Play civ 5

Play civ 5

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Alright fine, recommend any mods?

i just was, playing on Lungora's north sea map which is massive, finally just rid ireland (and the world) of the swedes and made it my domain

No mods just all the expansions and roleplay as a puritan christan slaying hedonist gypsies throughout the medieval era.

I reinstalled it after barely playing it years ago. Why should I play it now? I should just play civ 4, now that was a good game.

You can play Civ 5 as a despot simulator which makes it objectively better.

Reminder Marathon is the only speed to play at

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as much as I love nimoy, the opening song, and religion playing a larger role in the game, the non stacking units in civ 5 is too much of a game changer for the better. I simply cannot go back to earlier civs


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This gameis so good, iv'e been having a great time with it over the free weekend. I'm trying to master the space vampires like you posted but they're hard. I also like the imperialist humans but they're not as fun. I still don't understand how to play the cravers.

>forced to play as alexander so you don't have to deal with him

I'm busy playing Civ IV

Back the fuck off???

I prefer 4

You're not alexander

No, I'm done. I have job now.

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Wagie wagie your cage calls to you, hope you enjoy the burger holiday because you're being thrown back in the slave pens come tuesday.

>play civ v
>epic pace
>halfway through quit game because you've done this for hundreds of games and you know how it turns out

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>NA Military budget

Try being creative and roleplay, the last game i played as an uber kike dominating the land with judism and gold, i won through the world congress obviously.

Play Civ6

might try that


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Grand strategy =/ 4x

Why would i play an inferior version of the same game with an even more ugly artstyle?

With Cravers, you fast expand and conquest fast.

With Space Vampires you want to park your leechers into everything that isn't you and activate the suck. Use that to pump out arks that you will use to colonize systems and grow your population. Once you get to your colonizing cap, you will want to build combat arks to assist your little ships.

>playing ew4

Got burnt out and discouraged because I'm too much of a brainlet to beat any difficultly level above Emperor. What is the secret?

>Tfw every other game with other factions iv'e started, minor civs pop up everywhere
>The one time i start space vampires there's nothing around me and i get starved
One more thing, once i explore every start system i can get to and every warp route or whatever and i'm hit with dead ends, how do i get to other systems via free travel? I can't just click on empty space i need a destination but i don't have enough vision to find anything.

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let me guess, muh pops?
So you want to stick to casual strategy? Then I'd say civ 3 or 4. 5 is good but took the series in a vastly different direction

Realizing the inflated difficulties don't matter because the AI cheats and teams up on you even if logically it doesn't make sense.

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It just seems like an autism simulator, i'd rather just play a city builder like anno or skylines or just 4x like endless legend. Rather than an unintuitive version of both genres mixed.

no ill stick with civ 4 caveman to cosmos

Maybe so, but I've still seen people able to consistently beat the game on Deity despite the AI bullshit

eu4 is the most casual out of paradox's autism simulators

I tried that mod but its so incredibly hard to not get bored. The scale is so immense

also last time I played, I was able to progress for four or five hours before turn times lasted MINUTES

Get Baryonic Shielding allows for free travel.

Autonomous Materials allows for you to see worm holes that will connect to other constellations. You can also shoot off probes to try and find other systems that you can then free travel to.

hmm i am very early and just started so that upsetting but its fun so far

its a good mod but it suffers from the core issue of turn times inflating. maybe I'm exaggerating but you're gonna run into the issue of longer turn times the more you play, so if you plant to continue, I hope you like to alt tab

Huge yikes, mega cringe, big oof

I have been, got sucked into a game for 8 straight hours the other day while I was just testing video settings. Apparently playing as Venice doesn't let you make settlers so I had to conquer all of the India on my continent and turn it into a puppet nation. Now I'm in a cultural race with Britain and an arms race with the Native Americans who are trying to take over the western hemisphere.

>playing 3x when you can play 4x

I'll probably get a game going in the following months.
Recently finished a master of magic game, and started another.

Been itching for civ2 as well again.
I still haven't played smac and I've only played moo2 briefly so I should play those at some point, but I don't wanna rush it, I want to play them when I really feel like I'm in the mood to play them, not just so that I have played them.

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How do I deal with doom stacks?

Just get more catapults?

How does one navy properly?

Just spam BBs and DDs?


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That's civ4
and you get your doomstack, the AI can't handle it

4 cities, 3 to feed the capital
get libaries and National College out ASAP
pursue your victory condition
Science is easiest, try to get the Research Agreement wonder but it's not crucial
Diplo is second easiest, faster than science, try to get the Forbidden Palace
Culture on Deity is hard, requires rushing the right culture wonders, playing the right Civ and a bit of luck
Domination is basically a completely different game
Rationalism is the most powerful culture tree to unlock after Tradition, I don't usually pick it though because it makes the game too easy

Is this endless space 2?


You mean I can't turtle in Civ 4? Darn I have been doing it all wrong.