shred of hope. Come around E3, they're about to receive a BTFO of a lifetime.
But go ahead and keep up the delusions Banjies, it makes for good entertainment. Plus, I'm always collecting new *snaps* for my cringe compilation.
>Someone still follows a midget kid tranny furry footfag.
Ah yes, where did you hear that one from, the PapaBanjos discord?
Define "delusion", why wanting Banjo is considered delusional?
Just read this
How that answers my question
I don't follow banjo.
I want [pic related] because he is the most chad and patrician rare/microsoft rep.
Banjo hasn't been relevant in years. I want him out, because he doesn't represent Nintendo anymore. He's Microsoft's property.
Jesus, get that ugly fucker out.
>no games since 2008
>no good games since 2003
>microsoft property
>as much as you want to think he is, he isn't popular
Are Banjofags the most cucked rosterfags?
>Had no hope during Brawl due to Microsoft buy out
>Got hope during the Ballot thanks to Phil Spencer tweets
>Got hope during Ultimate because the tweets still stood
>They reason Banjo is a shoo-in because of his history with Nintendo
>Reached animosity toward Steve being a potential character who could get in instead
>Grinch hoax happens and they celebrate too early
>Assume Incineroar was leak bait (why the fuck do people still insist this is a thing) for Banjo
>They look like complete fools (again)
>Fighters Pass season happens and Steve animosity reaches a new high
>They assume almost everyone who is a Stevefag is a discord using shitposter
>Get in fights with literal children just because they want Steve
>Insist Banjo is Brave for the flimsiest of reasons ("THEY BOTH START WITH B")
>Still try to argue that leak bait is a thing for Erdrick
>Continuously downplay Dragon Quest and Minecraft's success to the point of delusion
>They reason Banjo is a shoo-in because of his history with Nintendo (again)
>All this while the series is dead and the last game was Nuts & Bolts
Stay mad stevekek because this amphibian is superior smash ultimate DLC material.
And I genuinely hate waifufags that want their favorite girls in the game. And yet here we are
Why would I want him out if he isn't in yet?
>no games since 2008
>no good games
could have just stopped there and you'd still be right.
I don't want him out of Smash, I want most of his fans off of this board because they're obnoxious and smug for no deserved reason.
Can people actually give a reason why Banjo shouldnt be in besides
>I dont like his games
Yes, no one likes his games. And for Smash that is very important
I like his games
We all know who the real DLC character will be, now fuck off zoomers
Pretending you didn't see half the posts in this thread doesn't make them go away
Shut the fuck up about Banjo already. We need a containment board.
i used to want him until banjokes started bashing erdrickfags, fuck banjo
I don't get why people see Banjo as "furry". I always thought he was a Looney Tunes tier character.
And you have shit taste user.
no u
I hate them too but they arent as worse. At least they can talk about or have other interests that arent just waifus
Furries also love looney tunes
>Thinking Looney Tunes isn't furry.
i'd rather not see literal whos like banjo get memed into smash by zoomer smashfags. today it's garbage like banjo, tomorrow it's bowsette, ugandan knuckles and wojak getting memed in "for the epic lulz."
It's the same braindead retards that spam Steve all day.
You could say the same thing about castlevania metal gear and final fantasy they’re all pretty much Sony property
Factually incorrect
But those have been relevant, even outside videogames.
Just one glance at the character should tell you he would be fun to play in Smash. Even if Duck Hunt stepped on his turf a bit.
Castlevania has always been a historically Nintendo associated series, There's tons of FF games on the Switch right now and Metal Gear 1 and 2 were on NES, Twin Snakes was on GC, and 3 was on 3DS.
Lets look at the most recent games for all three series.
>final fantasy 15
PS4, XB1, PC
>lords of shadow 2
PS3, 360, PC
>metal gear solid 5
PS3, 360, PS4, XB1, PC
try again retard.
Agreed, we need sword guy #18 to balance out the roster. Maybe from the Fire Emblem series of games, for even representation.
>everyone who doesn't want our dead video game character is a contrarian.
If anything, Banjo fans are the contrarians for stubbornly supporting a character that the majority of gamers don't give a shit about.
