Recommend me some Godzilla games Yea Forums
Recommend me some Godzilla games Yea Forums
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Godzilla save the earth was always my favorite
He's so cute
Reminder that we were this close to getting a spiritual successor to Destroy All Monsters Melee
God I hope King of The Monsters doesn't turn out to be terrible.
It literally can't, not with this theme in it
>tfw can't get Godzilla PS4 for a decent price anymore because it got delisted from the PS store
>tfw the game is meh but the models are god tier
Why couldn't we just get a fighting game for fuck's sake?
>Has classic Gojira theme
>Has Serj Tankian cover of BOC Godzilla
>Both have a motif of loud Japanese men chanting GOD ZIL LA
>Bear McCreary has mentioned in an interview that the director told him to score the movie like an opera
This movie is gonna be some good shit.
It had better, already had Evangelion 4 getting in the way, then Legendary's embargo came along and officially killed any chances of a sequel to Shin...
You shouldn't have wanted a sequel to Shin anyway. Let it stand on its own.
>HD remaster of Destroy All Monsters Melee with online multiplayer never ever
>>Has Serj Tankian cover of BOC Godzilla
Not feeling this compared to the original.
I can't help it, there will always be a part of me that wonders what the hell Anno would have done with the way he left things.
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters on gamecube is objectively the best
Godzilla would've become God and the little Godzillas would've become the next step in human evolution etc etc.
>Godzilla is going to come back after getting his ass kicked by Ghidorah in the first half of the movie and this will be playing
I will nut right there in the theater
It sounds fucking ridiculous kek
His voice is like a cartoon character
They're both good in different ways.
Shut the fuck up Boco.
Yes sir...
I get what they were trying to go for with the grandiose approach, but half the appeal of the song is the groove and funk it exudes, about a giant fucking radioactive lizard of all things. Maybe not fitting for a japanese Godzilla film except maybe Vs Hedorah, but the original as is would've been perfect for the new film.
Oh fuck.
If this movie is good, I really want it to succeed. Doesn't have to beat capeshit, but holy fuck I want Godzilla to keep going with the current direction.
>KoTM has a shot-for-shot remake of this scene
I really want the movie to be good, since I plan on actually seeing in theaters with my own money. The last movie I did that for was Talladega Nights.
>heard you talking shit we'll just make sure you can't talk it no more
what kind of world are we in that fucking hollywood is making decent gojira movies
I was planning on going with friends once, but if the movie is worth it i may end up going twice so the second time i can go with my dad, he's not a Godzilla fan but he absolutely loves his theme, i'm dying to tell him that the music is in the movie but i really want to see his reaction on the movie in person. Again, if the movie is worth it...
You're getting one more next year. After that its up in the air.
clownworld brings some positives here and there
The jury's still out on the new one. All we have to go on is pre-release trailers and hype. Trailers always mislead. And the previous one was pretty mediocre outside the last 20 minutes or so.
Going to go see it in IMAX with my dad, we're both hyped. Also, some friends I've been talking to are also really hyped. Might even go see it twice with someone else if it's good.
Based and Kaijupilled.
What are some games where I can pick up a bus, throw it back down, and make my way through the center of town?
The 2014 Godzilla was a big hit despite all its flaws from what I've heard, I think KotM is gonna do splendidly.
>Final boss has flight advantage
Shin godzilla had the theme also.
This shot looks straight out of GMK
Yes it did and it was great, but the fact that an american movie is using it and not fucking it up somehow speaks volumes
You expect it in a nip film but not the Hollywood one.
By keeping the pedophiles, and quip happy retards out of the production committee.
Pedo Ghidorah was best Ghidorah.
2014 had a tall order of reintroducing Goji to the masses and I think for the most part it did what it set out to do. I have faith KOTM will deliver on the monster side I just hope the humans are interesting. first movie would have been better had cranston and watanabe been the main characters.
You forgot the pic
If they don't say the word "King Ghidorah" at least once in this movie i'll be fucking pissed
Didn't Shin use the originals of older tracks ripped straight from their respective films? They were nice as throwbacks but it did feel like they clashed with the rest of the film at times. The updated theme in KoTM actually feels pretty faithful to the original, which is surprising.
im ashamed to admit the clicker mobile game is kinda fun
>GO! JI! RA!
