What are some times when you've dropped a game?
What are some times when you've dropped a game?
I stubbed my toe on the couch on the way to put rdr2 in the ps4
Dropped RDR2 a couple hours in due to the shit controls and slow pace.
2nd Tartarus area in Persona 3. It requires grinding yet punishes grinding.
That “hold to perform action” pissed me the fuck off. I also dropped the game m
I can't get myself to play Fallout New Vegas each time I try to give it another shot. Nothing wrong with the game, just for some reason doesn't click for me. I always play what amounts to about 3 to 4 hours of a new game before I quit it for months.
Last two times it happened it was Nioh and Dead Space 3.
I dropped Nioh because, as much as I liked it, it was just too hard for me. I dropped Dead Space 3 because it was boring and the two regenerating monsters in the early game space ship were annoying as fuck.
Just dropped Sundered because I died to the 2nd to last boss a few times, realized it required either slow, methodical whittling down and it wasn't really a question of skill, or I would have to go grind and explore the shitty, procedurally generated map. Then I found out all that was left afterwards was the last boss so I didn't feel it was worth it. Shame, because the combat, art, and music were really nice but the overall design was shit.
Ive dropped every video game ive ever played eventually
I drop more games than I finish nowadays, for a game to be good enough for me to finish it, it must excel in at least one of these three things
>cute girls
>engaging story
>fun gameplay
Over the years I've dropped my N64 countless times. Usually someone tripping on one of the wires, and the whole system coming down.
Fucker just keeps on working despite it.
I stopped playing Dark souls halfway through because I got bored. The combat and enemy design is tedious, NOT challenging. There's a difference. I seriously do not get the appeal or why zoomers think these games are the hardest thing ever. DaS isnt hard, it's just poorly designed in a way that attacks the player by limiting them rather than designing enemies in a challenging way.
it's like they took castlevania, copypasted the design idea, and forgot what made it good, and didn't properly design it for a 3d space.
I enjoyed Dark Souls well enough as a one off, but I'll never understand how people can want that formula over and over and over, it's so fucking monotonous.
>Valdis Story
>Advertises itself as a Metroid style game
>Get to the mines
>Beat the boss
>The mines collapse and you can never return to acquire any items you may have missed
Into the fucking trash. Any Metroid type game that disallows you from returning to get items is bullshit, unless it's a literal point of no return at the end of the game.
>persona 3
>requires grinding
No, I think you just suck.
Same here. I had fun with DaS at the beginning, but as the game progressed I found myself actually having less and less fun. It's like the game was somewhat entertaining when I thought it was still my fault that I was dying. Once I started getting fucked by bullshit, however, is when my interest in the game drastically dropped.
I've also repeatedly heard of people say Hollow Knight is Dark Souls in 2D, but HK actually feels like the bosses are there to be a challenge instead of blatantly for the purpose of killing you and sending you back to a bonfire. I actually had fun with HK all the way through its pantheons. DaS, I couldn't be bothered by the time of Bed of Chaos.
I just clear the first 5 floors and then just make a run for the stair after that, shit's easy as fuck.
It took me like 3-4 attempts to finally get through Dark Souls. The only reason I actually got through it in the end was after playing Demons Souls/Dark Souls 2 all the way through I felt the need to force myself to finally beat the first game. Everything from Anor Londo on is shit and I'll never understand why people like it so much.
uhm all the time? Im not gonna slog thru something I dont enjoy, plenty of games have shit controls/mechanics or just get too boring to bother playing till the end
>doesn't require grinding
Dropped Onimusha at the sliding block water puzzle. I abhor sliding block puzzles on a good day, I have no tolerance for timed ones.