Let's be real here
The only real character that has a chance of getting in is pic related
>everyone who doesn't want our dead video game character is a contrarian.
Fuck off you underage faggot nobody thinks your little discord shitposting is funny
That's why we should get neither.
>Spike someone offstage
>"Blow it out your ass."
god i wish
Stage 2: Anger
>discord shitposting
>damage control
>Fuck off you underage faggot nobody thinks your little discord shitposting is funny
Look in all honesty, I don't dislike BK but also don't care enough of them for them to happen in Smash. If they happen, cool, if they don't happen, whatever. My issue is that rosterfaggots try to oversell the character like this (seriously BK has good things like more defined graphics but Gameplay Mario takes the cake due to superior movement and controls) or are incredibly aggressive even with characters that don't directly affect them like Erdrick like this user mentioned (the Erdrick wojak head on spike is one example). And really my only argument against BK would be that I wouldn't like them due to hoping that the community would realize that they are behaving like retards and start improving, but that's a lost cause.
>discord screencaps
You speak the truth.
Good lord the kiddies over at SDF is out in full force tonight
BK was really not that great dude, it was charming but Banjo controls like ass compared to Mario.
>Calls Banjo furry
>Not Battletoads
>Literally Anthro frogs
>final fantasy 15 means relevance for cloud
I know he's still relevant, but that's a fucking retarded way to provide evidence.
Not trying to prove relevance, just dispelling the myth that these are "sony properties".
whats wrong with a character being revived since banjo has history with Nintendo they could port old games or unlikely work on banjo threeie
how do you define relevancy outside of games if you mean nostalgia and popularity then that's pretty much any character
They may have history but newer games,from metal gear and final series don't often make it onto Nintendo consoles. Simon Snake and Cloud got due to popularity and fan demand
and when was the most recent game on Nintendo ?
Might want to take your cheeto-dust fingers off the keyboard, kid. I can smell you from here.
>whats wrong with a character being revived since banjo has history with Nintendo they could port old games or unlikely work on banjo threeie
because it doesn't align with the made-up rules they've conjured up for smash rosters. literally patternfagging.
Snake was chosen when twin snakes was new, he was almost in melee but development was too far in.
Almost every new igavania after SOTN was GBA/DS exclusive, so castlevania has some solid nintendo history.
Cloud is just as pants-on-head retarded an inclusion as joker though.
we really don't need anymore thin skinned trannies running around here. If you want to obsess over some silly discord server, be my guest. Just keep that shit off of Yea Forums
Yep. Banjo hate started when Steve was rumored as a character. And I bet most people who hate on Banjo actually want him in, but are doing it for the "fun"
>whats wrong with a character being revived
Not even the creators want to revive the series. Quit using Smash to try and desperately fulfill your pipedreams. Banjo is fucking dead and you need to accept it.
I would love for BK to be revived but shoving the character in Smash isn’t how you do that.
Sure thing faggot
I meant that the characters aren't really close to Nintendo anymore more so to Sony and Microsoft not that Sony literally owns them
Naturally the Steveslaves show that they have no arguement and simply devolve into petty insults. Deny it all you want, it never erases the fact that you trolls are beneath us.
literally obsessed. I really wish I could be your boogeyman user, I really do, but I'd prefer to keep my genitals in tact.
Reminder to report underage discorders
Give me the stevefag discord now!
They don't have to be 'revived' I'd just like to see them in smash like many others. I doubt Simon is getting a new game anytime soon.
>posts nothing but discord screencaps
>report the underage discorders
Sure thing buddy!
The only delusion is that you (like so many others) are somehow more obsessed with Banjo and Kazooie than the actual fans themselves.
Contrarian /v at it again
If /v hates it it’s probably good!
Sorry, I haven't autistically been campaigning for a character for 20+ years. I'm afraid the Banjies have outdone themselves.
Don't you have school tomorrow?
Microsoft is bringing back Battle Toads without Rare so if Nintendo and Microsoft wanted to they would and most likely give it to studio that wouldn't do a Yooka Laylee
So you’re proving me right or wrong here? Make up your mind!
to this day I still can't believe people could stomach Rare designs, they only stepped up towards the end of 64's lifespan
Funny enough, I finally played BK (the HD 360 version) for the first time recently because everyone wouldn't shut up about it. It was really good, and I totally wouldn't mind seeing them in Smash. So I guess, thanks, stevefags!
