Why exactly does Yea Forums hate NieR: Automata now? I thought we liked it
Why exactly does Yea Forums hate NieR: Automata now? I thought we liked it
Doesn't have enough best girl A2 in it.
A2 a shit
What's there to keep talking about? It's a single player game. You play it, you finish it, you move on.
2B needs to be _____ED
ADHD at its finest
God I love this game and not because of the butt.
What are you talking about?
I love this game
because 99% of the discussion and praise is MUH ASS
Jealousy from contrarians who are assmad that normalfags & journalists are starting to give it Witcher 3 levels of praise. The tipping point was when Yea Forums named it the 3rd best game of all time recently, now it's become a popular opinion to try & claim that NieR is a bad game without actually explaining why
Repaired? Upgraded? Cleaned?
Probably because we have threads made every day by faggots like you who can't be bothered to open a discussion.
It sold a lot and is beloved by everyone so we must pretend to hate it even though it was one of the defining games this generation.
The only reason it isn't game of the generation for me is because Breath of the Wild exists but it's tied with Bloodborne as a close second.
Now post more NieR art.
Simple standard of, if its popular >insert board here< hates it.
That being said, I wish they gave you a cosmetic to give A2 her own blindfold.
The people that liked it moved on, meanwhile a handful of autists keep creating threads to seethe about it.
Please look at my husband 9S
Below the surface level (robot ass) it was always just a mediocre game with repetitive combat and laughably pretentious writing.
Gameplay is shallow, dodge spamming has absolutely no repercussions, story tries really hard to be deep, basic philosophical themes, bosses named after philosophers to shove the theme in your face even more, no combos, boring bullet hell segments, waifu incel pandering
>normalfags & journalists are starting to give it Witcher 3 levels of praise.
This should be another red flag. The same journalists that complain about games like The Wonderful 101, Nioh and Sekiro being too hard love Automata.
It got popular
2B did nothing wrong.
REUNITED with 9S instead of dying after giving up hope of saving him.
It sold and reviewed well.
Who the fuck is Ed?
its cool to hate things that are widely liked
did you not get the meme
You're just thinking about how much you want to love 2B, aren't you?
Is bad as a hack and slash, has no enemy variety and boring sidequest
how about you make your own fucking opinions about games you insufferable faggot.
Yea Forums here. I adore Nier Automata!
Don't let the same-fagging, salty "combat sucks! Game is boring! U only like the ass!!" fag claim otherwise!
Imagine being this delusional.
GenZ truly was the mistake.
Because you’re forced to play as that faggot manlet for half the game. I just wanted to play as 2B. By the time you get to best girl A2, the game is nearly over.
When the bitching posts' overall fingerprint is always the same, it certainly raises suspicion.
Its a good game, its singleplayer. People played it. People discussed lore, people got over it. Its hard to get big lore discussion threads again.