I need to see this fucking movie
What I'd give to live in a world where tiny Godzillas replace cats
hench american godzilla slapping shit is what we WISHED the anime godzilla series turned out to be
I heard it in my head.
Yes i think even the sound effects are ripped from the older movie.
godzilla: destroy all monsters of course
Having grown up on Godzilla, enduring ridicule and long journeys to far off mystical blockbusters to find a movie, this shit is still pretty surreal for me
Trailer doesn't exactly inspire confidence, don't know why you people are saying it looks good.
is this...
i swear to fucking god it is
next you're going to tell me this is making it into the movie
Whats wrong with it?
>Thinks there's only one trailer
That's how I know your opinion is meaningless
The first trailer didn't do much for me, i definitively don't like the attention they're giving to the scene where he atomic breaths upwards, feels like this will be the HALO jump scene of the first movie, you know, the scene that has been around since the movie was announced and was on posters and shit and they really wanted to show how amazing it is but in the movie it kinda just happens and feels awkward
But fuck me if the latest trailer didn't hype me up
If you're seriously comparing the Serj cover to this, you're a shitposter.
>Anime trilogy sucked ass (qt moth twins though)
>Shin series dead in the water cuz Anno bailed
>Hollywood kaijuverse is now the best current part of the franchise
We've come a long way from the Roland Emerich movie that's for damn sure. Hopefully some more good vidya's on the way
>17 Kaiju
>going back through the trailer to find as many as possible
How does this not hype you up so much it makes you wanna shit your pants
Gigans shit makes even less sense now
How the fuck do any of these trailers not inspire confidence?
Be causes chances are it'll be a Pacific Rim situation and they show up for all of 30 seconds before dying?
do i have to watch 2014 godzilla for kotm? i heard it was really boring and kotm looks fucking awesome
City Shrouded in Shadow
It's more of a kaiju game and better than the last Godzilla game that was released.
Trailer 2 is great.
It is. The end credits song is some cringey, retarded Power Rangers type shit by the SOAD singer, which kind of says it all really. The movie is a mess.
My predicting is they're going to show up for cameos, establishing that there's no shortage of shit for Godzilla to do in the next 20 years of Godzilla movies that will inevitably get greenlit after this movie.
You heard wrong, it's a great film and worth seeing.
Why was the Netflix/Toho Animation Godzilla so bad? I watched the first one and it was so bad I half fell asleep multiple times.
Maybe it'll be more like Final Wars.
Is this bait?
Even in that scenario, only Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and Ghidorah need to be given focus though, and it looks like they will be given a lot of screentime at least.
Whoever you heard that from has bad taste.
Its okay for a single watch. After that, not so much.
Anime is universally trash. Japs don't know how to make good Godzilla films either.
Not really, you can find a quick summary of the 2014 movie online and it should suffice.
im not you fucking potato, im saying you'll tell me next theres a serj cover of a jamiriquois song
I give no faith to the 17 kaiju shit, they'll probably be wiped in a second or offscreen. But fuck i'm really excited Ghidorah is holding his throne as the ultimate bad guy, wasn't too excited about the idea of Godzilla going Final Wars again and obliterating everything on his path, but seeing Mothra and Ro/ado/an going against him makes me so fucking excited
This movie is on track to flop, don't expect many more in the near future.
Personally I just found the first one boring, couple that with my MASSIVE aversion to 3DCG anime, and dislike of Legendary's design it never stood a chance in my books, skimmed through the 2nd and didn't even touch the 3rd.
I'd like to see your source on why you think it's on track to flop.
It's dark as fuck, literally.
There's not much hype and theaters are crowded with a lot of other big movies right now with more coming shortly after this releases. Avengers Endgame and Detective Pikachu are still dominating.
I dont know, the main theme felt slowed down.
Motherfucker i really don't think Detective Pikachu is a threat
Human stuff is okay, Bryan Cranston is in it for the first act and he's really good. The thing about 2014 is that the movie's entire pacing is built around the fact that you know you're going to see Godzilla, so the direction kinda intentionally blueballs you for a while until you finally get the shit you want. Seeing it in a theater, it fucking worked, but I don't know if it'd work now or on a second watch. Either way, when Godzilla is actually doing stuff it's awesome; Legendary's design is fantastic, legitimately one of the best he's ever had.