Like clockwork, they’re just sad their own character isn’t in
I hate the banjo and kazooie faces by the health bar in the 360 version not sure why but can't stand them
Why'd they change it?
I know they changed the thing with Notes, where now they stay collected even after you die or leave the level. Which is nice even though the only time it came in handy for me was when I slipped and fell in the Rusty Bucket engine room
Because they’re happy. /v is full of anger and resentment so yeah.
Or you just sucked
They should do one for the the average chan citizen, can wait to see where v/ trolls end up. Kys already faggot, you’re wasting oxygen
>weeb purists
>Discord shitposters
>general rosterfag playground-arguing
Take your pick.
I love his games and I think he would be a fun character.
Thats about it.
Oh... ok it IS worse
>porn here
holy fuck i need to see this
I think they had the fantasy character design nailed down pretty well, that in combination with all the light effects worked really well!
I just wanna see stevefags cry
what were they thinking?
What if the two E3 character announcements are Steve AND banjo?
please die on a fire
As nice as that would be, why do people think we're going to get 2 characters at E3?
yours ?
Here, go raid them or something
As long as we agree that Mario had better gameplay than Banjo, i'll be in peace.
Meh you can say whatever you want about undertale, it was ok but not as good as most people tends to praise it
Cute, now get ready for school so you can tell your bullies at school how awesome you are
they look like those creepy CGI
Everyone in this thread needs to go have sex right now.
This is your new home
No way, never ever.
Compared to BK, SM64 was a snorefest
>51 kids dedicated to posting about Steve
It better be all teenagers because you are the lowest common denominator if you're not yet participate in that discord.
This is you
Banjo wouldn't be a BAD addition per say. Certainly better than weebshit like Joker. But there are so many other characters that are far more interesting and important than the mascot of a long dead Super Mario 64 knockoff. Like Steve, for instance, the main character of the best selling video game of all time. Personal preferences aside, if you actually think Banjo would be a more worthy addition than Steve, you are simply a delusional boomer.
Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced in 2015.
Because like Geno you faggots treat pushing a dead character into Smash like it's a religious cult.
>Steve would promote minecraft and get kids to buy a switch
But in order to see Steve in smash you would already need to own a switch?
See you at E3, bros.
No, not really. You’reba salesfag that isn’t able to seperate icons from a franchise. Steve is a hollow shell (even the IP holders say so) Banjo is an iconic character which /v (you) is still obsessed about after 21 fucking years, how does he not deserve it?
Cloud was clearly picked to coincide with the announcement of the fact that Final Fantasy VII Remake was in development since that was revealed at E 2015.
How people can't see this is just being naive or ignorant.
Probably both.
Damn I knew Banjokes were dumb but I didn't know they were THIS dumb.
Were the banjo-fags eve a thing during brawl days?
Hell I dont recall hearing people wanting banjo in smash until he late ssb4 early ssbu days
Have you ever read the interviews? Dumb faggot.
E3 2015 but ya.
They were always there, check the polls
Imagine being you
Well the biggest reason he can't be in is that nintendo picked the characters and Nintendo were the ones who dropped rare in the first place. Meaning they saw no future for the company (they were correct)
Nomura nudged him to take Cloud instead of Terra or Bartz. Sakurai wasn't going to disagree because he isn't a brainlet and understands not to look the gift horse in the mouth.
Especially when that gift horse suggested Cloud for more reasons than just "It's Cloud."
The FFVII Remake definitely had a factor in it, whether they'll publicly admit that or not. It's plain as day.
He had 2 games on a long dead console that have not aged well. He is also very boring and generic, and does not lend himself very well to having an interesting moveset. I'm not talking about pure numbers here, I'm talking about cultural relavence. "Hollow shell" or no, orders of magnitude more people would recognize Steve than Banjo. Literally the only people who give a damn about Banjo are people who grew up with the N64 and have nostalgia for it. His games didn't stand the test of time and are no longer culturally relevant.
Nigga motherfucking Duck Hunt got in.
