Name his band

Name his band

Attached: Kojima band.jpg (1440x1080, 482K)

Cringe, cringe and cringe.

KOJIMA is a good enough name for a band. Stylize it a bit and put on an album cover

AMIJOK (am I joke?)

Lmao, kojima is the only one without a cigarette

closet homosexuals

Why would anyone smoke

Ceci n'est pas une cigarette

Fag 3

young boomers

LMAO look at all the fat nerds getting mad at the Alpha males.

She Likes Cloth

The Boomers

asians are pretty much immune to smoking too

What music style?

The Hack & The Z Listers


Why would anyone pretend to smoke?

Is That A Movie Contract In Your Pocket (Or Are You Just Happy To See Me)? AKA Koji of the Kongo and The Yes-men

Look at this dude sucking their cock.

Attached: laughing psycho mantis.jpg (1200x800, 223K)

False Hopes

>Koji of the Kongo and The Yes-men

Tobacco grown in Asia is overall healthier than the one grown in America and Africa (most EU market tobacco), its less radioactive because Asian farmers use less high-phosphate fertilizers.

That's a good band name.

also they probably put less/no chemical bullshit in them. like those old american cigarettes from rations.

Kojima and the Paid Pals

Don't worry, all the smog from China covers the radioactive part

China has significantly lower rates of lung cancer and COPD compared to Western European countries and the US despite higher rates of smoking as well as the pollution.

Why would anyone not? You want to spend forever in this shithole?

If you really want to die sooner just go get a knife

Baby Bloom

Kojima and the budget wasters.

The Uncancelables