It's a Blue Oyster Cult song you uncultured swine
There are a million renditions of those themes you're probably remembering the wrong ones, the "TAAAAAAN TAN TAN TAN TAAAN" one is from vs King Kong and the "TANANAN TANANAN" is from Terror of Mechagodzilla
it's interesting that they're probably positioning this as a jumping off point for a bunch of future films for a cinematic universe, because toho is thinking of doing the same thing but with their own internal studio in japan (unless they've opted to just support this current one)
shin godzilla 2 died for this, so this better be fucking incredible
I dint know if either of those films are direct threats to Godzilla at this point. Maybe a week or two ago.
A lot of movies I at least halfway care about came out around the same time recently, it's weird. I fell off on MCU but Endgame came out, then Detective Pikachu, then John Wick 3, and soon Godzilla. Brightburn also came out the other day I think and while I wouldn't see that in theaters it seems very interesting.
John Wick 3 is also out, as are Brightburn and Aladdin (which probably aren't doing that great but still exist as fresh competition all the same). Toy Story 4 and X-Men are out in a couple weeks with Spider-Man not far behind. Godzilla is in a bad spot.
It's nothing special, but deserves a watch, that being said the M.U.T.O. were undeniably designed by an American, unoriginal bland creatures, sleek and black with red highlights... think the Robocop reboot from 2014 or a mid range sedan, no soul...
Actually, Legendary's license expires after next years Godzilla vs Kong.
Hopefully they renew it.
Vs Kong is already filmed and after that, who cares? They have to buy rights for each monster individually from Toho and whats left? Anguirus, Destroyah, & Mechagodzilla. Everything else would be boring or irrelevant, I dont need a remake of vs Hedorah or SpaceGodzilla those movies are already good
Nobody is going to see a shitty Dark Phoenix adaptation after Marvel officially bought X-Men back. I've also seen very little hype for Toy Story 4 for some reason, it's like most people realize that 3 should've been it.
I really don't like that Mothra is looking so much like a muto
I want to see Legendary's Mechagodzilla. Some American Military-grade Robo-Kaiju with some Pacific Rim inspiration in its design would be beautiful.
People who say it's boring don't understand it's a franchise starter, not a stand alone movie. They purposely keep the big guy hidden and only half shown until the final act because they dont want to blow their wad during the foreplay. The first two acts are there just to hype up Godzilla and set him up for KotM and any other sequels.
You forgot Gigan and Megalon. That said, they won't buy the rights for any of those when they can easily just make up their own again like the MUTOS from the first one. And frankly that is the far more interesting option anyway and I'd vastly prefer new monsters.
I think its pretty obvious dude, Anno is Anno. Watch Gunbuster, watch Nadia, his style is similar in everything he does
2014 is god awful. You can just watch kotm without watching 2014. If the only good thing people can muster up to defend 2014 is that it brought godzilla back, then you know it doesnt stand on its own as a movie at all.
any camrips out yet
>American Military-grade
fuck, i want it to be america is tentatively peaceful with godzilla, and japan goes full mechagodzilla mode, making them fight and america help bigG, with it ending up eventually japan has their own EDF protector who helps Godzilla
We don't need a new Megalon movie. We need Mechagodzilla to show that Humans are adapting to the Kaiju threat, Anguirus because he's Godzillas bro, and that's pretty much it. I'd rather see new Monsters.
according to reports of peeps who have seen early screening of KOTM Destoryah is gonna be the big bag in Kong vs Goji next year
Legendary MechaGodzilla when?
yfw it shows up in KOTM
>this fucking downsy neon genesis googley eyed fuck
its still shit
Don't worry, not all of them appear in the movie/
You realize the first one, which had exponentially more hype and interest leading up to it and released with significantly less competition, still flopped right? And it was a great film to boot. Frankly, far better than this one which is a cringeworthy and incoherent mess. This is going to bomb.
Man. Legendary should have thought ahead. Could have easily tied Pacific Rim into Godzilla using the Ayy Lmao's as the Xiliens. Brainwashed Godzilla vs Jaegers, I'd pay to see that.
You're just jealous
The MUTOs might not have been all that great stylistically, but they were still decent creatures in their own right.