"Had recent games" is not a criteria for Smash eligibility. Iconicity is, and despite how much some of you idiots allowed the memes to cloud your brain, Banjo was THE biggest icon original of the N64 (and by that I mean character created in that era)
Banjofags really only started going crazy since the Smash ballot days. Pic related.
two games and 64 two on game boy one on xbox and playable in sega racing
so banjofags have zoomers and boomers that's quite a lot of people willing to buy them as dlc
>comparing a legacy first party character to a 3rd party character that not even its developers give a shit about.
Like. fucking. clockwork.
let me guess, you're going to compare Banjo to Castlevania and Megaman next? Save yourself the embarrassment.
I find him boring, another duo type character is just eh.
>>Insist Banjo is Brave for the flimsiest of reasons ("THEY BOTH START WITH B")
Yeah, shit like that is pretty stupid. Anyone who thinks Edrick is not coming os absolutely out of their minds.
But Banjo is almost certainly number 3 (or 4, depending on Porky)
Basically same thing for geno except he's owned by square and also the fact that cloud got in before hkm, a FUCKING LEAF got in before him, and more than likely yet another square rep that literally only japan gives a shit about.
I've just given up, idk how anyone could be a geno fan at this point given that sakurai has thrown everything in that could've easily been geno, seems like geno truly is lost to the sands of time since sakurai has absolutely no intention of ever putting him in.
he has about as many people in the PapaGenos discord, so a few thousand give or take.
Compare that to the 80M active Minecraft players and I think you can do the math.
Which almost no one cares about, not even Banjoke's already tiny and irrelevant fanbase.
>Yeah, shit like that is pretty stupid.
Finally, a Banjo fan that makes sen--
>But Banjo is almost certainly number 3 (or 4, depending on Porky)
Aaaaaaaaaand scratch that
You’re funny
But still wrong
are those 80m old enough to buy dlc would steve in smash convince them to buy a switch and smash ?
>these threads
Both aren't getting in and I will laugh at you dipshits being eternally BTFO'd
Lets compare an entire fanbase with a discord
Good reasoning skills, why the fuck am I still here? When was v/ EVER right?
If sales and relevancy were such huge factors, why were Mega Man and Ryu put into the game as fighters before Monster Hunter, whereas that only got in as a boss/assist?
Contrarians, have a load of this
Most people that grew up with Minecraft are in their late teens/early 20s now. For the younger kids still into minecraft I think mommy and daddy would be willing to buy them a Switch!
Ridley posters were right.
Incineroar posters were right.
And now Steveposters will be right.
Good luck with that!
Now this is someone with fine taste
because hes a hillbilly bear. nty.
Which one of those 3 doesn’t fit and makes no fucking sense at all? Hmmm...
Oh right the blockhead! He has no history with Nintendo nor is he in any way an iconic character, even the franchiseholders call him a husk!
Oh hey, it's Ms. Brave = Banjo. How are you doing honey?
>Banjo has more circumstancial evidence then Steve does
It's the grinch all over again.
-sakurai literally told people they were working on 2 and 3 at the same time as joker
-we're almost through half of the year with only one fighter, they have to hurry the fuck up if they want to meet the deadline
nuPC game should be an EGS exclusive
>no history with Nintendo
Yikes! Isn't that what they said about Cloud and Joker too?
lets be honest, the monsters are the ones who gets the spotlight on the MH series, that and well, its fucking mega man and ryu, 2 iconic characters
Reminder that nintendo are the ones who picked the characters not sakurai. And Nintendo is the company that saw rare had no future and dropped them in 2001. It's the main reason they had to sell out to microsoft in the first place
Steveposter are so fucking obsessed, can there be no smash thread without them? I literary can’t wait for all these zoomers to be eternally BTFO’d I hope they stay around after e3 to seethe some more
>lets be honest, the monsters are the ones who gets the spotlight
reminds me of Minecraft
Question for Banjokes, has Sakurai ever mentioned liking the Banjo-Kazooie series, playing them or even own the games in his collection?
Let's be real here. If Banjo ever got in, it would be nothing but passive-aggressive "we did it Reddit!", mock "celebration" threads.
Either that, or they'll just pretend they wanted Banjo all along and knew he was a "shoo in". Just like what happened after K. Rool's announcement.
