What's your favorite Pokemon game?
What's your favorite Pokemon game?
She’s 10
Imagine the smell
Polemon Snap.
Fight me
of the beach?
Gen V protags are older
I want to put an apple in her mouth and suck cider out of her asshole
Yeah the ocean can be pretty rank at low tide.
Even better.
Why do 10 yr olds look like that?
No they aren’t
>OP finally gets a vaguely sexual message from a probably ugly girl
fucking nintendo fans lmao
uh yea haha thats totally what I mean haha
She looks like she fucks black guys
Damn, 10 year olds look like THAT?
why would you sick fucks sexualize a 9 year old character like that. for christ sake's, she's only supposed to be 8
That’s the anime, dumbass.
The snapchat look is part of the drawing you absolute moron
Pokemon is trash
>people still unironically think Pokemon protags are 10 because of the anime
...out of 10
Out of 10.
>The snapchat look is part of the drawing you absolute moron
I'm sure if like Cynthia as a dom or a mindbroken sub
Gen 2 is the best
Fuck anyone who says gen 4
Gen is cool but I can never go back to the pre phys spec split
4 u
You dirty bastard. You probably meant her pits
The one that has all the milk. Moo moo milk that is
All I can think of is that game from Action52 and the AVGN episode.
Also artist has a fitting name
And? Love is love. Age is just a number. We can't help who we love. We are born this way.
reminder all pokegirls are underage and if you want to fuck them you are a pedophile
they're fictional
jesus those thighs, let me drown in them please
no, he's right. GF themselves established that the BW characters are older than the usual ones
Nice projection
Even if the pokegirls were born on their release day they be over the legal age by now
But what if they consent to it?
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
fictional children dont age, pedo.
pretty sure she's just drinking a water bottle
You can't consent to sex
Most of Yea Forums is underage anyway
Fat musty Hilda gf sitting on my face
Even the milfs?
As a side I had a really funny match where I was using Houndoom against a Darkrai. Got put to sleep because it's Darkrai but I was running Early Bird. Crit Fire Blast to the face when he went for Dream Eater and dead. It was beautiful
No they aren’t
remind me again how nu-Yea Forums is any different from resetera.
Don't open this.
canonically the BW characters are at least 20 years old
Is Ice Type allowed to be good yet?
Even better! Who needs crumby Pokemon creatures?
consent is a social construct
Of course, what else would she be doing
no they aren't. The BW characters are 15-16, the rest are 11-12.
>Type advantage gloating
>Flareon of All eveeutions being smug.
Oh Im laffin.
flareon has been at least in OU in every generation
You can't tell me what to do.
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is my favorite. Main series though would be Black/White 2.
How is it? I've been replaying Explorers of Sky and been wanting to play Super Mystery Dungeon whenever I finish it.
Why can't it have a good moveset?
Because it's a physical fire type and fire is a special typing. It's only marginally less embarrassing than a physical electric type. Also lol65speed
that's why I like the moms more
14 in BW, 16 in BW2.
Are you objectifying fictional girls?
Uhmmm wow, gonna tweet about this.
No never
Would Yea Forums make Jessie a wife
It suffers in the early game due to plot reasons but once you become an explorer it becomes fantastic. It's hard as nails and the ending is 10/10. I emulated it a few months back after beating Explorers of Sky and it has easily become one of my top 10.
Mareep! :D