I just know it wasnt the same as the original, i dont know if its present in the other 30 movies or not. Do you think i really know what tananana means btw?
Not after Pacific Rim 2 you don't.
Something tells me those big insect arms are Kumonga.
I know it's basically a meme word, but this is genuine soul right here.
Based Godzilla /t/v/ thread!
So it's basically Batman vs Superman where they fight but then Doomsday shows up?
it would be retarded to tie in godzilla to pacrim considering it was still very early. people wouldve been mad that they made a pacrim crossover instead of fleshing out godzilla's villains or background first. also its never going to happen now that pacrim is finished
Honestly a near straight remake of Vs Biollante could work in the Legendary-verse. The original had a lot of promise but it shit the bed at the end, plus the fights weren't all that exciting. Biollante could do so much more. Just cut out or modify some of the fluff concerning souls.
Its supposed to be like an Eel or other sea creature. They don't have eyelids because they live underwater, Shin wasn't fully land adapted yet. You brainlets still misunderstand why he has the googly eyes in that form.
God fucking damnit....
that thing was fucking horrifying the first time I saw it and it's still creepy as fuck. nothing wrong with king of the monsters style godzilla but godzilla 54 and 16 are heir apparents
this was either falsified or changed during production. the scene at the end shows charles dance purchasing ghidorah's head from a fisherman
The problem is they kill off the actual interesting character and leave you with his wet cardboard of a son, so there's nothing to invest in until the big payoff.
I like Biollante but Heisei overall is overrated and I dont want those fags to be pandered to. The Godzilla suit from that era couldn't move very well so there was little Kaiju wrestling, the fights were mostly Beamspam which makes for boring rewatches compared to Showa & Millennium movies
>It gets good in the second movie
Holy shit, Then its a shit movie that cant stand by itself. Reintroducing godzilla, is not a valid defense of a shit movie by itself. You can make an interesting film while also introducing a franchise btw. You just sound like a fanboy. There is a reason shin godzilla and likely kotm are/will be seen as better films, and its because they are actually interesting movies by themselves.
I purposely never watched it as I knew it was going to shit the bed. When your main actor doesnt come back, you know something's up.
>its alright Shin.G looks like a fucking retard that even shinji wouldnt love because this fish looks like a fuckup
oh man, make sure you post his spooooky tail made of people also! 2spook3me
I watched Shin Godzilla last week, why do people dislike it? I thought it was great.
Never go full retard.
So, Mecha King Ghidorah.
They did not!
He didn't come back because of scheduling issues; not because he didn't want to be in the film.
Where did I say it gets good in the second one. Please tell me. I'll wait.
Its another original monster like the Muto. In the post credits scene a mysterious man is seen purchasing a destroyah egg off the black market
What said is right. There was a leak of in on youtube.
user, I'm from the Kaiju board your Yea Forums tier shitposting is like a relic of 2009 to me. Get better material
americans don't like critiques on japanese bureaucracy , they want action and explosions
I watched it last week too, and i really liked it. It might be my favorite godzilla film. Godzilla was cool and the human plot was interesting too.
honestly, first time i've heard people talk about disliking it is this shitposter here, i've shown it to normies and even they enjoyed the hell out of it
when people really like a movie and come together to talk about it a lot, it turns out most of them start hating it over time. its the same for every game
You basically said its bad because it sets up a franchise and thats what makes it good.
Must have changed. From a summary posted on /m/ way back (which has pretty much been verified with the trailers) it was an Egg.
What part of "Legendary has to buy the rights for each Kaiju from Toho individually" do you not understand motherfucker? We knew what Toho Monsters would be in KotM 4 years ago due to legal documents. There will never be a surprise Kaiju in these films
>most of them
Nope, everyone I know that we've talked it over multiple times still love it.
it was leaked online. i remember an early script leak from last year confirmed it was destoroyah, then it was changed to ghidorah during a screen testing, i dont remember it ever being an egg. what would it even be? mothra? what lays eggs in this universe
Thats probably true, yes. Still fun to speculate and hope, though.
>what lays eggs in this universe
And apparently Rodan since the retard thought the Godzilla egg was his own
Post your favorite kaiju
well either way its not the egg
Like I said it was a while back so I don't have a clear memory. I just remember it having to do with
Then why was 90% of the 2014 movie just people talking?