Not that Im aware of. Only acknowledging them during the Melee days.
This is the part where you go completely silent after I ask you if he ever made any previous mentions of Castlevania, Bayonetta, or FF7 before their inclusions in Smash.
Imagine you're a retarded plebbitor who found Yea Forums
Now imagine you're so retarded that you can't figure out that Yea Forums format is single spaced unlike plebbit
Now imagine it's not that you can't figure it out, it's that you spend so fucking much time on plebbit that you've developed muscle memory to double tapping enter to move text down one line
The absolute state of plebbitor autism
The Stamper brothers had left and at that point Rare wasn’t worth shit anymore, you know how many people from the original team stayed around? Exactly. Smart move to “sell” them (not buy more of their stock) what has that to do with now though? Phil Spencer likes Banjo and Kazooie and would want them in and yes, they really DO have to go to him to negotiate that.
The whole relevancy argument isn't an argument at all. Sales, playerbase, whatever it just doesnt matter.
Minecraft had its crossover with nintendo in its own contained game, thats what mattered to Nintendo, thats when kids bought in on the Switch.
As a character they won’t add Steve, his popularity in Smash is but a fleeting thing, started by kids and falseflaggers who also wanted Goku, a flavor of the month.
Dumb kids step in on this game for the first time and actually believe Steve bas a shot, well let’s see shall we?
Banjo? Who the hell is that?
Tell me why this place would be better than Reddit? Your anonymous shithole has no standard faggot, the entire population is but an amalgamation of scum from Reddit, Gamefaqs and ResetEra, there is no chan identity just faggots who ran away crying and ended up here
I know, you forgot to get your rabies shots. Why are you reminding us though?
I believe in the bear and the bird!
I wouldn't be mad if this was in. Represents racing very well.
Surprising, falseflagging fuckheads don’t man up and admit their wrongs. Typical American
He was literally never owned by Nintendo. At most they owned 49% of him because that was the most Nintendo ever had of Rare. Smash hasn't even been a Nintendo history museum in forever either. It's a big commercial. And even then they don't have autistic checklists for "representation" like you do.
>implying Sakurai wouldn't force realistic bear noises on him because apparently cartoon animals aren't allowed to make funny noises
What you said first was correct, after that it went downhill very quick, figures.
The fuck does that lazy faggot have anything to do with what I said. There isn't a fucking quota when selecting characters. This isn't college admission.
Sakurai mentions Castlevania here
> For me personally, it was the year 1986, when games like The Legend of Zelda and Castlevania were released, and I experienced physically interactive games. They had a big impact on me.
Sakurai mentions Final Fantasy here, says 3 is his favorite game
>Q39: Which entries in the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series do you like Sakurai: Final Fantasy 3, and Dragon Quest 3. I remember those days.
And here is an article where Sakurai talks about the impact of Bayonetta 1 written in 2009
They should just put Diddy Kong Racing music and call it a day.
I eat Steve for breakfast, he’s my cereal mascot
fellow banjobro here, you fucked up
Steve super smash bros vs. Banjo super smash bros
i cant read your language dude, barely any of us can read that
Dis you say BEARly?
I dont particularly give a shit, I played Banjo as a kid, but there's generally only two ways you get into Smash.
>win a fan poll
Unlikely to happen, Banjo didn't appear to beat out K. Rool, Ridley or the Belmonts. He probably didn't even beat out Waluigi or Bomberman. If he did there obviously would have been talks to get him into the game already. I also don't predict a sudden groundswell of support for any reason.
>advertise a new product
At this point Banjo's irrelevance is such a platitude talking about it at length would be a waste of time. His last game was seen as a failure, ensuring Microsoft never uses him again. And if they did he'd be turned into an anemic piece of crap like with Conker.
His only other hope is Sakurai autism, and the man doesn't appear to have any specific fondness for the series. He didn't even know who K. Rool was; it's very likely he has never played a single Rare game in his life. So between all this I don't predict Banjo is very likely to ever make it in.
>biggest icon original of the N64
>only if you don't count Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, James Bond, Fox, and Diddy Kong
>have to make a very specific condition for your point to hold any ground
>no rebuttal
And you wonder why no one likes you faggots