User, as a member of the opposite sex, I sense no charm from you

user, as a member of the opposite sex, I sense no charm from you.

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I'm saving it all for a woman that deserves it

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I don't fuck little kids, so that's actually a plus for me.

good. i'm not into smelly neet children. i'm only into traps

Futaba is made for mating press

woah weird me too

Futaba be gentle plz no bully

Kill yourself fucking hag, bring me my cunny NOW.

i want to play with futaba's belly button

ok retarded smelly neet bitch die

>now lets ask riuji

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Your dead mom is pretty fucking hot and you're way better without those fucking nerd glasses, too bad you dress and act like an autism

I don't want your uncle's sloppy seconds.

I'd like the opinion from a woman who showers regularly

That's ok, I love Haru anyway

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Why doesn't she push her glasses up

Because that's not cute

I miss Nanako

But user, you can't have sex with Nanako-chan, that's a big point for Futaba

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if futaba said that to me i would break down in tears

Not with that attitude

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Thats fine, you don't need charm for the best girl.

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she looks like she fucks kitsune guys

I just took a bath, how about now?

You're not japanese

Please anons make more MILF Nanako R34 so I can fapping thinking in Nanako legally.

Built for very rough anal sex.

Haru is not real, user

Ha ha, yeah, that's funny user. This a great thread that didn't make me weirdly sad out of nowhere, ha ha.

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Wizard here, can confirm.

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