If you really want to know its already been confirmed that is an OC spider Kaiju, the concept art is already floating around online for several monsters. Theres also a corpse of a fucked up bat-octopus kaiju being studied in a Monarch base.
Here's what some of the new kaiju look like. Actually these are probably the only one to appear, beside another MUTO:
>New gen Pipeworks Godzilla game
>Every character from the previous games return
>Battra will not be a Mothra clone
>Special abilities return
>Legendary skins for Godzilla, Ghidorah, Mothra and Rodan
>Mothra Leo
>Monster X
>The Gargantuas
>Both classic and Final wars Gigans}Would you buy
Dont link directly to /m/ you stupid motherfucker we don't want Yea Forumsermin there. I hate you. I was trying NOT to mention my source. You faggots already led Yea Forumsermin there with the SRW threads.
people talking!=japanese bureaucracy
the thing here is that godzilla trashes and kills muto-prime so i have no idea why it would be there bowing
Honestly I hope Toy Story 4 bombs, I'd hate to see such a classic series be milked dry like that.
oh shit is this art of the bowing scene or an actual shot? it looks like a painting
>on no now people will know my super secret spot that is just another board on the same site
You talk like a faggot. A lot of people from /m/ already post in these threads.
the ape mammoth looks neat
Scylla > Behemoth > Methuselah
That already happened with the specials. And besides, its a franchise about toys. It was milked from the beginning.
It's to a thread, not the whole board you creep.
The Muto Prime is a titan, the little ones are not until they are force to turn into one. The Alpha Titan commands all other weaker one. The main reason why there was no Alpha was because King Ghidorah was still alive. When either one of them fall, the other one become the Alpha and command the rest. This new Muto could be an another prime that is now force to obey Godzilla since he's the only alpha now.
im referring to the prequel comic to KOTM, Godzilla meets Muto-Prime and eventually kills it, which is right before KOTM
So is Ghidorah confirmed from space, or just another "ancient being"?
implied its from space
Did they say if they're going to have collectible cups/buckets for the movie yet?
This is a different Muto
Oh god, I want to see this now. I miss those old 80s godzilla movies so much.
kill yourself
polygon pictures is why its so shit.
>"Mothra's gigantic thorax is capable of emitting beta-wave bioluminescence which can be projected through the intricate patterns on its wings and weaponized into blinding "god rays"."
Shit, Mothra has weaponized Sony censorship!
Just above Destroyah...
Battra is my spirit animal.
>spent the last two days reading through rulers of earth
I'm getting to antsy for this
One thing about the Mothra films I hated was how the villain turned out to be Ghidorah in some fashion every fucking time
>Mothra vs godzilla
I watched all three parts. The characters and story are so fucking awful and incoherent. The main protagonist is possibly the least likable character in anything I've ever seen. He literally never stops screaming angrily about how much he hates Godzilla and everyone around him acts like he's a genius and good leader. The writing is beyond baffling and none of the characters stand out from one another at all, they all look and sound the same except the retard protag so I never knew who the fuck anyone was talking about or to. All I got out of it is that Godzilla is made of magical indestructible wood somehow because reasons, there are evil nanomachines that make people die because reasons, and Ghidorah is an interdimensional space worm made of electricity that lives in black holes and crazy aliens worship him as God because reasons. Also, the slutty Mothra twins both want to fuck the MC and he knocks one of them up.
I'm talking about the Mothra trilogy user.
What is this 17 Kaiju thing you people are referring to?
Serizawa says there have been 17 new kaiju and counting popping up everywhere in the new film
In the trailer for KOTM they mention that there are 17 "Titans" (kaiju) and counting that they have found and/or are waking up and wreaking havoc.
In the movie it is say that there was 17 kaiju that have awoken and are rampaging on the world. Only three of them (technically 4) have actually shown
Like, made up new ones for this movie only or actual Toho characters?
all new, they dont have the rights to any other kaiju aside from ghidorah, mothra, rodan and godzilla
read the thread
Mix of both
Oh, good. I don't want them killing any characters this early
How could humans survive getting gangbanged by 17 kaijus?
none of these kaiju die, they just make appearances
Kung Fu!
This reminds me, who was that furry artist that drew a lot of Godzilla R34? I remember Space Godzilla being a common one they did.
I don't know and I don't want to know. Furfags and everything they do deserve to be purged from existence.
Is this the same artist as pic related?
I remember she did wholesome stuff like this, then immediately started drawing Mothra/Godzilla lewds
It was just some autist who drew scaly tits, nothing more
We wouldn't
>*Removes Red*
I'm sad I hope someone can console me. I love Godzilla and I'm as happy as any of you that this movie is coming out. I did watch the 2014 one in theaters too.
The reason I am sad is because mechagodzilla is my favorite bad guy, but I don't think Hollywood is going to make another movie after Godzilla vs Kong featuring mechagodzilla. The Japanese mechagodzilla was so cool from 1974 and titanosaurus' movie. It was based on the real Godzilla, which had human proportions. But seeing a western version based on this new monster-fied Godzilla would be cool, they could take a lot of liberties with the design. But not like that horrible trash mechagodzilla in Ready Player One (yes I know it was designed by the same guy).
Tl;Dr I really would like to see a 2019 mechagodzilla but I don't think it will happen ;(
get a grip jesus christ
I knew a guy from the forums who would go crazy. He was literally a definition of autistic rage. He went crazy going in every thread insulting and attacking everyone he see. He got mad at me for saying that Godzilla Smash for the mobile game was a little hard. He even insulted one person's mother and called them all types of name. He was actually nice guy, just had a terrible temper. I would show you evidence, but the forums have close.
>Some American Military-grade Robo-Kaiju
Why, that sounds fucking badass
Well if that script leak is true then, I'm more than happy getting Destoryah in this day and age over another Mechagodzilla despite how cool he's always is.
Literally the best negro remix of the Godzilla theme. All others pale in comparison.
>Neck gets punctured
>Becomes Godzilla's friend
>that most recent trailer
Same here user. Man, the trailers make it look worse and worse each time. I'm really hoping its at least better than 2014.
read the thread, its not destoroyah its ghidorah's head
I feel like shit for liking their designs now
Muhfugga mo'dip bix Zilla
Yeah I would
>Mecha Ghidorah
I feel like all of these have potential in the monsterverse, alongside Angirus, Ceaser, etc as allies.
why even give the spider kaiju a name? Why not leave it unamed so it can be assumed to be kumonga? I know they have to pay for liscenses but if theyu just leavge it unamed then the implication is there
Dont be mean
>Del Taco gives the permission for Godzilla x Pac Rim
>Jet Jaguar is back as Jet Jaeger
m8, I was speffically saying Angirus and Ceaser as allies, the greentexted ones would all be antagonists.
never gonna happen
I don't know if I want another Pacific Rim after the last one. It was so fucking bad.
What really needs to happen is a modern Gamera movie. The 2016 one that I don't know what happened with should be started up again and finished this time.
Absolutely worth a watch. Keep in mind it goes for buildup, like Jaws or Alien, but isn't as good as them at filling out the time during that buildup. Still has a great payoff when you do get it, and the cinematography for the monsters - other than being too dark - is outstanding. The movie's best shots are permanently burned into my memory, it's great.
The soundtrack is great so far.
yeah from the art book. The page split is in the middle
in Mexico
worst kaiju from literal worst movie
Holy shit Ghidorah looks fucking great
I'm a touch upset Angurius likely wont make an appearance anytime soon. He is one of my favorite monsters and I love the slight friendship/temporary team up he, Godzilla and Rodan sometimes do. It would be nice to see him return as an ally one day.
>Godzilla will never step on you
I wish all of this artists monsters would step on me.
thank you bor
7/10 bait made me reply
Is Godzilla always that cruel? Did he ever recover from that?
That's not the real Godzilla, it's Mechagodzilla
It's also how the humans knew something was wrong, because Godzilla would never do something like that to his friend.
Legendary's already confirmed they're doing more after Godzilla vs Kong.
Toho literally just invested into having a big office in the states too, they're planning for the long haul.
For me, it's Bagan
Maybe the best track but goddamn what a good soundtrack. Can't wait to see it in imax this weekend with friends.
>favorite kaiju
>permanently locked inside Toho's cuck shed
Got this shit on the recommendations but i ain't clicking it, at this point keeping my soundtrack virginity is more important than avoiding spoilers